Sng/Tour stake for Brochere

#1| 0

Jeg har fået 700$ af Brochere som jeg skal få til at yngle. Der må spilles 13/26$ 90-mands KO sngs samt. tours op til 26$.

Dealen er 50/50 efter stakeback.

Sngs - 90mands KO

16/8 - 2010
2 sngs spillet - +537$

17/8 - 2010
33 sngs spillet - +297$

18/8 - 2010
21 sngs spillet - -276$

19/8 - 2010
17 sngs spillet - +25


16/8 - 2010
3$+(9.3$) - 0$
26$ - 42k - 0$
26$ - 33k - 0$
11$ - 10k - 0$
11$ - 10k - 0$
22$ - 200k - 520$

17/8 - 2010
11$ - 10k - 0$
26$ - 42k - 0$

18/8 - 2010
6.5$ - 0$
26$ - 42k - 0$
26$ - 33k - 0$
26$ - 28k - 0$
11$ - 15k - 0$

19/8 - 2010
26$ - 32k - 0$

Start BR: 700$

Running BR: 1.601$

15-08-2010 10:18 #2| 0

gl sir - fed deal

15-08-2010 12:50 #3| 0

Flyvende start!

15-08-2010 13:02 #4| 0

Flot start :-)

15-08-2010 17:03 #5| 0

God start mate !

15-08-2010 17:49 #6| 0

Fedt med sådan en start - GL

16-08-2010 07:13 #7| 0

Ikke mange chancer man får i livet for at gå hele vejen i sådan en her tour og så sker dette med 27 tilbage, ØV.

Full Tilt Poker Game #23120544033: The $200K Double Deuce (175367544), Table 235 - 17000/34000 Ante 4000 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:06:07 ET - 2010/08/16
Seat 1: atzektm (964,992)
Seat 2: Sprokkelaar (596,320)
Seat 3: phoenixtsk (709,668)
Seat 5: M CORLEONE (1,629,203)
Seat 6: Mystical_Horse (992,824)
Seat 7: KRab42 (612,253)
Seat 8: FckMyLifeObv (574,025)
atzektm antes 4,000
Sprokkelaar antes 4,000
phoenixtsk antes 4,000
M CORLEONE antes 4,000
Mystical_Horse antes 4,000
KRab42 antes 4,000
FckMyLifeObv antes 4,000
Sprokkelaar posts the small blind of 17,000
phoenixtsk posts the big blind of 34,000
The button is in seat #1
cora_girl88 (Observer): macht ihr 50 /50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Mystical_Horse [Ac As]
Mystical_Horse raises to 68,000
KRab42 has 15 seconds left to act
KRab42 raises to 608,253, and is all in
FckMyLifeObv folds
atzektm raises to 960,992, and is all in
Sprokkelaar folds
phoenixtsk folds
Mystical_Horse calls 892,992
atzektm shows [Kd Kc]
Mystical_Horse shows [Ac As]
FckMyLifeObv: genau
KRab42 shows [4d 4s]
*** FLOP *** [2h Js Ks]
*** TURN *** [2h Js Ks] [3h]
*** RIVER *** [2h Js Ks 3h] [4h]
atzektm shows three of a kind, Kings
Mystical_Horse shows a pair of Aces
atzektm wins the side pot (705,478) with three of a kind, Kings
KRab42 shows three of a kind, Fours
atzektm wins the main pot (1,903,759) with three of a kind, Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,609,237 Main pot 1,903,759. Side pot 705,478. | Rake 0
Board: [2h Js Ks 3h 4h]
Seat 1: atzektm (button) showed [Kd Kc] and won (2,609,237) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 2: Sprokkelaar (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: phoenixtsk (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: M CORLEONE folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Mystical_Horse showed [Ac As] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 7: KRab42 showed [4d 4s] and lost with three of a kind, Fours
Seat 8: FckMyLifeObv folded before the Flop

16-08-2010 20:39 #8| 0

Bump for tours og sngs.

17-08-2010 03:04 #9| 0

2k$ BR rundet efter en fin session sngs.

17-08-2010 04:13 #10| 0


17-08-2010 05:47 #11| 0

wp, satme synd med dine esser i 22$eren.

18-08-2010 03:35 #12| 0

Forfærdelig dag. Nede 381$.

18-08-2010 17:31 #13| 0

omfg med AA i den 22$ tour... hvor er det bittert mate!

ellers GL, og WP!

19-08-2010 07:09 #14| 0

Endnu en helt igennem forfærdelig aften med alle de former for beats man kunne ønske sig.

20-08-2010 16:21 #15| 0

Bump for nogen tours.

20-08-2010 18:35 #16| 0

Kører utrolig dårligt i tours lige pt, så holder mig til sngs hverdagene og spiller tours om søndagen.

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