Jeg har intet gjort her. Andet end at trykke på pilen og tage screen shot. Er det mig der er væk. eller bør den ikke lave rebuy her. Er der noget jeg overser?
Pokerstars rebuy bug?
jo hvis startstack er 3k burde den, men aner ikke hvad man starter med i den tour
Jeg har skrevet til support, som bad om mine log files. De er sendt og jeg afventer svar.
I tilfælde af at andre får/har samme problem:
De beder om un- og re-install.
har fået samme problem i cash + Stars ikke ville gemme HHs
Virker det så med at geninstallere? Min gør nemlig det samme. Den laver først rb i 2. hånd efter den skulle.
Det ser umiddelbart sådan ud. Spiller dog ikke ret meget rebuy. Hvis du gør det, skal du huske at kopiere nogle filer for ikke at miste noter og indstillinger. Skal jeg lige finde ud af hvilke?
Her er hvad han skrev. Jeg tog de to filer han sagde, samt de to tilsvarende BAK-filer.
"Hello Christian,Thank you for your email.In this case, in order to solve your technical problem, we advise that you re-install the PokerStars client.You may wish to make a copy of "user.ini" (your preferences) and "notes.Argyle_DK.xml" (There will not be a notes file if you have not used the notes feature previously) from the PokerStars software as they will be removed when you uninstall the software. To do this simply open the PokerStars software and click on "Help" -> "Open My Settings Folder" and click "Open My Settings Folder" button, then locate those two files and copy them to a safe temporary location.Once you have made a copy of those files, uninstall PokerStars from your computer.In Windows 7, go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall a Program. Once there, uninstall all PokerStars items.When the program is fully uninstalled please restart your computer. When the computer has restarted, download and install a fresh copy of the software from the following link: sure to restore the two saved files once reinstalled. To do this, please go to the "Help" menu and then back to "Open My Settings Folder" and click "Open My Settings Folder" button, then close PokerStars and copy the files back into the folder. If you are asked to overwrite any files accept. You should then have no additional problems.If you have any questions please let us know and we will be more than happy to assist you.Regards,Henry MPokerStars Technical Specialist"
Beklager det står samlet, men det sker ved copy paste fra deres mails.