Prob. med udbetal. TITAN

#1| 0

Dear Lasse rafen Jensen,

Thank you for contacting Titan Poker.

This is Analiza from the Support Team and I am glad to be of service to you

In order to complete processing of your withdrawal, we request that you assist
us in the verification of your details by forwarding the following documents:

1. The credit cards you have registered in your account: (front and back with
2. Your Photo identification showing the address registered in the account.
3. Any proof of billing showing your registered address (a phone bill, bank
statement etc).)

Please note that the documents you have provided us did not appear legible
enough for us to verify the necessary details. With this, we suggest that you
re-send a clearer copies of these documents at your soonest convenience.

In the interest of security, you may cover the middle 8 digits of your credit
card. We only require knowing the first and last 4 digits of the card number.

You can be assured that all information/documentation received will be held in
the strictest confidentiality.

Once we confirm receipt of these documents, your withdrawal request will be
processed accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Hvad gør man ang. punkt nr 2???

27-07-2006 17:33 #2| 0

Hvad med at skrive til dem at du ikke har noget billed Id hvor din adresse fremgår.

Men hvis du nu indsender billeder af kørekort/pas, VISA kort og en PBS udskrift hvor dit navn og adresse står, bør det vel være nok eller hvad?

Bruger du neteller? For hvis du gør har du vel allerede indsendt ligende papirer til dem. Kan du ikke bare forwarde mail til Titan?

27-07-2006 17:37 #3| 0

jeg har sendt Pas visa og kørekort til neteller, og nøjagtig det samme har jeg sendt til titan... mEN det er åbenbart ikke nok, nu prøver jeg med en pbs udskrift

27-07-2006 17:42 #4| 0

Der er vel ikke adresse på hverken pas, kørekort eller visa ??

27-07-2006 19:29 #5| 0

ARGH håber ikke jeg får samme problemer (gør jeg nok) når jeg vil hæve lidt mønt fra Titan

27-07-2006 20:28 #6| 0

Sindsygt besværligt...

-Nu har jeg sendt kopi af " VISA(for og bag) Pas , kørekort, kopi af udskrift fra Nordea..

27-07-2006 21:38 #7| 0

Har haft de samme "problemer" - men det er jo i bund og grund pga sikkerheden.

Jeg scannede brevhoved af bankudskrift, sygesikring, visa for- og bagside......og nu kører det :-)

Prøv istedetærket side efter min skal du også svare på et spørgeskema og det endda for at kunne sætte penge ind også :)

27-07-2006 22:22 #8| 0

neteller kræver da ikke man sender billeder af pas o.s.v gør de?

27-07-2006 22:30 #9| 0

JO hvis du skal hæve penge ! !

28-07-2006 01:07 #10| 0

nogen der gider at oversætte det her ???

Dear Lasse rafen Jensen,

Thank you for contacting Titan Poker.

Good day, Lasse Rafen! This is Ella of Finance Department.

We would like to confirm that we have received copies of your ID, proof of
address and credit cards . However, for us to completely process your
withdrawal, we are still waiting for your deposit confirmation form which we
sent few days ago. Kindly check your email and see if you already receive it.
If so, please indicate your signature next to each deposit you had in your
poker account and send this back to us via fax or email at your soonest
convenience. We noticed that you had covered the last four digits of your
credit card, kindly send us again a copy of this document showing the last four
digits of your credit card.

Once we have verified all details from the said document, your account will be
updated and you will not be required to send us this information again.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and patience in handling this matter,
and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused.

28-07-2006 08:29 #11| 0 har sendt dig en mail hvor du skal bekræfte dit indskud med din underksrift......dvs du skal udskrive mailen, skrive den under og scanne den over......derefter modtager du en mail at nu er alt i den skønneste orden og du vil ikke blive kontaktet yderligere mht udbetalinger :)

28-07-2006 09:20 #12| 0

nogen der ved om det er noget man altid skal igennem hos Titan ??

28-07-2006 10:06 #13| 0

Hej Ketelsen -- (Du er vel ikke i familie med Karina K. fra Aabenraa?)

Jeg har været så heldig at hæve et par gange fra Titan, via Neteller.
Der har aldrig været problemer af nogen art - måske du bare har ramt en sur kassedame ?

Gl med hentningen

28-07-2006 10:14 #14| 0


"Hej Ketelsen -- (Du er vel ikke i familie med Karina K. fra Aabenraa?)"

Nej ikk så vidt jeg ved af...

Har ikk selv konto hos Titan men overvejer det så jeg kan bruge poker office...

28-07-2006 11:43 #15| 0


Jeg bruger NETeller og har aldrig sendt dem dokumentation for noget som helst. Jeg har opgraderet min account til "Premier" hvilket gøres ved at de overfører lidt dollars til ens bank-konto med en kode i adviseringen som man så angiver et sted på deres site efter, at pengene dukker op på ens konto.

Ved ikke om det er derfor jeg aldrig har været afkrævet yderligere dokumentation. Jeg hævede lige 30$ igår (lille beløb jeg ved det :) ) og det er blevet accepteret fra deres side og nu venter jeg bare de par bank-dage der normalt går før de dukker op på min bank-konto.

28-07-2006 12:41 #16| 0


1000 Tak for hjælpen...
Nu Tror jeg snart jeg for min MØNT.. :-)

28-07-2006 12:56 #17| 0

Dette var proceduren jeg var igennem...måske det skyldtes at jeg indbetalte med visa og ikke neteller....??? Og måske at jeg valgte at trække ud til neteller....ved det ikke, men ingen problemer ellers - kan kun anbefale Titan.

31-07-2006 20:02 #18| 0

har stadigvæk problemer...

Nogen der gider oversætte det her
Dear Lasse rafen Jensen,

Thank you for contacting Titan Poker.

Hi, this is Dodie from the support team.

We would like to inform you that we have recieved and forwarded the documents
that you have sent to the relevent department.

However, you did not send the document confirmation form and the back copy of
your credit card.

Lesse, this information is required for security purposes only and you will not
be asked to send us the same once we have received legible copies.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
the Titan Poker Support Team.

Email: [email protected]

Toll Free (U.S. only)
Phone: 1-866-636-3510
Fax: 1-866-289-1346

Phone: +632-845-9017
Fax: +632-845-9018

hvad nu??
" har sendt dig en mail hvor du skal bekræfte dit indskud med din underksrift......dvs du skal udskrive mailen, skrive den under og scanne den over......derefter modtager du en mail at nu er alt i den skønneste orden og du vil ikke blive kontaktet yderligere mht udbetalinger :) "
Jeg har sendt den tilbage med min underskrift...

31-07-2006 20:14 #19| 0

De er jo Helt VÆK....

nu Kalder de Mig Peter....

Dear Lasse rafen Jensen,

Thank you for contacting Titan Poker.

Hi! This is Khay from the support team and I''m glad to be of service today.

We have received your email and we are pleased to inform you that we have
received your documents. We have forwarded the said documents to the relevant
department. Peter, we will keep you posted to whatever updates we may have
regarding your request.

Thank you for your kind patience and cooperation in handling this matter.

You are a valued member to us Peter and we highly appreciate your continued
patronage in our poker site.

Have a nice day and good luck to your games!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
the Titan Poker Support Team.

Email: [email protected]

Toll Free (U.S. only)
Phone: 1-866-636-3510
Fax: 1-866-289-1346

Phone: +632-845-9017
Fax: +632-845-9018


Dear Lasse rafen Jensen,

Thank you for contacting Titan Poker.

Hi! Good day, this is Michelle from Finance Department.

We would like to confirm that we have received the legible copy of your ID, and
credit card. However, in order for us to fully process your withdrawal kindly
send us again the back copy of your credit card that shows the last four digit
numbers *3479 it should be showed and not covered, and also send us your
deposit confirmation form with signature on the line provided.

Once we receive it you will not be asked to re-send it in the future. Your
account will be updated and your withdrawal request will be processed

Thank you for your patience and cooperation in handling this matter, and we
sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

31-07-2006 21:56 #20| 0


så vidt jeg kan se beder de dig om at sende dit credit card nr. hvor du dækker de 8 cifre i midten. De skal bruge de første 4 og de sidste 4 cifre....???

01-08-2006 06:17 #21| 0

nej det er fordi du har dækket de sidste fire... de vil have en kopi af hele kortet der er brugt.. samt bagsiden med underskriften

01-08-2006 08:35 #22| 0

Nemlig dummie.....hvorfor dække numrene på kortet skal jo netop se dem for at være sikker på det er dig de udbetaler til :)

Men mon ik det snart kører - det lyder til du er ved at være igennem processen.

01-08-2006 10:25 #23| 0

"in interest of security, you may cover the middle 8 digits of your creditcard. We only require knowing the first and last 4 digits of the card munber"... red: 27/7 16.22.. Hvad betyder det karlsvogn?

01-08-2006 11:39 #24| 0

RafenDK nåpr det er opverstået det her, så hold da en lile fest, for dem, hvor du indvitere alle dine nye venne. ;-) Michelle, Khay, Dodie(hun virker sød) Ella, Analiza.

God fest

01-08-2006 18:08 #25| 0

Finale Mail Now.....

03-08-2006 14:19 #26| 0

Så køre det.....

Håber jeg ! ! !

Dear Lasse Rafen,

Please accept our apologies that it is taking some time for your withdrawal to
be processed. However, please also be aware that it is vital that we uphold
very strict security procedures for withdrawals. This is for the security of
our players to ensure that no-one attempts to fraud the system.

I understand that you have been in contact with our support team and they will
be in touch with you shortly with more information about the status of your
withdrawal. In the meantime, I have issued you with a $20 Good Faith Bonus to
show our appreciation of your patience in this matter.

Once again, we apologise for the delay. However, a lot of this information is
only needed for initial verification and you will not be asked to supply it in
the future.

I hope that you enjoy your bonus and that you continue to enjoy playing with

Kind Regards,

Beth Stevenson
VIP Club Manager

Ok, men lidt fesen Bonus :-)

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