PartyGaming Plc
High Volume Player Rewards Launch
PartyGaming Plc (“PartyGaming” or the “Group”), the world"s leading online gaming company, announces today that it has taken the next step in rewarding High Volume Players at Party Poker. To help facilitate this new service, PartyGaming will also be revamping its current affiliate marketing program. Please visit the Party Poker affiliate website for details.
Party Poker will now be able to offer its High Volume Players new player appreciation awards now that affilliates will be receiving compensation more appropriate for their marketing efforts. Each player at Party Poker will now be ranked according to the following schedule:
1. Raked Hands Dealt - Each raked hand will be counted in the following way: SQRT((Amount pot was raked/number of players in the pot) x (Number of days player had a raked hand in current month/number of days in current month))
2. Tournament Fees Paid - Each player paying a tournament entry will receive player award points of: (10 x (Tournament entry fee)) / Number of Tournaments played in current month
3. BlackJack and SideBets - Will get 1 player point per wager
Based upon the number of points earned in a current month, the top 10% of players ranked by players points, will be able to reedeem those points for Party Poker Gift Certificates, the schedule of points can be viewed on Party Poker"s website.
Party Rakeback statement
16-10-2005 16:57
16-10-2005 17:04
YES!!! Fuck hvor nice!!!!!! Det er da for cool!!!
Partypoker - PIS AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16-10-2005 17:12
Orca OP
Skal lige siges at det kan være en joke... Arbejder på at finde ud af det :)
16-10-2005 17:48
Orca OP
Det bliver "taget seriøst" fordi denne statement formentligt vil minde utroligt meget om hvadend Party selv kommer op med. Men det er en joke, det kan også tydeligt læses ud fra 2+2 tråden.
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