SLASQUER og gumple på tour Railtråd 4

#1| 0

Kære backers

Jeg spiller min del af vort program i aften, mens Slasquer spillede turneringerne igår:)

Jeg spiller:

18.30 11€/2K/Ladborkes
19.00 11$/Superstack 14K/FTP
20.10 9$/5K/Party Poker

Smider lidt hænder fra de forskellige tours, men skulle heldet tilsmile os

Buyin for aftenen ialt: 45$

ITM: 0/4

FT's: 0/4

Balance: -45

10-10-2010 16:55 #2| 0

ty morten ;)

10-10-2010 16:56 #4| 0
18.30 11€/2K/Ladborkes
1 pause out

Endelig placering: 150/255

19.00 11$/Superstack 14K/FTP
1 pause 4475 avr 6100
2 pause out

Endelig placering: ikke godt :(

20.10 9$/5K/Party Poker
1 pause 2170 avr 4663
2 pause 3064 avr 8690

Endelig placering:213

1 pause 5680 avr 3821

Endelig placering:ca 150

10-10-2010 16:56 #3| 0

Kom så Henrik!

10-10-2010 17:23 #5| 0

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee skrub, held og lykke og rens sendt!

10-10-2010 20:26 #6| 0

** Hand # 3565951831 starting - 2010-10-10 19:25:22
** €2,000 GUARANTEED[3665226]:Table 18 [Multi Table Hold'em] (100|200 NL - MTT) Real Money

Muffwitz sitting in seat 1 with 2925.00
mollle-514 sitting in seat 2 with 7880.00
casualty sitting in seat 3 with 2320.00
damario sitting in seat 4 with 5020.00[Dealer]
Gumple sitting in seat 5 with 1550.00
Kezman_1986 sitting in seat 6 with 1975.00
chaplata sitting in seat 7 with 2480.00
rastamanmick sitting in seat 8 with 1440.00
Mrs_Hosco sitting in seat 9 with 3100.00
cappyt-59 sitting in seat 10 with 6270.00
Gumple posted the small blind - 50.00
Kezman_1986 posted the big blind - 100.00

** Dealing cards to Gumple: 9d, 9h
chaplata raised to 250.00
rastamanmick folded
Mrs_Hosco folded
cappyt-59 folded
Muffwitz folded
mollle-514 folded
casualty folded
damario folded
Gumple went all-in - 1500.00
Kezman_1986 folded
chaplata called - 1550.00
chaplata shows: Ks, Kd

** Dealing the flop: 7h, 8h, 5d

** Dealing the turn: 2d

** Dealing the river: 10s
chaplata wins 3200.00 from the main pot

10-10-2010 21:18 #7| 0

ham læser jeg forkert :(

Full Tilt Poker Game #24587711218: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (190139463), Table 133 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:14:30 ET - 2010/10/10
Seat 1: SubZer0_702 (11,010)
Seat 2: Gumple79 (3,475)
Seat 3: Munro24 (5,698)
Seat 4: bjpoke (9,120)
Seat 5: NvemberRain (4,350)
Seat 6: largoverde (4,730)
Seat 7: pokerandball (5,975)
Seat 8: FCBayern21 (4,545)
Seat 9: kovalevvv85 (18,262)
Gumple79 posts the small blind of 40
Munro24 posts the big blind of 80
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Gumple79 [As Ks]
bjpoke folds
NvemberRain folds
largoverde has 15 seconds left to act
largoverde folds
pokerandball has 15 seconds left to act
pokerandball has timed out
pokerandball folds
pokerandball is sitting out
FCBayern21 folds
kovalevvv85 folds
SubZer0_702 folds
pokerandball has returned
Gumple79 raises to 240
Munro24 raises to 400
Gumple79 has 15 seconds left to act
Gumple79 raises to 1,280
Munro24 raises to 2,160
Gumple79 raises to 3,475, and is all in
Munro24 calls 1,315
Gumple79 shows [As Ks]
Munro24 shows [Ah Ac]
*** FLOP *** [7c 6c 8h]
*** TURN *** [7c 6c 8h] [Ad]
*** RIVER *** [7c 6c 8h Ad] [Qs]
Gumple79 shows a pair of Aces
Munro24 shows three of a kind, Aces
Munro24 wins the pot (6,950) with three of a kind, Aces
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6,950 | Rake 0
Board: [7c 6c 8h Ad Qs]
Seat 1: SubZer0_702 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Gumple79 (small blind) showed [As Ks] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 3: Munro24 (big blind) showed [Ah Ac] and won (6,950) with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 4: bjpoke didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: NvemberRain didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: largoverde didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: pokerandball didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: FCBayern21 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: kovalevvv85 didn't bet (folded)

10-10-2010 22:59 #8| 0

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TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T5-88258721-19
played at "Table #33" for USD TC from 2010-10-10 14:55 until 2010-10-10 14:57

Seat 1: Levi9 (1,554 in chips)
Seat 2: MatCasillo (1,355 in chips)
Seat 3: JJJJJ_JOKER (1,465 in chips)
Seat 4: jvale9 (3,470 in chips)
Seat 5: Reripap (1,405 in chips)
Seat 6: sinatra14 (1,300 in chips)
Seat 7: XXGumpleXX (975 in chips)
Seat 8: andrikos7 (625 in chips)
Seat 9: (2,080 in chips)
Seat 10: mr chips 71_ (3,160 in chips)

, andrikos7 posts small blind (25), posts big blind (50),

mr chips 71_ folds, Levi9 calls 50, MatCasillo raises to 250, JJJJJ_JOKER calls 250, jvale9 folds, Reripap folds, sinatra14 folds, XXGumpleXX raises to 975 and is all-in, andrikos7 calls 625 and is all-in, folds, Levi9 folds, MatCasillo calls 975, JJJJJ_JOKER folds.

FLOP [board cards: 7D,3C,6H ]

TURN [board cards: 7D,3C,6H,5H ]

RIVER [board cards: 7D,3C,6H,5H,TD ]

XXGumpleXX shows [ QS,QH ]
andrikos7 shows [ 9S,9D ]
MatCasillo shows [ 9H,AH ]
XXGumpleXX wins 2,225, XXGumpleXX wins 700.

Dealer: XXGumpleXX
Pot: 2,925
Levi9, loses 50
MatCasillo, loses 975
JJJJJ_JOKER, loses 250
jvale9, loses 0
Reripap, loses 0
sinatra14, loses 0
XXGumpleXX, bets 975, collects 2,925, net 1,950
andrikos7, loses 625, loses 50
mr chips 71_, loses 0

10-10-2010 23:08 #9| 0

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TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T5-88258721-28
played at "Table #33" for USD TC from 2010-10-10 15:04 until 2010-10-10 15:06

Seat 1: Levi9 (3,098 in chips)
Seat 2: MatCasillo (1,820 in chips)
Seat 4: jvale9 (3,616 in chips)
Seat 5: Reripap (1,330 in chips)
Seat 6: sinatra14 (1,175 in chips)
Seat 7: XXGumpleXX (2,825 in chips)
Seat 8: mafuxk (205 in chips)
Seat 9: (2,305 in chips)
Seat 10: mr chips 71_ (1,620 in chips)

XXGumpleXX posts small blind (25), mafuxk posts big blind (50),

PRE-FLOP folds, mr chips 71_ folds, Levi9 calls 50, MatCasillo folds, jvale9 folds, Reripap folds, sinatra14 folds, XXGumpleXX calls 50, mafuxk checks.

FLOP [board cards: 7H,KC,9D ]
XXGumpleXX checks, mafuxk checks, Levi9 bets 50, XXGumpleXX calls 50, mafuxk folds.

TURN [board cards: 7H,KC,9D,8D ]
XXGumpleXX checks, Levi9 bets 125, XXGumpleXX raises to 500, Levi9 calls 500.

RIVER [board cards: 7H,KC,9D,8D,AD ]
XXGumpleXX bets 950, Levi9 raises to 2,498 and is all-in, XXGumpleXX calls 2,225 and is all-in.

Levi9 shows [ 9S,KD ]
XXGumpleXX shows [ TC,JS ]
XXGumpleXX wins 5,700.

Dealer: sinatra14
Pot: 5,700
Levi9, loses 2,825
MatCasillo, loses 0
jvale9, loses 0
Reripap, loses 0
sinatra14, loses 0
XXGumpleXX, bets 2,825, collects 5,700, net 2,875
mafuxk, loses 50, loses 0
mr chips 71_, loses 0

10-10-2010 23:27 #10| 0

***** Hand History for Game 9720040677 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $9 USD Buy-in Trny:55269223 Level:9 Blinds-Antes(150/300 -30) - Sunday, October 10, 16:22:47 EDT 2010
Table $5K Gtd (2032244) Table #14 (Real Money)
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10/10
Seat 6: Bynn66 ( 7,414 )
Seat 10: HGumple ( 2,100 )
Seat 7: Nightbreed9 ( 4,402 )
Seat 2: Shantibaba2 ( 2,550 )
Seat 4: Torcs ( 7,348 )
Seat 5: iamahead ( 15,714 )
Seat 1: polleke16 ( 10,401 )
Seat 3: skrump1972 ( 5,607 )
Seat 8: smokingjohn2 ( 15,222 )
Seat 9: thunder_tm ( 20,264 )
Trny:55269223 Level:9
Blinds-Antes(150/300 -30)
polleke16 posts ante [30]
Shantibaba2 posts ante [30]
skrump1972 posts ante [30]
Torcs posts ante [30]
iamahead posts ante [30]
Bynn66 posts ante [30]
Nightbreed9 posts ante [30]
smokingjohn2 posts ante [30]
thunder_tm posts ante [30]
HGumple posts ante [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to HGumple [ 4s 8c ]
skrump1972 folds
Torcs folds
iamahead calls [300]
Bynn66 folds
Nightbreed9 folds
smokingjohn2 calls [300]
thunder_tm folds
HGumple is all-In [2,070]
polleke16 folds
Shantibaba2 is all-In [2,220]
iamahead will be using his time bank for this hand.
iamahead folds
smokingjohn2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 5c, 5h ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qh ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ac ]
Shantibaba2 shows [ Kd, Qd ]two pairs, Queens and Fives.
HGumple shows [ 4s, 8c ]a pair of Fives.
Shantibaba2 wins 450 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Queens and Fives.
Shantibaba2 wins 5,190 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Queens and Fives.
Player HGumple finished in 213.

11-10-2010 00:09 #11| 0

***** History for hand T5-88258722-78 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:06:31 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #32 [88258722] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 10
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (3820)
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4425)
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10267)
Seat 5: easy_redz (7342)
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (9931)
Seat 7: jvale9 (8833)
Seat 8: socity (3412)
Seat 9: tolis r21 (2820)
Seat 10: Gappa115 (18541)
Seat 1: PTree11 (7580)
XXGumpleXX posts ante 20
y_tarzan posts ante 20
sh1p1t4m3 posts ante 20
easy_redz posts ante 20
ASLANLAR0 posts ante 20
jvale9 posts ante 20
socity posts ante 20
tolis r21 posts ante 20
Gappa115 posts ante 20
PTree11 posts ante 20
XXGumpleXX posts small blind (100)
y_tarzan posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [7h, 7c]
sh1p1t4m3 folds
easy_redz folds
jvale9 folds
socity folds
tolis r21 folds
Gappa115 raises 600 to 600
PTree11 folds
XXGumpleXX calls 500
y_tarzan folds
--- Dealing flop [8d, 4h, 8s]
XXGumpleXX checks
Gappa115 bets 1000
XXGumpleXX raises 3200 to 3200 [all in]
Gappa115 calls 2200
--- Dealing flop [8d, 4h, 8s]
--- Dealing turn [Js]
--- Dealing river [Ts]
Main pot: 8000 won by Gappa115 (8000)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (0), net: -3820, [7h, 7c] (TWO_PAIR EIGHT, SEVEN)
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4205), net: -220
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10247), net: -20
Seat 5: easy_redz (7322), net: -20
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (9911), net: -20
Seat 7: jvale9 (8813), net: -20
Seat 8: socity (3392), net: -20
Seat 9: tolis r21 (2800), net: -20
Seat 10: Gappa115 (22721), net: +4180, [Jc, 8h] (FULL_HOUSE EIGHT, JACK)
Seat 1: PTree11 (7560), net: -20
***** End of hand T5-88258722-78 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258722-77 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:05:23 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #32 [88258722] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 10
Players in round: 9
Seat 1: PTree11 (5620)
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (5440)
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4445)
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10287)
Seat 5: easy_redz (7362)
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (10151)
Seat 7: jvale9 (8853)
Seat 8: socity (3432)
Seat 10: Gappa115 (18561)
PTree11 posts ante 20
XXGumpleXX posts ante 20
y_tarzan posts ante 20
sh1p1t4m3 posts ante 20
easy_redz posts ante 20
ASLANLAR0 posts ante 20
jvale9 posts ante 20
socity posts ante 20
Gappa115 posts ante 20
PTree11 posts small blind (100)
XXGumpleXX posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [5c, 6h]
y_tarzan folds
sh1p1t4m3 folds
easy_redz folds
ASLANLAR0 calls 200
jvale9 folds
socity folds
Gappa115 folds
PTree11 calls 100
XXGumpleXX checks
--- Dealing flop [7c, 6d, 3d]
PTree11 checks
XXGumpleXX bets 300
PTree11 raises 1400 to 1400
XXGumpleXX calls 1100
--- Dealing turn [Qc]
PTree11 bets 4000 [all in]
XXGumpleXX folds
Main pot: 3580 won by PTree11 (3580)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 1: PTree11 (7580), net: +1960
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (3820), net: -1620
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4425), net: -20
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10267), net: -20
Seat 5: easy_redz (7342), net: -20
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (9931), net: -220
Seat 7: jvale9 (8833), net: -20
Seat 8: socity (3412), net: -20
Seat 10: Gappa115 (18541), net: -20
***** End of hand T5-88258722-77 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258722-76 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:03:50 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #32 [88258722] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 8
Players in round: 9
Seat 10: Gappa115 (17601)
Seat 1: PTree11 (5840)
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (5460)
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4465)
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10307)
Seat 5: easy_redz (7382)
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (10771)
Seat 7: jvale9 (8873)
Seat 8: socity (3452)
Gappa115 posts ante 20
PTree11 posts ante 20
XXGumpleXX posts ante 20
y_tarzan posts ante 20
sh1p1t4m3 posts ante 20
easy_redz posts ante 20
ASLANLAR0 posts ante 20
jvale9 posts ante 20
socity posts ante 20
Gappa115 posts small blind (100)
PTree11 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [8c, Jh]
XXGumpleXX folds
y_tarzan folds
sh1p1t4m3 folds
easy_redz folds
ASLANLAR0 calls 200
jvale9 folds
socity folds
Gappa115 calls 100
PTree11 checks
--- Dealing flop [2h, Td, As]
Gappa115 checks
PTree11 checks
ASLANLAR0 bets 200
Gappa115 calls 200
PTree11 folds
--- Dealing turn [3h]
Gappa115 checks
ASLANLAR0 bets 200
Gappa115 calls 200
--- Dealing river [5s]
Gappa115 bets 400
Main pot: 1580 won by Gappa115 (1580)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 10: Gappa115 (18561), net: +960
Seat 1: PTree11 (5620), net: -220
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (5440), net: -20
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4445), net: -20
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10287), net: -20
Seat 5: easy_redz (7362), net: -20
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (10151), net: -620
Seat 7: jvale9 (8853), net: -20
Seat 8: socity (3432), net: -20
***** End of hand T5-88258722-76 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258722-75 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:03:19 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #32 [88258722] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 7
Players in round: 9
Seat 8: socity (3572)
Seat 10: Gappa115 (17821)
Seat 1: PTree11 (5860)
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (5480)
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4005)
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10327)
Seat 5: easy_redz (7402)
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (10791)
Seat 7: jvale9 (8893)
socity posts ante 20
Gappa115 posts ante 20
PTree11 posts ante 20
XXGumpleXX posts ante 20
y_tarzan posts ante 20
sh1p1t4m3 posts ante 20
easy_redz posts ante 20
ASLANLAR0 posts ante 20
jvale9 posts ante 20
socity posts small blind (100)
Gappa115 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Td, 8h]
PTree11 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
y_tarzan raises 600 to 600
sh1p1t4m3 folds
easy_redz folds
jvale9 folds
socity folds
Gappa115 folds
Main pot: 680 won by y_tarzan (680)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 8: socity (3452), net: -120
Seat 10: Gappa115 (17601), net: -220
Seat 1: PTree11 (5840), net: -20
Seat 2: XXGumpleXX (5460), net: -20
Seat 3: y_tarzan (4465), net: +460
Seat 4: sh1p1t4m3 (10307), net: -20
Seat 5: easy_redz (7382), net: -20
Seat 6: ASLANLAR0 (10771), net: -20
Seat 7: jvale9 (8873), net: -20
***** End of hand T5-88258722-75 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-90 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:01:34 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 9
Seat 2: angarna (1601)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4410)
Seat 4: rais50 (7825)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3125)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12250)
Seat 7: geogyf (3857)
Seat 8: trivial1 (990)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5500)
Seat 10: zico19821 (8753)
angarna posts ante 20
Vincent_dk posts ante 20
rais50 posts ante 20
hfdhanni posts ante 20
Chrysa6 posts ante 20
geogyf posts ante 20
trivial1 posts ante 20
XXGumpleXX posts ante 20
zico19821 posts ante 20
angarna posts small blind (100)
Vincent_dk posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [7c, 9h]
rais50 folds
hfdhanni raises 800 to 800
Chrysa6 folds
geogyf folds
trivial1 raises 970 to 970 [all in]
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
hfdhanni calls 170
--- Dealing flop [As, 3s, 7s]
--- Dealing turn [4h]
--- Dealing river [7d]
Main pot: 2420 won by hfdhanni (2420)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 2: angarna (1481), net: -120
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4190), net: -220
Seat 4: rais50 (7805), net: -20
Seat 5: hfdhanni (4555), net: +1430, [Jh, Jc] (TWO_PAIR JACK, SEVEN)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12230), net: -20
Seat 7: geogyf (3837), net: -20
Seat 8: trivial1 (0), net: -990, [Tc, Ks] (PAIR SEVEN)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5480), net: -20
Seat 10: zico19821 (8733), net: -20
***** End of hand T5-88258733-90 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-89 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:01:00 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 10
Players in round: 9
Seat 2: angarna (1821)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12270)
Seat 7: geogyf (3877)
Seat 8: trivial1 (1010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520)
Seat 10: zico19821 (8773)
angarna posts ante 20
Vincent_dk posts ante 20
rais50 posts ante 20
hfdhanni posts ante 20
Chrysa6 posts ante 20
geogyf posts ante 20
trivial1 posts ante 20
XXGumpleXX posts ante 20
zico19821 posts ante 20
angarna posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [6d, 9c]
Vincent_dk calls 200
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
geogyf folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
angarna checks
--- Dealing flop [8d, Th, 5d]
angarna checks
Vincent_dk bets 400
angarna folds
Main pot: 580 won by Vincent_dk (580)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 2: angarna (1601), net: -220
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4410), net: +360
Seat 4: rais50 (7825), net: -20
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3125), net: -20
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12250), net: -20
Seat 7: geogyf (3857), net: -20
Seat 8: trivial1 (990), net: -20
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5500), net: -20
Seat 10: zico19821 (8753), net: -20
***** End of hand T5-88258733-89 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-88 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 23:00:09 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 9
Players in round: 10
Seat 10: zico19821 (6473)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (6030)
Seat 2: angarna (2021)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12270)
Seat 7: geogyf (3877)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2910)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520)
zico19821 posts small blind (100)
Kirillka- posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [5d, 2c]
angarna calls 200
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
geogyf folds
trivial1 calls 200
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 calls 100
Kirillka- checks
--- Dealing flop [Jc, 5h, 2s]
zico19821 bets 200
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
trivial1 calls 200
--- Dealing turn [8d]
zico19821 bets 600
trivial1 calls 600
--- Dealing river [3c]
zico19821 bets 900
trivial1 calls 900
Main pot: 4200 won by zico19821 (4200)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 10: zico19821 (8773), net: +2300, [8s, Jd] (TWO_PAIR JACK, EIGHT)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (5830), net: -200
Seat 2: angarna (1821), net: -200
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12270)
Seat 7: geogyf (3877)
Seat 8: trivial1 (1010), net: -1900
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-88 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-87 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:59:09 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 8
Players in round: 10
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5620)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (6030)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (5985)
Seat 7: geogyf (3877)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2910)
XXGumpleXX posts small blind (100)
zico19821 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [4s, 5h]
Kirillka- folds
angarna raises 600 to 600
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 raises 5985 to 5985 [all in]
geogyf folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
angarna calls 5385
--- Dealing flop [4d, 5c, Kd]
--- Dealing turn [Tc]
--- Dealing river [As]
Main pot: 12270 won by Chrysa6 (12270)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520), net: -100
Seat 10: zico19821 (6473), net: -200
Seat 1: Kirillka- (6030)
Seat 2: angarna (2021), net: -5985, [Qs, Ah] (PAIR ACE)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (12270), net: +6285, [Td, Th] (THREE_OF_A_KIND TEN)
Seat 7: geogyf (3877)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2910)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-87 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-86 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:58:26 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 6
Players in round: 9
Seat 8: trivial1 (2810)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5820)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (6030)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (5885)
trivial1 posts small blind (100)
XXGumpleXX posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [8d, Ad]
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 200
trivial1 calls 100
XXGumpleXX checks
--- Dealing flop [Jc, Ks, 6h]
trivial1 checks
XXGumpleXX checks
Chrysa6 bets 600
trivial1 calls 600
XXGumpleXX folds
--- Dealing turn [Qs]
trivial1 checks
Chrysa6 checks
--- Dealing river [6s]
trivial1 checks
Chrysa6 checks
Main pot: 1800 won by Chrysa6 (900), trivial1 (900)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 8: trivial1 (2910), net: +100, [3h, Jh] (TWO_PAIR JACK, SIX)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5620), net: -200
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (6030)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (5985), net: +100, [8c, Jd] (TWO_PAIR JACK, SIX)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-86 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-85 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:57:28 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 5
Players in round: 9
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8800)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5820)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (2915)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
Chrysa6 posts small blind (100)
trivial1 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [5c, 7s]
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- raises 500 to 500
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 raises 1600 to 1700
trivial1 folds
Kirillka- raises 2415 to 2915 [all in]
Chrysa6 calls 1215
--- Dealing flop [2s, 2c, 9s]
--- Dealing turn [9d]
--- Dealing river [3c]
Main pot: 6030 won by Kirillka- (6030)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (5885), net: -2915, [Kh, Kc] (TWO_PAIR KING, NINE)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2810), net: -200
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5820)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (6030), net: +3115, [As, Ad] (TWO_PAIR ACE, NINE)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-85 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-84 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:57:03 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 4
Players in round: 9
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3345)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8400)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (2915)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
hfdhanni posts small blind (100)
Chrysa6 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Ts, Js]
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX calls 200
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni calls 100
Chrysa6 raises 600 to 800
XXGumpleXX folds
hfdhanni folds
Main pot: 600 won by Chrysa6 (600)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3145), net: -200
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8800), net: +400
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5820), net: -200
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (2915)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
Seat 4: rais50 (7845)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-84 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-83 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:56:37 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 3
Players in round: 9
Seat 4: rais50 (7945)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2745)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8400)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3415)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
rais50 posts small blind (100)
hfdhanni posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [4d, Ah]
Chrysa6 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- raises 500 to 500
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni raises 2545 to 2745 [all in]
Kirillka- folds
Main pot: 1100 won by hfdhanni (1100)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 4: rais50 (7845), net: -100
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3345), net: +600
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8400)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (2915), net: -500
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-83 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-82 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:55:44 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 2
Players in round: 9
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4150)
Seat 4: rais50 (6845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2745)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8600)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (7473)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3415)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
Vincent_dk posts small blind (100)
rais50 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [7h, Ks]
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 200
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 raises 800 to 800
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 raises 6645 to 6845 [all in]
Chrysa6 folds
zico19821 folds
Main pot: 1900 won by rais50 (1900)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4050), net: -100
Seat 4: rais50 (7945), net: +1100
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2745)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8400), net: -200
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6673), net: -800
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3415)
Seat 2: angarna (8006)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-82 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-81 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:55:13 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 9
Seat 2: angarna (8106)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (6845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8600)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (7473)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3415)
angarna posts small blind (100)
Vincent_dk posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Kh, 7d]
rais50 folds
hfdhanni raises 500 to 500
Chrysa6 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk calls 300
--- Dealing flop [8s, Js, 4h]
Vincent_dk checks
hfdhanni bets 1645 [all in]
Vincent_dk folds
Main pot: 1100 won by hfdhanni (1100)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 2: angarna (8006), net: -100
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4150), net: -500
Seat 4: rais50 (6845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2745), net: +600
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8600)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (7473)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3415)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-81 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-80 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:54:31 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 10
Players in round: 9
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3515)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (6845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8600)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6773)
Kirillka- posts small blind (100)
angarna posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [9d, Qc]
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 raises 600 to 600
Kirillka- folds
angarna calls 400
--- Dealing flop [Qs, 7d, 7s]
angarna checks
zico19821 bets 1300
angarna folds
Main pot: 1300 won by zico19821 (1300)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3415), net: -100
Seat 2: angarna (8106), net: -600
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (6845)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8600)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
Seat 10: zico19821 (7473), net: +700
***** End of hand T5-88258733-80 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-79 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:53:24 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 9
Players in round: 10
Seat 10: zico19821 (7173)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (7245)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7600)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
zico19821 posts small blind (100)
Kirillka- posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Jh, 8h]
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 calls 200
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 200
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 calls 100
Kirillka- checks
--- Dealing flop [8d, 4d, Jc]
zico19821 checks
Kirillka- checks
rais50 checks
Chrysa6 checks
--- Dealing turn [7c]
zico19821 bets 200
Kirillka- folds
rais50 calls 200
Chrysa6 raises 2000 to 2000
zico19821 folds
rais50 folds
Main pot: 1400 won by Chrysa6 (1400)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 10: zico19821 (6773), net: -400
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3515), net: -200
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (6845), net: -400
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8600), net: +1000
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-79 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-78 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:52:12 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 8
Players in round: 10
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6120)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (7445)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7600)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
XXGumpleXX posts small blind (100)
zico19821 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [7c, 3s]
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 calls 200
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 checks
--- Dealing flop [2s, 5h, Qd]
zico19821 checks
rais50 checks
--- Dealing turn [2h]
zico19821 checks
rais50 checks
--- Dealing river [6h]
zico19821 bets 300
rais50 folds
Main pot: 500 won by zico19821 (500)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6020), net: -100
Seat 10: zico19821 (7173), net: +300
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650)
Seat 4: rais50 (7245), net: -200
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7600)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-78 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-77 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:51:42 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 7
Players in round: 10
Seat 8: trivial1 (3110)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (7445)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7600)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720)
trivial1 posts small blind (100)
XXGumpleXX posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [3c, 5c]
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk raises 600 to 600
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
Main pot: 500 won by Vincent_dk (500)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010), net: -100
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6120), net: -200
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4650), net: +300
Seat 4: rais50 (7445)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7600)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-77 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-76 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:50:34 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 6
Players in round: 10
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1820)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (8045)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8000)
Vag3lis13 posts small blind (100)
trivial1 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Th, Qs]
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 calls 200
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 200
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 raises 200 to 400
rais50 calls 200
Chrysa6 calls 200
--- Dealing flop [2c, 4c, Qc]
trivial1 checks
rais50 checks
Chrysa6 checks
--- Dealing turn [7h]
trivial1 bets 200
rais50 calls 200
Chrysa6 folds
--- Dealing river [4d]
trivial1 bets 300
rais50 folds
Main pot: 1700 won by trivial1 (1700)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1720), net: -100
Seat 8: trivial1 (3110), net: +1100
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (7445), net: -600
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7600), net: -400
***** End of hand T5-88258733-76 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-75 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:49:58 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 5
Players in round: 10
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7200)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2610)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (8045)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
Chrysa6 posts small blind (100)
Vag3lis13 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Jh, 5h]
trivial1 calls 200
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 raises 500 to 600
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 400
--- Dealing flop [4s, Qs, 4c]
Chrysa6 bets 1400
trivial1 folds
Main pot: 1400 won by Chrysa6 (1400)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (8000), net: +800
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (1820), net: -200
Seat 8: trivial1 (2010), net: -600
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (8045)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-75 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-74 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:49:09 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 4
Players in round: 10
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2345)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6000)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3410)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (8245)
hfdhanni posts small blind (100)
Chrysa6 posts big blind (200)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [6d, Ah]
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 200
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 calls 200
hfdhanni calls 100
Chrysa6 raises 600 to 800
trivial1 calls 600
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
--- Dealing flop [9c, 6s, 3c]
Chrysa6 bets 5200 [all in]
trivial1 folds
Main pot: 2000 won by Chrysa6 (2000)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2145), net: -200
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7200), net: +1200
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2610), net: -800
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
Seat 4: rais50 (8045), net: -200
***** End of hand T5-88258733-74 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-73 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:48:40 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 3
Players in round: 10
Seat 4: rais50 (8325)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6000)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
rais50 posts small blind (80)
hfdhanni posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [4s, 6h]
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 raises 320 to 320
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni calls 160
--- Dealing flop [2s, 2h, Ac]
hfdhanni checks
trivial1 bets 160
hfdhanni folds
Main pot: 720 won by trivial1 (720)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 4: rais50 (8245), net: -80
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2345), net: -320
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6000)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3410), net: +400
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-73 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-72 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:47:46 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 2
Players in round: 10
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4510)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6000)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3170)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
Vincent_dk posts small blind (80)
rais50 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Tc, 3s]
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk calls 80
rais50 checks
--- Dealing flop [2s, 9d, Jc]
Vincent_dk checks
rais50 checks
trivial1 checks
--- Dealing turn [5s]
Vincent_dk checks
rais50 checks
trivial1 checks
--- Dealing river [7s]
Vincent_dk checks
rais50 checks
trivial1 checks
Main pot: 480 won by rais50 (480)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4350), net: -160, [Th, 4h] (HIGH_CARD JACK)
Seat 4: rais50 (8325), net: +320, [3h, Ac] (HIGH_CARD ACE)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6000)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3010), net: -160
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
Seat 2: angarna (8706)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-72 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-71 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:47:09 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 10
Seat 2: angarna (8786)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6160)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3330)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
angarna posts small blind (80)
Vincent_dk posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Jd, 9d]
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 160
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk raises 800 to 960
Chrysa6 folds
trivial1 folds
Main pot: 560 won by Vincent_dk (560)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 2: angarna (8706), net: -80
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4510), net: +400
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6000), net: -160
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3170), net: -160
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-71 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-70 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:46:26 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 10
Players in round: 10
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3875)
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (5680)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3490)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
Kirillka- posts small blind (80)
angarna posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [9c, 5h]
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 160
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- calls 80
angarna checks
--- Dealing flop [3s, 8c, Jc]
Kirillka- checks
angarna checks
Chrysa6 bets 640
trivial1 folds
Kirillka- folds
angarna folds
Main pot: 640 won by Chrysa6 (640)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3715), net: -160
Seat 2: angarna (8786), net: -160
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6160), net: +480
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3330), net: -160
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-70 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-69 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:45:44 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 9
Players in round: 10
Seat 10: zico19821 (6953)
Seat 1: Kirillka- (4035)
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3490)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520)
zico19821 posts small blind (80)
Kirillka- posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Ah, Qc]
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 160
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX raises 560 to 560
zico19821 folds
Kirillka- folds
Chrysa6 calls 400
--- Dealing flop [Ad, Kd, Ts]
Chrysa6 checks
XXGumpleXX bets 1040
Chrysa6 folds
Main pot: 1360 won by XXGumpleXX (1360)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 10: zico19821 (6873), net: -80
Seat 1: Kirillka- (3875), net: -160
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (5680), net: -560
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3490)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320), net: +800
***** End of hand T5-88258733-69 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-68 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:44:38 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 8
Players in round: 9
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6160)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6153)
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3650)
XXGumpleXX posts small blind (80)
zico19821 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Jc, Kh]
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX calls 80
zico19821 checks
--- Dealing flop [8c, Ad, Kd]
XXGumpleXX checks
zico19821 checks
trivial1 checks
--- Dealing turn [3s]
XXGumpleXX bets 240
zico19821 raises 480 to 480
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX calls 240
--- Dealing river [8d]
XXGumpleXX checks
zico19821 checks
Main pot: 1440 won by zico19821 (1440)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520), net: -640, [Jc, Kh] (TWO_PAIR KING, EIGHT)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6953), net: +800, [7d, Ac] (TWO_PAIR ACE, EIGHT)
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3490), net: -160
***** End of hand T5-88258733-68 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-67 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:44:01 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 7
Players in round: 9
Seat 8: trivial1 (4290)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6153)
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3310)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
trivial1 posts small blind (80)
XXGumpleXX posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [3s, 7s]
zico19821 folds
angarna folds
Vincent_dk raises 640 to 640
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 560
XXGumpleXX folds
--- Dealing flop [Qh, 4d, 8h]
trivial1 checks
Vincent_dk bets 1440
trivial1 folds
Main pot: 1440 won by Vincent_dk (1440)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 8: trivial1 (3650), net: -640
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6160), net: -160
Seat 10: zico19821 (6153)
Seat 2: angarna (8946)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (4110), net: +800
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-67 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-66 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:43:35 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 6
Players in round: 9
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2100)
Seat 8: trivial1 (4450)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6153)
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3790)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
Vag3lis13 posts small blind (80)
trivial1 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [9d, Ac]
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
angarna raises 480 to 480
Vincent_dk calls 480
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
--- Dealing flop [Jc, 8d, 7h]
angarna bets 1200
Vincent_dk folds
Main pot: 1200 won by angarna (1200)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2020), net: -80
Seat 8: trivial1 (4290), net: -160
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6153)
Seat 2: angarna (8946), net: +720
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3310), net: -480
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-66 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-65 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:43:17 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 5
Players in round: 9
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6320)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (4610)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (5753)
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3790)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
Chrysa6 posts small blind (80)
Vag3lis13 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [8c, As]
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 raises 5753 to 5753 [all in]
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
Main pot: 560 won by zico19821 (560)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6240), net: -80
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2100), net: -160
Seat 8: trivial1 (4450), net: -160
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (6153), net: +400
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3790)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-65 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-64 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:41:54 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 4
Players in round: 10
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2745)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6960)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (5250)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (3530)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (223)
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3790)
Seat 4: rais50 (8645)
hfdhanni posts small blind (80)
Chrysa6 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [6h, 9s]
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 raises 640 to 640
seba-sabaler calls 223 [all in]
angarna folds
Vincent_dk folds
rais50 calls 640
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 calls 480
trivial1 calls 480
--- Dealing flop [4d, Ah, 8h]
Chrysa6 checks
trivial1 checks
zico19821 bets 2890 [all in]
rais50 folds
Chrysa6 folds
trivial1 folds
--- Dealing flop [4d, Ah, 8h]
--- Dealing turn [6c]
--- Dealing river [3d]
Main pot: 1195 won by zico19821 (1195)
Side pot 1: 1668 won by zico19821 (1668)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2665), net: -80
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6320), net: -640
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (4610), net: -640
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (5753), net: +2223, [Qs, As] (PAIR ACE)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (0), net: -223, [Kh, Th] (HIGH_CARD ACE)
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
Seat 3: Vincent_dk (3790)
Seat 4: rais50 (8005), net: -640
***** End of hand T5-88258733-64 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-63 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:41:03 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 2
Players in round: 9
Seat 4: rais50 (8725)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2905)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6960)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2505)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (3530)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2728)
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
rais50 posts small blind (80)
hfdhanni posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [6c, 5h]
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
seba-sabaler raises 560 to 560
angarna folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
trivial1 calls 400
--- Dealing flop [8h, 4d, 2d]
trivial1 bets 160
seba-sabaler raises 880 to 880
trivial1 calls 720
--- Dealing turn [Qs]
trivial1 checks
seba-sabaler bets 1288 [all in]
trivial1 calls 1065 [all in]
--- Dealing turn [Qs]
--- Dealing river [9d]
Main pot: 5250 won by trivial1 (5250)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 4: rais50 (8645), net: -80
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2745), net: -160
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6960)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (5250), net: +2745, [Js, Qh] (PAIR QUEEN)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320)
Seat 10: zico19821 (3530)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (223), net: -2505, [Ad, Kh] (HIGH_CARD ACE)
Seat 2: angarna (8226)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-63 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-62 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:40:20 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 9
Seat 2: angarna (8306)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3225)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7280)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2505)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5440)
Seat 10: zico19821 (3530)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2728)
angarna posts small blind (80)
rais50 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Ac, Ah]
hfdhanni raises 320 to 320
Chrysa6 calls 320
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX raises 1111 to 1111
zico19821 folds
seba-sabaler folds
angarna folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Main pot: 1200 won by XXGumpleXX (1200)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 2: angarna (8226), net: -80
Seat 4: rais50 (8725), net: -160
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2905), net: -320
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (6960), net: -320
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2505)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6320), net: +880
Seat 10: zico19821 (3530)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2728)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-62 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-60 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:39:01 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 9
Players in round: 10
Seat 10: zico19821 (3210)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 3: sonicpao84 (2616)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3225)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2505)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5440)
zico19821 posts small blind (80)
seba-sabaler posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [3h, 5c]
angarna raises 480 to 480
sonicpao84 raises 2616 to 2616 [all in]
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
seba-sabaler folds
angarna calls 2136
--- Dealing flop [6h, Js, 8h]
--- Dealing turn [Td]
--- Dealing river [4s]
Main pot: 5472 won by angarna (5472)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 10: zico19821 (3130), net: -80
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2808), net: -160
Seat 2: angarna (8466), net: +2856, [Ad, Kd] (HIGH_CARD ACE)
Seat 3: sonicpao84 (0), net: -2616, [Qs, Ac] (HIGH_CARD ACE)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3225)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2505)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5440)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-60 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-59 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:37:53 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 8
Players in round: 10
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2490)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 3: sonicpao84 (2616)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3225)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3145)
XXGumpleXX posts small blind (80)
zico19821 posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [6d, 2c]
seba-sabaler folds
angarna folds
sonicpao84 folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 160
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 checks
--- Dealing flop [5c, 9s, 9d]
zico19821 bets 160
trivial1 calls 160
--- Dealing turn [7c]
zico19821 bets 160
trivial1 calls 160
--- Dealing river [Kh]
zico19821 bets 160
trivial1 calls 160
Main pot: 1360 won by zico19821 (1360)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5440), net: -80
Seat 10: zico19821 (3210), net: +720, [Qc, 7s] (TWO_PAIR NINE, SEVEN)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 3: sonicpao84 (2616)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3225)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
Seat 8: trivial1 (2505), net: -640
***** End of hand T5-88258733-59 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-58 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:36:50 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 7
Players in round: 10
Seat 8: trivial1 (3225)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5680)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2490)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 3: sonicpao84 (2616)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2985)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
trivial1 posts small blind (80)
XXGumpleXX posts big blind (160)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [2h, Kd]
zico19821 folds
seba-sabaler folds
angarna folds
sonicpao84 folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni raises 320 to 320
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
Main pot: 400 won by hfdhanni (400)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 8: trivial1 (3145), net: -80
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5520), net: -160
Seat 10: zico19821 (2490)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 3: sonicpao84 (2616)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (3225), net: +240
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-58 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-57 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:29:48 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 6
Players in round: 9
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2320)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3585)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5680)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2985)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
Vag3lis13 posts small blind (60)
trivial1 posts big blind (120)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [4s, Ts]
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 raises 360 to 360
seba-sabaler folds
angarna folds
rais50 folds
hfdhanni folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 240
--- Dealing flop [7s, As, 2d]
trivial1 checks
zico19821 bets 420
trivial1 folds
Main pot: 780 won by zico19821 (780)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2260), net: -60
Seat 8: trivial1 (3225), net: -360
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5680)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2490), net: +420
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Seat 5: hfdhanni (2985)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-57 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-56 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:28:57 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 5
Players in round: 8
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7200)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3585)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5800)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Chrysa6 posts small blind (60)
Vag3lis13 posts big blind (120)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [8c, 9c]
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX calls 120
zico19821 folds
seba-sabaler folds
angarna folds
rais50 folds
Chrysa6 calls 60
Vag3lis13 checks
--- Dealing flop [Ac, 4s, Js]
Chrysa6 checks
Vag3lis13 checks
XXGumpleXX checks
--- Dealing turn [6s]
Chrysa6 checks
Vag3lis13 checks
XXGumpleXX checks
--- Dealing river [Tc]
Chrysa6 checks
Vag3lis13 checks
XXGumpleXX checks
Main pot: 360 won by Chrysa6 (360)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7440), net: +240, [5h, Jh] (PAIR JACK)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2320), net: -120
Seat 8: trivial1 (3585)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5680), net: -120
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: seba-sabaler (2968)
Seat 2: angarna (5610)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-56 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-55 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:28:00 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 4
Players in round: 8
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7320)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3705)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6100)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 2: angarna (3450)
Seat 3: lucianpan (1620)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
Chrysa6 posts big blind (120)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Kc, Qc]
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 calls 120
XXGumpleXX raises 300 to 300
zico19821 folds
angarna raises 960 to 960
lucianpan raises 1620 to 1620 [all in]
rais50 folds
Chrysa6 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
angarna calls 660
--- Dealing flop [9c, 6s, 6d]
--- Dealing turn [Kd]
--- Dealing river [4c]
Main pot: 3780 won by angarna (3780)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7200), net: -120
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3585), net: -120
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (5800), net: -300
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 2: angarna (5610), net: +2160, [Tc, Th] (TWO_PAIR TEN, SIX)
Seat 3: lucianpan (0), net: -1620, [As, Qs] (PAIR SIX)
Seat 4: rais50 (8885)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-55 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-54 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:26:46 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 3
Players in round: 9
Seat 4: rais50 (3220)
Seat 5: Bellcra (485)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7320)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (6355)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6100)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: Aek101 (2530)
Seat 3: lucianpan (1620)
rais50 posts small blind (60)
Bellcra posts big blind (120)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [Th, 6d]
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 raises 240 to 240
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Aek101 raises 2530 to 2530 [all in]
lucianpan folds
rais50 calls 2470
Bellcra calls 365 [all in]
trivial1 calls 2290
--- Dealing flop [8d, 9c, 8s]
rais50 checks
trivial1 checks
--- Dealing turn [7d]
rais50 checks
trivial1 checks
--- Dealing river [As]
rais50 bets 120
trivial1 calls 120
Main pot: 1940 won by rais50 (1940)
Side pot 1: 6135 won by rais50 (6135)
Side pot 2: 240 won by rais50 (240)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 4: rais50 (8885), net: +5665, [Ac, Kh] (TWO_PAIR ACE, EIGHT)
Seat 5: Bellcra (0), net: -485
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7320)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (3705), net: -2650
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6100)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: Aek101 (0), net: -2530
Seat 3: lucianpan (1620)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-54 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-53 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:26:32 GMT+0200 2010
Table: Table #21 [88258733] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC)
User: XXGumpleXX
Button: seat 2
Players in round: 9
Seat 3: lucianpan (1680)
Seat 4: rais50 (3160)
Seat 5: Bellcra (485)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7320)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (6355)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6100)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: Aek101 (2530)
lucianpan posts small blind (60)
rais50 posts big blind (120)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to XXGumpleXX: [6s, Ah]
Bellcra folds
Chrysa6 folds
Vag3lis13 folds
trivial1 folds
XXGumpleXX folds
zico19821 folds
Aek101 folds
lucianpan folds
Main pot: 120 won by rais50 (120)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 3: lucianpan (1620), net: -60
Seat 4: rais50 (3220), net: +60
Seat 5: Bellcra (485)
Seat 6: Chrysa6 (7320)
Seat 7: Vag3lis13 (2440)
Seat 8: trivial1 (6355)
Seat 9: XXGumpleXX (6100)
Seat 10: zico19821 (2070)
Seat 1: Aek101 (2530)
***** End of hand T5-88258733-53 *****

***** History for hand T5-88258733-52 (TOURNAMENT: "$3,500 NL Holdem", R-440-475, buy-in: $11) *****
Start hand: Sun Oct 10 22:25:25 GMT+0200 2010

11-10-2010 08:16 #12| 0

Øv - Jeg har sendt 22$ - Passer det ift at vi så har det samme?

11-10-2010 08:16 #13| 0

Øv - Jeg har sendt 22$ - Passer det ift at vi så har det samme?

11-10-2010 12:06 #14| 0

du har sendt, 0,45$ for meget :) men ellers så ja

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