"After taking extensive legal advice, the Board of PartyGaming Plc has concluded that the new legislation, if signed into law, will make it practically impossible to provide US residents with access to its real money poker and other real money gaming sites. As a result of this development, the Board of PartyGaming has determined that if the President signs the Act into law, the Company will suspend all real money gaming business with US residents, and such suspension will continue indefinitely, subject to clarification of the interpretation and enforcement of US law and the impact on financial institutions of this and other related legislation. Access to PartyGaming's online gaming sites for the Group's US free play customers will be unaffected. Access for all of PartyGaming’s non-US customers will also be unaffected."
Tror vist, det er på tide, man tænker sig godt om, før man deponerer penge hos Party Poker... ligner en synkende skude.
Party Poker synker hurtigt...
02-10-2006 10:02
RaybanDK OP
Jeg tror der vil komme en "gær"-effekt, der vil ramme Party Poker hårdt. Ligesom ved sidste danske generalstrejke, hvor folk gik i selvsving og købte gær i stor stil, er amerikanerne gået i gang med at hæve deres penge hos Party poker.
Det kan ikke være sundt for et børsnoteret selskab...
02-10-2006 10:02
Jeg lukker tråden, da der kører en tilsvarende tråd her:
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