Naar jeg gaar ind under cashout paa Party Poker, bliver jeg moedt af en saakaldt security pop up som beder mig skrive my favorite movie. Party har dog designet det saa smart at man ikke kan skrive noget i feltet eller i det hele taget navigere rundt. Blot én i en lang raekke af fejl paa den side.
Andre med samme problem? Nogen som kan vaere behjaelpelig? Takker paa forhaand.
Party - problemer med cashout
Log ind via en browser istedet for at gøre det i pokerklienten, så kan du skrive "jenna does hollywood".
Jeg opgav i sin tid det EP skriver og bruger bare browseren nu til cashouts. Det virker upåklageligt.
Det ser ud til at virke - tak for det.
EDIT: (det som hilberado skrev, virkede - det som EP skrev, virkede ikke)
Skrev en mail til support forleden omkring det her, du er ikke den eneste som har det her problem.
Original Message Follows: ------------------------
I'm unable to withdraw money from my account due to a bug in your software.
When I click on the cashout tab, a box pops up asking me to enter a security question and answer for security purposes.
It gives me 3 options where neither one of them works when I try to click on them, the page just appears to be frozen and I can't get any further from there.
I tried withdrawing through but nothing happens when I click on the "Cashier"-tab.
I withdrew the other day with no problems, not sure why this window keeps acting up, I've seen it do this once before.
I've added a screenshot of the pop-up box.
Hello xxx,
I apologize for the inconvenience!
We are aware of this tech issue and it will be fixed soon. As a temporary solution, please request your cashouts from the link below:
Enjoy the weekend!
If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
VIP Team
[email protected]
Toll free for Europe: 00-800-7278-9109
Toll free for Canada: 001-877-447-2184
Toll free for Australia: 0011-800-7278-9109