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#1| 0

Næsten færdig med SSO, men da jeg ikke er nogen haj inden for engelsk vil jeg gerne have at i lige tjecker det igennem.
Blandt andet siger den ved 'do an analyse', at det skal hedde 'do an analyst'.

Håber i vil hjælpe (:

This study is about the film “Fightclub” filmed by David Fincher after the book with the same name by Palahniuk. The purpose is to make a resume of the film, do an analyse with special attention on the two principal characters, investigate the effects of the film, and at last argue whether it belongs to the genre: thriller, fairy tale or psychological story of development. The resume was done by seeing the film several times, making notes and at last describe the story shortly with the most important details. The analyse was made by comparing the two characters with each other pointing at specific scenes in the film, and the discussion about the kind of genre was performed by checking the ingredients that has to be present in each of them, and then find and prove evidences of belonging or not to the specific genre. The conclusion is that the two men change from being very different to nearly similar ending with the total separation, and that the film belongs to the genres thriller and psychological story of development but not fairy tale.

28-11-2009 19:09 #2| 0

Vil sige "make an analysis".
istedet formaking notes - skriv taking notes.

28-11-2009 19:19 #3| 0

This study is about the film "Fight Club" directed by David Fincher after Palahniuk's (indsæt gerne fornavn) book by the same name. The purpose of the study is to make a summary of the film, do an analysis with special attention on the two principal characters. Furthermore this study investigates the effects of the film and argues what genre the film belongs in.

The summary was done by watching the film several times, taking notes and then writing down the most important details as brief as possible.

The analysis consists of a comparison of the two principal characters by looking at specific instances in the film.

The discussion on the genre was made by comparing the ingredients necessary to belong in either genre and then trying to find them in the film.

The conclusion is that the two characters start out as being very different, but end up being very similar. (With the total seperation skal uddybes - det giver ingen mening - intet er indforstået i et abstract) And the study found conclusive evidence that the film belongs both in the thriller genre and psychological story of development genre, but is not a fairy tale.

Fight Club er i 2 ord (som alle sammensatte navneord på engelsk)
Instrueret = Directed
Skriv forfatterens fornavn, det er jo ikke Mozart vi snakker om her
Seeing = Er principielt korrekt, men watch er bedre
Du overkomplicerer din arbejdsprocess i forhold til at skrive et resume, altså sig bare "I watched the film, took notes and made the summary based on my observations"
At last = Endelig - Overvej brugen
Resume = CV - Summary er det ord du leder efter.
Analyse = Analysis
Du skriver rigtig LANGE sætninger
Du undlader subjekt rigtig ofte (implicit subjekt er ikke fedt i en tekst som denne)
Pas på fordanskning!

Brug ovenstående til inspiration, jeg er ikke engelsk-lærer så jeg kan have lavet fejl :-)

28-11-2009 19:26 #4| 0

The analyse was made by comparing the two characters with each other pointing at specific scenes in the film, and the discussion about the kind of genre was performed by checking the ingredients that has to be present in each of them


Ikke sikker på, at den er så god. Evt. skift til characteristics eller lign.


Da ingredients er flertal skal det efterfølgende verbum naturligvis bøjes derefter. Has = Have.

and that the film belongs to the genres thriller and psychological story of development but not fairy tale.

Ikke sikker på, at jeg forstår sætningen helt, men såfremt du skal snakke om genrens-et eller andet, så brug of-genitiv, f.eks. the story of Poker i stedet for Poker's story. '-genitiv bruges mest om mennesker og højere stillet væsener/dyr.

Det var lige mine 5 cent :)

28-11-2009 19:43 #5| 0

Ser super godt ud drenge ! (:

KBB - nu har jeg skrevet fightclub i et ord igennem hele opgaven, det gjorde jeg fordi at fightclub er skrevet i et ord i min opgaveformulering fra min lærer. Bør jeg stadig ændre det?

28-11-2009 19:54 #6| 0

Imo ja.

28-11-2009 20:13 #7| 0

Der er SJÆLDENT commaer i engelsk.

ALLLLLT for mange i denne tekst

28-11-2009 20:39 #8| 0

Ikke skrap til engelsk, men et skud alligevel.

This study is about the film “Fight Club”, which is directed by David Fincher and based on the book of the same name by [fornavn] Palahniuk.
The purpose of the study is to make a summary of the film, to carry out an analysis with special focus on the two principal characters, to investigate the effects in* the film, and finally to argue to which of these three genres the film might belong: 'thriller', 'fairy tale', and 'psychological story of development'.
The summary was made by watching the film several times while taking notes and then trying to describe the story briefly while including the most important details.
The analysis was made by comparing the two principal characters by pointing at specific scenes in the film, and the discussion on genre was performed by first analysing the characteristics of each of the genres and then by trying to find and prove these characteristics in the film.
The conclusion is that the two men change from being very different to almost similar [ending with the total separation**], and that the film belongs to these two genres: 'thriller' and 'psychological story of development', but the film is not a 'fairy tale'.

*Det er vel de indre effekter, du mener, ikke f.eks filmens effekt på omverden.
**Forstår jeg ikke.

28-11-2009 20:44 #9| 0



Mht. ** så mener jeg at jeg-fortælleren og Tyler i starten er vidt forskellige, bliver mere og mere ens, men da jeg-fortælleren finder ud af at han selv er Tyler, kæmper han imod fantasi-Tyler og skyder sig selv (og derved dræber fantasi-Tyler).

Gav det mening? (:

28-11-2009 20:51 #10| 0

Hmm ved jeg ikke rigtigt, men jeg har heller ikke set filmen.

28-11-2009 20:53 #11| 0

Hm, kan ikke rigtigt forklare den bedre.
MEN SE DEN, den er kanon (: ! ! !

Tak for hjælpen, pisse dejligt.

28-11-2009 21:07 #12| 0

OP se evt her ;)



29-11-2009 01:47 #13| 0


Fight Club vil altid være 2 ord, så hæv lige niveauet over din lærer og lav det ordentligt :-)

29-11-2009 01:54 #14| 0

Film? Ville man ikke sige movie? Eller er det bare mig?

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