Søger svar (PokerStars Support)

#1| 0

Har fået denne mail fra dem - såvidt jeg forstår snakker de om noget multi account?
Vil gerne detaljeret høre hvad de mener.

På forhånd tak. :)


An issue has come up with accounts related to yours which appear to have been used as duplicate accounts. PokerStars policy on player's with more than one account is very straight forward as no player is allowed to have more than one account.

Please note that the fact that you are receiving this e-mail may mean that your account is simply a by passer who is simply related by method of payment/hardware or one of the accounts involved. Before we can make a conclusion we need to verify your identity and we need to ask you to help us by fully cooperating with our investigation. It is the least we expect from our players since the Integrity of the Game is a matter that concerns all of us.

As part of the investigation process your account and those considered linked to the case have been temporarily frozen. Before we can consider reinstating your account we will need to verify your account's information.

In order to verify your identity we ask that you provide us with the following documents:

a) A clear photocopy of your driver's license or other government issued photo ID (front and back)

b) A clear photocopy of your most recent Utility Bill(phone, gas, water etc.) or Bank Statementshowing your name, address and statement date

Please make sure to include your User ID if sending the documents via fax and that:

* The copies are clear and legible (400 dpi+ recommended).* The copies include the full document (bill/pay stubs, folded papers, covered information and partial sections are not accepted).* Email attachments do not exceed 5 MB and are in JPEG (.jpg) format. If you do not have access to a scanner, we will accept digital photos of the documents providing they meet the requirements above.

This can be forwarded to us by Email as an attachment, or by fax to Costa Rica.

Our fax number is:
Attn: Game Security Department
Fax: (US/Canada) 1-888-203-2429
(alternate/other) +506-2295-6877

As a general rule and without implying any wrong doing, players under investigation should not attempt to bypass the restrictions imposed. As a preventive measure we ask that during the time of the investigation you do not allow any other account to login to your computer and clearly that you do not create any duplicates or use other user's account as it will be considered an attempt to bypass the restrictions imposed and may lead to the permanent block of your access to the site.

Accounts found playing on your main computers will be frozen and requested to provide verification documents in order to reinstate them. We will proceed with our investigation once the requested documents are provided.

Wilbert S.PokerStars Game Security &
Multiple Accounts Specialist

26-08-2009 12:17 #2| 0

Yep, de mistænker dig for at multi-accounte, nok fordi i er flere i hustanden der spiller.

''a) A clear photocopy of your driver's license or other government issued photo ID (front and back)

b) A clear photocopy of your most recent Utility Bill(phone, gas, water etc.) or Bank Statementshowing your name, address and statement date''

det skal du sende også burde det være ude af verden

med mindre du ikke har rent mel i posen, men det ved du vel bedst selv om du har :)

26-08-2009 12:17 #3| 0
Please note that the fact that you are receiving this e-mail may mean that your account is simply a by passer who is simply related by method of payment/hardware or one of the accounts involved.

Han skriver jo ikke hvor vidt det er dig, eller en konto der har været logget på din IP, eller en konto du transfervise har været i kontakt med der er under mistanke.

Der er vel ikke meget andet at gøre end at få shippet noget ID, og måske i den forbindelse prøve at få lokket lidt mere info ud af dem

26-08-2009 12:20 #4| 0


To af mine venners kontis er også blevet lukket, vi sidder på skole netværk og spiller engang imellem og en af mine venner har været logget ind på hans account hjemme fra mig af..

Bare irriterende at skulle smække ID ind når det er en misforståelse og når de sikkert er så pisse langsomme at de ikke når det til i aften, hvor jeg reelt havde an aftale. :-(

Men tak for hjælpen, må jo bare få shippet det ID og så spille videre..


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