Her for for nylig skete der nogen vildt på Pkr poker noget som ikke burde kunne ske men gjorde det alligevel.
få en hånd til start og lige pludselig have en anden ved showdown
det er bare ikke ok !! Men her er deres undskyldning !!!
Thank you for contacting PKR! Please wait for a Support Representative to respond. You are now 1 in a queue of 1 you should wait about 0 minute(s) and 28 seconds
All Support Representatives are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Hello! You are now chatting with 'Ethan'
Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK554012106038X
Ethan: Thanks for accepting my invitation to chat with us at PKR How may I help you today?
Rene: in hand 1893699553 i were delt K7 of spades i floped two pairs went all in he had Q10 and had one pair of 10s won the pot but when the cards were shown i suttently had A5o what is happening i cheked hand historie but it also sayid that i had A5 of but i am shore of what i had loked at them a couple of times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ethan: To be able to assist you, for security reasons, please confirm the following information:
- Your date of birth
- The first line of your address
- The answer to the following question:
Ethan: What was the name of your first pet?
Rene : xxxx xxxx
Rene : xxxxxxxxx xx
Rene : xxxxxx
Ethan: One moment please...
Ethan: sorry to keep you waiting
Ethan: I am looking at the hand 1893699553
Ethan: In that hand, 1893699553
Ethan: you had a ace of club, and a 5 of hearts
Rene : i knew you would say that but i dont forget a hand never do so what i up pocket cards shoultent changes in the middel of the hand i HAD Ks 7s !!!!!!!!!!!
Ethan: have you checked your hand history?
Rene : Yes and it say the same as you say !!!!!
Rene : But i started with Ks 7s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ethan: that could have been due to a graphic card issue
Rene : that shouldent happen !!!!!!!!!!!
Ethan: I will be happy to look into this for you, but will need some information from your pc. Please can you run a program called "DxDiag", it lists the hardware of your computer. Please can you do the following:
1.Hold the windows key down and press R (the windows key is between CTRL and ALT)
2.Type DXDIAG in the Run window that opens, and click OK
3.If you get asked a Yes/No question, answer "No"
4.A page will pop up with some tabs along the top, Click "DISPLAY"
5.Please tell me what is written next to NAME, as well as DATE, on the right of the page
Rene : NAME xxxxxxxx-xx
Rene : OKTOBER 26
Ethan: Please tell me what is written next to NAME, as well as DATE, on the right of the page
Ethan: under Display
Ethan: what do you see?
Rene Dalgaard: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 Series
Rene Dalgaard: Date: 05-08-2009
Ethan: what is the date you see underneath?
Rene Dalgaard: none underneath but in the right side
Rene Dalgaard: 05-08-2009
Ethan: is that a laptop
Rene : yes
Ethan: in that case, you will need to go to the website of the manufacturer of your computer, to update the drivers of your graphic card
Ethan: what happened during that hand is likely to be due to the fact that the drivers of your graphic card are not up to date
Ethan: updating them, should solve this issue
Ethan: If this happens after you update them, please contact us, and we will investigate this further
Rene : that souldent be able too happen ennyway !!!!!!!
Rene : not on a poker site were real money is at stake
Ethan: the cards were clearly displayed, on our hand, that is backed up, by the hand history for that hand
Rene : then why ditten i see the right cards ??
Ethan: that might have been due to the fact that the drivers of your graphic card are not up to dat
Ethan: it is recommended that you keep your computer up to date, and not just for PKR
Ethan: this will make sure you use a stable computer, in terms of graphic cards, sound ...
Rene: i will share this chat session with my poker buddies for shore on my poker forums they should know this
Ethan: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Rene : but i have never had this problem before and my computer updates automatikly
Ethan: this time, regarding your graphic card, it's drivers are not up to date, from what you told me
Rene : the computer should tell me when enny updates are avalible !! i get a popup in the right down cornor
Rene : ok i see no reason too keep talking about this u are aperently not interestet in telling me that your system has a teknical issue
Ethan: I double checked the hand we are talking about, and what I can see is that you effectively received an Ace, and a 5
Ethan: you did not receive a King, and a 7
PKR Poker Fatal Fejl !!!!!
Jeg har et par gange prøvet nogle grafiske fejl, som også har vedrørt mine holecards.
Jeg husker ikke om det var på PKR, eller om det var på FTP. Fejlen var dog at jeg ikke kunne se begge kort, men at jeg for eksempel kunne se spar dame, men intet kort ved siden af.
Jeg har aldrig gjort noget ved det, da jeg bare har foldet, og ladet som ingenting.
Tror desværre ikke der er vildt meget at gøre, da bevisbyrden er ret svær at se her. Om det er deres fejl, eller om det er en fejl fra din side, det ved jeg ikke, og vil derfor ikke kommentere på det.
Af ren interesse; hvilke stakes var det på? (Ikke at det har relevans for udfaldet, men blot for at høre).
GL med sagen :)
Ih8twos skrev:
hvad havde du i HH i hånden (eller 3 hænder) inden fejlhånden?
HH ???
HH = Hand History
No big deal , der er software errors på alle sites
Det der er vigtigt er hvordan supporten håndtere det når der sker en felj
Neemos skrev:
din com fucker op, og du vil gerne have at de påtager sig skylden??
Siger bare at dette ikke burde kunne ske og at de giver mit grafik kort skylden er latterligt
Det burde ikke kunne ske !!!
fra ub til everleaf til PokerStars er bygget på samme source code , og jeg er sikker på de igennem tiderne har rettet mange felj
Slap af med de udråbstegn!!!!!!!!111!!!1!
grafikkort-driver har intet med sagen at gøre - hvis den udregner noget forkert bliver grafikken mærkelig, men at det tilfældigvis skulle blive til 2 andre kort er ikke muligt.
Det er klart en software-fejl fra deres side, men det er til gengæld svært at bevise. De kan have sendt forkert data til din poker-klient uden at det fremgår af handhistory.
Hvis de havde en ordentlig service ville de som minimum betale dig din del af potten tilbage.
Det har været oppe flere gange på PN at brugere oplever at hole cards ændrer sig i løbet af hånden (om end sick sjældent).
High Pulse Poker (BETA!):
Så det skulle ikke undre mig hvis det også kan ske på PKR. Der er ingen forklaring og ingenting at gøre ved det, så mit bedste råd er at lade det ligge og vær glad for at du ikke spillede high stakes (lyder det ikke til).
"Rene : the computer should tell me when enny updates are avalible !! i get a popup in the right down cornor"
lol - Mindre computer retard, kom glad
!!! that souldent be able too happen enyway !!!
Is på.
Så det tonsvis af gange på ftp. Shit happens.
newshirt skrev:
fra ub til everleaf til PokerStars er bygget på samme source code , og jeg er sikker på de igennem tiderne har rettet mange felj
Venligst dokumenter din påstand, om alle sites er bygget på samme source code.
Comeback skrev:newshirt skrev:
fra ub til everleaf til PokerStars er bygget på samme source code , og jeg er sikker på de igennem tiderne har rettet mange felj
Venligst dokumenter din påstand, om alle sites er bygget på samme source code.
Hvis de ikke var kunne New World Order jo ikke styre lortet!!!
Kom ind i kampen!
Jeg siger ikke alle pokersites a bygget på samme source code men mange sites er
og de forskellige pokersites er ikke bygget fra scracth meget få sites er.
Det du kan gøre er at kigge dine downloads godt igennem , jeg gidder ikke komme ind på tekniske detaljer men et godt example er everleaf og betonline.
Hvis du kigger 5-10 år tilbage vil du måake også kunne huske mange sites havde de samme software errors men nogle sites var så bare bedre og hurtigere end andre til at fixe dem
jeg ser faktisk ikke noget problem i det.