Så er der sgu gevinst--!! Opdatering !!

#1| 0

Nu har jeg så mange gange hørt alle jer andre prale af alle de fantastiske tilbud og kæmpe store beløb i har fået fra diverse udenlandske velgørere.
Og ja, jeg har sgu været misundelig.


Fik den her på mail idag ( så nu scorer jeg sgu gevinsten og skrider til sydens sol og varme )

Good day,I am Mong Hoi a senior banking Director of Operations of the Hang Seng Bank. I am getting in touch with you regarding a business deal which I would like you to execute with me. I will provide details of the project if and when I receive your response. Kindly get back to me via my private email: ([email protected])
Mr. Mong Hoi.

28-02-2010 23:00 #2| 0

Hey!!! Hold dig væk fra ham, jeg fik mailen først!!

28-02-2010 23:02 #3| 0

Er der ikke et par kvikke hoveder der kan udtænke et re-scam til ham?

Edit: Evt. et der kan overgå dette: www.zug.com/pranks/powerbook/

28-02-2010 23:30 #4| 0


01-03-2010 01:20 #5| 0

Fik den også - twice!

01-03-2010 02:15 #6| 0

fået den 4-5 gange idag.. vi er Rigtige gode venner nu:)

01-03-2010 07:09 #7| 0

kan godt høre jeg nok skal være hurtig hvis jeg skal få noget ud af den her.
Skriver til ham idag.
Har konto nr og det hele skannet ind og klar så pengene kan blive overført.
Dejligt når lykken endelig smiler til én.

01-03-2010 15:42 #8| 0

Nå men skrev til ham idag.. Kan jo ikke have at i snyltere kommer før mig.

svaret fra ham er her -->

Mr. Mong Hoi.
Hang Seng Bank Ltd,
Sai Wan Ho Branch,
171 Shaukiwan Road.
Hong Kong.

Dear Friend,

I must thank you very much for sparing your good time to respond to the business proposal that will benefit both parties at the end, i got your email from the internet after an intensive search for someone who can help me handle this transaction. Be assured, this transaction is risk free and a very genuine business.

Once again, I am Mr. Mong Hoi, Director of Operations of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd, Sai Wan Ho Branch, Hong Kong and I am a 55 year old looking forward to retirement with an intention of investing in a profitable venture in your country like real estate and estate properties.


Before the U.S and Iraqi war, our client Engr. David Enaheime who was an engineer in Iraq, made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of $24,500,000 (Twenty Four million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) only in my branch. Upon maturity, several notices were sent to him, even during the war early this year. Again after the war, another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later found out that our client and his family had been killed in an auto crash while on vacation in the United Kingdom.

After further investigation, it was also discovered that Engr.David Enaheime did not declare any next of kin in his official papers, including the paper work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office, which no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. So, $24,500,000 (Twenty Four million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) is still lying in my bank, and no one will ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that according to the to the laws of my country, at the expiration of 3 years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government, if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Engr.David Enaheime so that you will be able to receive his funds.


I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successful. I have contacted an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to Engr.David Enaheime, all that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favour for the move of the funds to an account in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in Europe. There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going to adopt a legalized method, and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents.

Meanwhile, for the assistance you shall render me I will offer you 30% of the total amount.

Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Mr Mong Hoi.

Hva kan jeg egentlig gøre bedst her ?
Stikke ham julemandens adresse eller sådan noget ?
Forslag ?

01-03-2010 15:48 #9| 0
Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.

Her røg dine 30 % nok , LMAO
01-03-2010 15:49 #10| 0

Eller stikke ham alletiders scammer Nichlas List`s adresse

01-03-2010 15:53 #11| 0

Sig at du vil have 90% og se hvad han siger :)

Ville være sooo funny, hvis han bare accepterer... "Ok, yes sir. Just give me your name, address and firstborn child please".

01-03-2010 16:01 #12| 0


01-03-2010 16:13 #13| 0

Jeg er simpelthen chokeret over hvor dumme folk tror andre er.. Hold kæft det er komisk :D gotta love the internet

01-03-2010 16:20 #14| 0

@op du bliver nødt til at forhandle - 30% er sgu ikke nok når det er dig der tager risikoen - 70-30% i dit favør må være fair

01-03-2010 16:22 #15| 0


Da jeg arbejdede som bankrådgiver, havde jeg ikke mindre end 3 kunder, som kom for at høre om jeg kunne finde frem til modtageren af udenlandske overførsler. De havde simpelthen hovedløst sendt penge (flere tusinde i 2 af tilfældene) til tilfældige mailscammere.

Jeg tror at du ville blive overrasket over, hvor naiv den alm. dansker er.

01-03-2010 16:27 #16| 0

kan han som udgangspunkt få noget ud af en adresse ?

Jeg har på intet tidspunkt sagt mit navn, så vil en eller anden fup adresse fra grønland skræmme ham ?

01-03-2010 19:14 #17| 0

Lav et rescam.

01-03-2010 20:24 #18| 0

i gamle dage sendte jeg altid en mailbombe den anden vej :-)

Uhmmm 500 mails med beskeden "did you get my message?"

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