SLASQUER og gumple på tour Railtråd 4

#1| 0

Kære backers

Jeg spiller min del af vort program i aften, mens Gumple venter med sin rens til i morgen:

Jeg spiller:

18.30 11€/2K/Ladborkes
19.00 11$/Superstack 14K/FTP
20.10 9$/5K/Party Poker

Smider lidt hænder fra de forskellige tours, men skulle heldet tilsmile os og vi på et tidspunkt kører 4 tours, lægger jeg altså fokus på spillet. Det håber jeg er ok - Men lad os nu se :-)

Buyin for aftenen ialt: 45$

ITM: 2/4

FT's: 0/4

Balance 1,93$

Send skruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub!

09-10-2010 16:50 #2| 0
18.30 11€/2K/Ladborkes

1 pause
2 pause
3 pause
4 pause
5 pause

Endelig placering: 178/213

19.00 11$/Superstack 14K/FTP

1 pause: 12545 Avr: 6256
2 pause: 12216 Avr: 9879
3 pause: 16798 Avr: 18546
4 pause: 38753 Avr: 39586
5 pause

Endelig placering: Ude som 157/2296 til 25,25$

20.10 9$/5K/Party Poker

1 pause: 920
2 pause: 17146 Avr: 8914
3 pause: 33788 Avr: 16869
4 pause
5 pause

Endelig placering: 1XX/6XX


1 pause: 3855 Avr: 3868
2 pause: 3575 Avr: 10401
3 pause
4 pause
5 pause

Endelig placering: 46/423 til 17,82$
09-10-2010 16:52 #3| 0

gl morten.....du siger bare til hvis gumple skal have lammere iaften ;)

09-10-2010 16:57 #4| 0

Tak Kim - Jeg har brug for al den skrub jeg kan få :-) Og ja Henrik skal overdænges med lammere i aften!

09-10-2010 18:31 #5| 0

skrub sent, skal først bruge min imorgen ;-)

09-10-2010 19:00 #6| 0

hey hey.. bare fordi jeg stor renser i aften betyder det ikke at han må slå :)

09-10-2010 19:36 #7| 0

Ikke lige den start.............................

** Hand # 3564258069 starting - 2010-10-09 18:34:44
** €2,000 GUARANTEED[3663787]:Table 5 [Multi Table Hold'em] (20|40 NL - MTT) Real Money

Masse22 sitting in seat 1 with 2460.00
trouten sitting in seat 2 with 2460.00
raffybox sitting in seat 3 with 2500.00
seannchll sitting in seat 4 with 2640.00[Dealer]
claude______ sitting in seat 5 with 2480.00
LasAllInKing sitting in seat 6 with 2480.00
perlykke1974 sitting in seat 7 with 2500.00
PocketAce sitting in seat 8 with 2500.00
interpred sitting in seat 9 with 2500.00
JoeChink sitting in seat 10 with 2480.00
claude______ posted the small blind - 10.00
LasAllInKing posted the big blind - 20.00

** Dealing cards to LasAllInKing: 3c, 3s
perlykke1974 folded
PocketAce folded
interpred called - 20.00
JoeChink folded
Masse22 folded
trouten folded
raffybox raised to 100.00
seannchll folded
claude______ called - 100.00
LasAllInKing called - 100.00
interpred folded

** Dealing the flop: 3h, 8d, 4s
claude______ checked
LasAllInKing bet - 180.00
raffybox called - 180.00
claude______ called - 180.00

** Dealing the turn: 5d
claude______ bet - 220.00
LasAllInKing called - 220.00
raffybox called - 220.00

** Dealing the river: 10d
claude______ checked
LasAllInKing checked
raffybox bet - 760.00
claude______ called - 760.00
LasAllInKing called - 760.00
raffybox shows: Kd, Qd
claude______ mucks: 9c, 8h
LasAllInKing mucks: 3c, 3s
LasAllInKing mucks: 3c, 3s
raffybox wins 3800.00 from the main pot

09-10-2010 19:51 #8| 0

Sætte næsten rest til på et draw og så denne :-)

** Hand # 3564289614 starting - 2010-10-09 18:50:18
** €2,000 GUARANTEED[3663787]:Table 5 [Multi Table Hold'em] (30|60 NL - MTT) Real Money

Masse22 sitting in seat 1 with 2920.00
raffybox sitting in seat 3 with 5010.00
seannchll sitting in seat 4 with 2580.00
claude______ sitting in seat 5 with 2275.00
LasAllInKing sitting in seat 6 with 320.00[Dealer]
perlykke1974 sitting in seat 7 with 4500.00
PocketAce sitting in seat 8 with 3045.00
interpred sitting in seat 9 with 5060.00
47alex sitting in seat 10 with 1790.00
perlykke1974 posted the small blind - 15.00
PocketAce posted the big blind - 30.00

** Dealing cards to LasAllInKing: Jh, Jc
interpred folded
47alex raised to 60.00
Masse22 called - 60.00
raffybox folded
seannchll folded
claude______ called - 60.00
LasAllInKing went all-in - 320.00
perlykke1974 went all-in - 4485.00
PocketAce folded
47alex folded
Masse22 folded
claude______ folded
perlykke1974 shows: 10d, 10s

** Dealing the flop: 8s, 6c, As

** Dealing the turn: 7d

** Dealing the river: 9s
perlykke1974 wins 850.00 from the main pot

09-10-2010 20:17 #9| 0


Full Tilt Poker Game #24559748584: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (189925261), Table 1 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:13:31 ET - 2010/10/09
Seat 1: micgee (5,190)
Seat 2: bolden121 (4,940)
Seat 3: cmbyrne (4,900)
Seat 4: BabyGoodByeeeee (5,000)
Seat 5: jizyo (5,180)
Seat 6: LasAllIn (4,970)
Seat 7: Samiam5666 (4,860)
Seat 8: afcajax1986 (5,000)
Seat 9: mcljr (5,310)
jizyo posts the small blind of 15
LasAllIn posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to LasAllIn [Kh Ad]
Samiam5666 folds
mcljr folds
micgee raises to 120
bolden121 folds
cmbyrne calls 120
jizyo folds
LasAllIn calls 90
*** FLOP *** [4c 2h Ac]
LasAllIn checks
micgee checks
cmbyrne bets 375
LasAllIn raises to 750
micgee folds
cmbyrne calls 375
*** TURN *** [4c 2h Ac] [Ks]
LasAllIn has 15 seconds left to act
LasAllIn bets 1,860
cmbyrne calls 1,860
*** RIVER *** [4c 2h Ac Ks] [9s]
LasAllIn bets 2,240, and is all in
cmbyrne calls 2,170, and is all in
Uncalled bet of 70 returned to LasAllIn
*** SHOW DOWN ***
LasAllIn shows [Kh Ad] two pair, Aces and Kings
cmbyrne mucks
LasAllIn wins the pot (9,935) with two pair, Aces and Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 9,935 | Rake 0
Board: [4c 2h Ac Ks 9s]
Seat 1: micgee folded on the Flop
Seat 2: bolden121 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: cmbyrne (button) mucked [Kc Qc] - a pair of Kings
Seat 4: BabyGoodByeeeee is sitting out
Seat 5: jizyo (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: LasAllIn (big blind) showed [Kh Ad] and won (9,935) with two pair, Aces and Kings
Seat 7: Samiam5666 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: afcajax1986 is sitting out
Seat 9: mcljr didn't bet (folded)

09-10-2010 21:16 #10| 0

good luck

09-10-2010 21:23 #11| 0

Har lige vundet 110 med QQ på Party - Jeg aner simpelthen ikke hvordan man kopierer hånden ind!

09-10-2010 21:29 #12| 0

Med lidt hjælp fra Gumple........

***** Hand History for Game 9715833007 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $9 USD Buy-in Trny: 55244037 Level: 1 Blinds(10/20) - Saturday, October 09, 14:23:03 EDT 2010
Table $5K Gtd (2032305) Table #14 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10/10
Seat 1: Gentleman134 ( 2,990 )
Seat 4: Sunny1939 ( 5,490 )
Seat 2: elnino44441 ( 377 )
Seat 3: fleofoto ( 660 )
Seat 8: frank122111 ( 5,760 )
Seat 9: jennysme ( 3,560 )
Seat 10: joules222 ( 2,280 )
Seat 7: lmata737 ( 2,910 )
Seat 6: prodigy696 ( 2,970 )
Seat 5: slaske99 ( 3,110 )
Trny: 55244037 Level: 1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to slaske99 [ Ad Qd ]
elnino44441 folds
fleofoto calls [20]
Sunny1939 raises [120]
slaske99 calls [120]
prodigy696 folds
lmata737 folds
frank122111 folds
jennysme folds
joules222 folds
Gentleman134 folds
fleofoto calls [100]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Th, As, 2c ]
fleofoto checks
Sunny1939 checks
slaske99 bets [220]
fleofoto folds
Sunny1939 calls [220]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ]
Sunny1939 checks
slaske99 checks
** Dealing River ** [ Tc ]
Sunny1939 checks
slaske99 checks
Sunny1939 shows [ Kh, Ah ]two pairs, Aces and Tens with King kicker.
slaske99 doesn't show [ Ad, Qd ]two pairs, Aces and Tens.
Sunny1939 wins 830 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Tens with King kicker.

09-10-2010 21:57 #13| 0

Skidt skidt første time på Party

09-10-2010 22:26 #14| 0

Comeback Party - pt i 6K=Avr

09-10-2010 22:30 #15| 0

***** Hand History for Game 9716094340 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $9 USD Buy-in Trny: 55244037 Level: 5 Blinds(60/120) - Saturday, October 09, 15:27:17 EDT 2010
Table $5K Gtd (2032305) Table #14 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 9/10
Seat 6: Andrey1010 ( 10,010 )
Seat 1: Gentleman134 ( 6,100 )
Seat 10: KingPoker181 ( 4,603 )
Seat 9: TimmyK74 ( 733 )
Seat 3: bigdaddy1309 ( 7,967 )
Seat 4: dubbelpicko1 ( 5,520 )
Seat 7: lmata737 ( 8,943 )
Seat 8: moda72 ( 3,450 )
Seat 5: slaske99 ( 5,840 )
Trny: 55244037 Level: 5
There is no Small Blind in this hand as the Big Blind of the previous hand left the table.
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to slaske99 [ 5d 5c ]
dubbelpicko1 calls [120]
slaske99 calls [120]
Andrey1010 folds
lmata737 folds
moda72 folds
TimmyK74 folds
KingPoker181 calls [120]
Gentleman134 folds
bigdaddy1309 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, 5s, 6h ]
bigdaddy1309 checks
dubbelpicko1 bets [240]
slaske99 raises [480]
KingPoker181 folds
bigdaddy1309 folds
dubbelpicko1 calls [240]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7s ]
dubbelpicko1 checks
slaske99 bets [720]
dubbelpicko1 calls [720]
** Dealing River ** [ Jc ]
dubbelpicko1 checks
slaske99 bets [1,440]
dubbelpicko1 folds
slaske99 does not show cards.
slaske99 wins 4,320 chips

09-10-2010 22:41 #16| 0

***** Hand History for Game 9716137084 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $9 USD Buy-in Trny: 55244037 Level: 6 Blinds(75/150) - Saturday, October 09, 15:37:57 EDT 2010
Table $5K Gtd (2032305) Table #14 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 8/10
Seat 1: Gentleman134 ( 13,957 )
Seat 9: Renesjensen ( 1,889 )
Seat 2: ULRIKJ ( 7,530 )
Seat 8: Watershed ( 5,522 )
Seat 3: bigdaddy1309 ( 5,539 )
Seat 4: dubbelpicko1 ( 26,369 )
Seat 7: lmata737 ( 7,863 )
Seat 5: slaske99 ( 7,844 )
Trny: 55244037 Level: 6
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to slaske99 [ 9c 9d ]
monster1350 has joined the table.
Player monster1350 has been moved from table 7 to this table
Watershed folds
Renesjensen folds
Gentleman134 folds
ULRIKJ calls [150]
bigdaddy1309 folds
dubbelpicko1 did not respond in time
dubbelpicko1 folds
slaske99 calls [75]
lmata737 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, 2h, Jh ]
send_it999 has joined the table.
Player send_it999 has been moved from table 32 to this table
slaske99 checks
lmata737 checks
ULRIKJ bets [225]
slaske99 calls [225]
lmata737 folds
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9s ]
slaske99 checks
ULRIKJ bets [450]
slaske99 raises [1,125]
ULRIKJ calls [675]
** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
slaske99 bets [1,800]
ULRIKJ raises [3,600]
slaske99 is all-In [4,544]
ULRIKJ is all-In [2,430]
ULRIKJ shows [ Jc, As ]two pairs, Aces and Jacks.
slaske99 shows [ 9c, 9d ]three of a kind, Nines.
slaske99 wins 314 chips from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Nines.
slaske99 wins 15,210 chips from the main pot with three of a kind, Nines.
Player ULRIKJ finished in 308.

09-10-2010 23:59 #17| 0

Vi nærmer os pengene på FTP og Party. Jeg vælger forbentlig til glæde for alle at koncentrere mig om spillet og smider nok ikke så mange hænder - Nu SKAL det være!!!!!!

10-10-2010 00:09 #18| 0

Full Tilt Poker Game #24565312796: Daily Dollar Rebuy (189949803), Table 236 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:06:11 ET - 2010/10/09
Seat 1: LtKaffe (18,920), is sitting out
Seat 2: boomster1000 (1,730)
Seat 3: xxxDANExxx (18,680)
Seat 4: LepreconH3nut (3,840)
Seat 5: lneljn (525), is sitting out
Seat 6: dima0307 (1,785)
Seat 7: gemixx (6,410)
Seat 8: Paisti86 (12,500)
Seat 9: Denny55 (3,020)
xxxDANExxx posts the small blind of 100
LepreconH3nut posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to xxxDANExxx [Th 9d]
lneljn folds
dima0307 has 15 seconds left to act
dima0307 folds
gemixx folds
Paisti86 calls 200
Denny55 folds
LtKaffe folds
boomster1000 calls 200
xxxDANExxx calls 100
LepreconH3nut checks
*** FLOP *** [2h Td 7d]
xxxDANExxx bets 200
LepreconH3nut folds
Paisti86 calls 200
boomster1000 calls 200
*** TURN *** [2h Td 7d] [2c]
xxxDANExxx bets 400
Paisti86 calls 400
boomster1000 folds
*** RIVER *** [2h Td 7d 2c] [8c]
xxxDANExxx bets 600
Paisti86 calls 600
*** SHOW DOWN ***
xxxDANExxx shows [Th 9d] two pair, Tens and Twos
Paisti86 mucks
xxxDANExxx wins the pot (3,400) with two pair, Tens and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3,400 | Rake 0
Board: [2h Td 7d 2c 8c]
Seat 1: LtKaffe didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: boomster1000 (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: xxxDANExxx (small blind) showed [Th 9d] and won (3,400) with two pair, Tens and Twos
Seat 4: LepreconH3nut (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: lneljn didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: dima0307 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: gemixx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Paisti86 mucked [6s Ts] - two pair, Tens and Twos
Seat 9: Denny55 didn't bet (folded)

10-10-2010 00:11 #19| 0

PIS: Ude på Party, da en spiller vælger at kalde mit raise, hvor jeg har 1010 og klonker 2 9'ere på boardet. Hånden efter limpskubber han KK og jeg ryger med AQ

10-10-2010 00:11 #20| 0

hvad skete der på party, så du sad med ca dobbelt avg stack og 5 min efter var du ude?

10-10-2010 00:14 #21| 0

ok. gl i den sidste.

10-10-2010 00:39 #22| 0

Den må da med - Er ITM i Superstack og en fra på Scandic-Er dog pretty low begge steder:

Full Tilt Poker Game #24566083818: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (189925261), Table 56 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:37:13 ET - 2010/10/09
Seat 1: TheGameOfLife (25,585)
Seat 2: Bluffi08 (59,317)
Seat 3: LasAllIn (10,953)
Seat 4: EstyzBankinn (55,981)
Seat 5: GandalfsTwat (75,517)
Seat 6: Jacked19 (64,588)
Seat 7: GARSAK (42,238)
Seat 8: gennadi74 (41,735)
Seat 9: DonkerKiller (137,976)
TheGameOfLife antes 200
Bluffi08 antes 200
LasAllIn antes 200
EstyzBankinn antes 200
GandalfsTwat antes 200
Jacked19 antes 200
GARSAK antes 200
gennadi74 antes 200
DonkerKiller antes 200
EstyzBankinn posts the small blind of 800
GandalfsTwat posts the big blind of 1,600
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to LasAllIn [9c 7c]
Jacked19 folds
GARSAK folds
gennadi74 folds
DonkerKiller folds
TheGameOfLife folds
Bluffi08 folds
LasAllIn raises to 10,753, and is all in
EstyzBankinn folds
GandalfsTwat calls 9,153
LasAllIn shows [9c 7c]
GandalfsTwat shows [Ts Qh]
*** FLOP *** [Tc 3c Th]
*** TURN *** [Tc 3c Th] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Tc 3c Th 8c] [6c]
LasAllIn shows a straight flush, Ten high
GandalfsTwat shows three of a kind, Tens
LasAllIn wins the pot (24,106) with a straight flush, Ten high
TheGameOfLife: nh
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 24,106 | Rake 0
Board: [Tc 3c Th 8c 6c]
Seat 1: TheGameOfLife folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Bluffi08 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: LasAllIn (button) showed [9c 7c] and won (24,106) with a straight flush, Ten high
Seat 4: EstyzBankinn (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: GandalfsTwat (big blind) showed [Ts Qh] and lost with three of a kind, Tens
Seat 6: Jacked19 folded before the Flop
Seat 7: GARSAK folded before the Flop
Seat 8: gennadi74 folded before the Flop
Seat 9: DonkerKiller folded before the Flop

10-10-2010 01:01 #23| 0

øv kom igen -ellers gode runs

10-10-2010 01:03 #24| 0

Ender med at cashe i 2 af 4 hvilket vel er godkendt. Dog er det stadig den exit på Party.....................

10-10-2010 02:41 #25| 0


morten bi er ikke 45 men 42.. så du har overskud :)

10-10-2010 03:46 #26| 0

Gid det var så vel - Lads er i Euro :-)

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