Sick support?

#1| 0

Jeg sidder og spiller en HU sng på Cake Poker, og disconnecter suddenly. Er væk nogle minutter og taber ~400 chips. Vinder anyways, og vil egentligt gerne vide hvad der gik galt, da det ikke var mit Internet der var nede.
Skriver til kundeservice:


I've just finished a 50$ HU sng. During the match I had 2000 chips vs. 1000, and then the lobby crashed.

I got an windows-box pop-up with "Error", and then this message:

"A problem was encountered trying to connect to our servers. If your Internet connection is working correctly, please wait a few minutes and try again. Error: Update file on Server Temporarily Unavailble."

My Internet was working smoothly, and when I could return to the lobby after some minutes, the score was now: 1600-1400.

My question is now. What was the problem, and what can be done to reduce these problems? Also, in this case I won the tournament anyway, but what if I had loosed it? What If I couldn't connect before the game was over?
What is your policy if that scenario had been the case?

your sincerely,


De svarer:Hello *****,

Thank you for your email. Would it be possible to provide more information?

What browser and what version are you using?

Do you use any other software on your PC when playing with CakePoker?

Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing?
What is the error (i.e. blank data, error message, timed out, old data)?

If you got an error while playing the game what was the HandID, TableID and/or TournamentID?

Did you play at other tables at the same time? Did you experience a similar problem there too?

Can you send the log file? (This is found in C:\Program Files\Cake Poker\Cake.crashlog)

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Kind Regards,

Her tænker jeg: "yep yep yep, standardsvaret uden at læse mailen. Flot?!"
Gad næsten ikke svare, men smed da lige et par hurtige ja/nej svar:


Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing?
- no, but it waas a "error" pop-up with the text I qouted.

What browser and what version are you using?
- IE - the newest

Do you use any other software on your PC when playing with CakePoker?

- No

Did you play at other tables at the same time? Did you experience a similar problem there too?

- No

Can you send the log file? (This is found in C:\Program Files\Cake Poker\Cake.crashlog)

- There is no such file.


Og her kommer den positive overraskelse så:

Thank you for your email. Apologies I've now gone through your hand histories for the tournament in question and while you disconnected your oppenent continued to play without any issues which would indicate that the problem was specific to your PC/Internet Connection. As a one time customer servide gesture we've now refunded your buyin for this tournament.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Kind Regards,


CakePoker Support


Disconnecter i en HU SNG og taber 400 chips.

Vinder den alligevel, men spørger hvad der ville være sket, HVIS jeg havde tabt.

Jeg får pengene tilbage fra mit buyin, og beholder min gevinst fra turneringen.

Meget god ROI.
28-10-2008 00:33 #2| 0


28-10-2008 00:35 #3| 0

Fandeme i orden service!!!

28-10-2008 00:49 #4| 0


super, der kan de sku lære noget rundt omkring ;)

28-10-2008 01:00 #5| 0

Hehe, han tænkte nok det var den nemmeste måde at slippe af med dig på :P

28-10-2008 01:35 #6| 0

Det er sgu nogle sjove svar man får fra deres support engang imellem hos de kære poker udbydere.

Har en mail korrespondance fra Betfair, hvor de to gange påstår, at de ikke har haft problemer med deres server og det må være min internet forbindelse. Samtidig modtager jeg en mail om adgang til deres "Undskyld vores server crashede, her er en $20k GTD freeroll!".


28-10-2008 01:44 #7| 0


Sikkert nok, men det virkede efter hensigten then..

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