Something very very strange has happend.. for around 9 hours agow, I was nr. 142 on the TLB for the year.
I have 9250 point, the person who was nr. 150 had 9120 point.
And now 9 hours later, I have droped 37 places, and the point on nr. 150 has raised to 9695.
That can"t in any way be true.
The points for nr. 150 has rasied with 575 point on 9 hours, normally its around 40 to 60 on a hole day.
I have look over the tourneys in the last 9 houres, and not even if the players around place nr. 140 to 170 have finised in the the top 20 of every tourney, could it be possibel, wich the by the way dont have.
What have happend ?
Har lige sendt dette brev, nogen andre som synes det er lidt mærkeligt, med deres placering ??
Problemer med TLB på Stars
Er ved at brænde ned mentalt.. normalt svarer de inden for 10-15 min.
Men nu går der selvfølgelig over 1 time...
Bare rolig, Stars har fan.. styr på sagerne.
Du skal nok få et svar snart !
Det håber jeg, men jeg har lige kigget alt korespoendance med dem, og i deres normale "åbningstid" , har de aldrig været mere end 17 min om at svare.
Og så lige netop idag, er der nu gået godt 100 min.
Tror jeg er ved at blive parenoid.. *S*
Hello Glen,
Thank you for writing us and allowing us to be of assistance.
Yesterday we updated our software, and at the same time corrected possibly
confusing information in the TLB yearly listing. Previously the listing
was for February 1st through current, however as the TLB freeroll event is
making use of tournaments starting January 1st, we changed the TLB yearly
listing to also be for January 1st.
I apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience.
Please write us again at any time if you have any questions or comments.
PokerStars Support Team
ERhm, nu spiller jeg ikke på stars - men hvad hulen er TLB og rankings?