Ved godt der lige har været en ligende sag, men må simpelthen ud med det.
Modtog forleden et brev, hvor der lå en kort i ang. en no deposit bonus - gad ikke rigtigt, men hey.
Jeg signer op og får fat i "Phillipe" i chatten, hvor jeg spørger lidt ind til bonusen. Viser sig det er 10€ der skal spilles fri 30 gange. fair deal, tænker jeg og spiller slots. Ja, så sker der det jeg vinder små 500€ og ville høre hvor meget jeg mangler for at spille fri, kontakter Phillipe igen og fortæller mig der kun er spillet 1/6 fri. Fuck it, jeg giver max gas på en automat, og drysser lidt, men da bonussen er fri er der 317.95€ igen. Jeg har så nogle problemer med udbetaling og kontakter igen chatten :
You are now chatting with Monika
Monika: Hi , I'm Monika from the All Slots Casino's Live Chat support, how may I assist you?
Me: hey - i am making a with draw, but iam insecure of some thinks - first off all, is it possibel to cash out to a Mastercard? If not i will make a banktransfer, bu i am not sure what "Holding Branch" is?
Monika: We can not allocate withdrawals to mastercard
Monika: According to the withdrawal policy, withdrawals are allocated to the deposit method if possible
Me: i havent deposit, i was playing on a "10 free bonus" i recivde on the mail
Monika: please select check and fill in the required information
Me: so i cant make a bank transfer?
Monika: According to teh withdrawal policy and since you have not made a deposit yet, the withdrawal will be sent to you by check
Me: okay, in DKK or €?
Monika: A bank transfer is not possible
Monika: Your account is in Danish Korona
Me: ok
Monika: Allow me a moment please
Me: just to make sure, i have 317.95€ on my account?
Monika: at tis time you have 317.95 korona in your account
Monika: As your account is in Korona
Me: there is nothing called korona
Monika: Danish Korona
Monika: Danish Krona
Me: I was chatting with Phillip and he told i will recive my bonus in € - i recived my 10 € bonus, and played i up in 317,95 - so i hope you guys didint change it to Danish Kroner.
Monika: The 10 free is given in accordance with the account currency
Monika: since the account in Danish Krona, so is the bonus you received and your winnings are in the same currency too
Me: well, can you please chek my chat history, i was asking eailer and was told it was in €
Me: It even said so in the card/letter i recived from you, its in £/$/€
Monika: Yes its in accordance with the currency of your account. Your account was credited with 10 Danish Krona since the account you registered is in this currency, all balances are in this currency also
Monika: If you had opened your account in euro then the 10 bonus would be in euro and your balance would be in euro
Monika: You have 317.95 Danish Krona which you can withdraw by check at this time
Me: well then your company and this Phillipe are lies, do you even know who much 10DKK is worth?
Me: I would like to spech with Phillipe
Monika: That agent is not available at this time, this is a free bonus offered to our players in the currency of their account
Me: So you spend money sending a letter all the way to Denmark, make me make an account, play for hours, for a bonus at 1,5€ - i simply don´t beliveve that, i just think you would scam me, this make no sence at all
Me: can you please send me my chat history?
Monika: Sir, since this is a free bonus no scam here i assure you
Monika: It is not technically possible to have a bonus is euro on an account registered in Danish Krona
Monika: You may copy paste the chat into a word document and save it at your convenience
Me: I would like my chat history for the chat i had with phillipe
Monika: This must have been a misunderstanding,however the bonus in your account is in Danish Krona, we can not credit your account with any additional amount since its not eligible for any free bonuses at this time
Me: hmmm, sound very very strange. Do you have a supervisor i can speech with?
Monika: The supervisor approved all my responses to you and is aware of the details of the issue
Monika: you may send an email with any additional comments you may have
Monika: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
Me: just leave lady
Monika: It’s been a pleasure to assist you. Please remember that our Support Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you with any question or problem you may have. Goodbye
Thank you for using our live chat service. Your current chat session has now ended.
Ved godt der ikke er en skid at gøre, ville bare advarer andre om ikke at bruge 4 timer for 10kr.
Snydt af :-)
i det mindste var det ikke lire : O)
Me: there is nothing called korona
Monika: Danish Korona
Monika: Danish Krona
ahahahahha. Nøj jeg grinte...
Oh-my... Der er intet du kan gøre hvis det står i betingelserne.. Og jeg tror de er ligeglade med pokernets reaktion :)
Jeg har svært ved at se, hvad problemet er...
Skulle det faktum, at du har misforstået bonussen, gøre sitet til et scamsite?
Jeg har set mange eksempler, på lige netop sådan en $/€/£ bonus. Bonussen er netop gældende i den valuta man har sin account i.
Jeg synes hun yder en fin service, idet hun tilbyder en withdrawal til check.
Monika: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
Me: just leave lady
Underholdende chat. Sry du blev semisvanset, men 300 Koronaer er da også money :)
Mener absolut ikke mig der har misforstået noget, altså jeg får en bonus i € - spiller min bonus fri og op i 317 - at de så på det tidspunkt vælger at lave det om til korona er sgu for tyndt, hvad hvis jeg havde boet i Letland, havde jeg så fået 317 lettiske penge som er langt mere vær end Korona og €?
Sgu ikke meget scam over det her... Ikke udfra det vi har set her anyway.
Er jeg den eneste der fik sygt lyst til sådan en basse her?
Haha, nice chatlog.
Hvor mange DKK blev der indsat på din konto? ~75 eller 10?
du sejler pygmæ
lol de her "scam" bonustråde er mine nye favoritter. Der er altid så mange guldkorn imellem:
Me: just leave lady
Monika: It’s been a pleasure to assist you.
SørenSnegl skrev:
Me: just leave lady
Monika: It’s been a pleasure to assist you.
Tror du hun sidder med et lille smil på læben? :)
Log ind igen og spil lidt videre.
Tjek hvilken valuta du spiller i.
Viser casinoet XXX EURO laver du et screendump og sender til sitet.
Altså hvis de har sat 10 kr. ind til at starte med, har du jo været opmærksom på du har spillet i koronaer ikk?
Hvis de har sat 10 euro ind og derefter konvertet dem til danske koronaer, mener jeg også det er svans, men det er ikke tilfældet som jeg læser det. Det er self shaddy men hvad kan man snart forvente.
Inden jeg starter med at spille kontakter jeg "Phillipe" fra deres chat system og spørger ind til bonussen, han bekræfter det er euro jeg spiller i. Der står intet sted at det er DKK, da jeg så skal Withdraw finder jeg ud af det er i danske - det kort jeg modtog med posten stod at jeg ville modtage i £/$/€.
Kristiandali skrev:
du sejler pygmæ
Nej, jeg kører. Men du mente nok i overført betydning? :0)
ja så er det frækt, men tror også bare du skal lade det være, der kommer intet konstruktivt ud af det. Lav en raket i stedet!