Pokerstars GUI er holdt op med at fungere

#1| 0

Hej PN,

har brug for lidt hjælp da PS klienten ikke vil lade mig spille :(

Når jeg åbner klienten får jeg en pop-up om at PokerStars GUI er holdt op med at fungere.

"Et problem var skyld i, at programmet holdt op med at fungere korrekt. Windows lukker programmet og giver dig besked, hvis der findes en løsning."
Hvorefter jeg kun kan trykke "luk programmet" og klienten lukkes ned.

Har prøvet at afinstallere og geninstaller DK-klienten (kun via afinstaller i kontrolpanel), men uden succes.

Håber meget der er en PN'er der har en løsning til problemet :)


11-10-2013 09:13 #2| 0

Har du prøvet at genstarte din computer?

Min erfaring er stor med computere, og 95% af alle de problemer folk render ind i, kan løses med en restart, som også genstarter den nævnte GUI...

Hvis ikke, så prøv det.

Alternativt, afinstaller, genstart og reinstaller... der kan være gået noget galt under installation eller i relationsdatabasen, som oftest bliver det rettet ind sådan her...

11-10-2013 11:04 #3| 0

Den har været slukket (eller hvertfald lukket ned) så vil lige prøve at decideret slukke den.

Prøver jeg at gøre efter at have afinstalleret det .

Tak for svaret :)

11-10-2013 12:15 #4| 0

Takker for hjælpen Hypno. Det virkede ! :)

.. Desværre skal jeg til at sætte klienten op fra scratch igen - nogen måde, hvorpå man kan hente den gamle opsætning ?

11-10-2013 14:40 #5| 0

Hey FTW.

Hvis ikke jeg allerede havde haft problemet, og snakket med supporten for dig, så ville jeg helt sikkert bede dig gøre det. Det er ikke sikkert det løser dit problem, men her er det svar jeg fik på samme problem. Imponerende support (jeg er dog også VIP).

Hello Kasper,

Thank you for your email and allowing us to be of assistance.

There are many causes for such errors, but usually these are associated with corrupted PokerStars files. In other cases, these are associated with spyware or malware. And in some rare cases, these are also related to corrupted memory or a corrupted hard drive.

Fortunately there are few simple steps that can be taken to try to resolve such problems, ensure that your system is clean, and at the same time check the stability of your memory and hard drive.

To begin, please first ensure you have performed a complete virus scan of your system. If you do not have a virus program we recommend using the following free online scan.

Next, please run the Scan Disk utility by opening a Command Prompt or DOS prompt.

You will first need to run the command prompt in Administrator mode:

1) Click on the Start button.
2) In the Start Search box, type in "Cmd" (without quotes).
3) Right click on the Command Prompt in the search result listing.
4) In the right click menu, click on 'Run as Administrator' menu item.
5) In the black window enter the command "CHKDSK /F" (without the quotes)
6) Hit enter key to execute the provided command

Once we are sure that your have virus checked your system and that your hard disk is working fine, let us ensure that there are no spyware or adware installed in your computer.

Spyware or adware are third party software applications that secretly get installed in your PC. We recommend the following scans be used to ensure your system is clean.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware:

Super AntiSpyware:

All of the above are free, and work well in conjunction with each other, finding things the other does not. Cleaning your system may free up more RAM and remove items from your system that affect your connection and our software functionality.

Additionally to that, we would also recommend performing a registry scan and make sure that is clean. You can find a very good free program on the following link.

Once you have performed the suggested scans above please uninstall PokerStars from your system and reinstall.

You may wish to back up "user.ini" and "notes.user.xml" (where 'user' is your user ID) from the PokerStars directory. The easiest way to back up these files is to open the software and click on "Help" -> "Open My Settings Folder". Then locate those two files and copy them to a safe temporary location. Then uninstall PokerStars:

Go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall a Program. Once there, uninstall all PokerStars items.

After you have uninstalled it, restart your computer once the software has been removed. When the computer has restarted, download and install a fresh copy of the software from our website:

Be sure to restore the two saved files once reinstalled, to do this please go to the 'Help' menu and then back to 'Open My Settings Folder'. Then close PokerStars and copy the files back into the folder. If you are asked to overwrite any files accept.

Once all of the above is done, you should have no additional problems. However, please let us know if you continue having issues after performing the system maintenance described above.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


PokerStars Technical Support

Jeg kørte de 2 gratis scans, og har ikke oplevet problemet siden. Som de siger kan det også være en ødelagt pokerstars fil, typisk "user.ini".

Men en anden gang, så spørg Pokerstars. De ber dig sende en del filer, og så får du det svar der passer bedst til dig.

MVH Skod
11-10-2013 14:54 #6| 0


Tusind tak for det. Skulle jeg opleve problemet igen, så vil jeg bruge din fremgangsmåde :)

Fortryder pt. at jeg ikke fik gemt de nævnte filer, da jeg skal til at lave setup from scratch ..

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