Stake rail VonMC vol 1 med lille FT

#1| 0

Så er vi snart igang igen, efter at FTP holdt penge tilbage et par år :-)

vi spiller mtt på et par forskellige sites 0 - 11 € er planen

stakeback er 250 $

Rullen er 420 $

Der vil blive spillet på Danske spil , Bet365 og Pokerstars

04.Feb start rulle 420 $ , slut rulle 583,17 $ : +163 $
07.Feb start rulle 583,17 $ , slut rulle 585,72 $ : + 2 $
14.Feb start rulle 585,72 $ , slut rulle 583,82 $ : - 1,90 $
16.Feb start rulle 583,82 , slut rulle 713,77 $ : + 129,95 $
17.Feb start rulle 713,77 $ , slut rulle 711,50 $ : - 2,27 $
21.Feb start rulle 711,50 $ , slut rulle 683,97 $ : - 27,53 $
22.Feb start rulle 683,97 $ , slut rulle 639,97 : - 44 $
23+24.Feb start rulle 639,97 $ , slut rulle 564,32 $ : - 75,65 $
25.Feb start rulle 564,32 , slut rulle 473,12 $ : - 91,20 $
27.Feb start rulle 473,12 $ , slut rulle 455,29 $ : - 17,83 $
01.Marts start rulle 455,29 $ , slut rulle 418,69 $ : - 36,60 $
03.Marts start rulle 418,69 $, slut rulle $ :
Redigeret af HomeMade d. 03-03-2013 16:39
02-02-2013 09:43 #2| 0
04.Feb - rulle 420 $ :

Danske spil

kl 11.30 - 500 $ gtd - 6 $
1 Pause 5520 , avg 3428
2 Pause 7170 , avg 7685
Exit nr 82/228 - 99 vs KK

kl 12.15 - 250 $ gtd - 3 $
1 Pause 9095 , avg 5064
2 Pause 22260 , avg 11380
3 Pause 10540 , avg 17787
4 Pause 62821 , avg 34142
5 Pause 201380 , avg 102428 ( 1/7 )

Exit nr 1/238 - gevinst 150,20 $ - Ship
kl 13.15 - 1000 $ gtd rebuy 1+4 = 5 $
1 Pause 8500 , avg 9000
2 Pause 7075 , avg 13016
Exit nr 231/541 - hus vs hus 44 vs 66 på 2264x bord

kl 19.45 - 1500 $ gtd 6 max - 6 $
Exit nr 155 - AK vs KK vs TT

Kl 21.00 - 3 k $ gtd - 11 $
1 Pause 3205 , avg 4295
2 Pause 8150 , avg 9385
Exit nr 99/341 - QQ vs AJ

PokerStars :

kl 20.00 - The Big 60 k gtd - 11 $
1 Pause 6647 , avg 4502
2 Pause 8567 , avg 8445
3 Pause 26040 , avg 21536
4 Pause 99614 , avg 52673
5 Pause 87339 , avg 119559

Exit nr 143/10043 - Gevinst 64,27 $
kl 20.00 - 3 k gtd PLO rebuy - 9,3 $
Exit nr 235

07.Feb - Rulle 583,17 $


kl 17.00 - 1500 $ gtd - 6 $
1 Pause 2190 , avg 7245
Exit nr 296

kl 17.30 - 6000 $ gtd - 12 $
1 Pause 1950 , avg 3845
2 Pause 4625 , avg 9000
3 Pause 3735 , avg 15500
exit nr 186

kl 17.45 - 2000 $ gtd rebuy 3 + 6 $ = 9 $
1 Pause 10040 , avg 9170
2 Pause 3377 , avg 16600
exit nr 130

kl 18.15 - 1000 $ gtd - 6 $
exit nr 171 - KK vs 9T vs QJ - bord TTAJJ


kl 17.00 - The big 25 k gtd - 8,8 $
1 Pause 9410 , avg 4528
2 Pause 8126 , avg 8246
3 Pause 20600 , avg 21800
4 Pause 73712 , avg 56886
5 Pause 65062 , avg 121546 - sick kortdød

Exit nr 124/6523 - Gevinst 44,35 $

14 Feb 585,72 $

Danske Spil

Kl 20.45 - 3000 $ gtd rebuy - 9 $

Exit nr 31 - Gevinst 17,10 $ TT vs QQ
Kl 21.00 - Pokerchefen - 10 $
Exit nr 21

16.Feb 583,82

Danske Spil

kl 12.15 - 250 $ gtd - 3 $
Exit nr 167

kl 12.45 - Kval til 300 k gtd sunday rebuy - 9 $
Exit nr 19

kl 13.15 - 1 k $ gtd rebuy - 1 + 6 = 7$
Exit nr 4/627 - Gevinst 99,97 $
kl 13.30 - 1500 $ gtd - 6 $
Exit nr 160


kl 12.00 - 5 k gtd turbo - 11 $
Exit nr 14/745 - Gevinst 69,28 $
kl 12.30 - the hot 6 k gtd - 3,3 $
Exit nr 2834

17.Feb 713,77 $

Danske Spil

kl 10.30 - 500 $ gtd turbo - 11 $
Exit nr 66
kl 11.30 - 500 $ gtd - 6 $
Exit nr 139

kl 17.45 - 2 k gtd rebuy - 9 $
Exit nr 56/458 - Gevinst 12,54 $
kl 17.50 - Sat til 108 $ tour - 11 $
Exit nr 19

kl 18.00 - 1250 $ gtd rebuy - 1 + 3 = 4 $
Exit nr 402/752

kl 18.30 - 10 k gtd rebuy - 6 + 12 = 18 $
Exit nr 746/912


kl 10.30 - The Hot 8 k gtd - 2,2 $
Exit nr 2053

kl 11.15 - 3 k gtd - 8,8 $
Exit nr 250/500

kl 12.00 - 5 k gtd turbo - 11 $
Exit nr 426

kl 18.30 - The Hotter 50 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 2308/10418

kl 19.30 - Sunday Storm 300 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 28094

kl 19.45 - SM kval 100 seats gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 3018

kl 20.00 - The Big 120 k gtd - 11 $
7 Pause 452 k , avg 240 k 25/241

Exit nr 118/19831 - Gevinst 108,19 $

Redigeret af HomeMade d. 18-02-2013 04:18
02-02-2013 09:43 #3| 0
21.Feb.2013 711,50 $

Danske Spil

kl 19.30 - 1 k $ gtd turbo - 3 $
Exit nr 258

kl 19.45 - 1,5 k gtd speed 6 max - 6 $
Exit nr 57 - Gevinst 8,97 $


kl 19.30 - The hot 25 k gtd - 16,5 $
Exit nr 2463

kl 20.00 - The Big 60 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 1718

22.Feb 683,97

Danske Spil

kl 19.30 - 1 k gtd turbo - 3 $
Exit nr 103/540

kl 19.45 - 1500 $ gtd - 6 $
Exit nr 265

kl 20.00 - 10 k gtd rebuy - 6 + 6 $ = 12 $
Exit nr 393/895

kl 20.45 - 3 k gtd $ rebuy - 3 + 9 = 12 $
Exit nr 396/582

kl 21.00 - 3 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 142

23.Feb 639,97 $

kl 07.45 - 1000 $ gtd speed - 11 $
Exit nr 33/84

kl 08.00 - 500 $ gtd - 6 $
Exit nr 82

kl 08.45 - 250 $ gtd speed - 3 $
Exit nr 55

24.Feb 619,97 $


kl 18.30 - the hot 50 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 1047/10529 - gevinst 21,05 $
kl 19.30 - Sunday storm - 11 $
Exit nr

kl 20.00 - The big 120 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr

kl 20.17 - Pokernet SM kval - 7,7 $
exit nr 90

Danske Spil

kl 20.00 - 10 k gtd rebuy - 6 + 12 = 18 $
Exit nr 244/668

kl 20.00 - 20 k gtd rebuy - 6 + 12 = 18 $
Exit nr 439/1296

25.Feb 564,32


kl 18.30 - The Hot 25 k gtd - 11 $
Exit 2892

kl 19.30 - The hot 25 k gtd - 16,5 $
Exit 1865

kl 20.00 - the big 60 k gtd - 11 $
Exit 47xx

kl 20.17 - PN SM kval - 7,70 $
Exit 31

Danske Spil

kl 18.30 - 10 k gtd rebuy - 6 + 12 = 18 $
Exit nr 300/726 - so f sick

kl 19.30 - 1 k gtd turbo - 3 $
exit nr 305/549

kl 19.45 - 1500 gtd - 6 $
exit nr 47/389

kl 20.00 - 10 k gtd rebuy - 6 + 12 = 18 $
exit nr 258/770

Redigeret af HomeMade d. 25-02-2013 22:42
02-02-2013 09:44 #4| 0
27.Feb 473,12 $

Danske Spil

Kl 19.30 - 1000 $ gtd turbo - 3 $
Exit nr 32 - Gevinst 7,57 $


kl 19.30 - The Hot 25 k gtd - 16,5 $
Exit nr 2100

kl 19.45 - 10 k gtd turbo - 2,20 $
Exit nr 2500

kl 20.00 - The big 60 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 4200 KK vs 76s

Kl 20.17 - PN SM kval - 7,70 $
Exit nr 11 - Gevinst 15 $

01.Marts 455,29 $

Danske Spil

kl 08.45 - 250 $ gtd speed - 3 $
Exit nr 74/174

kl 09.30 - 250 $ gtd - 3 $
Exit nr 126


kl 08.45 - 1 k $ gtd hyper turbo - 5,1 $
Exit nr 223/544

kl 09.00 - 2500 $ gtd turbo - 2,2 $
Exit nr 868

kl 09.00 - 4 k $ gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 325

kl 09.15 - 7 k $ gtd 2xturbo rebuy - 12,30 $
Exit nr 580

Redigeret af HomeMade d. 01-03-2013 10:31
02-02-2013 09:44 #5| 0
03.Marts 418,69 $


kl 18.30 - The Hot 50 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 7777

kl 19.30 - The Hot 50 k gtd - 16,5 $
Exit nr 6318

kl 19.30 - Sunday storm 300 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 10943/50122

kl 20.00 - The Big 120 k gtd - 11 $
Exit nr 2178/24176 - gevinst 24,17 $

Ny Rulle 393,36 $
Redigeret af HomeMade d. 13-03-2013 18:08
04-02-2013 11:04 #6| 0

Regner med at starte op på DS i dag, skal lige have tjekket deres program igennem

04-02-2013 12:02 #7| 0

Vi takker

Hand Information
, 40 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: onlyvizard13 ($4199)
Seat 2: moguai88 ($2830)
Seat 3: roguetrader ($4671) Dealer
Seat 4: wabbits111 ($2930) Small Blind
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($3020) Big Blind
Seat 6: nuckel888 ($3400)
Seat 7: redseal ($2040)
Seat 9: l1ttle_fish ($3530)
Seat 10: fakelvrn ($3100)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $60)
nuckel888: RAISE $80
redseal: CALL $80
l1ttle_fish: FOLD
fakelvrn: FOLD
onlyvizard13: FOLD
moguai88: CALL $80
roguetrader: FOLD
wabbits111: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $320
nuckel888: FOLD
redseal: CALL $280
moguai88: CALL $280

Flop(Pot: $1180)

homemade1971: BET $760
redseal: CALL $760
moguai88: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $2700)

homemade1971: CHECK
redseal: BET $320
homemade1971: ALL-IN
redseal: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $980

River(Pot: $5520)

redseal shows

homemade1971 shows


04-02-2013 12:43 #8| 0
Hand Information
, 120 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: s_aleksandr ($3375)
Seat 2: moguai88 ($9439)
Seat 3: roguetrader ($4021)
Seat 4: wabbits111 ($2325)
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($4770) Dealer
Seat 6: lada1981 ($3390) Small Blind
Seat 7: jassyjeff ($11034) Big Blind
Seat 8: anders441 ($2895)
Seat 9: l1ttle_fish ($6775)
Seat 10: fakelvrn ($7780)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $180)
anders441: FOLD
l1ttle_fish: FOLD
fakelvrn: FOLD
s_aleksandr: FOLD
moguai88: CALL $120
roguetrader: CALL $120
wabbits111: CALL $120
homemade1971: RAISE $700
lada1981: FOLD
jassyjeff: FOLD
moguai88: CALL $580
roguetrader: FOLD
wabbits111: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $1820)

moguai88: BET $480
homemade1971: RAISE $1480
moguai88: CALL $1000

Turn(Pot: $4780)

moguai88: BET $2640
homemade1971: ALL-IN
moguai88: RETURN $50

River(Pot: $10010)

moguai88 shows

homemade1971 shows

homemade1971 wins the sid pot : $0
homemade1971wins the main pot : $10010

04-02-2013 12:47 #9| 0
Hand Information
, 40 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: luks_y ($2680)
Seat 2: pivas_x ($2265)
Seat 3: homemade1971 ($3890)
Seat 4: pokers33 ($5420)
Seat 5: taksopes ($2950)
Seat 6: km887 ($5950)
Seat 7: pomik2014 ($2410) Dealer
Seat 8: i am second ($2760) Small Blind
Seat 9: pittbull77 ($3180) Big Blind
Seat 10: francineggg ($4115)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $60)
francineggg: FOLD
luks_y: FOLD
pivas_x: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $120
pokers33: CALL $120
taksopes: FOLD
km887: FOLD
pomik2014: CALL $120
i am second: FOLD
pittbull77: CALL $80

Flop(Pot: $500)

pittbull77: CHECK
homemade1971: BET $275
pokers33: FOLD
pomik2014: CALL $275
pittbull77: CALL $275

Turn(Pot: $1325)

pittbull77: CHECK
homemade1971: BET $695
pomik2014: FOLD
pittbull77: CALL $695

River(Pot: $2715)

pittbull77: CHECK
homemade1971: BET $800
pittbull77: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $1290

homemade1971 shows

pittbull77 shows

04-02-2013 13:03 #10| 0

jaja DS kan osse det med de grimme hænder

Hand Information
, 150 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: s_aleksandr ($3330)
Seat 2: moguai88 ($3949)
Seat 3: simsalabim999 ($1035)
Seat 4: wabbits111 ($2790)
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($7170)
Seat 6: lada1981 ($6180)
Seat 7: jassyjeff ($11079) Dealer
Seat 8: anders441 ($1755) Small Blind
Seat 9: l1ttle_fish ($11246) Big Blind
Seat 10: dave159_ ($17725)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $225)
dave159_: FOLD
s_aleksandr: FOLD
moguai88: FOLD
simsalabim999: ALL-IN
wabbits111: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
lada1981: FOLD
jassyjeff: FOLD
anders441: FOLD
l1ttle_fish: FOLD
homemade1971: RETURN $6135

Flop(Pot: $8430)

Turn(Pot: $8430)

River(Pot: $8430)

simsalabim999 shows

homemade1971 shows

simsalabim999 wins the sid pot : $0
simsalabim999wins the main pot : $8430


04-02-2013 13:06 #11| 0


Hand Information
, 200 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: s_aleksandr ($2990) Dealer
Seat 2: moguai88 ($2309) Small Blind
Seat 3: simsalabim999 ($2255) Big Blind
Seat 4: wabbits111 ($2300)
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($6095)
Seat 6: lada1981 ($6140)
Seat 7: jassyjeff ($13739)
Seat 8: anders441 ($1640)
Seat 9: l1ttle_fish ($10981)
Seat 10: dave159_ ($17810)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $300)
wabbits111: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $500
lada1981: FOLD
jassyjeff: FOLD
anders441: FOLD
l1ttle_fish: FOLD
dave159_: FOLD
s_aleksandr: ALL-IN
moguai88: ALL-IN
s_aleksandr: $681
simsalabim999: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $2470

Flop(Pot: $8469)

Turn(Pot: $8469)

River(Pot: $8469)

homemade1971 shows

s_aleksandr shows

moguai88 shows

moguai88 wins the sid pot : $1362
moguai88wins the main pot : $7107


04-02-2013 13:11 #12| 0

exit nr 82 , 99 vs KK

Hand Information
, 200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: s_aleksandr ($1282)
Seat 2: moguai88 ($8457)
Seat 3: simsalabim999 ($3755)
Seat 4: wabbits111 ($1900)
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($3205)
Seat 6: lada1981 ($5040) Dealer
Seat 7: jassyjeff ($12949) Small Blind
Seat 9: l1ttle_fish ($10881) Big Blind
Seat 10: dave159_ ($18790)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $300)
dave159_: FOLD
s_aleksandr: FOLD
moguai88: FOLD
simsalabim999: FOLD
wabbits111: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $550
lada1981: FOLD
jassyjeff: FOLD
l1ttle_fish: RAISE $1150
homemade1971: ALL-IN
l1ttle_fish: CALL $1835

Flop(Pot: $6490)

Turn(Pot: $6490)

River(Pot: $6490)

l1ttle_fish shows

homemade1971 shows

l1ttle_fish wins the pot: $6490


04-02-2013 14:18 #13| 0

flip tabt

Hand Information
, 250 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: crazzy_eight ($19899) Dealer
Seat 2: speedzg ($10065) Small Blind
Seat 3: tommyth21 ($29083) Big Blind
Seat 4: filipthx ($2160)
Seat 5: leeneilson77 ($3360)
Seat 6: nikaka22 ($9925)
Seat 7: seejay ($7409)
Seat 8: homemade1971 ($21620)
Seat 10: fecsa2010 ($18215)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $375)
filipthx: FOLD
leeneilson77: ALL-IN
nikaka22: FOLD
seejay: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
fecsa2010: FOLD
crazzy_eight: FOLD
speedzg: FOLD
tommyth21: FOLD
homemade1971: RETURN $18260

Flop(Pot: $25355)

Turn(Pot: $25355)

River(Pot: $25355)

leeneilson77 shows

homemade1971 shows

leeneilson77 wins the sid pot : $0
leeneilson77wins the main pot : $25355


04-02-2013 14:37 #14| 0

Fisken rammer sin 5 outter på riven

Hand Information
, 150 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: alex bela 13 ($9470)
Seat 2: daiyor ($23649)
Seat 3: n1ze89 ($10350)
Seat 4: beejee8 ($2445)
Seat 5: rintixxx ($5800)
Seat 6: homemade1971 ($16990)
Seat 7: kekensoon ($9835) Dealer
Seat 8: tobethedance ($17501) Small Blind
Seat 9: sib111 ($12680) Big Blind
Seat 10: pajda10 ($4930)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $225)
pajda10: FOLD
alex bela 13: CALL $150
daiyor: CALL $150
n1ze89: FOLD
beejee8: CALL $150
rintixxx: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $750
kekensoon: FOLD
tobethedance: FOLD
sib111: CALL $600
alex bela 13: CALL $600
daiyor: CALL $600
beejee8: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $3225)

sib111: CHECK
alex bela 13: BET $1612
daiyor: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $1612
sib111: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $6449)

alex bela 13: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $7108

River(Pot: $20665)

alex bela 13 shows

homemade1971 shows

alex bela 13 wins the pot: $20665


04-02-2013 14:46 #15| 0

trap :-)

Hand Information
, 400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: crazzy_eight ($8579)
Seat 2: speedzg ($23680)
Seat 3: tommyth21 ($19078)
Seat 5: leeneilson77 ($7400)
Seat 6: nikaka22 ($7990) Dealer
Seat 7: seejay ($6904) Small Blind
Seat 8: homemade1971 ($12050) Big Blind
Seat 9: mumlek8 ($16122)
Seat 10: fecsa2010 ($34770)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $600)
mumlek8: FOLD
fecsa2010: FOLD
crazzy_eight: FOLD
speedzg: FOLD
tommyth21: FOLD
leeneilson77: FOLD
nikaka22: CALL $400
seejay: FOLD
homemade1971: CHECK

Flop(Pot: $1000)

homemade1971: CHECK
nikaka22: CHECK

Turn(Pot: $1000)

homemade1971: CHECK
nikaka22: CHECK

River(Pot: $1000)

homemade1971: BET $1200
nikaka22: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $6350

homemade1971 shows

nikaka22 shows


04-02-2013 14:46 #16| 0

suget på riven :-(

Hand Information
, 400 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: crazzy_eight ($10339) Small Blind
Seat 2: speedzg ($23520) Big Blind
Seat 3: tommyth21 ($19838)
Seat 5: leeneilson77 ($7240)
Seat 7: seejay ($6544)
Seat 8: homemade1971 ($20200)
Seat 9: mumlek8 ($15362)
Seat 10: fecsa2010 ($33530) Dealer

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $600)
tommyth21: CALL $400
leeneilson77: ALL-IN
seejay: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
mumlek8: FOLD
fecsa2010: FOLD
crazzy_eight: FOLD
speedzg: FOLD
tommyth21: FOLD
homemade1971: RETURN $12960

Flop(Pot: $28440)

Turn(Pot: $28440)

River(Pot: $28440)

leeneilson77 shows

homemade1971 shows

leeneilson77 wins the sid pot : $0
leeneilson77wins the main pot : $28440


04-02-2013 15:17 #17| 0
Hand Information
, 600 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: jenny__wren ($4990)
Seat 2: speedzg ($28909)
Seat 3: tommyth21 ($30964)
Seat 4: melsi90 ($31185)
Seat 5: leeneilson77 ($14340) Dealer
Seat 6: matioks ($20349) Small Blind
Seat 7: seejay ($9708) Big Blind
Seat 8: homemade1971 ($11330)
Seat 9: mumlek8 ($7042)
Seat 10: fecsa2010 ($37960)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $900)
homemade1971: RAISE $1200
mumlek8: FOLD
fecsa2010: FOLD
jenny__wren: FOLD
speedzg: FOLD
tommyth21: FOLD
melsi90: FOLD
leeneilson77: FOLD
matioks: CALL $900
seejay: CALL $600

Flop(Pot: $3600)

matioks: CHECK
seejay: CHECK
homemade1971: BET $2800
matioks: ALL-IN
seejay: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
matioks: RETURN $9019

Turn(Pot: $32879)

River(Pot: $32879)

homemade1971 shows

matioks shows

homemade1971 wins the sid pot : $0
homemade1971wins the main pot : $32879

04-02-2013 15:20 #18| 0

bobbelspil :-)

Hand Information
, 600 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: jenny__wren ($4930)
Seat 2: speedzg ($28849)
Seat 3: tommyth21 ($30904)
Seat 4: melsi90 ($31125)
Seat 5: leeneilson77 ($14280)
Seat 6: matioks ($9019) Dealer
Seat 7: seejay ($8448) Small Blind
Seat 8: homemade1971 ($24340) Big Blind
Seat 9: mumlek8 ($6982)
Seat 10: fecsa2010 ($37900)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $900)
mumlek8: FOLD
fecsa2010: RAISE $1800
jenny__wren: FOLD
speedzg: FOLD
tommyth21: FOLD
melsi90: CALL $1800
leeneilson77: FOLD
matioks: FOLD
seejay: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $1200

Flop(Pot: $5700)

homemade1971: CHECK
fecsa2010: BET $3150
melsi90: RAISE $7300
homemade1971: ALL-IN
fecsa2010: FOLD
melsi90: FOLD

homemade1971 MUCKS


04-02-2013 16:09 #19| 0


Hand Information
, 1.5 BB (7 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: kukki77 ($13973)
Seat 2: cmf2011 ($22722)
Seat 4: qhash88 ($33435)
Seat 5: solangext ($18817)
Seat 6: nomisius ($30315) Dealer
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($66471) Small Blind
Seat 10: bibino17 ($27364) Big Blind

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $751.5)
kukki77: FOLD
cmf2011: FOLD
qhash88: FOLD
solangext: FOLD
nomisius: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RAISE $58080
bibino17: FOLD
homemade1971: RETURN $27765

Flop(Pot: $89146.5)

Turn(Pot: $89146.5)

River(Pot: $89146.5)

homemade1971 shows

nomisius shows


04-02-2013 16:31 #20| 0
Hand Information
, 2 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: leeneilson77 ($60657)
Seat 2: melsi90 ($85069)
Seat 3: sashapetrov95 ($21284)
Seat 4: qhash88 ($25385)
Seat 5: fecsa2010 ($70587)
Seat 6: lucky dragon ($129288)
Seat 7: l1ttle_fish ($99272)
Seat 8: vethasi ($73217) Dealer
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($113386) Small Blind
Seat 10: lenalotta888 ($38875) Big Blind

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $3)
leeneilson77: FOLD
melsi90: RAISE $4211
sashapetrov95: FOLD
qhash88: FOLD
fecsa2010: CALL $4211
lucky dragon: FOLD
l1ttle_fish: FOLD
vethasi: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $3211
lenalotta888: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $11636)

homemade1971: CHECK
melsi90: BET $7855
fecsa2010: CALL $7855
homemade1971: RAISE $28000
melsi90: ALL-IN
fecsa2010: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $52658

Turn(Pot: $181007)

River(Pot: $181007)

homemade1971 shows

melsi90 shows

04-02-2013 16:36 #21| 0

så er vi på FT , godt nok kun et lille FT ( 239 med fra start )

dog 150 $ til nr 1

04-02-2013 17:20 #22| 0

skidt suckout med 4 tilbage

Hand Information
, 4 BB (4 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: leeneilson77 ($211655)
Seat 7: l1ttle_fish ($232885) Dealer
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($210380) Small Blind
Seat 10: lenalotta888 ($62100) Big Blind

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $6)
leeneilson77: RAISE $8000
l1ttle_fish: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $22000
lenalotta888: ALL-IN
leeneilson77: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $37700

Flop(Pot: $129802)

Turn(Pot: $129802)

River(Pot: $129802)

homemade1971 shows

lenalotta888 shows

lenalotta888 wins the pot: $129802


04-02-2013 17:37 #23| 0

HU :-)

04-02-2013 17:45 #24| 0


Hand Information
, 6 BB (2 handed).

Table Information
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($567465) Dealer
Seat 10: lenalotta888 ($149555) Small Blind

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $9)
homemade1971: RAISE $9000
lenalotta888: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $136955

Flop(Pot: $295516)

Turn(Pot: $295516)

River(Pot: $295516)

homemade1971 shows

lenalotta888 shows

lenalotta888 wins the pot: $295516


04-02-2013 17:48 #25| 0

ship :-)

04-02-2013 22:36 #26| 0


Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 500 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: babai300385 ($6561)
Seat 2: bmarin89 ($28689)
Seat 3: leoili2 ($23808) Dealer
Seat 4: smoker1984 ($15029) Small Blind
Seat 5: baltini ($6982) Big Blind
Seat 6: homemade13 ($8574)
Seat 7: ihaveachip ($10150)
Seat 8: 00ik-zelf00 ($21943)
Seat 9: nog-nog40 ($17049)
Seat 1babai300385 Ante: 60
Seat 2bmarin89 Ante: 60
Seat 3leoili2 Ante: 60
Seat 4smoker1984 Ante: 60
Seat 5baltini Ante: 60
Seat 6homemade13 Ante: 60
Seat 7ihaveachip Ante: 60
Seat 800ik-zelf00 Ante: 60
Seat 9nog-nog40 Ante: 60

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $1290)
homemade13: RAISE $1000
ihaveachip: FOLD
00ik-zelf00: FOLD
nog-nog40: FOLD
babai300385: FOLD
bmarin89: CALL $1000
leoili2: CALL $1000
smoker1984: FOLD
baltini: ALL-IN
homemade13: ALL-IN
bmarin89: FOLD
leoili2: CALL $7514

Flop(Pot: $25800)

Turn(Pot: $25800)

River(Pot: $25800)

homemade13 shows

leoili2 shows

baltini shows


04-02-2013 22:54 #27| 0

Lækkert med ship, pause skrub er det bedste :-D

04-02-2013 23:08 #28| 0

Exit nr 99 , de er så dejlig blanke på DS , det skal jeg nok blive glad for i længden

her blev vi bare suget

Aben kalder mit 3betshove for 53 BB

Hand Information
, 300 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 3: gambla82 ($25092)
Seat 4: arjo86 ($13902)
Seat 5: hag-05 ($2813)
Seat 6: gochoman80 ($11781) Dealer
Seat 7: nick601 ($2290) Small Blind
Seat 8: homemade1971 ($8065) Big Blind
Seat 9: giannisa91 ($3835)
Seat 10: stviktor ($35454)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $450)
giannisa91: FOLD
stviktor: CALL $300
gambla82: RAISE $900
arjo86: FOLD
hag-05: FOLD
gochoman80: FOLD
nick601: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
stviktor: ALL-IN
gambla82: FOLD
stviktor: RETURN $27389

Flop(Pot: $44569)

Turn(Pot: $44569)

River(Pot: $44569)

homemade1971 shows

stviktor shows

stviktor wins the pot: $44569


Redigeret af HomeMade d. 04-02-2013 23:14
04-02-2013 23:10 #29| 0


Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 800 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: bedo katala ($39275)
Seat 2: bmarin89 ($31312)
Seat 3: leoili2 ($20283)
Seat 4: smoker1984 ($9070)
Seat 5: ray le king ($58736)
Seat 6: homemade13 ($25605) Dealer
Seat 7: ihaveachip ($15784) Small Blind
Seat 8: 00ik-zelf00 ($8258) Big Blind
Seat 9: nog-nog40 ($15464)
Seat 1bedo katala Ante: 100
Seat 2bmarin89 Ante: 100
Seat 3leoili2 Ante: 100
Seat 4smoker1984 Ante: 100
Seat 5ray le king Ante: 100
Seat 6homemade13 Ante: 100
Seat 7ihaveachip Ante: 100
Seat 800ik-zelf00 Ante: 100
Seat 9nog-nog40 Ante: 100

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $2100)
nog-nog40: FOLD
bedo katala: FOLD
bmarin89: FOLD
leoili2: FOLD
smoker1984: FOLD
ray le king: RAISE $3700
homemade13: RAISE $9700
ihaveachip: FOLD
00ik-zelf00: FOLD
ray le king: CALL $6000

Flop(Pot: $21600)

ray le king: CHECK
homemade13: ALL-IN
ray le king: CALL $15805

Turn(Pot: $53210)

River(Pot: $53210)

ray le king shows

homemade13 shows


05-02-2013 00:16 #30| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 2000 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: bedo katala ($79436) Small Blind
Seat 2: sladdy47 ($31457) Big Blind
Seat 3: crym3ariv3r ($71060)
Seat 4: jukeace ($118230)
Seat 5: ray le king ($81098)
Seat 6: homemade13 ($101689)
Seat 7: ihaveachip ($58359)
Seat 9: the jexter ($49185) Dealer
Seat 1bedo katala Ante: 250
Seat 2sladdy47 Ante: 250
Seat 3crym3ariv3r Ante: 250
Seat 4jukeace Ante: 250
Seat 5ray le king Ante: 250
Seat 6homemade13 Ante: 250
Seat 7ihaveachip Ante: 250
Seat 9the jexter Ante: 250

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $5000)
crym3ariv3r: FOLD
jukeace: RAISE $4000
ray le king: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $4000
ihaveachip: CALL $4000
the jexter: FOLD
bedo katala: FOLD
sladdy47: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $17500)

jukeace: CHECK
homemade13: CHECK
ihaveachip: CHECK

Turn(Pot: $17500)

jukeace: BET $8000
homemade13: RAISE $28000
ihaveachip: FOLD
jukeace: CALL $20000

River(Pot: $73500)

jukeace: CHECK
homemade13: BET $29000
jukeace: FOLD
homemade13: RETURN $29000

homemade13 MUCKS

05-02-2013 01:28 #31| 0

kæft jeg har været kortdød længe nu

05-02-2013 01:44 #32| 0

så fik vi endelig en hånd :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 6400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: pro100bet ($210328)
Seat 2: rém|qc872 ($243205) Dealer
Seat 3: crym3ariv3r ($83262) Small Blind
Seat 4: jukeace ($69138) Big Blind
Seat 5: ray le king ($57932)
Seat 6: homemade13 ($134958)
Seat 7: ihaveachip ($47258)
Seat 8: awkkwaard ($212029)
Seat 9: the jexter ($346231)
Seat 1pro100bet Ante: 800
Seat 2rém|qc872 Ante: 800
Seat 3crym3ariv3r Ante: 800
Seat 4jukeace Ante: 800
Seat 5ray le king Ante: 800
Seat 6homemade13 Ante: 800
Seat 7ihaveachip Ante: 800
Seat 8awkkwaard Ante: 800
Seat 9the jexter Ante: 800

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $16800)
ray le king: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $14800
ihaveachip: FOLD
awkkwaard: FOLD
the jexter: FOLD
pro100bet: FOLD
rém|qc872: CALL $14800
crym3ariv3r: ALL-IN
jukeace: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
rém|qc872: FOLD
homemade13: RETURN $51696

Flop(Pot: $245820)

Turn(Pot: $245820)

River(Pot: $245820)

crym3ariv3r shows

homemade13 shows

crym3ariv3r wins the pot: $245820


07-02-2013 16:53 #33| 0

Bump, så spilles der igen

07-02-2013 18:06 #34| 0

exit nr 296 :-(

Hand Information
, 120 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: glubb77 ($24400)
Seat 2: denn1spr0fi8 ($9860) Dealer
Seat 3: chrisu200777 ($8130) Small Blind
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($2190) Big Blind
Seat 6: _koukos_ ($12314)
Seat 7: magneticcurrent ($7723)
Seat 8: fonzi99 ($5780)
Seat 9: demofrol ($4800)
Seat 10: jayb1407 ($13098)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $180)
_koukos_: RAISE $240
magneticcurrent: FOLD
fonzi99: FOLD
demofrol: FOLD
jayb1407: FOLD
glubb77: CALL $240
denn1spr0fi8: FOLD
chrisu200777: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $120

Flop(Pot: $780)

homemade1971: CHECK
_koukos_: BET $585
glubb77: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
_koukos_: CALL $1365

Turn(Pot: $4680)

River(Pot: $4680)

_koukos_ shows

homemade1971 shows

_koukos_ wins the pot: $4680


07-02-2013 18:09 #35| 0


Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 80 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: azartoleg ($3178)
Seat 2: majika5 ($4191)
Seat 3: michaelall4u ($1640)
Seat 4: patoloko1 ($6097)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($9530) Dealer
Seat 6: mezo1001 ($5250) Small Blind
Seat 7: stavziso585 ($1552) Big Blind
Seat 8: big_juliani ($6180)
Seat 9: power886 ($3617)
Seat 1azartoleg Ante: 10
Seat 2majika5 Ante: 10
Seat 3michaelall4u Ante: 10
Seat 4patoloko1 Ante: 10
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 10
Seat 6mezo1001 Ante: 10
Seat 7stavziso585 Ante: 10
Seat 8big_juliani Ante: 10
Seat 9power886 Ante: 10

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $210)
big_juliani: FOLD
power886: FOLD
azartoleg: RAISE $168
majika5: FOLD
michaelall4u: CALL $168
patoloko1: CALL $168
homemade13: CALL $168
mezo1001: FOLD
stavziso585: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $892)

azartoleg: BET $400
michaelall4u: CALL $400
patoloko1: CALL $400
homemade13: RAISE $2000
azartoleg: ALL-IN
michaelall4u: FOLD
patoloko1: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $1000

Turn(Pot: $7692)

River(Pot: $7692)

azartoleg shows

homemade13 shows


07-02-2013 18:27 #36| 0

flot PokerStars , beløn endelig hans endelige spil

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 120 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: wolfzp ($8075)
Seat 2: majika5 ($8196)
Seat 3: michaelall4u ($831)
Seat 4: patoloko1 ($4974)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($11656) Dealer
Seat 6: mezo1001 ($8140) Small Blind
Seat 7: gerpur ($10169) Big Blind
Seat 8: big_juliani ($3274)
Seat 9: gio_pot7 ($3000)
Seat 1wolfzp Ante: 15
Seat 2majika5 Ante: 15
Seat 3michaelall4u Ante: 15
Seat 4patoloko1 Ante: 15
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 15
Seat 6mezo1001 Ante: 15
Seat 7gerpur Ante: 15
Seat 8big_juliani Ante: 15
Seat 9gio_pot7 Ante: 15

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $315)
big_juliani: RAISE $360
gio_pot7: CALL $360
wolfzp: FOLD
majika5: FOLD
michaelall4u: FOLD
patoloko1: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $1200
mezo1001: FOLD
gerpur: FOLD
big_juliani: CALL $840
gio_pot7: CALL $840

Flop(Pot: $3930)

big_juliani: ALL-IN
gio_pot7: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $2059

Turn(Pot: $8048)

River(Pot: $8048)

big_juliani shows

homemade13 shows

big_juliani wins the pot: $8048


07-02-2013 18:30 #37| 0

så knepper DS mig osse lidt

Hand Information
, 100 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: s_aleksandr ($8820) Big Blind
Seat 2: coby613 ($5200)
Seat 3: sithlord84 ($6890)
Seat 4: svyat_piter ($3253)
Seat 5: tortof ($8390)
Seat 6: bigstikk99 ($15332)
Seat 7: auricu ($7530)
Seat 8: ham1987 ($3630)
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($4040) Dealer
Seat 10: neskva07 ($9015) Small Blind

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $150)
coby613: CALL $100
sithlord84: RAISE $300
svyat_piter: FOLD
tortof: FOLD
bigstikk99: FOLD
auricu: FOLD
ham1987: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $1000
neskva07: FOLD
s_aleksandr: FOLD
coby613: ALL-IN
sithlord84: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
coby613: RETURN $1160

Flop(Pot: $9690)

Turn(Pot: $9690)

River(Pot: $9690)

homemade1971 shows

coby613 shows

coby613 wins the pot: $9690


07-02-2013 19:14 #38| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 300 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: lukygramma58 ($10380)
Seat 2: majika5 ($3566)
Seat 3: 14m4 ($4284)
Seat 4: patoloko1 ($16001)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($9216) Dealer
Seat 6: mezo1001 ($16230) Small Blind
Seat 7: gerpur ($9462) Big Blind
Seat 8: big_juliani ($18784)
Seat 9: luckyemelya ($3795)
Seat 1lukygramma58 Ante: 40
Seat 2majika5 Ante: 40
Seat 314m4 Ante: 40
Seat 4patoloko1 Ante: 40
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 40
Seat 6mezo1001 Ante: 40
Seat 7gerpur Ante: 40
Seat 8big_juliani Ante: 40
Seat 9luckyemelya Ante: 40

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $810)
big_juliani: FOLD
luckyemelya: FOLD
lukygramma58: FOLD
majika5: FOLD
14m4: FOLD
patoloko1: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $750
mezo1001: CALL $600
gerpur: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $2200)

mezo1001: CHECK
homemade13: BET $1200
mezo1001: RAISE $2700
homemade13: ALL-IN
mezo1001: CALL $5726

Turn(Pot: $19052)

River(Pot: $19052)

mezo1001 shows

homemade13 shows

07-02-2013 20:08 #39| 0

vi takker

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 800 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: 3betonce ($17649)
Seat 2: denjoy ($26113)
Seat 3: nicebj ($34132)
Seat 4: vunder kz ($15698)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($19160) Dealer
Seat 6: josavard ($36962) Small Blind
Seat 7: gerpur ($29194) Big Blind
Seat 8: robtinnion ($17355)
Seat 9: c13greentumb ($7413)
Seat 13betonce Ante: 100
Seat 2denjoy Ante: 100
Seat 3nicebj Ante: 100
Seat 4vunder kz Ante: 100
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 100
Seat 6josavard Ante: 100
Seat 7gerpur Ante: 100
Seat 8robtinnion Ante: 100
Seat 9c13greentumb Ante: 100

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $2100)
robtinnion: FOLD
c13greentumb: FOLD
3betonce: RAISE $1666
denjoy: FOLD
nicebj: FOLD
vunder kz: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $3300
josavard: FOLD
gerpur: CALL $2500
3betonce: CALL $1634

Flop(Pot: $11300)

gerpur: CHECK
3betonce: CHECK
homemade13: BET $6750
gerpur: CALL $6750
3betonce: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $24800)

gerpur: CHECK
homemade13: ALL-IN
gerpur: CALL $9010

River(Pot: $42820)

gerpur shows

homemade13 shows


07-02-2013 20:42 #40| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 1400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: rosorio92 ($21635)
Seat 2: kokodux ($25692) Dealer
Seat 3: shneee ($38074) Small Blind
Seat 4: homemade13 ($68977) Big Blind
Seat 5: vahrenheide ($9881)
Seat 6: bobanbobic ($7237)
Seat 7: artemben990 ($79129)
Seat 8: starchiidren ($75385)
Seat 9: 82petrus ($84662)
Seat 1rosorio92 Ante: 175
Seat 2kokodux Ante: 175
Seat 3shneee Ante: 175
Seat 4homemade13 Ante: 175
Seat 5vahrenheide Ante: 175
Seat 6bobanbobic Ante: 175
Seat 7artemben990 Ante: 175
Seat 8starchiidren Ante: 175
Seat 982petrus Ante: 175

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $3675)
vahrenheide: FOLD
bobanbobic: FOLD
artemben990: FOLD
starchiidren: FOLD
82petrus: FOLD
rosorio92: RAISE $2899
kokodux: FOLD
shneee: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $7950
rosorio92: RAISE $13299
homemade13: ALL-IN
rosorio92: ALL-IN
homemade13: RETURN $47342

Flop(Pot: $92712)

Turn(Pot: $92712)

River(Pot: $92712)

homemade13 shows

rosorio92 shows

07-02-2013 21:38 #41| 0

Ser godt ud, keep it up :-)

07-02-2013 21:38 #42| 0

crazy kortdød i the big

07-02-2013 22:18 #43| 0

exit nr 124 , soooo many outs

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 4800 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: arm0909 ($320553)
Seat 2: m.sandor85 ($188832)
Seat 3: wozzle9 ($324386)
Seat 4: homemade13 ($74262)
Seat 6: dalixl ($224030) Dealer
Seat 7: monkey7o ($102818) Small Blind
Seat 8: dieterw32 ($42272) Big Blind
Seat 9: stars manyak ($194858)
Seat 1arm0909 Ante: 600
Seat 2m.sandor85 Ante: 600
Seat 3wozzle9 Ante: 600
Seat 4homemade13 Ante: 600
Seat 6dalixl Ante: 600
Seat 7monkey7o Ante: 600
Seat 8dieterw32 Ante: 600
Seat 9stars manyak Ante: 600

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $12000)
stars manyak: RAISE $9999
arm0909: FOLD
m.sandor85: FOLD
wozzle9: CALL $9999
homemade13: CALL $9999
dalixl: FOLD
monkey7o: FOLD
dieterw32: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $43197)

stars manyak: CHECK
wozzle9: BET $16800
homemade13: ALL-IN
stars manyak: ALL-IN
wozzle9: CALL $167459

Turn(Pot: $475378)

River(Pot: $475378)

stars manyak shows

wozzle9 shows

homemade13 shows

wozzle9 wins the pot: $234186


08-02-2013 20:10 #44| 0

Super ærgeligt exit, kunne ellers have givet godt!

Ellers en flot ROI her efter den ufrivillige pause :)

13-02-2013 08:16 #45| 0

spiller torsdag igen, har ikke haft tid de sidste par dage

samt skal ind og se Die Hard 5 i aften :-) så er jeg klar til at straffe DS i morgen

13-02-2013 20:18 #46| 0

God tur, skal jeg også ind og have set selv :)

14-02-2013 20:27 #47| 0

spiller et par tours i aften, samt lørdag og søndag skal der spilles igennem

14-02-2013 22:09 #48| 0

altid et A :-(

Hand Information
, 200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: kwkpoker ($10869)
Seat 3: tranquility ($3876)
Seat 4: homemade1971 ($8909)
Seat 5: pinkcinderella ($4820)
Seat 6: makiraki ($1423) Dealer
Seat 7: lucber ($6817) Small Blind
Seat 8: miks77 ($2645) Big Blind
Seat 9: verm20 ($785)
Seat 10: ratsmeh78 ($4648)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $300)
verm20: ALL-IN
ratsmeh78: FOLD
kwkpoker: FOLD
tranquility: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $1330
pinkcinderella: FOLD
makiraki: FOLD
lucber: FOLD
miks77: FOLD
homemade1971: RETURN $545

Flop(Pot: $2415)

Turn(Pot: $2415)

River(Pot: $2415)

homemade1971 shows

verm20 shows

verm20 wins the sid pot : $0
verm20wins the main pot : $2415


16-02-2013 12:24 #49| 0
16-02-2013 13:15 #50| 0

78 AI ???

Hand Information
, 40 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade1971 ($2460)
Seat 2: taramtam ($7150)
Seat 3: chris300999 ($3460)
Seat 4: marquito24 ($4455) Dealer
Seat 5: syrmulich ($4020) Small Blind
Seat 6: paukstis75 ($3480) Big Blind
Seat 7: harry728 ($16000)
Seat 8: madness78 ($4270)
Seat 9: grammy1987 ($1330)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $60)
harry728: FOLD
madness78: FOLD
grammy1987: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $160
taramtam: FOLD
chris300999: FOLD
marquito24: FOLD
syrmulich: FOLD
paukstis75: RAISE $240
homemade1971: ALL-IN
paukstis75: CALL $2180

Flop(Pot: $4940)

Turn(Pot: $4940)

River(Pot: $4940)

paukstis75 shows

homemade1971 shows

paukstis75 wins the pot: $4940


16-02-2013 13:24 #51| 0

vi takker

Hand Information
, 40 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade1971 ($2460)
Seat 2: taramtam ($7150)
Seat 3: chris300999 ($3460)
Seat 4: marquito24 ($4455) Dealer
Seat 5: syrmulich ($4020) Small Blind
Seat 6: paukstis75 ($3480) Big Blind
Seat 7: harry728 ($16000)
Seat 8: madness78 ($4270)
Seat 9: grammy1987 ($1330)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $60)
harry728: FOLD
madness78: FOLD
grammy1987: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $160
taramtam: FOLD
chris300999: FOLD
marquito24: FOLD
syrmulich: FOLD
paukstis75: RAISE $240
homemade1971: ALL-IN
paukstis75: CALL $2180

Flop(Pot: $4940)

Turn(Pot: $4940)

River(Pot: $4940)

paukstis75 shows

homemade1971 shows

paukstis75 wins the pot: $4940


16-02-2013 13:26 #52| 0

bahhhh :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 2500 BB (5 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: darkyo1 ($92159)
Seat 3: homemade13 ($98070) Dealer
Seat 4: chhailov777 ($66992) Small Blind
Seat 5: verca737 ($43254) Big Blind
Seat 6: luckyvampir ($33986)
Seat 1darkyo1 Ante: 250
Seat 3homemade13 Ante: 250
Seat 4chhailov777 Ante: 250
Seat 5verca737 Ante: 250
Seat 6luckyvampir Ante: 250

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $5000)
luckyvampir: RAISE $5000
darkyo1: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $5000
chhailov777: FOLD
verca737: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $15500)

luckyvampir: BET $3750
homemade13: ALL-IN
luckyvampir: ALL-IN
homemade13: RETURN $64084

Turn(Pot: $137056)

River(Pot: $137056)

luckyvampir shows

homemade13 shows

luckyvampir wins the pot: $137056


16-02-2013 13:37 #53| 0

exit nr 14 :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 5000 BB (4 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: darkyo1 ($110925) Small Blind
Seat 3: homemade13 ($80988) Big Blind
Seat 4: chhailov777 ($69782)
Seat 5: freshteeth ($175599) Dealer
Seat 1darkyo1 Ante: 500
Seat 3homemade13 Ante: 500
Seat 4chhailov777 Ante: 500
Seat 5freshteeth Ante: 500

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $9500)
chhailov777: ALL-IN
freshteeth: FOLD
darkyo1: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $64282

Flop(Pot: $144064)

Turn(Pot: $144064)

River(Pot: $144064)

homemade13 shows

chhailov777 shows

chhailov777 wins the pot: $144064


16-02-2013 14:35 #54| 0


Hand Information
, 120 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade1971 ($7450)
Seat 2: jagla27 ($2025) Dealer
Seat 3: nebilan ($14015) Small Blind
Seat 4: jandous99 ($10151) Big Blind
Seat 5: kopytko66 ($2300)
Seat 6: benzomanden ($3000)
Seat 7: luckfish1 ($7230)
Seat 8: eazypot ($4555)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $180)
kopytko66: CALL $120
benzomanden: RAISE $480
luckfish1: FOLD
eazypot: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $1320
jagla27: FOLD
nebilan: FOLD
jandous99: FOLD
kopytko66: FOLD
benzomanden: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $1680

Flop(Pot: $6300)

Turn(Pot: $6300)

River(Pot: $6300)

homemade1971 shows

benzomanden shows

benzomanden wins the pot: $6300


16-02-2013 14:50 #55| 0


Hand Information
, 150 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade1971 ($2320)
Seat 2: wirbeide548 ($8020)
Seat 3: nebilan ($13775)
Seat 4: jandous99 ($23491)
Seat 5: sveho ($17655)
Seat 6: benzomanden ($3520) Dealer
Seat 7: luckfish1 ($8130) Small Blind
Seat 8: roman.du ($10530) Big Blind
Seat 9: zmpokeraa ($2570)
Seat 10: dancer1954 ($5758)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $225)
zmpokeraa: FOLD
dancer1954: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $300
wirbeide548: FOLD
nebilan: FOLD
jandous99: CALL $300
sveho: FOLD
benzomanden: ALL-IN
luckfish1: FOLD
roman.du: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
jandous99: FOLD
benzomanden: RETURN $1200

Flop(Pot: $6365)

Turn(Pot: $6365)

River(Pot: $6365)

homemade1971 shows

benzomanden shows

benzomanden wins the pot: $6365


16-02-2013 17:41 #56| 0

taber stor pt :-(

Hand Information
, 2.5 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: stephtino ($57174) Dealer
Seat 2: zorniger ($65521) Small Blind
Seat 4: godzu1986 ($134729) Big Blind
Seat 5: kenichov ($95206)
Seat 6: muxxa888 ($15515)
Seat 7: homemade1971 ($201707)
Seat 8: moneymaker007 ($46341)
Seat 9: fromlrodder ($23601)
Seat 10: extra__large ($36080)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $3.75)
kenichov: RAISE $5000
muxxa888: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $5000
moneymaker007: FOLD
fromlrodder: FOLD
extra__large: FOLD
stephtino: FOLD
zorniger: CALL $3750
godzu1986: CALL $2500

Flop(Pot: $16253.75)

zorniger: CHECK
godzu1986: CHECK
kenichov: BET $9875
homemade1971: RAISE $19750
zorniger: FOLD
godzu1986: CALL $19750
kenichov: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $65628.75)

godzu1986: CHECK
homemade1971: CHECK

River(Pot: $65628.75)

godzu1986: BET $49999
homemade1971: CALL $49999

godzu1986 shows

homemade1971 shows

godzu1986 wins the pot: $65628.75


16-02-2013 19:23 #57| 0

Pyha et par grimme beats!

16-02-2013 19:25 #58| 0

vi er 3/12 med 329 $ til nr 1 :-)

16-02-2013 19:31 #59| 0

4/10 og FT skal i top 3 før det er sjovt

16-02-2013 19:38 #60| 0

3/8 , en sejr vil smide rulle op i 940 $ , FTWWWWWWWWWWWWW

16-02-2013 19:42 #61| 0

3/6 efter denne dejlige hånd

Hand Information
, 15 BB (7 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: sn1000 ($1167116)
Seat 2: delieli8 ($578445)
Seat 4: panos.paok4 ($216429) Dealer
Seat 7: homemade1971 ($359866) Small Blind
Seat 8: maestrosvk ($815961) Big Blind
Seat 9: boban9 ($210596)
Seat 10: ekc33 ($323587)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $22.5)
maestrosvk: FOLD
boban9: FOLD
ekc33: FOLD
sn1000: CALL $15000
delieli8: FOLD
panos.paok4: RAISE $30000
homemade1971: RAISE $80000
sn1000: FOLD
panos.paok4: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $119929

Flop(Pot: $431380.5)

Turn(Pot: $431380.5)

River(Pot: $431380.5)

homemade1971 shows

panos.paok4 shows


16-02-2013 20:18 #62| 0

7 timer spillet og vi er sikret 99 $ :-( dog er vi kun inde for 6 $

16-02-2013 20:28 #63| 0

sick setup 4 vejs

Hand Information
, 30 BB (4 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: sn1000 ($879203) Dealer
Seat 2: delieli8 ($299945) Small Blind
Seat 7: homemade1971 ($1190391) Big Blind
Seat 8: maestrosvk ($1302461)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $45)
maestrosvk: CALL $30000
sn1000: CALL $30000
delieli8: CALL $15000
homemade1971: CHECK

Flop(Pot: $75045)

delieli8: CHECK
homemade1971: BET $60000
maestrosvk: FOLD
sn1000: RAISE $156000
delieli8: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
sn1000: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $311188

Turn(Pot: $2114609)

River(Pot: $2114609)

sn1000 shows

homemade1971 shows

sn1000 wins the sid pot : $0
sn1000wins the main pot : $2114609


16-02-2013 20:30 #64| 0

og exit nr 4 :-(

Hand Information
, 30 BB (4 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: sn1000 ($1821406) Big Blind
Seat 2: delieli8 ($263945)
Seat 7: homemade1971 ($350188) Dealer
Seat 8: maestrosvk ($1236461) Small Blind

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $45)
delieli8: CALL $30000
homemade1971: CALL $30000
maestrosvk: RAISE $105000
sn1000: FOLD
delieli8: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $90000

Flop(Pot: $255045)

maestrosvk: BET $120000
homemade1971: ALL-IN
maestrosvk: CALL $107188

Turn(Pot: $712421)

River(Pot: $712421)

maestrosvk shows

homemade1971 shows

maestrosvk wins the pot: $712421


16-02-2013 21:54 #65| 0

Ærgerligt exit, der hvor er ens outs når man mangler dem :-(
Solidt spillet trods alt, der er god tur i den!

16-02-2013 22:11 #66| 0

ja planen er at rense helt af på DS :-)

17-02-2013 10:43 #67| 0

Så blev det søndag og DS donks skal have spanking

17-02-2013 11:30 #68| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 250 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: fedriconcord ($11548)
Seat 2: gradb ($2195) Dealer
Seat 3: homemade13 ($3729) Small Blind
Seat 4: @anavi@301 ($12620) Big Blind
Seat 5: 180_punisher ($5377)
Seat 6: ronscheff79 ($5411)
Seat 7: njv81 ($2970)
Seat 8: bugsy03 ($11000)
Seat 9: com_pont ($3905)
Seat 1fedriconcord Ante: 30
Seat 2gradb Ante: 30
Seat 3homemade13 Ante: 30
Seat 4@anavi@301 Ante: 30
Seat 5180_punisher Ante: 30
Seat 6ronscheff79 Ante: 30
Seat 7njv81 Ante: 30
Seat 8bugsy03 Ante: 30
Seat 9com_pont Ante: 30

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $645)
180_punisher: FOLD
ronscheff79: FOLD
njv81: FOLD
bugsy03: FOLD
com_pont: CALL $250
fedriconcord: FOLD
gradb: CALL $250
homemade13: CALL $125

Flop(Pot: $1300)

homemade13: CHECK
com_pont: CHECK
gradb: BET $750
homemade13: CALL $750
com_pont: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $2800)

homemade13: CHECK
gradb: ALL-IN
homemade13: CALL $1165

River(Pot: $5130)

homemade13 shows

gradb shows

17-02-2013 11:40 #69| 0

Haps :-)
God vind i dag!

17-02-2013 12:22 #70| 0

han skubber alt :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 80 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: volandnew ($12888)
Seat 2: retr0byte ($5814)
Seat 3: jvd087 ($7553)
Seat 4: twotimes922 ($2748)
Seat 5: lbartha ($2524)
Seat 6: terreurbob ($4538)
Seat 7: homemade13 ($3813) Dealer
Seat 8: reddog282 ($1742) Small Blind
Seat 9: sparky73 ($3241) Big Blind

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $120)
volandnew: FOLD
retr0byte: FOLD
jvd087: CALL $80
twotimes922: FOLD
lbartha: FOLD
terreurbob: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $320
reddog282: ALL-IN
sparky73: FOLD
jvd087: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $1422

Flop(Pot: $3644)

Turn(Pot: $3644)

River(Pot: $3644)

reddog282 shows

homemade13 shows

reddog282 wins the pot: $3644


17-02-2013 17:56 #71| 0
17-02-2013 20:10 #72| 0


Hand Information
, 400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: monir666999 ($38583)
Seat 2: kockaina ($76790)
Seat 3: sose12 ($6745) Dealer
Seat 5: homemade1971 ($19655) Small Blind
Seat 6: a.dobrodusin ($8368) Big Blind
Seat 7: j6666 ($8695)
Seat 8: zoltana555 ($9810)
Seat 9: bustedsoon ($5313)
Seat 10: roykotze ($37462)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $600)
j6666: FOLD
zoltana555: FOLD
bustedsoon: FOLD
roykotze: FOLD
monir666999: FOLD
kockaina: FOLD
sose12: FOLD
homemade1971: RAISE $600
a.dobrodusin: CALL $400

Flop(Pot: $1600)

homemade1971: BET $1200
a.dobrodusin: RAISE $2780
homemade1971: ALL-IN
a.dobrodusin: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $11287

Turn(Pot: $28023)

River(Pot: $28023)

a.dobrodusin shows

homemade1971 shows

a.dobrodusin wins the sid pot : $0
a.dobrodusinwins the main pot : $28023


17-02-2013 22:52 #73| 0

vi takker for det 4bet shove med AQ :-)

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade13 ($11308) Dealer
Seat 2: lovegroove ($8799) Small Blind
Seat 3: hero907 ($17478) Big Blind
Seat 4: hemuk ($5379)
Seat 5: front14/88 ($26887)
Seat 6: italianrulez ($29372)
Seat 7: aless_84 ($11512)
Seat 8: lkenny44 ($16060)
Seat 9: polltohh1 ($21326)
Seat 1homemade13 Ante: 50
Seat 2lovegroove Ante: 50
Seat 3hero907 Ante: 50
Seat 4hemuk Ante: 50
Seat 5front14/88 Ante: 50
Seat 6italianrulez Ante: 50
Seat 7aless_84 Ante: 50
Seat 8lkenny44 Ante: 50
Seat 9polltohh1 Ante: 50

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $1050)
hemuk: FOLD
italianrulez: RAISE $1200
aless_84: RAISE $3600
lkenny44: ALL-IN
polltohh1: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
lovegroove: FOLD
hero907: FOLD
italianrulez: FOLD
aless_84: FOLD
lkenny44: RETURN $4752

Flop(Pot: $33168)

Turn(Pot: $33168)

River(Pot: $33168)

lkenny44 shows

homemade13 shows


17-02-2013 23:41 #74| 0


Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 700 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade13 ($34678) Dealer
Seat 2: mcfly_24_83 ($5698) Small Blind
Seat 3: hero907 ($19704) Big Blind
Seat 4: dennistav ($15678)
Seat 5: front14/88 ($26632)
Seat 6: drobo-bos ($55932)
Seat 7: bommelmüsli ($8134)
Seat 8: toffee79 ($5745)
Seat 9: polltohh1 ($34956)
Seat 1homemade13 Ante: 85
Seat 2mcfly_24_83 Ante: 85
Seat 3hero907 Ante: 85
Seat 4dennistav Ante: 85
Seat 5front14/88 Ante: 85
Seat 6drobo-bos Ante: 85
Seat 7bommelmüsli Ante: 85
Seat 8toffee79 Ante: 85
Seat 9polltohh1 Ante: 85

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $1815)
dennistav: RAISE $1400
drobo-bos: FOLD
bommelmüsli: FOLD
toffee79: FOLD
polltohh1: CALL $1400
homemade13: CALL $1400
mcfly_24_83: FOLD
hero907: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $6100)

dennistav: CHECK
polltohh1: BET $2800
homemade13: CALL $2800
dennistav: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $11700)

polltohh1: BET $4200
homemade13: CALL $4200

River(Pot: $20100)

polltohh1: BET $7700
homemade13: CALL $7700

polltohh1 shows

homemade13 MUCKS

polltohh1 wins the pot: $20100


18-02-2013 00:23 #75| 0

AA på knappen i donkament og alle folder :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 1200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: homemade13 ($23427) Dealer
Seat 2: eloy2607 ($42893) Small Blind
Seat 3: hero907 ($40499) Big Blind
Seat 4: babacloanta ($34483)
Seat 5: front14/88 ($145643)
Seat 6: mymitsu ($53181)
Seat 7: sievers01 ($36801)
Seat 8: lrdofdonktwn ($80537)
Seat 9: polltohh1 ($58226)
Seat 1homemade13 Ante: 150
Seat 2eloy2607 Ante: 150
Seat 3hero907 Ante: 150
Seat 4babacloanta Ante: 150
Seat 5front14/88 Ante: 150
Seat 6mymitsu Ante: 150
Seat 7sievers01 Ante: 150
Seat 8lrdofdonktwn Ante: 150
Seat 9polltohh1 Ante: 150

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $3150)
babacloanta: FOLD
mymitsu: FOLD
sievers01: FOLD
lrdofdonktwn: FOLD
polltohh1: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $2750
eloy2607: FOLD
hero907: FOLD
homemade13: RETURN $1550

homemade13 MUCKS


18-02-2013 01:28 #76| 0

no action :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 2400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: 9danger9 ($57564)
Seat 2: janischke23 ($55346) Dealer
Seat 3: vlpokerist ($26870) Small Blind
Seat 4: jggodders ($70222) Big Blind
Seat 5: homemade13 ($50605)
Seat 6: ferizuku ($43848)
Seat 7: ehdonthinkso ($151798)
Seat 8: wamperdam ($79620)
Seat 9: thulay ($29524)
Seat 19danger9 Ante: 300
Seat 2janischke23 Ante: 300
Seat 3vlpokerist Ante: 300
Seat 4jggodders Ante: 300
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 300
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 300
Seat 7ehdonthinkso Ante: 300
Seat 8wamperdam Ante: 300
Seat 9thulay Ante: 300

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $6300)
homemade13: RAISE $5200
ferizuku: FOLD
ehdonthinkso: FOLD
wamperdam: FOLD
thulay: FOLD
9danger9: FOLD
janischke23: FOLD
vlpokerist: FOLD
jggodders: FOLD
homemade13: RETURN $2800

homemade13 MUCKS


18-02-2013 01:29 #77| 0

hånden efter :-)

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 2400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: 9danger9 ($57264)
Seat 2: janischke23 ($55046)
Seat 3: vlpokerist ($25370) Dealer
Seat 4: jggodders ($67522) Small Blind
Seat 5: homemade13 ($56605) Big Blind
Seat 6: ferizuku ($43548)
Seat 7: ehdonthinkso ($151498)
Seat 8: wamperdam ($79320)
Seat 9: thulay ($29224)
Seat 19danger9 Ante: 300
Seat 2janischke23 Ante: 300
Seat 3vlpokerist Ante: 300
Seat 4jggodders Ante: 300
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 300
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 300
Seat 7ehdonthinkso Ante: 300
Seat 8wamperdam Ante: 300
Seat 9thulay Ante: 300

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $6300)
ferizuku: FOLD
ehdonthinkso: FOLD
wamperdam: FOLD
thulay: ALL-IN
9danger9: ALL-IN
janischke23: FOLD
vlpokerist: FOLD
jggodders: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
9danger9: RETURN $659

Flop(Pot: $146393)

Turn(Pot: $146393)

River(Pot: $146393)

homemade13 shows

9danger9 shows

thulay shows


18-02-2013 01:31 #79| 0

2 hænder senere

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 2400 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 2: janischke23 ($54446)
Seat 3: vlpokerist ($24770)
Seat 4: jggodders ($73281)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($142734) Dealer
Seat 6: ferizuku ($40548) Small Blind
Seat 7: ehdonthinkso ($150898) Big Blind
Seat 8: wamperdam ($78720)
Seat 9: eduardcostin ($32553)
Seat 2janischke23 Ante: 300
Seat 3vlpokerist Ante: 300
Seat 4jggodders Ante: 300
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 300
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 300
Seat 7ehdonthinkso Ante: 300
Seat 8wamperdam Ante: 300
Seat 9eduardcostin Ante: 300

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $6000)
wamperdam: RAISE $4800
eduardcostin: CALL $4800
janischke23: FOLD
vlpokerist: FOLD
jggodders: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $20000
ferizuku: FOLD
ehdonthinkso: FOLD
wamperdam: FOLD
eduardcostin: CALL $15200

Flop(Pot: $51400)

eduardcostin: ALL-IN
homemade13: CALL $12253

Turn(Pot: $75906)

River(Pot: $75906)

eduardcostin shows

homemade13 shows


18-02-2013 01:48 #80| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 3200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: the13viktor ($85210)
Seat 2: janischke23 ($116892) Dealer
Seat 3: vlpokerist ($12520) Small Blind
Seat 4: jggodders ($31923) Big Blind
Seat 5: homemade13 ($138487)
Seat 6: ferizuku ($122996)
Seat 7: ehdonthinkso ($313115)
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($146536)
Seat 9: chucky11x ($27695)
Seat 1the13viktor Ante: 400
Seat 2janischke23 Ante: 400
Seat 3vlpokerist Ante: 400
Seat 4jggodders Ante: 400
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 400
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 400
Seat 7ehdonthinkso Ante: 400
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 400
Seat 9chucky11x Ante: 400

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $8400)
homemade13: RAISE $6800
ferizuku: FOLD
ehdonthinkso: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
chucky11x: FOLD
the13viktor: RAISE $17000
janischke23: FOLD
vlpokerist: FOLD
jggodders: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $50000
the13viktor: ALL-IN
homemade13: CALL $34810

Flop(Pot: $185220)

Turn(Pot: $185220)

River(Pot: $185220)

homemade13 shows

the13viktor shows

18-02-2013 01:53 #81| 0

vi skal i top 100 for at gå unstuck i dag

18-02-2013 02:20 #82| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 3600 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: yung_billn ($277331)
Seat 2: chtwu ($303722)
Seat 3: vlpokerist ($11040) Dealer
Seat 4: madamlee ($65770) Small Blind
Seat 5: homemade13 ($248102) Big Blind
Seat 6: ferizuku ($123996)
Seat 7: ehdonthinkso ($281995)
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($175936)
Seat 9: chucky11x ($40990)
Seat 1yung_billn Ante: 450
Seat 2chtwu Ante: 450
Seat 3vlpokerist Ante: 450
Seat 4madamlee Ante: 450
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 450
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 450
Seat 7ehdonthinkso Ante: 450
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 450
Seat 9chucky11x Ante: 450

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $9450)
ferizuku: RAISE $7200
ehdonthinkso: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
chucky11x: FOLD
yung_billn: FOLD
chtwu: FOLD
vlpokerist: FOLD
madamlee: CALL $5400
homemade13: CALL $3600

Flop(Pot: $26100)

madamlee: BET $10800
homemade13: CALL $10800
ferizuku: FOLD

Turn(Pot: $47700)

madamlee: ALL-IN
homemade13: CALL $47320

River(Pot: $142340)

madamlee shows

homemade13 shows

18-02-2013 02:57 #83| 0

the big 120 k $ gtd

7 timer spillet

19321 fra start


18-02-2013 03:05 #84| 0
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 6400 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: yung_billn ($357886) Big Blind
Seat 3: hitemup458 ($261902)
Seat 4: molsku ($274846)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($450452)
Seat 6: ferizuku ($73946)
Seat 7: yepiq ($186214)
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($218715) Dealer
Seat 9: samak1013 ($74456) Small Blind
Seat 1yung_billn Ante: 800
Seat 3hitemup458 Ante: 800
Seat 4molsku Ante: 800
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 800
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 800
Seat 7yepiq Ante: 800
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 800
Seat 9samak1013 Ante: 800

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $16000)
hitemup458: FOLD
molsku: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $12800
ferizuku: FOLD
yepiq: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
samak1013: FOLD
yung_billn: CALL $6400

Flop(Pot: $36800)

yung_billn: CHECK
homemade13: CHECK

Turn(Pot: $36800)

yung_billn: CHECK
homemade13: BET $19000
yung_billn: CALL $19000

River(Pot: $74800)

yung_billn: CHECK
homemade13: BET $49000
yung_billn: CALL $49000

homemade13 shows

yung_billn MUCKS

18-02-2013 03:13 #85| 0

har ellers været meget aktiv, desværre ingen action på AA

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 7200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: yung_billn ($288586) Dealer
Seat 2: mymitsu ($263844) Small Blind
Seat 3: hitemup458 ($244202) Big Blind
Seat 4: molsku ($303490)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($454352)
Seat 6: ferizuku ($85846)
Seat 7: yepiq ($168514)
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($217815)
Seat 9: samak1013 ($100812)
Seat 1yung_billn Ante: 900
Seat 2mymitsu Ante: 900
Seat 3hitemup458 Ante: 900
Seat 4molsku Ante: 900
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 900
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 900
Seat 7yepiq Ante: 900
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 900
Seat 9samak1013 Ante: 900

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $18900)
molsku: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $15000
ferizuku: FOLD
yepiq: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
samak1013: FOLD
yung_billn: FOLD
mymitsu: FOLD
samak1013: RETURN $9
hitemup458: FOLD
homemade13: RETURN $7800

homemade13 MUCKS


18-02-2013 03:18 #86| 0

GL Home.. railer med

18-02-2013 03:25 #87| 0

dumt at folde nuts :-)

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 8000 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: yung_billn ($104286)
Seat 2: mymitsu ($238678)
Seat 3: hitemup458 ($198302) Dealer
Seat 4: molsku ($548690) Small Blind
Seat 5: homemade13 ($502318) Big Blind
Seat 6: ferizuku ($98446)
Seat 7: yepiq ($132814)
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($231015)
Seat 9: samak1013 ($72912)
Seat 1yung_billn Ante: 1000
Seat 2mymitsu Ante: 1000
Seat 3hitemup458 Ante: 1000
Seat 4molsku Ante: 1000
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 1000
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 1000
Seat 7yepiq Ante: 1000
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 1000
Seat 9samak1013 Ante: 1000

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $21000)
ferizuku: FOLD
yepiq: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
samak1013: FOLD
yung_billn: ALL-IN
mymitsu: FOLD
hitemup458: FOLD
molsku: CALL $99286
homemade13: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $224572)

Turn(Pot: $224572)

River(Pot: $224572)

molsku shows

yung_billn shows

yung_billn wins the pot: $224572


18-02-2013 03:30 #88| 0

pis osse , synes selv jeg laver en god fælde , desværre spiker han sin 2 outter på turn

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 8000 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: yung_billn ($221572)
Seat 2: mymitsu ($235678)
Seat 3: hitemup458 ($144152)
Seat 4: molsku ($514554)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($508318)
Seat 6: ferizuku ($83446) Dealer
Seat 7: yepiq ($121814) Small Blind
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($228015) Big Blind
Seat 9: samak1013 ($69912)
Seat 1yung_billn Ante: 1000
Seat 2mymitsu Ante: 1000
Seat 3hitemup458 Ante: 1000
Seat 4molsku Ante: 1000
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 1000
Seat 6ferizuku Ante: 1000
Seat 7yepiq Ante: 1000
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 1000
Seat 9samak1013 Ante: 1000

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $21000)
samak1013: FOLD
yung_billn: RAISE $19999
mymitsu: FOLD
hitemup458: FOLD
molsku: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $51000
ferizuku: FOLD
yepiq: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
yung_billn: CALL $31001

Flop(Pot: $124000)

yung_billn: CHECK
homemade13: CHECK

Turn(Pot: $124000)

yung_billn: CHECK
homemade13: BET $53000
yung_billn: ALL-IN
homemade13: CALL $116572

River(Pot: $463144)

yung_billn shows

homemade13 shows

yung_billn wins the pot: $463144


18-02-2013 03:35 #89| 0

Skyd altid floppet der når du er i position og har 3-bettet.

18-02-2013 03:36 #90| 0
Andy^2 skrev:
Skyd altid floppet der når du er i position og har 3-bettet.

Agree , men planen var at få ham til at bluffe på turn , den gik så ikke :-(
18-02-2013 03:42 #91| 0

ad ad klam river :/

18-02-2013 03:42 #92| 0


Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 9000 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: yung_billn ($480968) Small Blind
Seat 2: mymitsu ($211053) Big Blind
Seat 3: hitemup458 ($164527)
Seat 4: molsku ($347483)
Seat 5: homemade13 ($346121)
Seat 6: toritoover ($857875)
Seat 7: yepiq ($63314)
Seat 8: nicolsan777 ($286515)
Seat 9: samak1013 ($120699) Dealer
Seat 1yung_billn Ante: 1125
Seat 2mymitsu Ante: 1125
Seat 3hitemup458 Ante: 1125
Seat 4molsku Ante: 1125
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 1125
Seat 6toritoover Ante: 1125
Seat 7yepiq Ante: 1125
Seat 8nicolsan777 Ante: 1125
Seat 9samak1013 Ante: 1125

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $23625)
hitemup458: FOLD
molsku: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $19000
toritoover: FOLD
yepiq: FOLD
nicolsan777: FOLD
samak1013: FOLD
yung_billn: FOLD
mymitsu: ALL-IN
homemade13: CALL $190928

Flop(Pot: $435606)

Turn(Pot: $435606)

River(Pot: $435606)

mymitsu shows

homemade13 shows

mymitsu wins the pot: $435606


18-02-2013 04:14 #93| 0

poker er Fucking ondt spil , 8 timers spil, latterlige 100 $ og nu får jeg 3 timers søvn , WP HM

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 12000 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: enzomartim ($230993)
Seat 2: fourstroke ($122652)
Seat 3: homemade13 ($157506)
Seat 4: mrrshaker ($33271)
Seat 5: sebastion86 ($158632) Dealer
Seat 6: putukas ($256990) Small Blind
Seat 7: rollyj ($89202) Big Blind
Seat 8: aa1000000kk ($82106)
Seat 9: ufcba ($161703)
Seat 1enzomartim Ante: 1500
Seat 2fourstroke Ante: 1500
Seat 3homemade13 Ante: 1500
Seat 4mrrshaker Ante: 1500
Seat 5sebastion86 Ante: 1500
Seat 6putukas Ante: 1500
Seat 7rollyj Ante: 1500
Seat 8aa1000000kk Ante: 1500
Seat 9ufcba Ante: 1500

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $31500)
aa1000000kk: FOLD
ufcba: FOLD
enzomartim: FOLD
fourstroke: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $25000
mrrshaker: FOLD
sebastion86: FOLD
putukas: RAISE $48000
rollyj: CALL $36000
homemade13: ALL-IN
putukas: ALL-IN
rollyj: ALL-IN
putukas: $68304
homemade13: $68304
putukas: RETURN $99484

Flop(Pot: $514198)

Turn(Pot: $514198)

River(Pot: $514198)

putukas shows

homemade13 shows

rollyj shows

putukas wins the pot: $377590


18-02-2013 08:36 #94| 0

Mislykket fælde og 2 flip tabt er forskellen på at komme helt til tops og blive nr 118 :-(

20-02-2013 19:16 #95| 0

Pyha en lang omgang! Super solidt spillet, så er det bare røv tur at det går så hurtigt den anden vej :-(
Op igen, next time baby, så tager du den hele vejen!

21-02-2013 12:43 #96| 0

Spiller igen i aften , samt fredag og søndag

21-02-2013 19:30 #97| 0
21-02-2013 19:48 #98| 0
Hand Information
, 20 BB (6 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: boehser bast ($2980) Small Blind
Seat 2: garall ($2900) Big Blind
Seat 3: nev-er_bln ($3030)
Seat 4: kompoi ($2900)
Seat 5: klo-steen ($2990)
Seat 6: homemade1971 ($3200) Dealer

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $30)
nev-er_bln: FOLD
kompoi: FOLD
klo-steen: RAISE $40
homemade1971: RAISE $140
boehser bast: FOLD
garall: CALL $120
klo-steen: CALL $100

Flop(Pot: $430)

garall: CHECK
klo-steen: BET $215
homemade1971: RAISE $430
garall: CALL $430
klo-steen: RAISE $645
homemade1971: ALL-IN
garall: ALL-IN
homemade1971: $90
klo-steen: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $210

Turn(Pot: $9100)

River(Pot: $9100)

klo-steen shows

homemade1971 shows

garall shows

21-02-2013 20:21 #99| 0

Donks :-)

Hand Information
, 150 BB (5 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: boehser bast ($1720) Small Blind
Seat 2: spinout1 ($3180) Big Blind
Seat 3: nev-er_bln ($3570)
Seat 4: kompoi ($8665)
Seat 6: homemade1971 ($12865) Dealer

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $225)
nev-er_bln: FOLD
kompoi: RAISE $375
homemade1971: RAISE $900
boehser bast: FOLD
spinout1: FOLD
kompoi: RAISE $2850
homemade1971: ALL-IN
kompoi: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $4200

Flop(Pot: $21755)

Turn(Pot: $21755)

River(Pot: $21755)

kompoi shows

homemade1971 shows


21-02-2013 21:13 #100| 0

næsten ude :-(

Hand Information
, 1.2 BB (6 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: boehser bast ($15445) Small Blind
Seat 2: pascal88 ($15691) Big Blind
Seat 3: ripzero ($15589)
Seat 4: seyeth ($17495)
Seat 5: cetwin2533 ($15789)
Seat 6: homemade1971 ($17845) Dealer

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $601.2)
ripzero: FOLD
seyeth: FOLD
cetwin2533: RAISE $3600
homemade1971: ALL-IN
boehser bast: FOLD
pascal88: FOLD
cetwin2533: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $2056

Flop(Pot: $34235.2)

Turn(Pot: $34235.2)

River(Pot: $34235.2)

cetwin2533 shows

homemade1971 shows

cetwin2533 wins the sid pot : $0
cetwin2533wins the main pot : $34235.2


21-02-2013 21:23 #101| 0

Gogo gadget comeback :-)

21-02-2013 21:37 #102| 0

så er det altså svært når de kalder flop raise og turn bet med luft og rammer river

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 150 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: louis daguer ($5577) Dealer
Seat 2: goonerwin88 ($6885) Small Blind
Seat 3: trionojnika ($2825) Big Blind
Seat 4: dick sobrave ($7809)
Seat 5: m.roldan ($7134)
Seat 6: nrd_maffia ($6570)
Seat 7: shax191 ($11808)
Seat 8: homemade13 ($7940)
Seat 9: kitanovic ($13995)
Seat 1louis daguer Ante: 20
Seat 2goonerwin88 Ante: 20
Seat 3trionojnika Ante: 20
Seat 4dick sobrave Ante: 20
Seat 5m.roldan Ante: 20
Seat 6nrd_maffia Ante: 20
Seat 7shax191 Ante: 20
Seat 8homemade13 Ante: 20
Seat 9kitanovic Ante: 20

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $405)
dick sobrave: FOLD
m.roldan: FOLD
nrd_maffia: RAISE $450
shax191: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $450
kitanovic: FOLD
louis daguer: FOLD
goonerwin88: FOLD
trionojnika: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $1325)

nrd_maffia: BET $450
homemade13: RAISE $900
nrd_maffia: CALL $450

Turn(Pot: $3125)

nrd_maffia: CHECK
homemade13: BET $1000
nrd_maffia: CALL $1000

River(Pot: $5125)

nrd_maffia: CHECK
homemade13: CHECK

nrd_maffia shows

homemade13 MUCKS

nrd_maffia wins the pot: $5125


21-02-2013 21:50 #103| 0

Aaaaaamen suk da :-(

21-02-2013 22:22 #104| 0

Monster pot tabt

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: foox ii ($9952)
Seat 2: jtees ($9603) Dealer
Seat 3: yoomes ($7274) Small Blind
Seat 4: dick sobrave ($22858) Big Blind
Seat 5: m.roldan ($8119)
Seat 6: nrd_maffia ($10450)
Seat 7: shax191 ($17172)
Seat 8: homemade13 ($14750)
Seat 9: kitanovic ($3109)
Seat 1foox ii Ante: 50
Seat 2jtees Ante: 50
Seat 3yoomes Ante: 50
Seat 4dick sobrave Ante: 50
Seat 5m.roldan Ante: 50
Seat 6nrd_maffia Ante: 50
Seat 7shax191 Ante: 50
Seat 8homemade13 Ante: 50
Seat 9kitanovic Ante: 50

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $1050)
m.roldan: FOLD
nrd_maffia: FOLD
shax191: RAISE $800
homemade13: CALL $800
kitanovic: FOLD
foox ii: CALL $800
jtees: ALL-IN
yoomes: FOLD
dick sobrave: FOLD
shax191: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
foox ii: ALL-IN
homemade13: RETURN $4798

Flop(Pot: $36055)

Turn(Pot: $36055)

River(Pot: $36055)

homemade13 shows

foox ii shows

jtees shows

jtees wins the sid pot : $698
jteeswins the main pot : $35357


21-02-2013 22:29 #105| 0

meget op og ned :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 500 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: mocke29 ($18955) Dealer
Seat 2: jtees ($30529) Small Blind
Seat 3: yoomes ($7884) Big Blind
Seat 4: dick sobrave ($36738)
Seat 5: thisyr ($40768)
Seat 6: nrd_maffia ($6621)
Seat 7: shax191 ($5306)
Seat 8: homemade13 ($10672)
Seat 9: kitanovic ($7117)
Seat 1mocke29 Ante: 60
Seat 2jtees Ante: 60
Seat 3yoomes Ante: 60
Seat 4dick sobrave Ante: 60
Seat 5thisyr Ante: 60
Seat 6nrd_maffia Ante: 60
Seat 7shax191 Ante: 60
Seat 8homemade13 Ante: 60
Seat 9kitanovic Ante: 60

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $1290)
dick sobrave: FOLD
thisyr: RAISE $1150
nrd_maffia: CALL $1150
shax191: ALL-IN
homemade13: ALL-IN
kitanovic: FOLD
mocke29: FOLD
jtees: FOLD
yoomes: FOLD
thisyr: FOLD
nrd_maffia: FOLD
homemade13: RETURN $5366

Flop(Pot: $19508)

Turn(Pot: $19508)

River(Pot: $19508)

shax191 shows

homemade13 shows

shax191 wins the pot: $19508


22-02-2013 19:40 #106| 0


23-02-2013 08:55 #107| 0

har internet forbindelse , håber ikke det varer for længe med DS :-(

23-02-2013 09:05 #108| 0

hehe KJoff n1

gl i dag og håber det snart lykkes at få forbindelse igen fra DS af.

23-02-2013 09:13 #109| 0

Exit nr 33 , river :-(

Hand Information
, 1 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: alekskif ($9480)
Seat 2: aprilia07 ($20570)
Seat 3: natao ($8405) Dealer
Seat 4: homemade1971 ($7290) Small Blind
Seat 5: katja0315 ($12645) Big Blind
Seat 7: adam7711 ($23213)
Seat 9: spatchular ($2720)
Seat 10: leighton99 ($11734)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $501)
adam7711: FOLD
spatchular: FOLD
leighton99: FOLD
alekskif: FOLD
aprilia07: FOLD
natao: CALL $1000
homemade1971: ALL-IN
katja0315: CALL $6190
natao: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $14481)

Turn(Pot: $14481)

River(Pot: $14481)

homemade1971 shows

katja0315 shows

katja0315 wins the pot: $14481


23-02-2013 19:40 #110| 0

Nogen gange ønsker man sig et 4-card holdem udgave... :-\

24-02-2013 19:10 #111| 0

Så er vi i gang igen

24-02-2013 20:26 #112| 0

exit nr 90 , flot spillet af denne dygtige PN`er

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 30 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: maria_zee ($1670)
Seat 2: shark2204 ($1460)
Seat 3: 18siir ($1495)
Seat 4: lallez0r ($1465)
Seat 5: altid3ens ($1425) Dealer
Seat 6: homemade13 ($1215) Small Blind
Seat 7: fartil9 ($1245) Big Blind
Seat 8: savvy gent ($1470)

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $45)
savvy gent: FOLD
maria_zee: FOLD
shark2204: FOLD
18siir: FOLD
lallez0r: FOLD
altid3ens: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $90
fartil9: RAISE $210
homemade13: ALL-IN
fartil9: CALL $1005

Flop(Pot: $2460)

Turn(Pot: $2460)

River(Pot: $2460)

homemade13 shows

fartil9 shows

fartil9 wins the pot: $2460


24-02-2013 21:38 #113| 0

vi takker for det tynde kald :-)

Hand Information
, 150 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: mr.kotehok ($9255)
Seat 2: soluckyyhaha ($4455)
Seat 3: homemade1971 ($15013)
Seat 4: ishkhan ($8295)
Seat 6: vladimir1970 ($12142) Dealer
Seat 7: hsuiram ($13940) Small Blind
Seat 8: tondelli ($9035) Big Blind
Seat 9: dawncore ($16145)
Seat 10: eliptik25 ($7460)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $225)
dawncore: FOLD
eliptik25: FOLD
mr.kotehok: FOLD
soluckyyhaha: RAISE $300
homemade1971: RAISE $850
ishkhan: CALL $850
vladimir1970: FOLD
hsuiram: FOLD
tondelli: FOLD
soluckyyhaha: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $2225)

homemade1971: BET $1100
ishkhan: CALL $1100

Turn(Pot: $4425)

homemade1971: CHECK
ishkhan: BET $2212
homemade1971: ALL-IN
ishkhan: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $6718

River(Pot: $23833)

ishkhan shows

homemade1971 shows


25-02-2013 18:32 #114| 0

dejligt sug efter 1 min

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: $chappi70 ($3000)
Seat 2: tony365 ($2990) Dealer
Seat 3: brogaria ($3010) Small Blind
Seat 4: snatchey88 ($3000) Big Blind
Seat 5: mrbuddy10 ($3000)
Seat 6: kezik777 ($3000)
Seat 7: xxchazxx77 ($3000)
Seat 8: homemade13 ($3000)
Seat 9: gopu ($3000)

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $30)
mrbuddy10: FOLD
kezik777: FOLD
xxchazxx77: RAISE $42
homemade13: RAISE $142
gopu: FOLD
tony365: FOLD
brogaria: FOLD
snatchey88: FOLD
xxchazxx77: RAISE $300
homemade13: RAISE $600
xxchazxx77: ALL-IN
homemade13: ALL-IN

Flop(Pot: $6030)

Turn(Pot: $6030)

River(Pot: $6030)

xxchazxx77 shows

homemade13 shows


25-02-2013 19:15 #115| 0

hmmrf , AA vs AA

Hand Information
, 60 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: aleksandar64 ($5870)
Seat 2: r1v3r_bl3nny ($2720)
Seat 3: findyourgrtness ($3315)
Seat 4: csepel125 ($4170) Dealer
Seat 5: crywolf777 ($1220) Small Blind
Seat 6: rojo40 ($1730) Big Blind
Seat 7: u_taranova ($4730)
Seat 8: lentiti ($4745)
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($1660)
Seat 10: anndron88 ($3840)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $90)
u_taranova: FOLD
lentiti: RAISE $180
homemade1971: RAISE $480
anndron88: FOLD
aleksandar64: FOLD
r1v3r_bl3nny: FOLD
findyourgrtness: FOLD
csepel125: CALL $480
crywolf777: FOLD
rojo40: FOLD
lentiti: FOLD

Flop(Pot: $1230)

homemade1971: BET $600
csepel125: RAISE $1200
homemade1971: ALL-IN
csepel125: RETURN $20

Turn(Pot: $3610)

River(Pot: $3610)

csepel125 shows

homemade1971 shows

homemade1971 wins the sid pot : $0
homemade1971wins the main pot : $3610


25-02-2013 20:53 #116| 0

Fucking joke amen

Hand Information
, 300 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: oz_nuts ($13569) Dealer
Seat 2: r1v3r_bl3nny ($16998) Small Blind
Seat 3: findyourgrtness ($9114) Big Blind
Seat 4: you-mutha-duker ($26206)
Seat 5: balusam88 ($12630)
Seat 6: gatu18 ($6059)
Seat 7: cpissides ($2295)
Seat 8: netto73 ($9555)
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($22654)
Seat 10: mk9999 ($40336)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $450)
you-mutha-duker: CALL $300
balusam88: FOLD
gatu18: FOLD
cpissides: CALL $300
netto73: FOLD
homemade1971: CALL $300
mk9999: FOLD
oz_nuts: RAISE $1500
r1v3r_bl3nny: FOLD
findyourgrtness: FOLD
you-mutha-duker: FOLD
cpissides: ALL-IN
homemade1971: CALL $1965
oz_nuts: CALL $765

Flop(Pot: $7575)

homemade1971: CHECK
oz_nuts: BET $3000
homemade1971: ALL-IN
oz_nuts: ALL-IN
homemade1971: RETURN $9085

Turn(Pot: $39268)

River(Pot: $39268)

oz_nuts shows

cpissides shows

homemade1971 shows

oz_nuts wins the sid pot : $11274
oz_nutswins the main pot : $27994


runner runner , han var såååå crushed

Hand Information
, 300 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: oz_nuts ($30393)
Seat 2: r1v3r_bl3nny ($16818) Dealer
Seat 3: findyourgrtness ($8784) Small Blind
Seat 4: you-mutha-duker ($25876) Big Blind
Seat 5: balusam88 ($12600)
Seat 6: gatu18 ($6029)
Seat 8: netto73 ($9525)
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($9085)
Seat 10: mk9999 ($40306)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $450)
balusam88: FOLD
gatu18: FOLD
netto73: CALL $300
homemade1971: RAISE $600
mk9999: FOLD
oz_nuts: FOLD
r1v3r_bl3nny: FOLD
findyourgrtness: FOLD
you-mutha-duker: CALL $300
netto73: CALL $300

Flop(Pot: $1950)

you-mutha-duker: CHECK
netto73: CHECK
homemade1971: BET $1200
you-mutha-duker: RAISE $5820
netto73: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
you-mutha-duker: CALL $2635

Turn(Pot: $18890)

River(Pot: $18890)

you-mutha-duker shows

homemade1971 shows

you-mutha-duker wins the pot: $18890


25-02-2013 21:02 #117| 0

Ad et par grimmere par af slagsen :-( Damn det må give på karma kontoen til senere!

25-02-2013 21:08 #118| 0

exit nr 31, flot kald med 89s

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 250 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: kystfluefisk ($2858)
Seat 2: kasperhumle ($2682)
Seat 3: itfc677 ($4295)
Seat 4: homemade13 ($1858)
Seat 5: demioz ($3907)
Seat 6: cheilson ($690) Dealer
Seat 8: urosveliki ($6005) Small Blind
Seat 9: avforenriver ($6874) Big Blind
Seat 1kystfluefisk Ante: 25
Seat 2kasperhumle Ante: 25
Seat 3itfc677 Ante: 25
Seat 4homemade13 Ante: 25
Seat 5demioz Ante: 25
Seat 6cheilson Ante: 25
Seat 8urosveliki Ante: 25
Seat 9avforenriver Ante: 25

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $575)
kystfluefisk: FOLD
kasperhumle: FOLD
itfc677: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
demioz: FOLD
cheilson: FOLD
urosveliki: FOLD
avforenriver: CALL $1583

Flop(Pot: $4041)

Turn(Pot: $4041)

River(Pot: $4041)

avforenriver shows

homemade13 shows

avforenriver wins the pot: $4041


27-02-2013 19:32 #119| 0


27-02-2013 19:51 #120| 0

exit nr 2500 :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (8 handed).

Table Information
Seat 2: d.spartak ($3010)
Seat 3: raciel6397 ($1970)
Seat 4: toth1961 ($1970)
Seat 5: buster003 ($1060) Dealer
Seat 6: georg0404 ($1900) Small Blind
Seat 7: homemade13 ($2000) Big Blind
Seat 8: jopamt ($2130)
Seat 9: goldie5mm ($2110)

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $30)
jopamt: FOLD
goldie5mm: RAISE $40
d.spartak: FOLD
raciel6397: CALL $40
toth1961: FOLD
buster003: FOLD
georg0404: CALL $30
homemade13: CALL $20

Flop(Pot: $160)

georg0404: CHECK
homemade13: CHECK
goldie5mm: BET $140
raciel6397: CALL $140
georg0404: CALL $140
homemade13: RAISE $500
goldie5mm: CALL $360
raciel6397: FOLD
georg0404: CALL $360

Turn(Pot: $1800)

georg0404: CHECK
homemade13: CHECK
goldie5mm: CHECK

River(Pot: $1800)

georg0404: CHECK
homemade13: BET $700
goldie5mm: RAISE $1400
georg0404: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
goldie5mm: CALL $60

homemade13 shows

goldie5mm shows

goldie5mm wins the pot: $1800


27-02-2013 20:24 #121| 0

really ????

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 40 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: pokerpete04 ($3320)
Seat 2: rei forte ($3000)
Seat 3: hcgrinder ($4751)
Seat 4: hero_raise! ($6738) Dealer
Seat 5: gochoman ($3306) Small Blind
Seat 6: homemade13 ($2405) Big Blind
Seat 7: zihuatanejo3 ($2840)
Seat 8: revalius ($5030)
Seat 9: andybullets ($1950)

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $60)
zihuatanejo3: FOLD
revalius: FOLD
andybullets: FOLD
pokerpete04: FOLD
rei forte: FOLD
hcgrinder: RAISE $120
gochoman: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $360
hcgrinder: CALL $240

Flop(Pot: $780)

homemade13: BET $400
hcgrinder: ALL-IN
homemade13: ALL-IN
hcgrinder: RETURN $2346

Turn(Pot: $7176)

River(Pot: $7176)

homemade13 shows

hcgrinder shows

hero_raise! MUCKS

hcgrinder wins the pot: $7176


27-02-2013 20:28 #122| 0

exit nr 2100 , flippe kan vi heller ikke :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: lostinbg ($3727)
Seat 2: poker_voiti ($4230)
Seat 3: chiquidealer ($4665) Dealer
Seat 4: kurtkaare ($4280) Small Blind
Seat 5: homemade13 ($3535) Big Blind
Seat 6: z8h4k9 ($6910)
Seat 7: cap10inho ($403)
Seat 8: voss911 ($2314)
Seat 9: spitfire3211 ($4586)
Seat 1lostinbg Ante: 25
Seat 2poker_voiti Ante: 25
Seat 3chiquidealer Ante: 25
Seat 4kurtkaare Ante: 25
Seat 5homemade13 Ante: 25
Seat 6z8h4k9 Ante: 25
Seat 7cap10inho Ante: 25
Seat 8voss911 Ante: 25
Seat 9spitfire3211 Ante: 25

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $525)
z8h4k9: FOLD
cap10inho: ALL-IN
voss911: FOLD
spitfire3211: FOLD
lostinbg: FOLD
poker_voiti: RAISE $600
chiquidealer: FOLD
kurtkaare: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
poker_voiti: CALL $2910

Flop(Pot: $7748)

Turn(Pot: $7748)

River(Pot: $7748)

homemade13 shows

poker_voiti shows

cap10inho shows

poker_voiti wins the pot: $1484


27-02-2013 20:30 #123| 0

wow , det kører skidt pt :-(

Hand Information
, 2.5 BB (10 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: crymearive ($20507)
Seat 2: victrips ($12206)
Seat 3: j.a.m.e.s ($42850)
Seat 4: bbbooobbbppp ($6160) Dealer
Seat 5: leemarla ($30443) Small Blind
Seat 6: grmansfinest ($9432) Big Blind
Seat 7: director10 ($8970)
Seat 8: piwofrag ($1891)
Seat 9: homemade1971 ($24036)
Seat 10: kodlpoker ($14810)

Dealt to homemade1971

Preflop (Pot: $3.75)
director10: ALL-IN
piwofrag: FOLD
homemade1971: ALL-IN
kodlpoker: FOLD
crymearive: FOLD
victrips: FOLD
j.a.m.e.s: FOLD
bbbooobbbppp: FOLD
leemarla: FOLD
grmansfinest: FOLD
homemade1971: RETURN $15066

Flop(Pot: $33009.75)

Turn(Pot: $33009.75)

River(Pot: $33009.75)

director10 shows

homemade1971 shows

director10 wins the sid pot : $0
director10wins the main pot : $33009.75


01-03-2013 08:34 #124| 0

bump for spil

01-03-2013 09:15 #125| 0

exit nr 223 :-(

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 500 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: kalle0406 ($21860)
Seat 2: harry1403 ($13520)
Seat 3: piaema ($3030)
Seat 4: johanne0709 ($3740)
Seat 5: ingenio82 ($8334) Dealer
Seat 6: pollie09 ($6200) Small Blind
Seat 7: aajvdwaa ($2100) Big Blind
Seat 8: homemade13 ($4705)
Seat 9: rainman007a ($6530)
Seat 1kalle0406 Ante: 100
Seat 2harry1403 Ante: 100
Seat 3piaema Ante: 100
Seat 4johanne0709 Ante: 100
Seat 5ingenio82 Ante: 100
Seat 6pollie09 Ante: 100
Seat 7aajvdwaa Ante: 100
Seat 8homemade13 Ante: 100
Seat 9rainman007a Ante: 100

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $1650)
homemade13: ALL-IN
rainman007a: ALL-IN
kalle0406: FOLD
harry1403: FOLD
piaema: FOLD
johanne0709: FOLD
ingenio82: FOLD
pollie09: FOLD
aajvdwaa: FOLD
rainman007a: RETURN $1825

Flop(Pot: $12785)

Turn(Pot: $12785)

River(Pot: $12785)

homemade13 shows

rainman007a shows

rainman007a wins the pot: $12785


01-03-2013 10:12 #126| 0

hold nu kæft

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 400 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: anzac555 ($3390) Big Blind
Seat 2: mcqueen3370 ($5685)
Seat 3: kach-gari ($6880)
Seat 4: homemade13 ($4910)
Seat 5: lui_kang460 ($5960)
Seat 6: ingypop ($21514)
Seat 7: germes 240 ($7047)
Seat 8: bigmama232 ($3240) Dealer
Seat 9: andrey gsm ($2000) Small Blind
Seat 1anzac555 Ante: 40
Seat 2mcqueen3370 Ante: 40
Seat 3kach-gari Ante: 40
Seat 4homemade13 Ante: 40
Seat 5lui_kang460 Ante: 40
Seat 6ingypop Ante: 40
Seat 7germes 240 Ante: 40
Seat 8bigmama232 Ante: 40
Seat 9andrey gsm Ante: 40

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $960)
mcqueen3370: FOLD
kach-gari: FOLD
homemade13: RAISE $1000
lui_kang460: CALL $1000
ingypop: CALL $1000
germes 240: FOLD
bigmama232: FOLD
andrey gsm: ALL-IN
anzac555: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
lui_kang460: ALL-IN
ingypop: FOLD
lui_kang460: RETURN $1050

Flop(Pot: $14550)

Turn(Pot: $14550)

River(Pot: $14550)

homemade13 shows

lui_kang460 shows

andrey gsm shows

lui_kang460 wins the pot: $8730


03-03-2013 16:35 #127| 0

Bump for spil i aften

03-03-2013 19:38 #128| 0

PokerStars setup :-(

PokerStars Hand #94954715744: Tournament #693521285, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2013/03/03 19:33:11 CET [2013/03/03 13:33:11 ET]
Table '693521285 247' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: TheBeeftank (3000 in chips)
Seat 2: TksForTrying (2990 in chips)
Seat 3: totya0611 (3060 in chips)
Seat 4: pokerkoreia (2980 in chips)
Seat 5: HomeMade13 (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: elbiouy (2910 in chips)
Seat 7: FredFerket (3120 in chips)
Seat 8: 85blackswan (2940 in chips)
Seat 9: FISHyFINGA (3000 in chips)
pokerkoreia: posts small blind 10
HomeMade13: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to HomeMade13 [Js Tc]
elbiouy: raises 20 to 40
FredFerket: folds
85blackswan: folds
TheBeeftank: calls 40
TksForTrying: folds
totya0611: folds
pokerkoreia: folds
HomeMade13: calls 20
*** FLOP *** [Ts 8s Th]
HomeMade13: checks
elbiouy: bets 90
TheBeeftank: folds
HomeMade13: raises 190 to 280
elbiouy: calls 190
*** TURN *** [Ts 8s Th] [Ad]
HomeMade13: checks
elbiouy: bets 380
HomeMade13: raises 380 to 760
elbiouy: raises 1830 to 2590 and is all-in
HomeMade13: calls 1830
*** RIVER *** [Ts 8s Th Ad] [2c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
HomeMade13: shows [Js Tc] (three of a kind, Tens)
elbiouy: shows [Kd Td] (three of a kind, Tens - Ace+King kicker)
elbiouy collected 5870 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5870 | Rake 0
Board [Ts 8s Th Ad 2c]
Seat 1: TheBeeftank folded on the Flop
Seat 2: TksForTrying folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: totya0611 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: pokerkoreia (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: HomeMade13 (big blind) showed [Js Tc] and lost with three of a kind, Tens
Seat 6: elbiouy showed [Kd Td] and won (5870) with three of a kind, Tens
Seat 7: FredFerket folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: 85blackswan folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: FISHyFINGA folded before Flop (didn't bet)

03-03-2013 22:37 #129| 0

Dansker der vælger at tanke inden han kalder med AA , idiot

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 300 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: acetrowel ($11244)
Seat 2: ururoma ($3425)
Seat 3: gamblitt ($16603)
Seat 4: lefteru ($10345)
Seat 5: saxstix ($6471)
Seat 6: mrsconradsen ($6100) Dealer
Seat 7: kwaiazuiu ($4724) Small Blind
Seat 8: fedya767 ($4706) Big Blind
Seat 9: homemade13 ($15432)
Seat 1acetrowel Ante: 40
Seat 2ururoma Ante: 40
Seat 3gamblitt Ante: 40
Seat 4lefteru Ante: 40
Seat 5saxstix Ante: 40
Seat 6mrsconradsen Ante: 40
Seat 7kwaiazuiu Ante: 40
Seat 8fedya767 Ante: 40
Seat 9homemade13 Ante: 40

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $810)
homemade13: RAISE $700
acetrowel: CALL $700
ururoma: FOLD
gamblitt: FOLD
lefteru: FOLD
saxstix: FOLD
mrsconradsen: RAISE $2100
kwaiazuiu: FOLD
fedya767: FOLD
homemade13: ALL-IN
acetrowel: FOLD
mrsconradsen: ALL-IN
homemade13: RETURN $9332

Flop(Pot: $23002)

Turn(Pot: $23002)

River(Pot: $23002)

homemade13 shows

mrsconradsen shows

mrsconradsen wins the pot: $23002


04-03-2013 00:16 #130| 0

hader heldige russere , amen hvad sker der for ham

Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 1200 BB (9 handed).

Table Information
Seat 1: hookiestreet ($72899)
Seat 2: kamerger13 ($118940)
Seat 3: gamblitt ($22493)
Seat 4: lageris666 ($32124)
Seat 5: boskoabaz ($22283)
Seat 6: mrsconradsen ($13721)
Seat 7: dark matter8 ($12094) Dealer
Seat 8: elsocht_ad ($66056) Small Blind
Seat 9: homemade13 ($23879) Big Blind
Seat 1hookiestreet Ante: 150
Seat 2kamerger13 Ante: 150
Seat 3gamblitt Ante: 150
Seat 4lageris666 Ante: 150
Seat 5boskoabaz Ante: 150
Seat 6mrsconradsen Ante: 150
Seat 7dark matter8 Ante: 150
Seat 8elsocht_ad Ante: 150
Seat 9homemade13 Ante: 150

Dealt to homemade13

Preflop (Pot: $3150)
hookiestreet: FOLD
kamerger13: RAISE $2400
gamblitt: FOLD
lageris666: FOLD
boskoabaz: FOLD
mrsconradsen: FOLD
dark matter8: FOLD
elsocht_ad: FOLD
homemade13: CALL $1200

Flop(Pot: $6900)

homemade13: CHECK
kamerger13: BET $3600
homemade13: RAISE $7200
kamerger13: ALL-IN
homemade13: ALL-IN
kamerger13: RETURN $95061

Turn(Pot: $144619)

River(Pot: $144619)

homemade13 shows

kamerger13 shows

kamerger13 wins the pot: $144619


04-03-2013 07:36 #131| 0

Desværre har jeg travlt de næste 8-10 dage, men gir den gas til Micro Millions

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