Spiller disse for bonus stake på $11.
$2.20 kl 11:00
$8.80 kl 11:15 3K GTD 500 Cap
Så vidt jeg husker er deal 50/50 ellers må Quark lige på banen :)
Poster pause counts swing hænder og bust hånd.
1:AVG=3800 Har 1400
2:AVG=9620 Har 3810 "ITM"
3:BUST 50 af 372 til $2.79
1:AVG=4400 har 3044
2:AVG=8670 Har 3253
3:BUST 153 af 500
Quark`s bonus stake
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 30 BB (7 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: championpl ($1023)
Seat 2: auskel606 ($2355)
Seat 3: lightblizzar ($2970)
Seat 4: pantya ($4175)
Seat 5: t_slu4ay ($1180) Dealer
Seat 7: juugs ($1430) Small Blind
Seat 8: agentul05 ($1080) Big Blind
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $45)
championpl: FOLD
auskel606: RAISE $60
lightblizzar: FOLD
pantya: FOLD
t_slu4ay: FOLD
juugs: RAISE $180
agentul05: FOLD
auskel606: CALL $120
Flop(Pot: $405)
juugs: CHECK
auskel606: BET $90
juugs: CALL $90
Turn(Pot: $585)
juugs: BET $285
auskel606: CALL $285
River(Pot: $1155)
juugs: CHECK
auskel606: CHECK
juugs shows
auskel606 MUCKS
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 100 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: sally002 ($1210)
Seat 2: <kilerdozer> ($4509)
Seat 3: lightblizzar ($4255)
Seat 4: pantya ($2802)
Seat 5: cao87 ($4424)
Seat 6: billie57 ($1715)
Seat 7: juugs ($1405) Dealer
Seat 8: igvik7777 ($1295) Small Blind
Seat 9: perrotoro ($3977) Big Blind
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $150)
sally002: FOLD
lightblizzar: FOLD
pantya: RAISE $200
cao87: CALL $200
billie57: FOLD
juugs: ALL-IN
igvik7777: FOLD
perrotoro: FOLD
pantya: FOLD
cao87: FOLD
juugs MUCKS
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 100 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: sally002 ($510)
Seat 2: <kilerdozer> ($6954)
Seat 3: lightblizzar ($4505)
Seat 4: pantya ($2352)
Seat 5: cao87 ($4774)
Seat 6: billie57 ($1565)
Seat 7: juugs ($1555) Dealer
Seat 8: ghell7 ($6325) Small Blind
Seat 9: perrotoro ($3477) Big Blind
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $150)
sally002: FOLD
lightblizzar: FOLD
pantya: FOLD
cao87: FOLD
billie57: FOLD
juugs: RAISE $300
ghell7: FOLD
perrotoro: CALL $200
Flop(Pot: $650)
perrotoro: BET $300
juugs: CALL $300
Turn(Pot: $1250)
perrotoro: BET $400
juugs: ALL-IN
perrotoro: CALL $555
River(Pot: $3160)
perrotoro shows
juugs shows
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 60 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: juugs ($2806) Small Blind
Seat 2: jptareas ($2591) Big Blind
Seat 3: $$javicc$ ($2944)
Seat 4: jadina68 ($3454)
Seat 5: krijt ($10571)
Seat 6: theesquilax ($2572)
Seat 7: willkill4$$$ ($2437)
Seat 8: victory715 ($5892)
Seat 9: ixplo ($3360) Dealer
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $90)
jadina68: FOLD
krijt: CALL $60
theesquilax: FOLD
victory715: FOLD
ixplo: FOLD
juugs: CALL $30
jptareas: CHECK
Flop(Pot: $180)
juugs: BET $90
jptareas: CALL $90
krijt: CALL $90
Turn(Pot: $450)
juugs: BET $225
jptareas: CALL $225
krijt: CALL $225
River(Pot: $1125)
juugs: CHECK
jptareas: CHECK
krijt: CHECK
juugs shows
jptareas MUCKS
krijt MUCKS
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 200 BB (8 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: reditel712 ($3623)
Seat 2: <kilerdozer> ($10974)
Seat 3: lightblizzar ($3793)
Seat 5: cao87 ($8900)
Seat 6: billie57 ($1453)
Seat 7: juugs ($1660) Dealer
Seat 8: ghell7 ($6950) Small Blind
Seat 9: perrotoro ($5766) Big Blind
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $300)
reditel712: FOLD
lightblizzar: CALL $200
cao87: FOLD
billie57: FOLD
juugs: ALL-IN
ghell7: FOLD
perrotoro: FOLD
lightblizzar: FOLD
juugs MUCKS
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 250 BB (7 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: stebel9 ($476) Small Blind
Seat 2: 7valek7 ($9722) Big Blind
Seat 3: mike legitan ($21896)
Seat 4: rødpus ($10270)
Seat 6: psjagger ($9778)
Seat 7: purple haze ($5472)
Seat 8: juugs ($710) Dealer
Seat 1stebel9 Ante: 25
Seat 27valek7 Ante: 25
Seat 3mike legitan Ante: 25
Seat 4rødpus Ante: 25
Seat 6psjagger Ante: 25
Seat 7purple haze Ante: 25
Seat 8juugs Ante: 25
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $550)
mike legitan: FOLD
rødpus: FOLD
psjagger: FOLD
purple haze: RAISE $675
juugs: ALL-IN
stebel9: FOLD
7valek7: FOLD
purple haze: CALL $10
Flop(Pot: $1970)
Turn(Pot: $1970)
River(Pot: $1970)
purple haze shows
juugs shows
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 300 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: tadejus ($4167)
Seat 2: 7valek7 ($9397)
Seat 3: mike legitan ($21190)
Seat 4: rødpus ($10095)
Seat 5: fabius1958 ($26114)
Seat 6: psjagger ($10303) Dealer
Seat 7: purple haze ($4437) Small Blind
Seat 8: juugs ($1220) Big Blind
Seat 9: loser mclose ($8453)
Seat 1tadejus Ante: 25
Seat 27valek7 Ante: 25
Seat 3mike legitan Ante: 25
Seat 4rødpus Ante: 25
Seat 5fabius1958 Ante: 25
Seat 6psjagger Ante: 25
Seat 7purple haze Ante: 25
Seat 8juugs Ante: 25
Seat 9loser mclose Ante: 25
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $675)
loser mclose: FOLD
tadejus: FOLD
7valek7: CALL $300
mike legitan: FOLD
rødpus: FOLD
fabius1958: FOLD
psjagger: FOLD
purple haze: ALL-IN
juugs: ALL-IN
purple haze: $3217
7valek7: CALL $4112
Flop(Pot: $10269)
Turn(Pot: $10269)
River(Pot: $10269)
purple haze shows
7valek7 shows
juugs shows
juugs wins the sid pot : $6434
juugswins the main pot : $3835
Bust $2.20
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 300 BB (8 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: tadejus ($5592) Big Blind
Seat 2: 7valek7 ($5560)
Seat 3: mike legitan ($26964)
Seat 4: rødpus ($11570)
Seat 6: psjagger ($10278)
Seat 7: jack3q ($19893)
Seat 8: juugs ($2860) Dealer
Seat 9: loser mclose ($7628) Small Blind
Seat 1tadejus Ante: 25
Seat 27valek7 Ante: 25
Seat 3mike legitan Ante: 25
Seat 4rødpus Ante: 25
Seat 6psjagger Ante: 25
Seat 7jack3q Ante: 25
Seat 8juugs Ante: 25
Seat 9loser mclose Ante: 25
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $650)
7valek7: FOLD
mike legitan: FOLD
rødpus: FOLD
psjagger: FOLD
jack3q: FOLD
juugs: ALL-IN
loser mclose: ALL-IN
tadejus: FOLD
loser mclose: RETURN $4768
Flop(Pot: $10988)
Turn(Pot: $10988)
River(Pot: $10988)
loser mclose shows
juugs shows
loser mclose wins the pot: $10988
Bust i $8.80
Takker endnu engang for chancen.
Skal vi finde på noget for de $2.74??
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 250 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: juugs ($2603) Dealer
Seat 2: jptareas ($5351) Small Blind
Seat 3: vp invest ($9371) Big Blind
Seat 4: jadina68 ($8489)
Seat 5: krijt ($15248)
Seat 6: ursuletz ($7183)
Seat 7: willkill4$$$ ($4327)
Seat 8: elion22 ($9243)
Seat 9: liquid lash ($9259)
Seat 1juugs Ante: 30
Seat 2jptareas Ante: 30
Seat 3vp invest Ante: 30
Seat 4jadina68 Ante: 30
Seat 5krijt Ante: 30
Seat 6ursuletz Ante: 30
Seat 7willkill4$$$ Ante: 30
Seat 8elion22 Ante: 30
Seat 9liquid lash Ante: 30
Dealt to juugs
Preflop (Pot: $645)
jadina68: FOLD
krijt: FOLD
ursuletz: FOLD
elion22: FOLD
liquid lash: RAISE $565
juugs: ALL-IN
jptareas: FOLD
vp invest: FOLD
liquid lash: CALL $2008
Flop(Pot: $5821)
Turn(Pot: $5821)
River(Pot: $5821)
liquid lash shows
juugs shows
liquid lash wins the pot: $5821