Kaster lige lidt god karma og lidt støtte til mr hopper.
Gl i event 48 take it down...!
DK hele vejen.
49 mand to go.
Håber at se masser af støtte som final nærmere sig .
Lidt natte lir rail hvis folk er oppe.
railing event 48
det er jo ikke nat endnu - men stort GL edward
det gav da skrub :)
Tak for heads up. Altid hyggeligt at raile.
GL, Bajawa.
Hvem er DuTTiFruTTi9? er han en eller anden chef? synes jeg har set ham før. Formentlig i cashgames.
Har aldrig stødt på det nick før på Stars.
Eneste to nicks jeg kender endnu er jdtdpoker og EDWARDHOPPER.
wow var det et bluff af bajawa der med QQ?
jo tak allesammen. Ku være dejlgit at få en top 4 hjem.
ahhh, det var det nu ikke. Var et valuebet mod et a eller mod noget ala 99. han callede med a5o.
Ret sick chiplead af jdtdpoker. Kommer han all in imod nummer 2 og taber, vil han stadig være chipleader. :-S
Gl bajawa.
keep up the skrub :) GL! :)
down to 3 :)
HU jannick i ~800k og jdtjpoker i ~6,7mill
nu 1,3 vs 6,2
min modstander.
ændrer lige gamet lidt ved at trække tempoet helt ud ;)
gogo unstuck for året :D
PokerStars No Limit, 20000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6705112) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($892388) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 2500
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 2500
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $35000)
edwardhopper: RAISE $42000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $100000
edwardhopper: CALL $58000
Flop(Pot: $250000)
jdtjpoker: BET $100000
edwardhopper: CALL $100000
Turn(Pot: $450000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $121212
jdtjpoker: ALL-IN
edwardhopper: ALL-IN
jdtjpoker: RETURN $5812724
River(Pot: $7612500)
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $7612500
PokerStars No Limit, 20000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6004813) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($1592687) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 2500
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 2500
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $35000)
edwardhopper: RAISE $44000
jdtjpoker: CALL $24000
Flop(Pot: $118000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $56730
jdtjpoker: CALL $56730
Turn(Pot: $231460)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: CHECK
River(Pot: $231460)
jdtjpoker: BET $148420
edwardhopper: CALL $148420
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper MUCKS
jdtjpoker wins the pot: $231460
PokerStars No Limit, 20000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6099913) Dealer
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($1497587) Small Blind
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 2500
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 2500
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $35000)
jdtjpoker: RAISE $40000
edwardhopper: RAISE $124554
jdtjpoker: CALL $84554
Flop(Pot: $299108)
edwardhopper: CHECK
jdtjpoker: CHECK
Turn(Pot: $299108)
edwardhopper: BET $137218
jdtjpoker: CALL $137218
River(Pot: $573544)
edwardhopper: BET $243130
jdtjpoker: FOLD
edwardhopper: RETURN $243130
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $573544
PokerStars No Limit, 20000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($5604261) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($1993239) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 2500
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 2500
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $35000)
edwardhopper: RAISE $44000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $120000
edwardhopper: CALL $76000
Flop(Pot: $290000)
jdtjpoker: BET $120000
edwardhopper: CALL $120000
Turn(Pot: $530000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: CHECK
River(Pot: $530000)
jdtjpoker: BET $240000
edwardhopper: CALL $240000
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper MUCKS
jdtjpoker wins the pot: $530000
PokerStars No Limit, 25000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6712071) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($885429) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3125
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3125
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $43750)
edwardhopper: RAISE $50000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $150000
edwardhopper: CALL $100000
Flop(Pot: $362500)
jdtjpoker: BET $100000
edwardhopper: CALL $100000
Turn(Pot: $562500)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: CHECK
River(Pot: $562500)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: CHECK
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $562500
PokerStars No Limit, 25000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($7104696) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($492804) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3125
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3125
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $43750)
edwardhopper: RAISE $50000
jdtjpoker: ALL-IN
edwardhopper: ALL-IN
jdtjpoker: RETURN $6611892
Flop(Pot: $7616250)
Turn(Pot: $7616250)
River(Pot: $7616250)
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $7616250
PokerStars No Limit, 25000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($7015017) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($582483) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3125
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3125
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $43750)
edwardhopper: CALL $12500
jdtjpoker: CHECK
Flop(Pot: $75000)
jdtjpoker: BET $25000
edwardhopper: CALL $25000
Turn(Pot: $125000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $64812
jdtjpoker: CALL $64812
River(Pot: $254624)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $108502
jdtjpoker: CALL $108502
edwardhopper shows
jdtjpoker MUCKS
edwardhopper wins the pot: $254624
600k vs 7 mill kom så skrub! :)
dobbel med 1010 vs J7 aipf
PokerStars No Limit, 25000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($7172252) Dealer
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($425248) Small Blind
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3125
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3125
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $43750)
jdtjpoker: ALL-IN
edwardhopper: ALL-IN
jdtjpoker: RETURN $6747004
Flop(Pot: $7616250)
Turn(Pot: $7616250)
River(Pot: $7616250)
edwardhopper shows
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $7616250
vinder flip og i 2 mio!
PokerStars No Limit, 25000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6578504) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($1018996) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3125
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3125
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $43750)
edwardhopper: RAISE $52500
jdtjpoker: RAISE $150000
edwardhopper: ALL-IN
jdtjpoker: CALL $865871
Flop(Pot: $2069242)
Turn(Pot: $2069242)
River(Pot: $2069242)
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $2069242
KOM SÅ JANNICK... Kør ham nu over!!!!
PokerStars No Limit, 30000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($5490383) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($2107117) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3750
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3750
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $52500)
edwardhopper: RAISE $66000
jdtjpoker: CALL $36000
Flop(Pot: $177000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $75330
jdtjpoker: CALL $75330
Turn(Pot: $327660)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $133473
jdtjpoker: RAISE $270000
edwardhopper: CALL $136527
River(Pot: $867660)
jdtjpoker: BET $330000
edwardhopper: CALL $330000
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $867660
beat me to it peter ^^
PokerStars No Limit, 30000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($5188052) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($2409448) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3750
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3750
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $52500)
edwardhopper: RAISE $66000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $180000
edwardhopper: CALL $114000
Flop(Pot: $435000)
jdtjpoker: BET $225000
edwardhopper: CALL $225000
Turn(Pot: $885000)
jdtjpoker: BET $420000
edwardhopper: CALL $420000
River(Pot: $1725000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: BET $480000
jdtjpoker: FOLD
edwardhopper: RETURN $480000
edwardhopper MUCKS
edwardhopper wins the pot: $1725000
3,3 mill vs 4,3 det begynder så sandelig at ligne noget :D
PokerStars No Limit, 30000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($5375882) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($2221618) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3750
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3750
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $52500)
edwardhopper: RAISE $66000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $180000
edwardhopper: CALL $114000
Flop(Pot: $435000)
jdtjpoker: BET $150000
edwardhopper: CALL $150000
Turn(Pot: $735000)
jdtjpoker: CHECK
edwardhopper: CHECK
River(Pot: $735000)
jdtjpoker: BET $213600
edwardhopper: CALL $213600
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $735000
Nej ingen deal afaik
noiD skrev:
har de lavet deal eller noget siden spillet går monster stærkt?
nej jeg tror ikke de har lavet deal, de har spillet sygt stærkt hele vejen igennem
hvis jeg sad hu så havde jeg bestemt tiltet over det... så måske ikke helt dumt selvom det er 250k dkr de spiller om :o)
PokerStars No Limit, 30000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($5391692) Dealer
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($2205808) Small Blind
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 3750
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 3750
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $52500)
jdtjpoker: RAISE $69000
edwardhopper: CALL $39000
Flop(Pot: $183000)
edwardhopper: CHECK
jdtjpoker: BET $71295
edwardhopper: RAISE $165000
jdtjpoker: CALL $93705
Turn(Pot: $513000)
edwardhopper: BET $180000
jdtjpoker: CALL $180000
River(Pot: $873000)
edwardhopper: BET $435000
jdtjpoker: CALL $435000
edwardhopper shows
jdtjpoker MUCKS
edwardhopper wins the pot: $873000
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 35000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($4639715) Dealer
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($2957785) Small Blind
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 4375
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 4375
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $61250)
jdtjpoker: RAISE $80500
edwardhopper: CALL $45500
Flop(Pot: $213500)
edwardhopper: CHECK
jdtjpoker: BET $83177
edwardhopper: RAISE $166354
jdtjpoker: CALL $83177
Turn(Pot: $546208)
edwardhopper: BET $35000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $175000
edwardhopper: CALL $140000
River(Pot: $896208)
edwardhopper: BET $460327
jdtjpoker: CALL $460327
edwardhopper shows
jdtjpoker shows
jdtjpoker wins the pot: $896208
skrub sendt og wp GLnGG Jannick for syg en dagsløn shiiiiiip it , øv jobber tak for hands info kefir
PokerStars No Limit, 35000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6857408) Dealer
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($740092) Small Blind
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 4375
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 4375
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $61250)
jdtjpoker: RAISE $80500
edwardhopper: ALL-IN
jdtjpoker: CALL $655217
Flop(Pot: $1541434)
Turn(Pot: $1541434)
River(Pot: $1541434)
edwardhopper shows
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper wins the pot: $1541434
Tillykke med andenpladsen. Tak for god underholdning :)
æææææææææææv surt show :(Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 35000 BB (2 handed).
Table Information
Seat 5: jdtjpoker ($6543091) Small Blind
Seat 7: edwardhopper ($1054409) Dealer
Seat 5jdtjpoker Ante: 4375
Seat 7edwardhopper Ante: 4375
Dealt to
Preflop (Pot: $61250)
edwardhopper: RAISE $77000
jdtjpoker: RAISE $210000
edwardhopper: ALL-IN
jdtjpoker: CALL $840034
Flop(Pot: $2152568)
Turn(Pot: $2152568)
River(Pot: $2152568)
jdtjpoker shows
edwardhopper shows
jdtjpoker wins the pot: $2152568
Tak for hepningen. Må trøste mig med at være i plus for første gang siden 15 nov 2010. gg
men kanont run, surt det ikke blev til bracelet men gratz wp :)
GG WP bajawa, så ellers godt ud da i næsten var even.
sgu godt gået !! tillykke , så er du varm til mainevent GG
Nice, GG
Tillykke ,vidste der var power i min rail tråd..!
gik helt kold vågnede så halv 6 kunne lige skimte en mand ved bordet , fik klikket væk og vupti totalt optur da Hopper sad bagved , mega lir .
Sickfrog skrev:
Tillykke ,vidste der var power i min rail tråd..!
gik helt kold vågnede så halv 6 kunne lige skimte en mand ved bordet , fik klikket væk og vupti totalt optur da Hopper sad bagved , mega lir .
@Sickfrog , gider du at kigge i mini GSOP tråden ???
Ved godt nr2 "kun" godt nok(selv mttèr lool meeeeeget laver) men mtt HU dirty game but gota love the reward for survived suck outs/BB-overcome/AAholders and so on.
Men da en total vild timeløn Jannick(GRATS) 2daws arbejde 130K$
37 minutter replay fra eventen. Må sige at kommentatoren giver mig lige lovlig meget kredit. Man kan også vælge at nappe de 4-5 timer i pokerstarslobbyen hvor alle afsluttede wcoops kører.
Og tak igen for alle tillykkerne.