Stakedeal med DeLuck & JulemanD2K9

#1| 0

Backere i aftalen er DeLuck og JulemanD2K9

Der må højst spilles op til $31 MTT, alt andet skal aftales skriftligt på forhold mellem stakee og en eller begge stakers.

I denne tråd vil jeg opdatere løbende rulle, touroversigt for hver gang jeg har spillet en session, samt HH.

Startrulle er 6000 DKK.

Omregnet i $$

Startulle: $1060,75 (Med mulighed for en tilføjelse så den kommer op på $1200)

Running roll: $1371,50

Redigeret af Lede d. 20-05-2013 01:15
07-05-2013 23:47 #2| 0

Session oversigt (Dato - Rulle - Antal Tours - Resultat):

08/05 - $1060,71 - 37 - $312.82
09/05 - $747,84 - 44 - $1553,87
10/05 - $2301,71 - 40 - $306,96(Dog er en 215 ticket vundet)
13/05 - $1994,75 - 12 - $72,70
14/05 - $1922,05 - 45 - $16,79
15/05 - $1938,84 - 42 - $296,76
19/05 - $1642,08 - 35 - $270,58
21/05 - $1371,50 -

Redigeret af Lede d. 20-05-2013 01:15
07-05-2013 23:47 #3| 0
Program 15/05/2013

Programmet vil også blive kigget igennem for eventuelle fejl i morgen, da jeg var en anelse træt. Sat til HU og NLHE scoop-M events vil formentlig blive tilføjet en enkelt af også :)

15:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD Cash: $17,75

15:30 - $8.80+R - NLHE - 27.5K GTD Cash: $42,74

15:45 - $5.10 - Hyper 6Max - 2.5K GTD

15:45 - $11 - NLHE - 3K GTD

16:00 - $8.80 - The Big - 25K GTD
- 113/2618

16:00 - $11 - Scoop, NL Draw - 30K GTD
- næsten busto
16:15 - $2.20+R - 500 Cap - 2K GTD
- 243/328

16:30 - $13.50 - KO - 5K GTD (blev ikke spillet alligevel)

16:30 - $8.80+R - 1R1A - 10K GTD
- 457/673
16:30 - $2.20 - Turbo - 5K GTD
- 1454/1892

16:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 5K GTD

17:00 - $2.20 - 2x Turbo - 9K GTD

17:00 - $22 - The Big - 50K GTD Cash $41,20

17:15 - $8.80 - 500 Cap - 3K GTD

17:30 - $11 - The Hot - 25K GTD

18:00 - $22 - NLHE - 12K GTD
18:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 2K GTD
18:30 - $16.50 - The Hot - 25K GTD
18:45 - $2.20 - Turbo - 10K GTD

19:00 - $11 - The Big - 60K GTD
19:00 - $7.50 - Scoop HU - 50K GTD
19:15 - $1.10+R - 3X Turbo - 60K GTD
19:30 - $3.30+R - NLHE - 20K GTD

20:00 - $5.50 - Turbo - 10K GTD

20:30 - $11 - NLHE - 10K GTD - Cash: $53.79

21:00 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 7.5K GTD
21:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 40K GTD
21:15 - $11 - NLHE - 3K GTD
21:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 5K GTD
21:30 - $8.80 - NLHE - 8K GTD
21:45 - $5.50+R - 2R1A

22:00 - $5.10 - 6Max Hyper - 4K GTD
22:00 - $11 - NLHE Scoop08L - 100K GTD
22:15 - $2.20 - 6Max Turbo - Cash: $10.66
22:30 - $13.50 - KO - 2K GTD
22:45 - $11 - Turbo - 18K GTD

23:00 - $5.50+R - NLHE - 15K GTD

18:48 - $5.50+R - Sat til $100 scoop - 1seat gtd - Sæde vundet
15:37 - $16.50 - 4Max, sat til $87 Scoop HU - Sæde vundet

$4.40 - The Big -

Program 19/05/2013

13:00 - $11+R - NLHE
13:30 - $5.10 - Hyper
13:45 - $5.10 - Hyper
13:45 - $2.20+R - 500 Cap

14:00 - $5.50 - The Big
14:30 - $16.50 - 8 Max 1000 cap - Cash: $29,32
14:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE
14:45 - $5.40 - Turbo KO

15:23 - $2.20+R - 3x Turbo - Sat til Scoop-21M $215
15:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE
15:30 - $8.80+R- NLHE
15:33 - $2.20+R - 3x Turbo - Sat til Scoop-21M $215

16:00 - $8.80 - The Big
16:00 - $27 - NL (Scoop-21-L)
16:15 - $2.20+R - 500 Cap
16:30 - $13.50 - KO
16:30 - $2.20 - Turbo

17:00 - $2.20+R - 2x Turbo
17:00 - $22 - The Big
17:15 - $8.80 - 500 Cap
17:30 - $11 - The Hotter

18:00 - $5.50 - NLHE
18:00 - $22.00 - NLHE

18:30 - $16.50 - The Hotter - Cash: $37,67
18:30 - $11 - Sunday Storm
18:45 - $2.20 - Turbo

19:00 - $11 - The Big - Cash: $
19:15 - $1.1+R - 3x Turbo
19:30 - $13.50 - KO
19:30 - $3.30+R - NLHE

19:30 - $27 - NLHE (Scoop-22-L)
19:45 - $4.40 - Turbo

13:00 - $1.10 - 6max Turbo - Cash $9 (46/3876)
14:52 - $6.60 - Turbo (Sat til hot 33) - Cash $21

18:30 - $5.10 - Hyper7
18:33 - $10.20 - 4max Hyper sat til $215 - Bliver lavet til tour $$ hvis muligt

Der kan blive tilføjet et par af de små 2-5$ til slut, hvis det går godt i nogle af de lidt dybere turneringer :)
Redigeret af Lede d. 20-05-2013 00:02
07-05-2013 23:58 #4| 0

GL i 3, riv nogen fisk rundt :)

08-05-2013 00:03 #5| 0

Glæder mig til at følge spillet! Held og lykke til os :)

08-05-2013 00:16 #6| 0
Program den 08/05/2013
Kun et cash denne dag:
20:30 - $3.30+R - 2x Turbo - 15K GTD = $47

Program den 09/05/2013

13:00 - $11R - NLHE - 17.5K GTD
13:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 4K GTD
13:30 - $5.50R - 2xTurbo - 20K GTD
13:45 - $2.20R - 500 Cap - 2K GTD

14:00 - $5.50 - The Big - 20K GTD
14:30 - $16.50 - 8Max1000C - 3K GTD
14:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD
14:45 - $5.50 - Turbo KO - 7.5K GTD

15:15 - $5.50 - 1000 Cap - 3K GTD

15:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD
15:30 - $8.80+R - NLHE - 17.5K GTD
15:45 - $5.10 - 6MAX hyper - 2.5K GTD - ITM $9.67 (Nr. 137)

16:00 - $8.80 - The Big - 25K GTD
16.15 - $2.20R - 500 Cap - 2K GTD
16:30 - $13.50 - KO - 5K GTD
16:30 - $8.80+R - 1R1A - 10K GTD

17:00 - $2.20+R - 2x Turbo - 9K GTD - $22
17:00 - $22 - The Big - 50K GTD - $33
17:15 - $2.70 - Turbo KO - 7.5K GTD - 14.87
17:30 - $11 - The Hot - 25K GTD
17:45 - $5.40 - Turbo KO - 10K GTD
17:45 - $16.50 - Zoom Turbo - 4K GTD

18:00 - $5.50 - NLHE - 5K GTD
18:30 - $16.50 - The Hot - 25K GTD

18:45 - $2.20 - Turbo - 10K GTD - $1940,61 (Nr,1)

19:00 - $11 - The Big - 60K GTD
19:15 - $1+R - 3X Turbo - 60K GTD
19:30 - $3.30+R - NLHE - 20K GTD
19:45 - $4,40 - Turbo - 8K GTD

20:00 - $5.50 - Turbo - 10K GTD
20:30 - $3.30+R - 2xTurbo - 15K GTD
20:30 - $11 - NLHE - 10K GTD
21:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 40K GTD


20:00 - $2.70 - Turbo KO - 7,5K GTD
20:00 - $5.50 - Turbo - 10K GTD
20:15 - $4.40+R - 4Max 2K GTD

22:00 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 17.5K GTD - $33,04(71)

Program 13/05/2013

Der er få ændringer i programmet - nogle turbo og hyper tours er fjernet, med undtagelse af hot og de små "value"-turbos hvor folk er sick dårlige. Derudover starter programmet senere og er lidt forlænget for at få det sidste scoop event med - køleskabet er fyldt op med energi-børger, hurtigretter etc. til formålet :)

Jeg vil forsøge at komme med flere opdateringer og hænder i morgen da jeg generelt føler mig frisk :) Et par SnG og satelitter kan også blive klemt ind i starten af dagen - de vil naturligvis blive tilføjet.

14:00 - $5.50 - The Big - 20K GTD
14:15 - $5.50 - 2R1A - 5K GTD
14:30 - $16.50 - 8Max1000 Cap - 3K GTD
14:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD

15:15 - $5.50 - 1000 Cap - 3K GTD
15:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD
15:30 - $8.80+R - NLHE - 17.5K GTD
15:45 - $5.10 - 6Max Hyper - 2.5K GTD
15:45 - $11 - NLHE - 3K GTD (Vil blive ofret hvis det går godt)

16:00 - $8.80 - The big - 25K GTD
16:00 - $5.50+R - 6Max AH - 200K GTD - Cash: $54,96

16:15 - $2.20+R - 500 Cap - 2K GTD - Cash: $23.29

16:30 - $8.80+R - 1R1A - 10K GTD
16:30 - $2.20 - Turbo - 5K GTD (Bliver ofret hvis der er for mange tours)

17:00 - $2.20+R - 2x Turbo - 9K GTD
17:00 - $22 - The Big - 50K GTD
17:15 - $8.80 - 500 Cap - 3K GTD
17:30 - $11 - The Hot - 25K GTD

18:00 - $22 - NLHE - 12K GTD
18:00 - $5.50 - NLHE - 5K GTD
18:30 - $16.50 - The Hot - 25K GTD
18:45 - $2.20 - Turbo - 10K GTD

19:00 - $11 - The Big - 60K GTD
19:15 - $1.10+R - 3xTurbo - 60K GTD
19:30 - $13.50 - KO - 8K GTD

19:30 - $3.30+R - 20K GTD
19:45 - $4.40 - Turbo - 8K GTD
19:45 - $16.50 - 6Max - 4K GTD

20:00 - $5.50 - Turbo - 10K GTD

20:30 - $11 - NLHE - 10K GTD

21:00 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 7.5K GTD
21:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 40K GTD
21:15 - $11 - NLHE - 3K GTD

21:30 - $8.80 - NLHE - 8K GTD - Cash: $359.38
21:45 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 17.5K GTD

22:00 - $11+R - Turbo(scoop L)- 250K GTD
22:15 - $16.50 - 360 Cap - 4K GTD
22:15 - $2.20 - 6Max Turbo - 6K GTD
22:30 - $4.40 - The Big - 15K GTD
22:45 - $11 - Turbo - 18K GTD

23:00 - $5.50+R - NLHE - 15K GTD - Cash: $24.54

$6.60 - Turbo - Sat til hot33 - Hvis unreg er muligt bliver det gjort og regget til en $22 non turbo
$5.10 Hyper - Nr. 8 til $133
$5.50 Turbo KO - $9.42
Redigeret af Lede d. 14-05-2013 04:57
08-05-2013 09:22 #7| 0

Gl. Ser godt ud :)

08-05-2013 10:00 #8| 0

gl alle 3 lækkert program. fedt det forgår over PNS så man kan følge med

08-05-2013 10:14 #9| 0

Ser godt nok heftigt ud - gl til jer alle tre

08-05-2013 14:06 #11| 0

Når stars er kommet op igen går jeg igang, jeg har dog planlagt at fjerne et par turbo tours i ovenstående herunder 8r 2x turbo, for at mindske variansen en anelse :)

08-05-2013 15:10 #12| 0

Ikke den bedste start efter de første 3 tours da jeg faktisk ikke har vundet en hånd :-P
Bust hånd i 5R
PokerStars Hand #98272753696: Tournament #727719109, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (80/160) - 2013/05/08 14:07:58 WET [2013/05/08 9:07:58 ET]
Table '727719109 22' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: jpvr (3735 in chips)
Seat 2: Envari (3125 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 3: fitzner (5280 in chips)
Seat 4: toniRR (4585 in chips)
Seat 5: dreco78 (5735 in chips)
Seat 6: ZwEsty'K (8060 in chips)
Seat 7: kluni1106 (4450 in chips)
Seat 8: TTBerg (14635 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (3985 in chips)
jpvr: posts the ante 15
Envari: posts the ante 15
fitzner: posts the ante 15
toniRR: posts the ante 15
dreco78: posts the ante 15
ZwEsty'K: posts the ante 15
kluni1106: posts the ante 15
TTBerg: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
toniRR: posts small blind 80
dreco78: posts big blind 160
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Ks]
ZwEsty'K: raises 160 to 320
kluni1106: calls 320
TTBerg: folds
Lede007: raises 3650 to 3970 and is all-in
jpvr: folds
Envari: folds
fitzner: folds
toniRR: folds
dreco78: folds
ZwEsty'K: calls 3650
kluni1106: folds
*** FLOP *** [6h Jc 5c]
*** TURN *** [6h Jc 5c] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [6h Jc 5c 8c] [9d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ZwEsty'K: shows [Kd Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
Lede007: shows [Ad Ks] (high card Ace)
ZwEsty'K collected 8635 from pot
ZwEsty'K said, "rebuy fish"
Lede007 finished the tournament in 327th place
Redigeret af Lede d. 08-05-2013 15:14
08-05-2013 15:24 #13| 0

Først pot vundet:
PokerStars Hand #98272972149: Tournament #727717628, $1.00+$0.25+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2013/05/08 14:22:27 WET [2013/05/08 9:22:27 ET]
Table '727717628 154' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (2290 in chips)
Seat 2: fabio gonzal (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: Asylbek777 (7595 in chips)
Seat 4: FOURT STREET (2490 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 5: nickki6 (3350 in chips)
Seat 6: m t o g (3675 in chips)
Seat 7: beachboy2424 (10750 in chips)
Seat 8: m0w7 (2440 in chips)
Seat 9: asklon710 (2700 in chips)
m t o g: posts small blind 75
beachboy2424: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Jh]
m0w7: folds
asklon710: folds
Lede007: raises 150 to 300
fabio gonzal: folds
Asylbek777: calls 300
nickki6: folds
m t o g: calls 225
beachboy2424: calls 150
*** FLOP *** [Th 3c Ad]
m t o g: checks
beachboy2424: checks
Lede007: bets 600
Asylbek777: calls 600
m t o g: folds
beachboy2424: folds
*** TURN *** [Th 3c Ad] [7c]
Lede007: bets 1390 and is all-in
Asylbek777: calls 1390
*** RIVER *** [Th 3c Ad 7c] [Kd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As Jh] (a pair of Aces)
Asylbek777: shows [Qc Qd] (a pair of Queens)
Lede007 collected 5180 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5180 | Rake 0
Board [Th 3c Ad 7c Kd]
Seat 1: Lede007 showed [As Jh] and won (5180) with a pair of Aces
Seat 2: fabio gonzal folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Asylbek777 showed [Qc Qd] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 4: FOURT STREET folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: nickki6 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: m t o g (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 7: beachboy2424 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 8: m0w7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: asklon710 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

08-05-2013 15:34 #14| 0

PokerStars Hand #98273168638: Tournament #727717628, $1.00+$0.25+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2013/05/08 14:33:11 WET [2013/05/08 9:33:11 ET]
Table '727717628 154' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (4080 in chips)
Seat 3: Asylbek777 (4430 in chips)
Seat 4: smsWin1 (7550 in chips)
Seat 5: nickki6 (2890 in chips)
Seat 6: m t o g (2400 in chips)
Seat 7: beachboy2424 (10200 in chips)
Seat 8: m0w7 (12340 in chips)
Seat 9: asklon710 (2100 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 25
Asylbek777: posts the ante 25
smsWin1: posts the ante 25
nickki6: posts the ante 25
m t o g: posts the ante 25
beachboy2424: posts the ante 25
m0w7: posts the ante 25
asklon710: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts small blind 125
Asylbek777: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js Jd]
smsWin1: folds
nickki6: folds
m t o g: folds
beachboy2424: folds
m0w7: folds
asklon710: raises 250 to 500
Lede007: raises 3555 to 4055 and is all-in
Asylbek777: folds
asklon710: calls 1575 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (1980) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [7d Ac 5d]
*** TURN *** [7d Ac 5d] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [7d Ac 5d Qd] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Js Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
asklon710: shows [Kd 8d] (a flush, King high)
asklon710 collected 4600 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 15:47 #15| 0

Altid lækkert med en fisk i baghånden :)
okerStars Hand #98273461141: Tournament #727717628, $1.00+$0.25+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2013/05/08 14:44:01 WET [2013/05/08 9:44:01 ET]
Table '727717628 154' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (4510 in chips)
Seat 2: Weedpwnt (2750 in chips)
Seat 3: kitzMe001 (2325 in chips)
Seat 4: smsWin1 (6920 in chips)
Seat 5: nickki6 (4655 in chips)
Seat 6: smileydizler (4000 in chips)
Seat 7: beachboy2424 (14300 in chips)
Seat 8: m0w7 (8400 in chips)
Seat 9: asklon710 (5950 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 50
Weedpwnt: posts the ante 50
kitzMe001: posts the ante 50
smsWin1: posts the ante 50
nickki6: posts the ante 50
smileydizler: posts the ante 50
beachboy2424: posts the ante 50
m0w7: posts the ante 50
asklon710: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts small blind 200
Weedpwnt: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [2d 8c]
kitzMe001: folds
smsWin1: folds
nickki6: folds
smileydizler: folds
beachboy2424: folds
m0w7 has timed out
m0w7: folds
m0w7 is sitting out
m0w7 has returned
asklon710: calls 400
Lede007: raises 4060 to 4460 and is all-in
Weedpwnt: folds
asklon710: folds
Uncalled bet (4060) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 1650 from pot
Lede007: doesn't show hand

De er jo sørgeligt dårlige :)
PokerStars Hand #98273513840: Tournament #727717628, $1.00+$0.25+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2013/05/08 14:45:44 WET [2013/05/08 9:45:44 ET]
Table '727717628 154' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (5660 in chips)
Seat 2: Weedpwnt (25 in chips)
Seat 3: kitzMe001 (4900 in chips)
Seat 4: smsWin1 (6820 in chips)
Seat 5: nickki6 (4555 in chips)
Seat 6: smileydizler (3900 in chips)
Seat 7: beachboy2424 (14200 in chips)
Seat 8: m0w7 (8300 in chips)
Seat 9: asklon710 (5450 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 50
Weedpwnt: posts the ante 25 and is all-in
kitzMe001: posts the ante 50
smsWin1: posts the ante 50
nickki6: posts the ante 50
smileydizler: posts the ante 50
beachboy2424: posts the ante 50
m0w7: posts the ante 50
asklon710: posts the ante 50
kitzMe001: posts small blind 300
smsWin1: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6h 6c]
nickki6: calls 600
smileydizler: folds
beachboy2424: calls 600
m0w7: folds
asklon710: calls 600
Lede007: raises 5010 to 5610 and is all-in
kitzMe001: folds
smsWin1: folds
nickki6: folds
beachboy2424: folds
asklon710: folds
Uncalled bet (5010) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Kd 4d Jh]
*** TURN *** [Kd 4d Jh] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 4d Jh Tc] [7h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [6h 6c] (a pair of Sixes)
Lede007 collected 3500 from side pot
Weedpwnt: shows [Ks 8s] (a pair of Kings)
Weedpwnt collected 225 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3725 Main pot 225. Side pot 3500. | Rake 0
Board [Kd 4d Jh Tc 7h]
Seat 1: Lede007 showed [6h 6c] and won (3500) with a pair of Sixes
Seat 2: Weedpwnt (button) showed [Ks 8s] and won (225) with a pair of Kings
Seat 3: kitzMe001 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: smsWin1 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: nickki6 folded before Flop
Seat 6: smileydizler folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: beachboy2424 folded before Flop
Seat 8: m0w7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: asklon710 folded before Flop

08-05-2013 15:52 #16| 0

Bust i $1 - tror dog BI blev tjent ind i 0.25 bounties..
PokerStars Hand #98273675106: Tournament #727717628, $1.00+$0.25+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (400/800) - 2013/05/08 14:50:46 WET [2013/05/08 9:50:46 ET]
Table '727717628 242' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (12635 in chips)
Seat 3: Cor LeonisAA (9305 in chips)
Seat 4: OnetePaul (64535 in chips)
Seat 5: viperjet14 (10800 in chips)
Seat 6: satymari (3430 in chips)
Seat 7: marcolinba (22675 in chips)
Seat 8: xarypoker-21 (14375 in chips)
Seat 9: Maxifrederic (10975 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 75
Cor LeonisAA: posts the ante 75
OnetePaul: posts the ante 75
viperjet14: posts the ante 75
satymari: posts the ante 75
marcolinba: posts the ante 75
xarypoker-21: posts the ante 75
Maxifrederic: posts the ante 75
Cor LeonisAA: posts small blind 400
OnetePaul: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac 7c]
viperjet14: folds
satymari: folds
marcolinba: calls 800
xarypoker-21: folds
Maxifrederic: folds
Lede007: raises 11760 to 12560 and is all-in
Cor LeonisAA: folds
OnetePaul: folds
marcolinba: calls 11760
*** FLOP *** [Kd 6c 6h]
*** TURN *** [Kd 6c 6h] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 6c 6h 7s] [3h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
marcolinba: shows [Kc Qh] (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
Lede007: shows [Ac 7c] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
marcolinba collected 26920 from pot
marcolinba wins the $0.25 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1726th place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 16:16 #17| 0

PokerStars Hand #98274547471: Tournament #727717648, $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2013/05/08 15:15:06 WET [2013/05/08 10:15:06 ET]
Table '727717648 39' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: xKILLDONKZx (3320 in chips)
Seat 2: leaoportugal (5285 in chips)
Seat 3: qwaki (3190 in chips)
Seat 4: kare133 (3010 in chips)
Seat 5: IamNewinTown (1430 in chips)
Seat 6: vippilot64 (9760 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (1860 in chips)
Seat 8: dragon xxxzz (6040 in chips)
Seat 9: alligator905 (2165 in chips)
dragon xxxzz: posts small blind 75
alligator905: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac Kh]
xKILLDONKZx: raises 187 to 337
leaoportugal: folds
qwaki: calls 337
kare133: folds
IamNewinTown: folds
vippilot64: folds
Lede007: raises 1523 to 1860 and is all-in
dragon xxxzz: folds
alligator905: folds
xKILLDONKZx: folds
qwaki: calls 1523
*** FLOP *** [9d 5s 6s]
*** TURN *** [9d 5s 6s] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [9d 5s 6s Th] [5h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
qwaki: shows [2c 2h] (two pair, Fives and Deuces)
Lede007: shows [Ac Kh] (a pair of Fives)
qwaki collected 4282 from pot
qwaki wins the $1 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1411th place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 16:50 #18| 0

Bust i 16.50

PokerStars Hand #98275915862: Tournament #727719123, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2013/05/08 15:48:12 WET [2013/05/08 10:48:12 ET]
Table '727719123 1' 8-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Joe Santana (2123 in chips)
Seat 2: coiba79 (2143 in chips)
Seat 3: j0hndayt0n (8113 in chips)
Seat 4: rogercosta12 (6080 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (1753 in chips)
Seat 6: AlexandrKriv (7262 in chips)
Seat 7: rei_but (6365 in chips)
Seat 8: ydere (4540 in chips)
Joe Santana: posts the ante 15
coiba79: posts the ante 15
j0hndayt0n: posts the ante 15
rogercosta12: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
AlexandrKriv: posts the ante 15
rei_but: posts the ante 15
ydere: posts the ante 15
rei_but: posts small blind 60
ydere: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qd Ks]
Joe Santana: folds
coiba79: folds
j0hndayt0n: folds
rogercosta12: folds
Lede007: raises 120 to 240
AlexandrKriv: folds
rei_but: calls 180
ydere: folds
*** FLOP *** [6s 8s 5s]
rei_but: checks
Lede007: bets 360
rei_but: calls 360
*** TURN *** [6s 8s 5s] [7s]
rei_but: checks
Lede007: checks
*** RIVER *** [6s 8s 5s 7s] [Ts]
rei_but: bets 960
Lede007: raises 178 to 1138 and is all-in
rei_but: calls 178
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qd Ks] (a flush, King high)
rei_but: shows [9c 9s] (a straight flush, Six to Ten)
rei_but collected 3716 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 189th place
*** SUMMARY ***

Redigeret af Lede d. 08-05-2013 16:51
08-05-2013 17:03 #19| 0

Helten :)
PokerStars Hand #98276205338: Tournament #727719130, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2013/05/08 15:55:08 WET [2013/05/08 10:55:08 ET]
Table '727719130 9' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Serebity_p (3290 in chips)
Seat 2: denjoy (6585 in chips)
Seat 3: dritsas1988 (6344 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (6941 in chips)
Seat 5: ELGRECOPOKER (6808 in chips)
Seat 6: skountoyflis (4720 in chips)
Seat 7: MartHELL13 (8998 in chips)
Seat 8: JohnSilverr (6642 in chips)
Seat 9: r34dy (7132 in chips)
Serebity_p: posts the ante 15
denjoy: posts the ante 15
dritsas1988: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
ELGRECOPOKER: posts the ante 15
skountoyflis: posts the ante 15
MartHELL13: posts the ante 15
JohnSilverr: posts the ante 15
r34dy: posts the ante 15
r34dy: posts small blind 60
Serebity_p: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [4d 4c]
denjoy: folds
dritsas1988: folds
Lede007: raises 120 to 240
skountoyflis: folds
MartHELL13: folds
JohnSilverr: folds
r34dy: folds
Serebity_p: calls 120
*** FLOP *** [9s Kc 4h]
Serebity_p: checks
Lede007: bets 480
ELGRECOPOKER: raises 480 to 960
Serebity_p: folds
Lede007: calls 480
*** TURN *** [9s Kc 4h] [3s]
Lede007: checks
Lede007: raises 960 to 1200
*** RIVER *** [9s Kc 4h 3s] [Td]
Lede007: bets 1800
ELGRECOPOKER: calls 1800
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [4d 4c] (three of a kind, Fours)
ELGRECOPOKER: mucks hand
Lede007 collected 8835 from pot

08-05-2013 17:26 #20| 0

PokerStars Hand #98277355489: Tournament #804010323, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2013/05/08 16:23:22 WET [2013/05/08 11:23:22 ET]
Table '804010323 21' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: R.Guerra (2900 in chips)
Seat 2: FLIPSRGOOD (3505 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (4280 in chips)
Seat 4: quarltje (5855 in chips)
Seat 5: MQQQ1 (2300 in chips)
Seat 6: diverkenny (3150 in chips)
Seat 7: danrose29 (2914 in chips)
Seat 8: |_CáKons_| (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 9: preston300 (2975 in chips)
quarltje: posts small blind 50
MQQQ1: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Tc 7c]
diverkenny: folds
danrose29: folds
|_CáKons_|: folds
preston300: calls 100
R.Guerra: calls 100
Lede007: calls 100
quarltje: calls 50
MQQQ1: checks
*** FLOP *** [5s Th 7h]
quarltje: checks
MQQQ1: checks
preston300: bets 2875 and is all-in
R.Guerra: calls 2800 and is all-in
Lede007: raises 1305 to 4180 and is all-in
quarltje: raises 1575 to 5755 and is all-in
MQQQ1: folds
Uncalled bet (1575) returned to quarltje
*** TURN *** [5s Th 7h] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [5s Th 7h 7s] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
quarltje: shows [Ah Jh] (a pair of Sevens)
Lede007: shows [Tc 7c] (a full house, Sevens full of Tens)
Lede007 collected 2610 from side pot-2
preston300: shows [Ts Ac] (two pair, Tens and Sevens)
Lede007 collected 225 from side pot-1
R.Guerra: shows [5h 5d] (a full house, Fives full of Sevens)
Lede007 collected 11700 from main pot
preston300 re-buys and receives 1500 chips for $8.00
R.Guerra re-buys and receives 3000 chips for $16.00
*** SUMMARY ***

Redigeret af Lede d. 08-05-2013 19:31
08-05-2013 17:35 #21| 0

Shover da jeg har ham markeret som fish.. Mega bræk :(

PokerStars Hand #98277704940: Tournament #727718602, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2013/05/08 16:31:20 WET [2013/05/08 11:31:20 ET]
Table '727718602 20' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: MC WINDMAN (6105 in chips)
Seat 2: Bahneyyy (9445 in chips)
Seat 3: Efremenko.A (2910 in chips)
Seat 5: Aaralynn (2910 in chips)
Seat 6: vvvbm-21 (4095 in chips)
Seat 7: Saint-Morten (2541 in chips)
Seat 8: buena88 (9599 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (8970 in chips)
Efremenko.A: posts small blind 15
Aaralynn: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Kd]
vvvbm-21: folds
Saint-Morten: calls 30
buena88: folds
Lede007: raises 90 to 120
Bahneyyy: raises 240 to 360
Efremenko.A: folds
Aaralynn: folds
Saint-Morten: calls 330
Lede007: raises 8610 to 8970 and is all-in
Bahneyyy: raises 475 to 9445 and is all-in
Leifur re-buys and receives 3000 chips for $5.00
Leifur re-buys and receives 3000 chips for $5.00
Saint-Morten: calls 2181 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (475) returned to Bahneyyy
*** FLOP *** [2c 3c Qh]
*** TURN *** [2c 3c Qh] [8d]
*** RIVER *** [2c 3c Qh 8d] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kc Kd] (a pair of Kings)
Bahneyyy: shows [Qs Qd] (three of a kind, Queens)
Bahneyyy collected 12858 from side pot
Saint-Morten: shows [Ad 9d] (high card Ace)
Bahneyyy collected 7668 from main pot
Saint-Morten re-buys and receives 3000 chips for $5.00
Lede007 finished the tournament in 388th place
*** SUMMARY ***

Redigeret af Lede d. 08-05-2013 17:35
08-05-2013 17:37 #22| 0

Optur i en anden tilgengæld :)
PokerStars Hand #98277789268: Tournament #804011313, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/05/08 16:33:11 WET [2013/05/08 11:33:11 ET]
Table '804011313 44' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Elgeborg2 (20636 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: bigshaky87 (11741 in chips)
Seat 3: velesovo (27811 in chips)
Seat 4: shteddy (12187 in chips)
Seat 5: marcin14ns (9916 in chips)
Seat 6: Mr_Okil (28661 in chips)
Seat 7: Bispoland (5105 in chips)
Seat 8: Bahneyyy (14300 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (14445 in chips)
Elgeborg2: posts the ante 40
bigshaky87: posts the ante 40
velesovo: posts the ante 40
shteddy: posts the ante 40
marcin14ns: posts the ante 40
Mr_Okil: posts the ante 40
Bispoland: posts the ante 40
Bahneyyy: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
bigshaky87: posts small blind 150
velesovo: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8d 7d]
shteddy: folds
marcin14ns: folds
Mr_Okil: raises 300 to 600
Bispoland: folds
Bahneyyy: folds
Lede007: calls 600
Elgeborg2: folds
bigshaky87: folds
velesovo: folds
*** FLOP *** [Th 9d Kd]
Mr_Okil: bets 1200
Lede007: raises 1500 to 2700
Mr_Okil: raises 3900 to 6600
Lede007: raises 7205 to 13805 and is all-in
Mr_Okil: calls 7205
*** TURN *** [Th 9d Kd] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [Th 9d Kd 4c] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Mr_Okil: shows [Ac Ah] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007: shows [8d 7d] (a straight, Six to Ten)
Lede007 collected 29620 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 17:37 #23| 0

Kan se dit held minder om julles. Så hvis du så også bare casher som ham :D

08-05-2013 17:48 #24| 0

PokerStars Hand #98278441757: Tournament #804011313, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (250/500) - 2013/05/08 16:47:42 WET [2013/05/08 11:47:42 ET]
Table '804011313 44' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Elgeborg2 (10455 in chips)
Seat 2: bigshaky87 (12651 in chips)
Seat 3: velesovo (12860 in chips)
Seat 4: shteddy (9847 in chips)
Seat 5: marcin14ns (10412 in chips)
Seat 6: Mr_Okil (22926 in chips)
Seat 7: Bispoland (24350 in chips)
Seat 8: MaybeTurek (14076 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (23631 in chips)
Elgeborg2: posts the ante 60
bigshaky87: posts the ante 60
velesovo: posts the ante 60
shteddy: posts the ante 60
marcin14ns: posts the ante 60
Mr_Okil: posts the ante 60
Bispoland: posts the ante 60
MaybeTurek: posts the ante 60
Lede007: posts the ante 60
shteddy: posts small blind 250
marcin14ns: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah Kh]
Mr_Okil: folds
Bispoland: folds
MaybeTurek: folds
Lede007: raises 500 to 1000
Elgeborg2: raises 1500 to 2500
bigshaky87: folds
velesovo: folds
shteddy: folds
marcin14ns: folds
Lede007: raises 16500 to 19000
Elgeborg2: calls 7895 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (8605) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Qs 8d Ad]
*** TURN *** [Qs 8d Ad] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Qs 8d Ad Jc] [4h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ah Kh] (a pair of Aces)
Elgeborg2: shows [4d 5d] (a pair of Fours)
Lede007 collected 22080 from pot
Elgeborg2 finished the tournamen

08-05-2013 18:07 #25| 0

Ikke gur
PokerStars Hand #98279183818: Tournament #804011313, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (300/600) - 2013/05/08 17:05:42 WET [2013/05/08 12:05:42 ET]
Table '804011313 44' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: prozaq (27270 in chips)
Seat 2: bigshaky87 (20620 in chips)
Seat 3: velesovo (18210 in chips)
Seat 4: GoldHand0492 (6829 in chips)
Seat 5: marcin14ns (24484 in chips)
Seat 6: Mr_Okil (41272 in chips)
Seat 7: Bispoland (21240 in chips)
Seat 8: MaybeTurek (7166 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (27407 in chips)
prozaq: posts the ante 70
bigshaky87: posts the ante 70
velesovo: posts the ante 70
GoldHand0492: posts the ante 70
marcin14ns: posts the ante 70
Mr_Okil: posts the ante 70
Bispoland: posts the ante 70
MaybeTurek: posts the ante 70
Lede007: posts the ante 70
prozaq: posts small blind 300
bigshaky87: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qc Kh]
velesovo: folds
GoldHand0492: folds
marcin14ns: folds
Mr_Okil: folds
Bispoland: folds
MaybeTurek: raises 6496 to 7096 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 7096
prozaq: folds
bigshaky87: folds
*** FLOP *** [5c Qh 3d]
*** TURN *** [5c Qh 3d] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [5c Qh 3d Ac] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MaybeTurek: shows [8c Jc] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007: shows [Qc Kh] (a pair of Queens)
MaybeTurek collected 15722 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 18:22 #26| 0

Ikke meget skrub i kongerne..
PokerStars Hand #98279870127: Tournament #804011313, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (350/700) - 2013/05/08 17:20:20 WET [2013/05/08 12:20:20 ET]
Table '804011313 44' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: r0m4nt1k (11094 in chips)
Seat 2: bigshaky87 (12048 in chips)
Seat 3: velesovo (18530 in chips)
Seat 4: duaner_1001 (4862 in chips)
Seat 5: marcin14ns (41304 in chips)
Seat 6: Mr_Okil (44530 in chips)
Seat 7: Bispoland (9794 in chips)
Seat 8: MaybeTurek (26536 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (20241 in chips)
r0m4nt1k: posts the ante 85
bigshaky87: posts the ante 85
velesovo: posts the ante 85
duaner_1001: posts the ante 85
marcin14ns: posts the ante 85
Mr_Okil: posts the ante 85
Bispoland: posts the ante 85
MaybeTurek: posts the ante 85
Lede007: posts the ante 85
bigshaky87: posts small blind 350
velesovo: posts big blind 700
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Kd]
duaner_1001: folds
marcin14ns: folds
Mr_Okil: folds
Bispoland: raises 9009 to 9709 and is all-in
MaybeTurek: folds
Lede007: calls 9709
r0m4nt1k: folds
bigshaky87: folds
velesovo: folds
*** FLOP *** [Jd 8h As]
*** TURN *** [Jd 8h As] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 8h As 6s] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Bispoland: shows [Ac Tc] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007: shows [Ks Kd] (a pair of Kings)
Bispoland collected 21233 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 18:46 #27| 0

PokerStars Hand #98280922573: Tournament #727719835, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2013/05/08 17:43:20 WET [2013/05/08 12:43:20 ET]
Table '727719835 87' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: CuAt69UsdSng (4135 in chips)
Seat 2: Jorddd1 (2925 in chips)
Seat 3: kroun444 (3945 in chips)
Seat 4: gnOObzOOr (3020 in chips)
Seat 5: Polezhaev N (2860 in chips)
Seat 6: Enormous88 (1670 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (2485 in chips)
Seat 8: CrackBuyer (2970 in chips)
Seat 9: Crackdel29 (3000 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 20
CrackBuyer: posts big blind 40
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js Jc]
Crackdel29: folds
CuAt69UsdSng: folds
Jorddd1: folds
kroun444: calls 40
gnOObzOOr: folds
Polezhaev N: folds
Enormous88: raises 100 to 140
Lede007: raises 2345 to 2485 and is all-in
CrackBuyer: folds
kroun444: folds
Enormous88: calls 1530 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (815) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Qd 4d 5d]
*** TURN *** [Qd 4d 5d] [8s]
*** RIVER *** [Qd 4d 5d 8s] [Td]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Js Jc] (a pair of Jacks)
Enormous88: shows [7d 7s] (a flush, Queen high)
Enormous88 collected 3420 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 18:48 #28| 0

Skrubbet er på vej :) gl

08-05-2013 19:17 #29| 0

Taber alle flips pt :)
PokerStars Hand #98282389944: Tournament #727717771, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2013/05/08 18:15:44 WET [2013/05/08 13:15:44 ET]
Table '727717771 42' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (9548 in chips)
Seat 2: julesdAA (7445 in chips)
Seat 3: Avi Popo (11225 in chips)
Seat 4: TedSTRETCH (9527 in chips)
Seat 5: Laois Hammer (15250 in chips)
Seat 6: fullmagro_ps (27676 in chips)
Seat 7: szaki07 (15728 in chips)
Seat 8: hech123 (11879 in chips)
Seat 9: allion122 (9189 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 50
julesdAA: posts the ante 50
Avi Popo: posts the ante 50
TedSTRETCH: posts the ante 50
Laois Hammer: posts the ante 50
fullmagro_ps: posts the ante 50
szaki07: posts the ante 50
hech123: posts the ante 50
allion122: posts the ante 50
Avi Popo: posts small blind 200
TedSTRETCH: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [2d 2h]
Laois Hammer: folds
fullmagro_ps: folds
szaki07: folds
hech123: folds
allion122: folds
Lede007: raises 400 to 800
julesdAA: folds
Avi Popo: folds
TedSTRETCH: raises 1041 to 1841
Lede007: raises 7657 to 9498 and is all-in
TedSTRETCH: calls 7636 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (21) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Td 9s 6s]
*** TURN *** [Td 9s 6s] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Td 9s 6s Jc] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
TedSTRETCH: shows [Ad Kd] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
Lede007: shows [2d 2h] (a pair of Deuces)
TedSTRETCH collected 19604 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 19:20 #30| 0

Hvor blev skrubben af Julemand? :D

PokerStars Hand #98282544704: Tournament #804010393, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2013/05/08 18:18:51 WET [2013/05/08 13:18:51 ET]
Table '804010393 62' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: CristianoDP (2760 in chips)
Seat 2: 55Gokhan55 (3381 in chips)
Seat 3: EeeTee2008 (10912 in chips)
Seat 4: AT85 (5893 in chips)
Seat 5: MoonKick (3694 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (2233 in chips)
Seat 7: playboy99999 (2730 in chips)
Seat 8: BgsaPnaples (5172 in chips)
Seat 9: Besiunia (1725 in chips)
CristianoDP: posts the ante 15
55Gokhan55: posts the ante 15
EeeTee2008: posts the ante 15
AT85: posts the ante 15
MoonKick: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
playboy99999: posts the ante 15
BgsaPnaples: posts the ante 15
Besiunia: posts the ante 15
AT85: posts small blind 60
MoonKick: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qd Kd]
Lede007: raises 120 to 240
playboy99999: folds
BgsaPnaples: folds
Besiunia: folds
CristianoDP: calls 240
55Gokhan55: calls 240
EeeTee2008: calls 240
AT85: folds
MoonKick: folds
*** FLOP *** [6h 5d 2d]
Lede007: bets 600
CristianoDP: folds
55Gokhan55: raises 990 to 1590
EeeTee2008: folds
Lede007: raises 388 to 1978 and is all-in
55Gokhan55: calls 388
*** TURN *** [6h 5d 2d] [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [6h 5d 2d Qc] [4s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qd Kd] (a pair of Queens)
55Gokhan55: shows [6d 4h] (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
55Gokhan55 collected 5231 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1889th place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 19:41 #31| 0

PokerStars Hand #98283576445: Tournament #727717804, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (1250/2500) - 2013/05/08 18:39:50 WET [2013/05/08 13:39:50 ET]
Table '727717804 81' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: SuitedConex4 (31730 in chips)
Seat 2: alex max 500 (84207 in chips)
Seat 3: tencu1880 (30266 in chips)
Seat 4: lucky_AA2345 (6260 in chips)
Seat 5: tailemne (17119 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (22505 in chips)
Seat 7: Grindation (31463 in chips)
Seat 8: newmario (15700 in chips)
Seat 9: jamking87 (69145 in chips)
SuitedConex4: posts the ante 250
alex max 500: posts the ante 250
tencu1880: posts the ante 250
lucky_AA2345: posts the ante 250
tailemne: posts the ante 250
Lede007: posts the ante 250
Grindation: posts the ante 250
newmario: posts the ante 250
jamking87: posts the ante 250
newmario: posts small blind 1250
jamking87: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah Jd]
SuitedConex4: folds
alex max 500: folds
tencu1880: folds
lucky_AA2345: folds
tailemne: folds
Lede007: raises 19755 to 22255 and is all-in
Grindation: raises 8958 to 31213 and is all-in
newmario: folds
jamking87: folds
Uncalled bet (8958) returned to Grindation
*** FLOP *** [3d Td 4c]
*** TURN *** [3d Td 4c] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [3d Td 4c Ks] [2d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ah Jd] (high card Ace)
Grindation: shows [Qd Ad] (a flush, Ace high)
Grindation collected 50510 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 582nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 20:03 #33| 0

Nogle kommentarer til denne hånd?
20 fra pengene, initial raiser har raiset hans 2 første hænder ved bordet og ligner en der ved udnytte boblen.. Ham der shover har jeg set shove light et par gange.
PokerStars Hand #98284164587: Tournament #804010323, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (500/1000) - 2013/05/08 18:51:54 WET [2013/05/08 13:51:54 ET]
Table '804010323 77' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: litosmen (52948 in chips)
Seat 2: JKIST04 (64703 in chips)
Seat 3: dalzini (12811 in chips)
Seat 4: SubAway (13432 in chips)
Seat 5: AdenerS (27465 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (28923 in chips)
Seat 7: ShadowAid (8072 in chips)
Seat 8: AdrianoK20 (9993 in chips)
Seat 9: brownshoes60 (11553 in chips)
litosmen: posts the ante 100
JKIST04: posts the ante 100
dalzini: posts the ante 100
SubAway: posts the ante 100
AdenerS: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts the ante 100
ShadowAid: posts the ante 100
AdrianoK20: posts the ante 100
brownshoes60: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts small blind 500
ShadowAid: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Qd]
AdrianoK20: folds
brownshoes60: folds
litosmen: folds
JKIST04: raises 1080 to 2080
dalzini: folds
SubAway: raises 11252 to 13332 and is all-in
AdenerS: folds
Lede007: raises 15491 to 28823 and is all-in
ShadowAid: folds
JKIST04: calls 26743
*** FLOP *** [9c 5h 2c]
*** TURN *** [9c 5h 2c] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [9c 5h 2c 6s] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ad Qd] (high card Ace)
JKIST04: shows [Ah As] (a pair of Aces)
JKIST04 collected 30982 from side pot
SubAway: shows [7d 7c] (a pair of Sevens)
JKIST04 collected 41896 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 164th place
SubAway finished the tournament in 165th place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 20:09 #34| 0

Ud fra den info du giver, synes jeg det ser ganske standard ud :) ul...

08-05-2013 20:15 #35| 0

Loooool -.-
PokerStars Hand #98285189998: Tournament #727732435, $7.50+$0.75 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2013/05/08 19:13:52 WET [2013/05/08 14:13:52 ET]
Table '727732435 1' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Raveken (2485 in chips)
Seat 2: super441 (2136 in chips)
Seat 3: ISmellToast (1125 in chips)
Seat 4: SineMetu32 (1433 in chips)
Seat 5: sabouvasile1 (1505 in chips)
Seat 6: tskvladya (3127 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (3125 in chips)
Seat 8: chipspin_09 (1260 in chips)
Seat 9: agelisGR (1514 in chips)
ISmellToast: posts small blind 75
SineMetu32: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js Ah]
sabouvasile1: folds
tskvladya: folds
Lede007: raises 150 to 300
chipspin_09: folds
agelisGR: folds
Raveken: folds
super441: folds
ISmellToast: folds
SineMetu32: calls 150
*** FLOP *** [Jd 9s 6c]
SineMetu32: bets 1133 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 1133
*** TURN *** [Jd 9s 6c] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 9s 6c 8c] [4h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
SineMetu32: shows [5d 7d] (a straight, Five to Nine)
Lede007: shows [Js Ah] (a pair of Jacks)
SineMetu32 collected 2941 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 20:26 #36| 0

PokerStars Hand #98285784919: Tournament #727719387, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (25/50) - 2013/05/08 19:24:52 WET [2013/05/08 14:24:52 ET]
Table '727719387 51' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: droowze (3778 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (2800 in chips)
Seat 3: sr.agustin (1937 in chips)
Seat 4: aie123. (7300 in chips)
Seat 5: wagnermb (2180 in chips)
Seat 6: jenda1984 (3105 in chips)
jenda1984: posts small blind 25
droowze: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah Qs]
Lede007: raises 100 to 150
sr.agustin: raises 250 to 400
aie123.: folds
wagnermb: folds
jenda1984: folds
droowze: folds
Lede007: raises 2400 to 2800 and is all-in
sr.agustin: calls 1537 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (863) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Jc Jd 3h]
*** TURN *** [Jc Jd 3h] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [Jc Jd 3h 6d] [Kc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ah Qs] (a pair of Jacks)
sr.agustin: shows [9c 6c] (two pair, Jacks and Sixes)
sr.agustin collected 3949 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 20:31 #37| 0

PokerStars Hand #98286060274: Tournament #727717981, $10.00+$2.50+$1.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (15/30) - 2013/05/08 19:30:00 WET [2013/05/08 14:30:00 ET]
Table '727717981 40' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: AAp_OL (3000 in chips)
Seat 2: surprisefirm (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: SamsagaZzZ (3000 in chips)
Seat 4: ramsrunner09 (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: al_delon77 (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: pctnet (3000 in chips)
Seat 7: cocojamb0 (3000 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: WPC Raz (3000 in chips)
surprisefirm: posts small blind 15
SamsagaZzZ: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Ad]
ramsrunner09: folds
al_delon77: folds
pctnet: folds
cocojamb0: folds
Lede007: raises 60 to 90
WPC Raz: calls 90
AAp_OL: folds
surprisefirm: folds
SamsagaZzZ: raises 2910 to 3000 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 2910 and is all-in
WPC Raz: folds
*** FLOP *** [Ts 6d Tc]
*** TURN *** [Ts 6d Tc] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 6d Tc Kd] [6s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
SamsagaZzZ: shows [Kh Kc] (a full house, Kings full of Tens)
Lede007: shows [Ks Ad] (two pair, Kings and Tens)
SamsagaZzZ collected 6105 from pot
SamsagaZzZ wins the $2.50 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 587th place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 20:38 #38| 0

PokerStars Hand #98286380550: Tournament #804010493, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (25/50) - 2013/05/08 19:35:57 WET [2013/05/08 14:35:57 ET]
Table '804010493 126' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (2880 in chips)
Seat 2: mafikizolo (5144 in chips)
Seat 3: Eremes174 (1865 in chips)
Seat 4: 27obesthand (4310 in chips)
Seat 5: Jonnita B. (2196 in chips)
Seat 6: Baude79 (1990 in chips)
Seat 7: OREON51 (2865 in chips)
Seat 8: alkkkorus (2990 in chips)
Seat 9: Coca-Calling (3955 in chips)
Baude79: posts small blind 25
OREON51: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8s As]
alkkkorus: folds
Coca-Calling: folds
Lede007: raises 100 to 150
mafikizolo: calls 150
Eremes174: folds
27obesthand: folds
Jonnita B.: calls 150
Baude79: folds
OREON51: calls 100
*** FLOP *** [2s Ks Qd]
OREON51: checks
Lede007: bets 300
mafikizolo: raises 980 to 1280
Jonnita B.: folds
OREON51: raises 1435 to 2715 and is all-in
Lede007: raises 15 to 2730 and is all-in
mafikizolo: calls 1450
*** TURN *** [2s Ks Qd] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [2s Ks Qd 7h] [Tc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [8s As] (high card Ace)
mafikizolo: shows [Ac Kd] (a pair of Kings)
mafikizolo collected 30 from side pot
OREON51: shows [Qs 9s] (a pair of Queens)
mafikizolo collected 8770 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 4793rd place
OREON51 finished the tournament in 4794th place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 21:10 #39| 0

No go..

PokerStars Hand #98288041683: Tournament #804010483, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (250/500) - 2013/05/08 20:08:27 WET [2013/05/08 15:08:27 ET]
Table '804010483 321' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: marianna50 (10760 in chips)
Seat 2: celsobesst (7346 in chips)
Seat 3: FIBONACC (21812 in chips)
Seat 4: SlimShuga (4639 in chips)
Seat 5: UGRYUMYI (4000 in chips)
Seat 6: tsatsakos (20750 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (5680 in chips)
Seat 8: Madd85 (12635 in chips)
Seat 9: ERYTHRES (10625 in chips)
marianna50: posts the ante 60
celsobesst: posts the ante 60
FIBONACC: posts the ante 60
SlimShuga: posts the ante 60
UGRYUMYI: posts the ante 60
tsatsakos: posts the ante 60
Lede007: posts the ante 60
Madd85: posts the ante 60
ERYTHRES: posts the ante 60
SlimShuga: posts small blind 250
UGRYUMYI: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qh Qc]
tsatsakos: raises 1000 to 1500
Lede007: raises 4120 to 5620 and is all-in
Madd85: folds
marianna50: folds
celsobesst: raises 1666 to 7286 and is all-in
SlimShuga: folds
tsatsakos: folds
Uncalled bet (1666) returned to celsobesst
*** FLOP *** [5c 8s 7c]
*** TURN *** [5c 8s 7c] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [5c 8s 7c Kd] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qh Qc] (two pair, Queens and Fives)
celsobesst: shows [Js Ks] (two pair, Kings and Fives)
celsobesst collected 14030 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1242nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 21:11 #40| 0

Ser ikke godt ud..

PokerStars Hand #98288129234: Tournament #727719387, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (50/100) - 2013/05/08 20:09:59 WET [2013/05/08 15:09:59 ET]
Table '727719387 51' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: droowze (6118 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (2016 in chips)
Seat 3: sr.agustin (6485 in chips)
Seat 4: aie123. (2977 in chips)
Seat 5: wagnermb (2118 in chips)
Seat 6: Vitalina-ja (4386 in chips)
droowze: posts the ante 10
Lede007: posts the ante 10
sr.agustin: posts the ante 10
aie123.: posts the ante 10
wagnermb: posts the ante 10
Vitalina-ja: posts the ante 10
sr.agustin: posts small blind 50
aie123.: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9h 8c]
wagnermb: folds
Vitalina-ja: folds
droowze: folds
Lede007: raises 100 to 200
sr.agustin: raises 155 to 355
aie123.: folds
Lede007: calls 155
*** FLOP *** [Th 7d 8d]
sr.agustin: bets 200
Lede007: raises 1451 to 1651 and is all-in
sr.agustin: calls 1451
*** TURN *** [Th 7d 8d] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [Th 7d 8d 9c] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sr.agustin: shows [5h 6h] (a straight, Six to Ten)
Lede007: shows [9h 8c] (two pair, Nines and Eights)
sr.agustin collected 4172 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 801st place
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 21:26 #41| 0

PokerStars Hand #98288954556: Tournament #804010513, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2013/05/08 20:24:33 WET [2013/05/08 15:24:33 ET]
Table '804010513 27' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: SeregaYdacha (2625 in chips)
Seat 2: Astrogirl23 (2450 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (3685 in chips)
Seat 4: MiToJaMi (2850 in chips)
Seat 5: tuyno12 (8900 in chips)
Seat 6: ChampAce (11385 in chips)
Seat 7: tosht (2850 in chips)
Seat 8: icemann10 (14670 in chips)
Seat 9: anatol777888 (3155 in chips)
Astrogirl23: posts small blind 75
Lede007: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9h 9c]
MiToJaMi: folds
tuyno12: raises 150 to 300
ChampAce: folds
tosht: folds
icemann10: folds
anatol777888: folds
SeregaYdacha: folds
Astrogirl23: folds
Lede007: calls 150
*** FLOP *** [2d 5h 5d]
Lede007: checks
tuyno12: bets 450
Lede007: raises 2935 to 3385 and is all-in
tuyno12: calls 2935
*** TURN *** [2d 5h 5d] [Qh]
*** RIVER *** [2d 5h 5d Qh] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [9h 9c] (two pair, Nines and Fives)
tuyno12: shows [Ad 6d] (a flush, Ace high)
tuyno12 collected 7445 from pot
Lede007 re-buys and receives 3000 chips for $6.00
*** SUMMARY ***

08-05-2013 21:30 #42| 0

PokerStars Hand #98289207764: Tournament #727718051, $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2013/05/08 20:29:04 WET [2013/05/08 15:29:04 ET]
Table '727718051 26' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: romikke13 (2435 in chips)
Seat 2: HalloRaiser (4085 in chips)
Seat 3: erdbeer67 (4353 in chips)
Seat 4: dampremy40 (8445 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (460 in chips)
Seat 6: karpilius (3125 in chips)
Seat 7: wedeler83 (111 in chips)
Seat 8: sh1ftych1p (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: ThisIsPete (9981 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 25
karpilius: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ts Tc]
wedeler83: raises 61 to 111 and is all-in
sh1ftych1p: folds
ThisIsPete: folds
romikke13: folds
HalloRaiser: folds
erdbeer67: calls 111
dampremy40 has timed out while being disconnected
dampremy40: folds
dampremy40 is sitting out
Lede007: raises 349 to 460 and is all-in
karpilius: calls 410
erdbeer67: calls 349
*** FLOP *** [5h Qs 7c]
dampremy40 has returned
karpilius: bets 100
erdbeer67: raises 2600 to 2700
karpilius: folds
Uncalled bet (2600) returned to erdbeer67
*** TURN *** [5h Qs 7c] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [5h Qs 7c 2s] [7h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
erdbeer67: shows [Qc Th] (two pair, Queens and Sevens)
erdbeer67 collected 200 from side pot-2
Lede007: shows [Ts Tc] (two pair, Tens and Sevens)
erdbeer67 collected 1047 from side pot-1
wedeler83: shows [Td Js] (a pair of Sevens)
erdbeer67 collected 444 from main pot
erdbeer67 wins the $1 bounty for eliminating Lede007
erdbeer67 wins the $1 bounty for eliminating wedeler83
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1735th place
wedeler83 finished the tournament in 1736th place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 01:27 #43| 0

Dagens sidste hånd..
PokerStars Hand #98298290531: Tournament #727719437, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVII (8000/16000) - 2013/05/09 0:11:11 WET [2013/05/08 19:11:11 ET]
Table '727719437 114' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: JC4meuc (106835 in chips)
Seat 2: Erling.Ludvi (164190 in chips)
Seat 3: LastLevel10 (186330 in chips)
Seat 4: golfbum983 (332728 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (283723 in chips)
Seat 6: cberbel (117436 in chips)
Seat 7: GerMok (306648 in chips)
Seat 8: gmittas (233130 in chips)
Seat 9: trimidimos (373784 in chips)
JC4meuc: posts the ante 1600
Erling.Ludvi: posts the ante 1600
LastLevel10: posts the ante 1600
golfbum983: posts the ante 1600
Lede007: posts the ante 1600
cberbel: posts the ante 1600
GerMok: posts the ante 1600
gmittas: posts the ante 1600
trimidimos: posts the ante 1600
gmittas: posts small blind 8000
trimidimos: posts big blind 16000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Kh]
JC4meuc: folds
Erling.Ludvi: folds
LastLevel10: folds
golfbum983: folds
Lede007: calls 16000
cberbel: folds
GerMok: calls 16000
gmittas: raises 215530 to 231530 and is all-in
trimidimos: folds
Lede007: raises 50593 to 282123 and is all-in
GerMok: folds
Uncalled bet (50593) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [5c Tc 8d]
*** TURN *** [5c Tc 8d] [7c]
*** RIVER *** [5c Tc 8d 7c] [4s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gmittas: shows [5s 5d] (three of a kind, Fives)
Lede007: shows [Kc Kh] (a pair of Kings)
gmittas collected 509460 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 509460 | Rake 0
Board [5c Tc 8d 7c 4s]
Seat 1: JC4meuc folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Erling.Ludvi folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: LastLevel10 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: golfbum983 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Lede007 showed [Kc Kh] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 6: cberbel folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: GerMok (button) folded before Flop
Seat 8: gmittas (small blind) showed [5s 5d] and won (509460) with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 9: trimidimos (big blind) folded before Flop

09-05-2013 14:01 #44| 0

Dagens program er blevet opdateret foroven..

09-05-2013 14:39 #45| 0

Bust i 11R
PokerStars Hand #98317733872: Tournament #804010264, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2013/05/09 13:37:35 WET [2013/05/09 8:37:35 ET]
Table '804010264 31' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (2736 in chips)
Seat 2: marek3555 (2830 in chips)
Seat 3: zlobni KAZEL (3438 in chips)
Seat 4: mendozoQ (1490 in chips)
Seat 5: champoftiro (3370 in chips)
Seat 6: leoalae (2415 in chips)
Seat 7: misha4ka85 (5840 in chips)
Seat 8: barrotte (3343 in chips)
Seat 9: DRcarnage21 (6350 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 25
marek3555: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [7h Kh]
zlobni KAZEL: raises 50 to 100
mendozoQ: folds
champoftiro: folds
leoalae: calls 100
misha4ka85: folds
barrotte: calls 100
DRcarnage21: folds
Lede007: calls 75
marek3555: folds
*** FLOP *** [4h 5c 6h]
Lede007: checks
zlobni KAZEL: bets 175
leoalae: calls 175
barrotte: calls 175
Lede007: raises 2461 to 2636 and is all-in
zlobni KAZEL: calls 2461
leoalae: calls 2140 and is all-in
barrotte: folds
*** TURN *** [4h 5c 6h] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [4h 5c 6h 4s] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [7h Kh] (a pair of Fours)
zlobni KAZEL: shows [3h 3d] (two pair, Fours and Threes)
zlobni KAZEL collected 642 from side pot
leoalae: shows [Ah 6c] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
leoalae collected 7570 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 492nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 15:03 #46| 0

Bust i 5.10 Hyper
PokerStars Hand #98318516923: Tournament #727718521, $5.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (300/600) - 2013/05/09 14:01:13 WET [2013/05/09 9:01:13 ET]
Table '727718521 11' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: babis_winner (11780 in chips)
Seat 2: brrrb20 (11277 in chips)
Seat 3: Ryuller (15700 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 4: Diamond2070 (9840 in chips)
Seat 5: argie999 (940 in chips)
Seat 6: ShakelAmore (13605 in chips)
Seat 7: alexserge (8121 in chips)
Seat 8: azWinBig (3153 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (10345 in chips)
babis_winner: posts the ante 120
brrrb20: posts the ante 120
Ryuller: posts the ante 120
Diamond2070: posts the ante 120
argie999: posts the ante 120
ShakelAmore: posts the ante 120
alexserge: posts the ante 120
azWinBig: posts the ante 120
Lede007: posts the ante 120
argie999: posts small blind 300
ShakelAmore: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Ac]
alexserge: folds
azWinBig: folds
Lede007: raises 9625 to 10225 and is all-in
babis_winner: folds
brrrb20: raises 932 to 11157 and is all-in
Ryuller: folds
Diamond2070: folds
argie999: calls 520 and is all-in
ShakelAmore: folds
Uncalled bet (932) returned to brrrb20
*** FLOP *** [Ts 3s 6c]
*** TURN *** [Ts 3s 6c] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 3s 6c 6s] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kd Ac] (a pair of Sixes)
brrrb20: shows [Qs Qh] (a full house, Queens full of Sixes)
brrrb20 collected 18810 from side pot
argie999: shows [7c 5c] (a pair of Sixes)
brrrb20 collected 4140 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 419th place
argie999 finished the tournament in 420th place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 15:33 #47| 0

Bust i 5R 2xTurbo
PokerStars Hand #98319687721: Tournament #727719110, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (250/500) - 2013/05/09 14:32:01 WET [2013/05/09 9:32:01 ET]
Table '727719110 37' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Turfiephd (220 in chips)
Seat 2: Moncicak (6852 in chips)
Seat 3: rodnoy931 (21997 in chips)
Seat 4: Speedi99999 (8094 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (7828 in chips)
Seat 6: J_Leloup (3420 in chips)
Seat 7: DC#07 (22750 in chips)
Seat 8: rallaren666 (12672 in chips)
Seat 9: alifa-omega (6810 in chips)
Turfiephd: posts the ante 50
Moncicak: posts the ante 50
rodnoy931: posts the ante 50
Speedi99999: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts the ante 50
J_Leloup: posts the ante 50
DC#07: posts the ante 50
rallaren666: posts the ante 50
alifa-omega: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts small blind 250
J_Leloup: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc Jd]
DC#07: folds
rallaren666: folds
alifa-omega: folds
Turfiephd: folds
Moncicak: raises 500 to 1000
rodnoy931: folds
Turfiephd re-buys and receives 2000 chips for $5.00
Speedi99999: folds
Lede007: raises 6778 to 7778 and is all-in
J_Leloup: folds
Moncicak: calls 5802 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (976) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Ad 2d Qc]
*** TURN *** [Ad 2d Qc] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [Ad 2d Qc 9h] [7d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jc Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
Moncicak: shows [Ac Kd] (a pair of Aces)
Moncicak collected 14554 from pot

09-05-2013 15:48 #48| 0

Bust og cooler i 16.50
PokerStars Hand #98320274360: Tournament #727719124, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2013/05/09 14:47:18 WET [2013/05/09 9:47:18 ET]
Table '727719124 2' 8-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Tobii148 (3085 in chips)
Seat 2: Mansory111 (3145 in chips)
Seat 4: sodnom77 (2925 in chips)
Seat 5: pokerjay9 (6065 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (2545 in chips)
Seat 7: polo93snef (2855 in chips)
Seat 8: nacho2390 (3065 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 15
polo93snef: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kh Kc]
nacho2390: raises 45 to 75
Tobii148: folds
Mansory111: folds
sodnom77: folds
pokerjay9: folds
Lede007: raises 135 to 210
polo93snef: calls 180
nacho2390: raises 350 to 560
Lede007: raises 1985 to 2545 and is all-in
polo93snef: calls 2335
nacho2390: raises 520 to 3065 and is all-in
polo93snef: calls 310 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (210) returned to nacho2390
*** FLOP *** [Qc 9s 6h]
*** TURN *** [Qc 9s 6h] [9d]
*** RIVER *** [Qc 9s 6h 9d] [9c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
polo93snef: shows [Jc Js] (a full house, Nines full of Jacks)
nacho2390: shows [Ah Ad] (a full house, Nines full of Aces)
nacho2390 collected 620 from side pot
Lede007: shows [Kh Kc] (a full house, Nines full of Kings)
nacho2390 collected 7635 from main pot
polo93snef finished the tournament in 160th place
Lede007 finished the tournament in 161st place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 16:02 #49| 0

Gl Oliver :)

09-05-2013 16:21 #50| 0

Ty :)

Bust i big 5.5
PokerStars Hand #98321520409: Tournament #804010284, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2013/05/09 15:20:18 WET [2013/05/09 10:20:18 ET]
Table '804010284 55' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Nicolai05 (7625 in chips)
Seat 2: Sergey777604 (2295 in chips)
Seat 3: pokerduke996 (6195 in chips)
Seat 4: Cooltrain (3260 in chips)
Seat 5: fredi 111 (7790 in chips)
Seat 6: Cavi7 (10155 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (1465 in chips)
Seat 8: malish demon (4805 in chips)
Seat 9: mihc91 (1885 in chips)
Nicolai05: posts the ante 15
Sergey777604: posts the ante 15
pokerduke996: posts the ante 15
Cooltrain: posts the ante 15
fredi 111: posts the ante 15
Cavi7: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
malish demon: posts the ante 15
mihc91: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts small blind 60
malish demon: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc 3d]
mihc91: folds
Nicolai05: folds
Sergey777604: folds
pokerduke996: folds
Cooltrain: folds
fredi 111: folds
Cavi7: calls 120
Lede007: raises 1330 to 1450 and is all-in
malish demon: raises 3340 to 4790 and is all-in
Cavi7: folds
Uncalled bet (3340) returned to malish demon
*** FLOP *** [9c 9d 6d]
*** TURN *** [9c 9d 6d] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [9c 9d 6d Tc] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kc 3d] (a pair of Nines)
malish demon: shows [Qh Ad] (two pair, Queens and Nines)
malish demon collected 3155 from pot
Lede007 finished the tou

09-05-2013 16:23 #51| 0

Bust i 5.4 turbo
PokerStars Hand #98321574864: Tournament #727717649, $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2013/05/09 15:21:39 WET [2013/05/09 10:21:39 ET]
Table '727717649 47' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: gilbertinio (3424 in chips)
Seat 2: kavour (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: Bantamania (3397 in chips)
Seat 4: joejoe998877 (2076 in chips)
Seat 5: HILWAR666 (2733 in chips)
Seat 6: samb4 (5105 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (1804 in chips)
Seat 8: buytenwegh (2660 in chips)
Seat 9: kaspikasper (6559 in chips)
gilbertinio: posts the ante 25
kavour: posts the ante 25
Bantamania: posts the ante 25
joejoe998877: posts the ante 25
HILWAR666: posts the ante 25
samb4: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
buytenwegh: posts the ante 25
kaspikasper: posts the ante 25
gilbertinio: posts small blind 125
kavour: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As 7s]
Bantamania: folds
joejoe998877: folds
HILWAR666: folds
samb4: folds
Lede007: raises 1529 to 1779 and is all-in
buytenwegh: raises 856 to 2635 and is all-in
kaspikasper: calls 2635
gilbertinio: folds
kavour: folds [5h]
*** FLOP *** [7d Jh Ks]
*** TURN *** [7d Jh Ks] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [7d Jh Ks 3d] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
buytenwegh: shows [Ad Kh] (a pair of Kings)
kaspikasper: shows [Qh Kd] (a pair of Kings - lower kicker)
buytenwegh collected 1712 from side pot
Lede007: shows [As 7s] (a pair of Sevens)
buytenwegh collected 5937 from main pot
buytenwegh wins the $1 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1278th place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 17:19 #52| 0

Optur i 8R :)
PokerStars Hand #98323800367: Tournament #804010324, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2013/05/09 16:17:49 WET [2013/05/09 11:17:49 ET]
Table '804010324 4' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: LilFishAtL (3657 in chips)
Seat 2: burgas1967 (1410 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (3245 in chips)
Seat 4: KoKo941 (5173 in chips)
Seat 5: mafi1968 (1778 in chips)
Seat 6: ugotserved07 (2955 in chips)
Seat 7: MARIO_A87 (3098 in chips)
Seat 8: vakis13 (2848 in chips)
Seat 9: donhenriko (2242 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 25
KoKo941: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jh As]
mafi1968: folds
ugotserved07: folds
MARIO_A87: folds
vakis13: folds
donhenriko: folds
LilFishAtL: folds
burgas1967: raises 200 to 250
Lede007: raises 2995 to 3245 and is all-in
KoKo941: calls 3195
burgas1967: calls 1160 and is all-in
*** FLOP *** [6c 2d Ad]
*** TURN *** [6c 2d Ad] [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [6c 2d Ad Qc] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jh As] (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
KoKo941: shows [8c 8h] (a pair of Eights)
Lede007 collected 3670 from side pot
burgas1967: shows [9h Kh] (high card Ace)
Lede007 collected 4230 from main pot
burgas1967 re-buys and receives 1500 chips for $8.00
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 17:35 #53| 0

Bust i 2R capped
PokerStars Hand #98324474116: Tournament #727718559, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/09 16:33:50 WET [2013/05/09 11:33:50 ET]
Table '727718559 21' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 2: dalvania (18749 in chips)
Seat 3: steviep15390 (19815 in chips)
Seat 4: $@$H@77 (107664 in chips)
Seat 5: xs39 (25676 in chips)
Seat 6: gazman29 (40299 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (8995 in chips)
Seat 8: gusmaa (34893 in chips)
Seat 9: Nikosthebest (29831 in chips)
dalvania: posts the ante 125
steviep15390: posts the ante 125
$@$H@77: posts the ante 125
xs39: posts the ante 125
gazman29: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
gusmaa: posts the ante 125
Nikosthebest: posts the ante 125
gusmaa: posts small blind 500
Nikosthebest: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [7d 9d]
dalvania: folds
steviep15390: folds
$@$H@77: folds
xs39: folds
gazman29: folds
Lede007: raises 7870 to 8870 and is all-in
gusmaa: folds
Nikosthebest: calls 7870
*** FLOP *** [Ks 9c 2c]
*** TURN *** [Ks 9c 2c] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [Ks 9c 2c Tc] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Nikosthebest: shows [Jh Jc] (a pair of Jacks)
Lede007: shows [7d 9d] (a pair of Nines)
Nikosthebest collected 19240 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 121st place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 17:39 #54| 0

Bust i 2R
PokerStars Hand #98324670088: Tournament #727719131, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/09 16:38:23 WET [2013/05/09 11:38:23 ET]
Table '727719131 57' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: race2carlow (24005 in chips)
Seat 2: KickenKing (5250 in chips)
Seat 3: MARAKEsh001 (11086 in chips)
Seat 4: geeboy11 (18117 in chips)
Seat 5: Swiezutki (8317 in chips)
Seat 6: Alynescu (2530 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 7: Lede007 (10102 in chips)
Seat 8: friido777 (10001 in chips)
Seat 9: ciezarb (8999 in chips)
race2carlow: posts the ante 30
KickenKing: posts the ante 30
MARAKEsh001: posts the ante 30
geeboy11: posts the ante 30
Swiezutki: posts the ante 30
Alynescu: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
friido777: posts the ante 30
ciezarb: posts the ante 30
MARAKEsh001: posts small blind 125
geeboy11: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Ah]
Swiezutki: folds
Alynescu: folds
Lede007: raises 250 to 500
friido777: folds
friido777 is sitting out
ciezarb: folds
race2carlow: folds
KickenKing: folds
MARAKEsh001: raises 910 to 1410
geeboy11: folds
Lede007: raises 8662 to 10072 and is all-in
MARAKEsh001: calls 8662
*** FLOP *** [7c 4c Js]
*** TURN *** [7c 4c Js] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [7c 4c Js 3d] [3h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MARAKEsh001: shows [Jh As] (two pair, Jacks and Threes)
Lede007: shows [Kd Ah] (a pair of Threes)
MARAKEsh001 collected 20664 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 756th place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 18:18 #55| 0

Knockout i 13.50$
PokerStars Hand #98326235658: Tournament #727717765, $10.00+$2.50+$1.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (30/60) - 2013/05/09 17:16:11 WET [2013/05/09 12:16:11 ET]
Table '727717765 69' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: cobrastyle15 (2840 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (3420 in chips)
Seat 3: cutKanzler (633 in chips)
Seat 4: golden_nug (8214 in chips)
Seat 5: Denman98 (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: Kid Roo (4430 in chips)
Seat 7: steart78 (3000 in chips)
Seat 8: t3hN1njALV (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: Kiba52 (3000 in chips)
cutKanzler: posts small blind 30
golden_nug: posts big blind 60
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [3c Ac]
Denman98: folds
Kid Roo: folds
steart78: folds
t3hN1njALV: raises 90 to 150
Kiba52: folds
cobrastyle15: folds
Lede007: calls 150
cutKanzler: folds
golden_nug: folds
*** FLOP *** [3d Kc 4c]
t3hN1njALV: bets 210
Lede007: raises 390 to 600
t3hN1njALV: raises 2250 to 2850 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 2250
*** TURN *** [3d Kc 4c] [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [3d Kc 4c Ah] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
t3hN1njALV: shows [Jc Ks] (a pair of Kings)
Lede007: shows [3c Ac] (two pair, Aces and Threes)
Lede007 collected 6090 from pot
Lede007 wins the $2.50 bounty for eliminating t3hN1njALV
t3hN1njALV finished the tournament in 623rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 18:24 #56| 0

En KO mere.. :)
PokerStars Hand #98326539857: Tournament #727717765, $10.00+$2.50+$1.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (40/80) - 2013/05/09 17:23:00 WET [2013/05/09 12:23:00 ET]
Table '727717765 69' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: cobrastyle15 (2840 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (5950 in chips)
Seat 3: ROMDOM82 (2475 in chips)
Seat 4: golden_nug (9013 in chips)
Seat 6: Kid Roo (4350 in chips)
Seat 7: steart78 (2960 in chips)
Seat 8: Rob Evans (5336 in chips)
Seat 9: Kiba52 (1688 in chips)
Kiba52: posts small blind 40
cobrastyle15: posts big blind 80
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Qh]
Lede007: raises 160 to 240
ROMDOM82: folds
golden_nug: folds
Kid Roo: folds
steart78: folds
Rob Evans: raises 5096 to 5336 and is all-in
Kiba52: folds
cobrastyle15: folds
Lede007: calls 5096
*** FLOP *** [2d 5h 9h]
*** TURN *** [2d 5h 9h] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [2d 5h 9h 2s] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qs Qh] (two pair, Queens and Deuces)
Rob Evans: shows [Td Ad] (a pair of Deuces)
Lede007 collected 10792 from pot
Lede007 wins the $2.50 bounty for eliminating Rob Evans
Rob Evans finished the tournament in 632nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 18:38 #57| 0

GL Til alle 3 :)

Redigeret af TKrogh d. 09-05-2013 18:38
09-05-2013 19:19 #58| 0

LOol :D
PokerStars Hand #98328935642: Tournament #727719174, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (250/500) - 2013/05/09 18:17:12 WET [2013/05/09 13:17:12 ET]
Table '727719174 60' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: afroB3ATS (28253 in chips)
Seat 2: bye4Huk (7545 in chips)
Seat 4: sexylady05 (15870 in chips)
Seat 5: IcamtopartY (23624 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (11549 in chips)
Seat 7: alexei6501 (30266 in chips)
Seat 8: Thiago Vaz81 (5197 in chips)
Seat 9: 88france90 (25768 in chips)
afroB3ATS: posts the ante 60
bye4Huk: posts the ante 60
sexylady05: posts the ante 60
IcamtopartY: posts the ante 60
Lede007: posts the ante 60
alexei6501: posts the ante 60
Thiago Vaz81: posts the ante 60
88france90: posts the ante 60
alexei6501: posts small blind 250
Thiago Vaz81: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qd 9s]
88france90: folds
afroB3ATS: folds
bye4Huk: folds
sexylady05: folds
IcamtopartY: folds
Lede007: raises 500 to 1000
alexei6501: raises 2000 to 3000
Thiago Vaz81: folds
Lede007: raises 8489 to 11489 and is all-in
alexei6501: calls 8489
*** FLOP *** [Ac Th 6d]
*** TURN *** [Ac Th 6d] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [Ac Th 6d 2s] [Kc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
alexei6501: shows [7h 9c] (high card Ace)
Lede007: shows [Qd 9s] (high card Ace - King+Queen kicker)
Lede007 collected 23958 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 19:48 #59| 0

Skod at splitte..
PokerStars Hand #98330335685: Tournament #727719174, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (400/800) - 2013/05/09 18:46:47 WET [2013/05/09 13:46:47 ET]
Table '727719174 121' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: matejhasan11 (5278 in chips)
Seat 2: MoViN.tArGeT (22750 in chips)
Seat 3: volldemar88 (11029 in chips)
Seat 4: r_byba (10568 in chips)
Seat 5: riperakos (48845 in chips)
Seat 6: geeboy11 (37231 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (17465 in chips)
Seat 8: HtapikoFF (19775 in chips)
Seat 9: dionysos1987 (30328 in chips)
matejhasan11: posts the ante 100
MoViN.tArGeT: posts the ante 100
volldemar88: posts the ante 100
r_byba: posts the ante 100
riperakos: posts the ante 100
geeboy11: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts the ante 100
HtapikoFF: posts the ante 100
dionysos1987: posts the ante 100
HtapikoFF: posts small blind 400
dionysos1987: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Td Tc]
matejhasan11: folds
MoViN.tArGeT: raises 800 to 1600
volldemar88: folds
r_byba: folds
riperakos: raises 3200 to 4800
geeboy11: folds
Lede007: raises 12565 to 17365 and is all-in
HtapikoFF: folds
dionysos1987: folds
MoViN.tArGeT: folds
riperakos: calls 12565
*** FLOP *** [As 4c 5s]
*** TURN *** [As 4c 5s] [3s]
*** RIVER *** [As 4c 5s 3s] [2c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
riperakos: shows [7d 7c] (a straight, Ace to Five)
Lede007: shows [Td Tc] (a straight, Ace to Five)
riperakos collected 19215 from pot
Lede007 collected 19215 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 19:54 #60| 0

Bust i 2R 500 cap
PokerStars Hand #98330627595: Tournament #727718596, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/09 18:53:04 WET [2013/05/09 13:53:04 ET]
Table '727718596 18' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: mer760 (11240 in chips)
Seat 2: BloodNemo (17483 in chips)
Seat 3: Jopan111 (63616 in chips)
Seat 4: Maestro-J27 (49270 in chips)
Seat 5: Fllapy (18296 in chips)
Seat 6: ValSousa (41460 in chips)
Seat 7: dtsironis7 (24890 in chips)
Seat 8: gimmeabreak9 (12744 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (33565 in chips)
mer760: posts the ante 125
BloodNemo: posts the ante 125
Jopan111: posts the ante 125
Maestro-J27: posts the ante 125
Fllapy: posts the ante 125
ValSousa: posts the ante 125
dtsironis7: posts the ante 125
gimmeabreak9: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
Fllapy: posts small blind 500
ValSousa: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc As]
dtsironis7: raises 1000 to 2000
gimmeabreak9: folds
Lede007: raises 31440 to 33440 and is all-in
mer760: folds
BloodNemo: folds
Jopan111: folds
Maestro-J27: folds
Fllapy: folds
ValSousa: raises 7895 to 41335 and is all-in
dtsironis7: folds
Uncalled bet (7895) returned to ValSousa
*** FLOP *** [7s 6s Ts]
*** TURN *** [7s 6s Ts] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [7s 6s Ts Tc] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ValSousa: shows [Ks Kh] (two pair, Kings and Tens)
Lede007: shows [Kc As] (a pair of Tens)
ValSousa collected 70505 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 139th place
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 19:56 #61| 0

Puha ikke mere end lige.. Men han spiller 44/15 :)
PokerStars Hand #98330699996: Tournament #804010394, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/09 18:54:37 WET [2013/05/09 13:54:37 ET]
Table '804010394 217' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: BoomSlam69 (11452 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (5318 in chips)
Seat 3: blanconegro (2117 in chips)
Seat 4: JohnOryol (7090 in chips)
Seat 5: rocky600 (2485 in chips)
Seat 6: DIANARAV (6615 in chips)
Seat 7: igoturchips4 (2247 in chips)
Seat 8: Zamazanii (8281 in chips)
Seat 9: Andre3113 (9756 in chips)
BoomSlam69: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
blanconegro: posts the ante 30
JohnOryol: posts the ante 30
rocky600: posts the ante 30
DIANARAV: posts the ante 30
igoturchips4: posts the ante 30
Zamazanii: posts the ante 30
Andre3113: posts the ante 30
igoturchips4: posts small blind 125
Zamazanii: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8c 9c]
Andre3113: folds
BoomSlam69: folds
Lede007: raises 250 to 500
blanconegro: folds
JohnOryol: folds
rocky600: folds
igoturchips4: folds
Zamazanii: calls 250
*** FLOP *** [5s As Jc]
Zamazanii: checks
Lede007: bets 665
Zamazanii: calls 665
*** TURN *** [5s As Jc] [Qd]
Zamazanii: checks
Lede007: bets 1144
Zamazanii: calls 1144
*** RIVER *** [5s As Jc Qd] [Jd]
Zamazanii: checks
Lede007: bets 2979 and is all-in
Zamazanii: folds
Uncalled bet (2979) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 5013 from pot
Lede007: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***

09-05-2013 23:57 #62| 0

Tillykke :D

Imponerende spil, du rev dem rundt. !!!

10-05-2013 00:02 #63| 0

$2.20 turbo taget ned - fik dog ikke lige SS af det :)
Men 1940,61 til rullen..

Redigeret af Lede d. 10-05-2013 00:05
10-05-2013 00:03 #64| 0

Very nice lede, god start wp :)

10-05-2013 00:07 #65| 0

Stærkt arbejde og flot spil :)

Tillykke med sejren!

10-05-2013 00:09 #66| 0

Gracias :)

10-05-2013 00:16 #67| 0

wow .. fin start på et lækkert projekt!

Mega meget GL!

10-05-2013 00:20 #68| 0

wp sir

men også snyd for med DELUCK $$$$ kan det ikke gå galt :P

10-05-2013 00:27 #70| 2

ty :)

10-05-2013 00:30 #71| 2

på andendagen af aftalen lige vinde en tour med over 6k deltagere - helt klart godkendt :D

10-05-2013 00:57 #72| 0

Lækkert ship og lækker start for jer :)

10-05-2013 08:00 #73| 0

Sikke en volumen du ligger for dagen. Vigtigt og flot med en god start på projektet... Gl fremadrettet.

10-05-2013 08:37 #74| 0

Sick volume , Deluck skrub $ og flot start , WP

10-05-2013 08:51 #75| 0


10-05-2013 13:36 #76| 0

Tak skal i have :)

Havde egentlig ikke regnet med at spille så meget i dag, men vejret er ikke til at gå ud i anyways. Der vil formentlig forekomme nogle ændringer og fjernet et par tours hvis det skulle gå "for" godt :)
Program 10/05/2013

13:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 17.5K GTD

13:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 4K GTD - $13,92 (100ish)
13:30 - $5.50+R - 2x Turbo - 20K GTD
13:45 - $5.10 - Hyper - 4K GTD

14:00 - $5.50 - The Big - 20K GTD
14:15 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 5K GTD

14:30 - $16.50 - 8Max1000CAP - 3K GTD - $63,50 (nr. 13)
14:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD
14:45 - $5.40 - Turbo KO - 7.5K GTD
14:52 - $6.60 - Hot33 SAT - 10 Seats GTD

15:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD - $14.27 (112)
15:30 - $8.80+R - NLHE - 17.5K GTD
15:45 - $5.10 - Hyper - 2.5K GTD

16:00 - $8.80 - The Big - 25K GTD
16:05 - $5.50+R - Sat til Big109 - 5 Seats GTD
16:15 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 5K GTD
16:30 - $8.80+R - 1R1A - 10K GTD
16:30 - $2.20 - Turbo - 5K GTD

16:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 2K GTD - $51,57 (11)

17:00 - $2.20+R - 2x Turbo - 9K GTD
17:00 - $22 - The Big - 50K GTD

17:30 - $11 - The Hot - 25K GTD - $34,47 (100ish)
17:45 - $5.40 - Turbo KO - 10K GTD

18:30 - $5.10 - Hyper - 2K GTD
18:30 - $16.50 - The Hot - 25K GTD
18:45 - $2.20 - Turbo - 10K GTD

19:00 - $11 - The Big - 60K GTD
19:15 - $1.10+R - 3x Turbo - 60K GTD

19:30 - $13.50 - KO - 8K GTD (Vil blive ofret hvis der er for mange tours åbne)
19:30 - $3.30+R - 20K GTD
19:45 - $4.40 - Turbo - 8K GTD
19:45 - $16.50 - 6 Max - 4k GTD (Vil blive ofret hvis der er for mange tours åbne)

20:00 - $5.50 - Turbo - 10K GTD
20:15 - $5.40 - Turbo KO - 10K GTD
20:30 - $3.30+R - 2xTurbo - 15K GTD
20:30 - $27 - Turbo KO - 20K GTD
20:30 - $11 - NLHE - 10K GTD
21:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 40K GTD


15:12 - $3,30+R - 6Max Turbo, Sat til Sccop-01-M - 1seat GTD - $215 sæde i hus <:0)

Redigeret af Lede d. 11-05-2013 00:47
10-05-2013 13:40 #77| 0

Super. Ser godt ud. Kommer på rail on and off :)

10-05-2013 19:37 #78| 0

Bust i 16.50 til $63,50
PokerStars Hand #98376404845: Tournament #727719125, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (1250/2500) - 2013/05/10 18:35:42 WET [2013/05/10 13:35:42 ET]
Table '727719125 3' 8-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Geraldo22 (115859 in chips)
Seat 3: icache444 (37277 in chips)
Seat 4: ezee1 (75258 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (34398 in chips)
Seat 6: anonaPT (131274 in chips)
Seat 8: pokerjay9 (170357 in chips)
Geraldo22: posts the ante 310
icache444: posts the ante 310
ezee1: posts the ante 310
Lede007: posts the ante 310
anonaPT: posts the ante 310
pokerjay9: posts the ante 310
anonaPT: posts small blind 1250
pokerjay9: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Ad]
Geraldo22: folds
icache444: raises 34467 to 36967 and is all-in
ezee1: folds
Lede007: calls 34088 and is all-in
anonaPT: folds
pokerjay9: folds
Uncalled bet (2879) returned to icache444
*** FLOP *** [8d Jc Kh]
*** TURN *** [8d Jc Kh] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [8d Jc Kh Qd] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
icache444: shows [8c 8h] (a full house, Eights full of Jacks)
Lede007: shows [Qs Ad] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
icache444 collected 73786 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 13th place and received $63.45.
*** SUMMARY ***

11-05-2013 00:48 #79| 0

En lige ved og næsten dag med et par dybe runs, desværre blev det aldrig helt sjovt. Der bliver spillet igen en smule søndag aften og hele tirsdag :)

God weekend!

12-05-2013 22:03 #80| 0

Program 12/05/2013

$215 - NLHE 1Mill GTD (Billet)
$5.10 - Hyper - 4k GTD

$16.50 - The Hot - Cash: $27,20
$2.20 - Turbo - 5K GTD - $3.16

$22 - 6 Max - 4K GTD
$3.30+R - NLHE - 20K GTD
$11 - The Big - 120K GTD
$1.10+R - 3x Turbo - 60K GTD
$3.30 - 2x Turbo - 15K G
$4.40 - Turbo - 8K GTD
$27 - NLHE - Scoop02 L - 400K GTD

21:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 40K GTD - Cash: $57,71

Fik ikke tilmeldt mig nedenstående to ved en fejl.
21:30 - $1.35 - Turbo KO - 6K GTD
21:30 - $5.10 - Hyåer - 5K gTD

Redigeret af Lede d. 13-05-2013 02:15
12-05-2013 22:14 #81| 0

Bust i $22 6Max
PokerStars Hand #98477016150: Tournament #727718657, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (25/50) - 2013/05/12 19:25:04 WET [2013/05/12 14:25:04 ET]
Table '727718657 20' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Piri1 (2757 in chips)
Seat 2: QuadsKilla (5952 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (2810 in chips)
Seat 4: Kano A92 (366 in chips)
Seat 5: FrangoDagua (3105 in chips)
Seat 6: Kabotajoe (2945 in chips)
FrangoDagua: posts small blind 25
Kabotajoe: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Kh]
Piri1: folds
QuadsKilla: folds
Lede007: raises 100 to 150
Kano A92: folds
FrangoDagua: raises 202 to 352
Kabotajoe: folds
Lede007: raises 348 to 700
FrangoDagua: raises 725 to 1425
Lede007: raises 1385 to 2810 and is all-in
FrangoDagua: calls 1385
*** FLOP *** [2s Qc Ac]
*** TURN *** [2s Qc Ac] [7c]
*** RIVER *** [2s Qc Ac 7c] [6c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
FrangoDagua: shows [Ks As] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007: shows [Kd Kh] (a pair of Kings)
FrangoDagua collected 5670 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 268th place
*** SUMMARY ***

12-05-2013 22:15 #82| 0

Bust i 215$ Scoop
PokerStars Hand #98482565970: Tournament #2013050022, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2013/05/12 20:52:30 WET [2013/05/12 15:52:30 ET]
Table '2013050022 12' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (6281 in chips)
Seat 2: sHaMaNIC86 (10207 in chips)
Seat 3: KKoverhere (12060 in chips)
Seat 4: Czech Jack (11949 in chips)
Seat 5: Zuurvlees (18245 in chips)
Seat 6: No Limit NL (9826 in chips)
Seat 7: Drewer11 (9617 in chips)
Seat 8: Mr_BigQueso (10907 in chips)
Seat 9: simpeman (10908 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 10
sHaMaNIC86: posts the ante 10
KKoverhere: posts the ante 10
Czech Jack: posts the ante 10
Zuurvlees: posts the ante 10
No Limit NL: posts the ante 10
Drewer11: posts the ante 10
Mr_BigQueso: posts the ante 10
simpeman: posts the ante 10
Zuurvlees: posts small blind 50
No Limit NL: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Kc]
Drewer11: folds
Mr_BigQueso: folds
simpeman: folds
Lede007: raises 200 to 300
sHaMaNIC86: folds
KKoverhere: folds
Czech Jack: folds
Zuurvlees: raises 400 to 700
No Limit NL: folds
Lede007: raises 748 to 1448
Zuurvlees: raises 752 to 2200
Lede007: raises 4071 to 6271 and is all-in
Zuurvlees: calls 4071
*** FLOP *** [Td Ts 4h]
*** TURN *** [Td Ts 4h] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [Td Ts 4h Qd] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Zuurvlees: shows [Ad Ac] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
Lede007: shows [Kd Kc] (two pair, Kings and Tens)
Zuurvlees collected 12732 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 6309th place
*** SUMMARY ***

12-05-2013 22:20 #83| 0

Triple i scoop low
PokerStars Hand #98483300475: Tournament #2013050021, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (75/150) - 2013/05/12 21:06:44 WET [2013/05/12 16:06:44 ET]
Table '2013050021 1408' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: evgen7777 (12214 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (5666 in chips)
Seat 3: nams15 (4512 in chips)
Seat 4: shaia1 (20095 in chips)
Seat 5: Olimp801 (4959 in chips)
Seat 6: Tonyfish77 (31646 in chips)
Seat 7: dunduks28 (10355 in chips)
Seat 8: koma_ru88 (12161 in chips)
Seat 9: Charibert (18125 in chips)
evgen7777: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
nams15: posts the ante 20
shaia1: posts the ante 20
Olimp801: posts the ante 20
Tonyfish77: posts the ante 20
dunduks28: posts the ante 20
koma_ru88: posts the ante 20
Charibert: posts the ante 20
dunduks28: posts small blind 75
koma_ru88: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Qd]
Charibert: calls 150
evgen7777: folds
Lede007: calls 150
nams15: folds
shaia1: calls 150
Olimp801: calls 150
Tonyfish77: folds
dunduks28: calls 75
koma_ru88: checks
*** FLOP *** [Ad Kc 4d]
dunduks28: checks
koma_ru88: checks
Charibert: checks
Lede007: checks
shaia1: bets 900
Olimp801: raises 3889 to 4789 and is all-in
dunduks28: folds
koma_ru88: folds
Charibert: folds
Lede007: raises 707 to 5496 and is all-in
shaia1: calls 4596
*** TURN *** [Ad Kc 4d] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [Ad Kc 4d 2h] [7d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kd Qd] (a flush, Ace high)
shaia1: shows [4c 4s] (three of a kind, Fours)
Lede007 collected 1414 from side pot
Olimp801: shows [8c Ac] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007 collected 15447 from main pot
Olimp801 finished the tournament in 18582nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

12-05-2013 23:19 #84| 0

Double i 3R
PokerStars Hand #98487447257: Tournament #804010517, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (250/500) - 2013/05/12 22:18:27 WET [2013/05/12 17:18:27 ET]
Table '804010517 50' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 2: Sr.FireoNe (16852 in chips)
Seat 3: MingRey (12312 in chips)
Seat 4: Geraldo22 (20399 in chips)
Seat 5: MagdaaR (36387 in chips)
Seat 6: Catukinho (15793 in chips)
Seat 7: jish1 (31140 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (5993 in chips)
Seat 9: ncuX1Ho4ka (6503 in chips)
Sr.FireoNe: posts the ante 75
MingRey: posts the ante 75
Geraldo22: posts the ante 75
MagdaaR: posts the ante 75
Catukinho: posts the ante 75
jish1: posts the ante 75
Lede007: posts the ante 75
ncuX1Ho4ka: posts the ante 75
ncuX1Ho4ka: posts small blind 250
Sr.FireoNe: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc 9h]
MingRey: folds
Geraldo22: folds
MagdaaR: folds
Catukinho: folds
jish1: folds
Lede007: raises 5418 to 5918 and is all-in
ncuX1Ho4ka: raises 510 to 6428 and is all-in
Sr.FireoNe: folds
Uncalled bet (510) returned to ncuX1Ho4ka
*** FLOP *** [7c Jd 4c]
*** TURN *** [7c Jd 4c] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [7c Jd 4c 3d] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ncuX1Ho4ka: shows [Kh Qh] (high card King)
Lede007: shows [Jc 9h] (two pair, Jacks and Nines)
Lede007 collected 12936 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

12-05-2013 23:36 #85| 0

Misset flip i 3R
PokerStars Hand #98488359444: Tournament #804010517, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (400/800) - 2013/05/12 22:34:57 WET [2013/05/12 17:34:57 ET]
Table '804010517 50' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Echef1983 (51785 in chips)
Seat 2: Sr.FireoNe (13507 in chips)
Seat 3: MingRey (11487 in chips)
Seat 4: Geraldo22 (21752 in chips)
Seat 5: MagdaaR (37962 in chips)
Seat 6: Catukinho (16826 in chips)
Seat 7: jish1 (25449 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (12861 in chips)
Seat 9: ncuX1Ho4ka (5160 in chips)
Echef1983: posts the ante 125
Sr.FireoNe: posts the ante 125
MingRey: posts the ante 125
Geraldo22: posts the ante 125
MagdaaR: posts the ante 125
Catukinho: posts the ante 125
jish1: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
ncuX1Ho4ka: posts the ante 125
ncuX1Ho4ka: posts small blind 400
Echef1983: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ts Ac]
Sr.FireoNe: folds
MingRey: folds
Geraldo22: folds
MagdaaR: folds
Catukinho: raises 960 to 1760
jish1: folds
Lede007: raises 10976 to 12736 and is all-in
ncuX1Ho4ka: calls 4635 and is all-in
Echef1983: folds
Catukinho: folds
Uncalled bet (7701) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Ks Kc 6s]
*** TURN *** [Ks Kc 6s] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [Ks Kc 6s 5s] [3h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ncuX1Ho4ka: shows [2s 2c] (two pair, Kings and Deuces)
Lede007: shows [Ts Ac] (a pair of Kings)
ncuX1Ho4ka collected 13755 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 00:06 #86| 0

En helt doubler mig i 3r
PokerStars Hand #98489797647: Tournament #804010517, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (500/1000) - 2013/05/12 23:04:44 WET [2013/05/12 18:04:44 ET]
Table '804010517 50' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Echef1983 (44635 in chips)
Seat 2: Sr.FireoNe (39089 in chips)
Seat 3: careland (36835 in chips)
Seat 4: Geraldo22 (19389 in chips)
Seat 5: MagdaaR (39512 in chips)
Seat 7: Tifuxis (19145 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (15251 in chips)
Seat 9: ncuX1Ho4ka (25747 in chips)
Echef1983: posts the ante 150
Sr.FireoNe: posts the ante 150
careland: posts the ante 150
Geraldo22: posts the ante 150
MagdaaR: posts the ante 150
Tifuxis: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts the ante 150
ncuX1Ho4ka: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts small blind 500
ncuX1Ho4ka: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac Qs]
Echef1983: folds
Sr.FireoNe: folds
careland: folds
Geraldo22: folds
MagdaaR: raises 1200 to 2200
Tifuxis: folds
Lede007: raises 12901 to 15101 and is all-in
ncuX1Ho4ka: folds
MagdaaR: calls 12901
*** FLOP *** [5s Kh 2d]
*** TURN *** [5s Kh 2d] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [5s Kh 2d Jc] [Jd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ac Qs] (a pair of Jacks)
MagdaaR: shows [3d Ad] (a pair of Jacks - lower kicker)
Lede007 collected 32402 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 00:07 #87| 0

Resterende tours er 3R, 11R og $27 scoop low.
avg i 3R, halv avgish i de andre to.

13-05-2013 00:11 #88| 0

Taber flippet for 20k over avg pulje i 3R
PokerStars Hand #98490087057: Tournament #804010517, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (600/1200) - 2013/05/12 23:10:26 WET [2013/05/12 18:10:26 ET]
Table '804010517 50' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Echef1983 (41485 in chips)
Seat 2: Sr.FireoNe (62336 in chips)
Seat 3: careland (34801 in chips)
Seat 4: Geraldo22 (25923 in chips)
Seat 5: MagdaaR (24861 in chips)
Seat 6: RafaelCulica (23013 in chips)
Seat 7: Tifuxis (21395 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (31202 in chips)
Echef1983: posts the ante 200
Sr.FireoNe: posts the ante 200
careland: posts the ante 200
Geraldo22: posts the ante 200
MagdaaR: posts the ante 200
RafaelCulica: posts the ante 200
Tifuxis: posts the ante 200
Lede007: posts the ante 200
RafaelCulica: posts small blind 600
Tifuxis: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Ad]
Lede007: raises 1200 to 2400
Echef1983: calls 2400
Sr.FireoNe: folds
careland: folds
Geraldo22: folds
MagdaaR: raises 22261 to 24661 and is all-in
RafaelCulica: folds
Tifuxis: folds
Lede007: raises 6341 to 31002 and is all-in
Echef1983: folds
Uncalled bet (6341) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Jd 8h 3s]
*** TURN *** [Jd 8h 3s] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 8h 3s 4c] [3d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kd Ad] (a pair of Threes)
MagdaaR: shows [Td Th] (two pair, Tens and Threes)
MagdaaR collected 55122 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 00:12 #89| 0

Taber endnu et flip i $27 Scoop og det ser sort ud
PokerStars Hand #98490139544: Tournament #2013050021, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (350/700) - 2013/05/12 23:11:29 WET [2013/05/12 18:11:29 ET]
Table '2013050021 1408' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Diana1995AAA (16040 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (12826 in chips)
Seat 3: leitalopez (74179 in chips)
Seat 4: shaia1 (7441 in chips)
Seat 5: Lalmosnino (31767 in chips)
Seat 6: ASENNA76 (13525 in chips)
Seat 7: dunduks28 (72300 in chips)
Seat 8: koma_ru88 (15991 in chips)
Seat 9: Charibert (6737 in chips)
Diana1995AAA: posts the ante 85
Lede007: posts the ante 85
leitalopez: posts the ante 85
shaia1: posts the ante 85
Lalmosnino: posts the ante 85
ASENNA76: posts the ante 85
dunduks28: posts the ante 85
koma_ru88: posts the ante 85
Charibert: posts the ante 85
leitalopez: posts small blind 350
shaia1: posts big blind 700
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [2d 2s]
Lalmosnino: folds
ASENNA76: folds
dunduks28: folds
koma_ru88: folds
Charibert: folds
Diana1995AAA: folds
Lede007: raises 12041 to 12741 and is all-in
leitalopez: folds
shaia1: calls 6656 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (5385) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [6h 6d Qc]
*** TURN *** [6h 6d Qc] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [6h 6d Qc Qd] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
shaia1: shows [Ad 6s] (a full house, Sixes full of Queens)
Lede007: shows [2d 2s] (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
shaia1 collected 15827 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 00:14 #90| 0

Bust i scoop på endnu et flip:
PokerStars Hand #98490221722: Tournament #2013050021, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (350/700) - 2013/05/12 23:13:08 WET [2013/05/12 18:13:08 ET]
Table '2013050021 1408' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Diana1995AAA (15870 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (5300 in chips)
Seat 3: leitalopez (70159 in chips)
Seat 4: shaia1 (22107 in chips)
Seat 5: Lalmosnino (30897 in chips)
Seat 6: ASENNA76 (13355 in chips)
Seat 7: dunduks28 (70730 in chips)
Seat 8: koma_ru88 (15821 in chips)
Seat 9: Charibert (6567 in chips)
Diana1995AAA: posts the ante 85
Lede007: posts the ante 85
leitalopez: posts the ante 85
shaia1: posts the ante 85
Lalmosnino: posts the ante 85
ASENNA76: posts the ante 85
dunduks28: posts the ante 85
koma_ru88: posts the ante 85
Charibert: posts the ante 85
Lalmosnino: posts small blind 350
ASENNA76: posts big blind 700
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah 9d]
dunduks28: folds
koma_ru88: folds
Charibert: folds
Diana1995AAA: calls 700
Lede007: raises 4515 to 5215 and is all-in
leitalopez: folds
shaia1: folds
Lalmosnino: folds
ASENNA76: folds
Diana1995AAA: calls 4515
*** FLOP *** [7h 5s 8c]
*** TURN *** [7h 5s 8c] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [7h 5s 8c 7s] [2c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Diana1995AAA: shows [2h 2s] (a full house, Deuces full of Sevens)
Lede007: shows [Ah 9d] (a pair of Sevens)
Diana1995AAA collected 12245 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 8107th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 00:53 #91| 1


Finder formentlig et lidt dårligt kald frem, men han havde rimelig aggro stats og jeg bliver ufortjent redet af røveren!
PokerStars Hand #98491519011: Tournament #804010647, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (250/500) - 2013/05/12 23:41:12 WET [2013/05/12 18:41:12 ET]
Table '804010647 43' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Krulle37 (9019 in chips)
Seat 2: big mark 212 (22011 in chips)
Seat 3: wrsport1015 (11573 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (9949 in chips)
Seat 5: ShaiStar (23596 in chips)
Seat 6: DneprStars (5888 in chips)
Seat 7: NaudLimit (10660 in chips)
Seat 8: uWi$hIamDeaD (23664 in chips)
Seat 9: EpicEpicEpic (23712 in chips)
Krulle37: posts the ante 75
big mark 212: posts the ante 75
wrsport1015: posts the ante 75
Lede007: posts the ante 75
ShaiStar: posts the ante 75
DneprStars: posts the ante 75
NaudLimit: posts the ante 75
uWi$hIamDeaD: posts the ante 75
EpicEpicEpic: posts the ante 75
Krulle37: posts small blind 250
big mark 212: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js Ah]
wrsport1015: folds
Lede007: raises 500 to 1000
ShaiStar: folds
DneprStars: folds
NaudLimit: raises 9585 to 10585 and is all-in
uWi$hIamDeaD: folds
EpicEpicEpic: folds
Krulle37: folds
big mark 212: folds
Lede007: calls 8874 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (711) returned to NaudLimit
*** FLOP *** [8h 4s 9h]
*** TURN *** [8h 4s 9h] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [8h 4s 9h Ks] [Jh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Js Ah] (a pair of Jacks)
NaudLimit: shows [As Qh] (high card Ace)
Lede007 collected 21173 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

Kort efter kommer der et flip ned i pappas turban:
PokerStars Hand #98491779390: Tournament #804010647, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (300/600) - 2013/05/12 23:47:12 WET [2013/05/12 18:47:12 ET]
Table '804010647 43' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Krulle37 (10069 in chips)
Seat 2: big mark 212 (20761 in chips)
Seat 3: wrsport1015 (9073 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (21398 in chips)
Seat 5: ShaiStar (25721 in chips)
Seat 6: DneprStars (15287 in chips)
Seat 7: Tiago_Dias19 (23361 in chips)
Seat 8: uWi$hIamDeaD (21164 in chips)
Seat 9: EpicEpicEpic (17474 in chips)
Krulle37: posts the ante 100
big mark 212: posts the ante 100
wrsport1015: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts the ante 100
ShaiStar: posts the ante 100
DneprStars: posts the ante 100
Tiago_Dias19: posts the ante 100
uWi$hIamDeaD: posts the ante 100
EpicEpicEpic: posts the ante 100
Tiago_Dias19: posts small blind 300
uWi$hIamDeaD: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Ac]
EpicEpicEpic: folds
Krulle37: folds
big mark 212: folds
wrsport1015: raises 1200 to 1800
Lede007: raises 2199 to 3999
ShaiStar: folds
DneprStars: folds
Tiago_Dias19: folds
uWi$hIamDeaD: folds
wrsport1015: raises 4974 to 8973 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 4974
*** FLOP *** [Ah 5c Qc]
*** TURN *** [Ah 5c Qc] [5h]
*** RIVER *** [Ah 5c Qc 5h] [4s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
wrsport1015: shows [Js Jc] (two pair, Jacks and Fives)
Lede007: shows [Kd Ac] (two pair, Aces and Fives)
Lede007 collected 19746 from pot
wrsport1015 finished the tournament in 842nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

2 hænder senere flopper jeg som en drøm og får det ønskede money-card på røveren og er nu 21/800, dobbelt avg!
PokerStars Hand #98491858583: Tournament #804010647, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (300/600) - 2013/05/12 23:49:03 WET [2013/05/12 18:49:03 ET]
Table '804010647 43' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Krulle37 (9869 in chips)
Seat 2: big mark 212 (19361 in chips)
Seat 3: quarltje (21284 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (31971 in chips)
Seat 5: ShaiStar (28421 in chips)
Seat 6: DneprStars (15087 in chips)
Seat 7: Tiago_Dias19 (22861 in chips)
Seat 8: uWi$hIamDeaD (20064 in chips)
Seat 9: EpicEpicEpic (16674 in chips)
Krulle37: posts the ante 100
big mark 212: posts the ante 100
quarltje: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts the ante 100
ShaiStar: posts the ante 100
DneprStars: posts the ante 100
Tiago_Dias19: posts the ante 100
uWi$hIamDeaD: posts the ante 100
EpicEpicEpic: posts the ante 100
EpicEpicEpic: posts small blind 300
Krulle37: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Th Kh]
big mark 212: folds
quarltje: folds
Lede007: raises 600 to 1200
ShaiStar: folds
DneprStars: folds
Tiago_Dias19: raises 1675 to 2875
uWi$hIamDeaD: folds
EpicEpicEpic: folds
Krulle37: folds
Lede007: calls 1675
*** FLOP *** [Td Jc 2h]
Lede007: checks
Tiago_Dias19: bets 3300
Lede007: calls 3300
*** TURN *** [Td Jc 2h] [Tc]
Lede007: checks
Tiago_Dias19: checks
*** RIVER *** [Td Jc 2h Tc] [Ks]
Lede007: bets 9221
Tiago_Dias19: calls 9221
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Th Kh] (a full house, Tens full of Kings)
Tiago_Dias19: mucks hand
Lede007 collected 32592 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 00:56 #92| 0
Program 13/05/2013

Der er få ændringer i programmet - nogle turbo og hyper tours er fjernet, med undtagelse af hot og de små "value"-turbos hvor folk er sick dårlige. Derudover starter programmet senere og er lidt forlænget for at få det sidste scoop event med - køleskabet er fyldt op med energi-børger, hurtigretter etc. til formålet :)

Jeg vil forsøge at komme med flere opdateringer og hænder i morgen da jeg generelt føler mig frisk :) Et par SnG og satelitter kan også blive klemt ind i starten af dagen - de vil naturligvis blive tilføjet.

14:00 - $5.50 - The Big - 20K GTD
14:15 - $5.50 - 2R1A - 5K GTD
14:30 - $16.50 - 8Max1000 Cap - 3K GTD
14:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD

15:15 - $5.50 - 1000 Cap - 3K GTD
15:30 - $2.20+R - NLHE - 8K GTD
15:30 - $8.80+R - NLHE - 17.5K GTD
15:45 - $5.10 - 6Max Hyper - 2.5K GTD
15:45 - $11 - NLHE - 3K GTD (Vil blive ofret hvis det går godt)

16:00 - $8.80 - The big - 25K GTD
16:00 - $5.50+R - 6Max AH - 200K GTD
16:15 - $2.20+R - 500 Cap - 2K GTD
16:30 - $8.80+R - 1R1A - 10K GTD
16:30 - $2.20 - Turbo - 5K GTD (Bliver ofret hvis der er for mange tours)

17:00 - $2.20+R - 2x Turbo - 9K GTD
17:00 - $22 - The Big - 50K GTD
17:15 - $8.80 - 500 Cap - 3K GTD
17:30 - $11 - The Hot - 25K GTD

18:00 - $22 - NLHE - 12K GTD
18:00 - $5.50 - NLHE - 5K GTD
18:30 - $16.50 - The Hot - 25K GTD
18:45 - $2.20 - Turbo - 10K GTD

19:00 - $11 - The Big - 60K GTD
19:15 - $1.10+R - 3xTurbo - 60K GTD
19:30 - $13.50 - KO - 8K GTD
19:30 - $3.30+R - 20K GTD
19:45 - $4.40 - Turbo - 8K GTD
19:45 - $16.50 - 6Max - 4K GTD

20:00 - $5.50 - Turbo - 10K GTD
20:30 - $11 - NLHE - 10K GTD

21:00 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 7.5K GTD
21:00 - $11+R - NLHE - 40K GTD
21:15 - $11 - NLHE - 3K GTD
21:30 - $8.80 - NLHE - 8K GTD
21:45 - $5.50+R - 2R1A - 17.5K GTD

22:00 - $11+R - Turbo(scoop L)- 250K GTD
22:15 - $16.50 - 360 Cap - 4K GTD
22:15 - $2.20 - 6Max Turbo - 6K GTD
22:30 - $4.40 - The Big - 15K GTD
22:45 - $11 - Turbo - 18K GTD

23:00 - $5.50+R - NLHE - 15K GTD

Redigeret af Lede d. 13-05-2013 15:28
13-05-2013 01:08 #93| 0

Taber 50k pulje til en uber fish og hans lorte double gutter.. Stadig på avg.
PokerStars Hand #98492446678: Tournament #804010647, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (400/800) - 2013/05/13 0:05:22 WET [2013/05/12 19:05:22 ET]
Table '804010647 43' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Krulle37 (8269 in chips)
Seat 2: big mark 212 (13561 in chips)
Seat 3: quarltje (21073 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (52178 in chips)
Seat 5: ShaiStar (31621 in chips)
Seat 6: DneprStars (13487 in chips)
Seat 7: Tiago_Dias19 (6165 in chips)
Seat 8: uWi$hIamDeaD (23564 in chips)
Seat 9: EpicEpicEpic (15674 in chips)
Krulle37: posts the ante 125
big mark 212: posts the ante 125
quarltje: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
ShaiStar: posts the ante 125
DneprStars: posts the ante 125
Tiago_Dias19: posts the ante 125
uWi$hIamDeaD: posts the ante 125
EpicEpicEpic: posts the ante 125
Tiago_Dias19: posts small blind 400
uWi$hIamDeaD: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac 8d]
EpicEpicEpic: folds
Krulle37: folds
big mark 212: folds
quarltje: folds
Lede007: raises 800 to 1600
ShaiStar: folds
DneprStars: folds
Tiago_Dias19: folds
uWi$hIamDeaD: calls 800
*** FLOP *** [8h Jh As]
uWi$hIamDeaD: checks
Lede007: bets 2111
uWi$hIamDeaD: raises 3489 to 5600
Lede007: raises 44853 to 50453 and is all-in
uWi$hIamDeaD: calls 16239 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (28614) returned to Lede007
*** TURN *** [8h Jh As] [2c]
*** RIVER *** [8h Jh As 2c] [Kh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
uWi$hIamDeaD: shows [Ts Qc] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
Lede007: shows [Ac 8d] (two pair, Aces and Eights)
uWi$hIamDeaD collected 48403 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 01:57 #94| 0

Et lidt tricky play men det betaler sig :)
PokerStars Hand #98494184167: Tournament #804010647, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (1000/2000) - 2013/05/13 0:54:07 WET [2013/05/12 19:54:07 ET]
Table '804010647 170' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: PROFEANU (24442 in chips)
Seat 2: Bianconero12 (110825 in chips)
Seat 3: MrWilliams87 (30542 in chips)
Seat 4: mat1i (21304 in chips)
Seat 5: ziduart (113746 in chips)
Seat 6: uilercamilo (46842 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 7: Lede007 (38918 in chips)
Seat 8: bomboclat1 (213545 in chips)
Seat 9: King Suckout (163068 in chips)
PROFEANU: posts the ante 350
Bianconero12: posts the ante 350
MrWilliams87: posts the ante 350
mat1i: posts the ante 350
ziduart: posts the ante 350
uilercamilo: posts the ante 350
Lede007: posts the ante 350
bomboclat1: posts the ante 350
King Suckout: posts the ante 350
PROFEANU: posts small blind 1000
Bianconero12: posts big blind 2000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks 2s]
MrWilliams87: folds
mat1i: folds
ziduart: folds
uilercamilo: folds
Lede007: raises 2000 to 4000
bomboclat1: folds
King Suckout: calls 4000
Bianconero12: folds
*** FLOP *** [4s 5c 5s]
Lede007: bets 5577
King Suckout: calls 5577
*** TURN *** [4s 5c 5s] [Qh]
Lede007: checks
King Suckout: bets 8899
Lede007: raises 20092 to 28991 and is all-in
King Suckout: folds
Uncalled bet (20092) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 43102 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 02:19 #95| 0

Jeg får desværre spillet JJ rigtig dårligt på boblen og kommer ned i 10 BB's og shover nedenstående hånd og buster.

PokerStars Hand #98494725414: Tournament #804010647, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (1250/2500) - 2013/05/13 1:12:25 WET [2013/05/12 20:12:25 ET]
Table '804010647 170' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: harry811 (50459 in chips)
Seat 2: Bianconero12 (92801 in chips)
Seat 3: MrWilliams87 (22317 in chips)
Seat 4: mat1i (51562 in chips)
Seat 5: ziduart (107521 in chips)
Seat 6: uilercamilo (43076 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (26320 in chips)
Seat 8: bomboclat1 (244126 in chips)
Seat 9: King Suckout (128900 in chips)
harry811: posts the ante 425
Bianconero12: posts the ante 425
MrWilliams87: posts the ante 425
mat1i: posts the ante 425
ziduart: posts the ante 425
uilercamilo: posts the ante 425
Lede007: posts the ante 425
bomboclat1: posts the ante 425
King Suckout: posts the ante 425
harry811: posts small blind 1250
Bianconero12: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Th Ks]
MrWilliams87: folds
mat1i: folds
ziduart: folds
mat1i said, "lol"
uilercamilo: folds
Lede007: raises 23395 to 25895 and is all-in
bomboclat1: raises 23395 to 49290
King Suckout: folds
harry811: folds
Bianconero12: folds
Uncalled bet (23395) returned to bomboclat1
*** FLOP *** [5s Kh 4h]
*** TURN *** [5s Kh 4h] [3c]
*** RIVER *** [5s Kh 4h 3c] [2c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Th Ks] (a pair of Kings)
bomboclat1: shows [Ah Ac] (a straight, Ace to Five)
bomboclat1 collected 59365 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 311th place and received $57.71.
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 15:16 #96| 1

Så er der regget til de fleste af toursne og baggrunden er skiftet til en med skrub i:)

13-05-2013 15:21 #97| 0

$7 - 45 Turbo SNG
$7 - 18 Turbo SNG

13-05-2013 16:15 #98| 0

Bust i 16.50
PokerStars Hand #98513006065: Tournament #730734696, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (25/50) - 2013/05/13 15:14:12 WET [2013/05/13 10:14:12 ET]
Table '730734696 1' 8-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (1690 in chips)
Seat 2: gregt18 (3075 in chips)
Seat 3: gppsromon (1735 in chips)
Seat 4: MARCELOVETOR (11480 in chips)
Seat 5: Rio-0051 (1185 in chips)
Seat 6: XXXELENA (2702 in chips)
Seat 7: little-indie (2818 in chips)
Seat 8: quirkquark (2140 in chips)
quirkquark: posts small blind 25
Lede007: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qc Qd]
gregt18: folds
gppsromon: folds
Rio-0051: folds
little-indie: raises 100 to 150
quirkquark: folds
Lede007: raises 200 to 350
little-indie: calls 200
*** FLOP *** [4d 4s 3s]
Lede007: checks
little-indie: bets 450
Lede007: raises 890 to 1340 and is all-in
little-indie: calls 890
*** TURN *** [4d 4s 3s] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [4d 4s 3s Kd] [6s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qc Qd] (two pair, Queens and Fours)
little-indie: shows [Ks As] (a flush, Ace high)
little-indie collected 3405 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 196th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 16:19 #99| 0

Bust i sat:
Limper spiller 37/6 :)
PokerStars Hand #98513156137: Tournament #730788828, $6.00+$0.60 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2013/05/13 15:17:59 WET [2013/05/13 10:17:59 ET]
Table '730788828 3' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: ALEXX555877 (1485 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (1755 in chips)
Seat 3: rafaelm123 (1395 in chips)
Seat 4: kangarin (2045 in chips)
Seat 5: gamergio (3141 in chips)
Seat 6: JustProSkill (1320 in chips)
Seat 7: El Cerebral (2610 in chips)
Seat 8: fopt (3785 in chips)
Seat 9: Normorn (1660 in chips)
gamergio: posts small blind 75
JustProSkill: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As 8s]
El Cerebral: calls 150
fopt: folds
Normorn: folds
ALEXX555877: folds
Lede007: raises 1605 to 1755 and is all-in
rafaelm123: folds
kangarin: raises 290 to 2045 and is all-in
gamergio: folds
JustProSkill: folds
El Cerebral: folds
Uncalled bet (290) returned to kangarin
*** FLOP *** [9c 3d 8d]
*** TURN *** [9c 3d 8d] [Kh]
*** RIVER *** [9c 3d 8d Kh] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As 8s] (a pair of Eights)
kangarin: shows [Ad Ks] (a pair of Kings)
kangarin collected 3885 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 96th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 16:50 #100| 0

PokerStars Hand #98514376819: Tournament #805010321, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2013/05/13 15:48:10 WET [2013/05/13 10:48:10 ET]
Table '805010321 19' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: danield09 (3065 in chips)
Seat 2: snejokCoxx (6247 in chips)
Seat 3: R@nTAnpl@N (2958 in chips)
Seat 5: Kalli5890 (1440 in chips)
Seat 6: skolsuper (2970 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (3040 in chips)
Seat 8: gzp74 (2300 in chips)
Seat 9: user_in_ps (3480 in chips)
Kalli5890: posts small blind 15
skolsuper: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qh Qc]
Lede007: raises 60 to 90
gzp74: folds
user_in_ps: folds
danield09: folds
snejokCoxx: folds
R@nTAnpl@N: folds
Kalli5890: calls 75
skolsuper: folds
*** FLOP *** [4h 6h 2s]
Kalli5890: checks
Lede007: bets 120
Kalli5890: calls 120
*** TURN *** [4h 6h 2s] [3s]
Kalli5890: bets 150
Lede007: raises 2680 to 2830 and is all-in
Kalli5890: calls 1080 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (1600) returned to Lede007
*** RIVER *** [4h 6h 2s 3s] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Kalli5890: shows [3d 2d] (two pair, Threes and Deuces)
Lede007: shows [Qh Qc] (a pair of Queens)
Kalli5890 collected 2910 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 17:06 #101| 0

Bust i big 5.50
PokerStars Hand #98514957358: Tournament #805010281, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/13 16:03:27 WET [2013/05/13 11:03:27 ET]
Table '805010281 197' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (7421 in chips)
Seat 2: serasah (13149 in chips)
Seat 3: bigdad101 (6465 in chips)
Seat 4: Skihutje (25155 in chips)
Seat 5: catchthepott (13452 in chips)
Seat 6: zekasurf (3230 in chips)
Seat 7: gerd313 (17847 in chips)
Seat 8: K!ck-AzZ Guy (8135 in chips)
Seat 9: Geronimo1990 (12800 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 30
serasah: posts the ante 30
bigdad101: posts the ante 30
Skihutje: posts the ante 30
catchthepott: posts the ante 30
zekasurf: posts the ante 30
gerd313: posts the ante 30
K!ck-AzZ Guy: posts the ante 30
Geronimo1990: posts the ante 30
Geronimo1990: posts small blind 125
Lede007: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qc As]
serasah: folds
bigdad101: folds
Skihutje: folds
catchthepott: folds
zekasurf: folds
gerd313: raises 375 to 625
K!ck-AzZ Guy: folds
Geronimo1990: folds
Lede007: raises 6766 to 7391 and is all-in
gerd313: calls 6766
*** FLOP *** [5h Jc 6d]
*** TURN *** [5h Jc 6d] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [5h Jc 6d 4c] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qc As] (a pair of Sixes)
gerd313: shows [Ac Kd] (a pair of Sixes - Ace+King kicker)
gerd313 collected 15177 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2238th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 17:35 #102| 0

Bust i 2R
PokerStars Hand #98516310095: Tournament #730734703, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/13 16:33:11 WET [2013/05/13 11:33:11 ET]
Table '730734703 38' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: fluffykiller (14341 in chips)
Seat 2: keilaaja1984 (27788 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (6818 in chips)
Seat 4: Misha Myxin (10552 in chips)
Seat 5: babayka79 (7576 in chips)
Seat 6: raphaelsb (36058 in chips)
Seat 7: Proxy-56 (17808 in chips)
Seat 8: fffixed (53442 in chips)
Seat 9: TembI413 (19144 in chips)
fluffykiller: posts the ante 30
keilaaja1984: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
Misha Myxin: posts the ante 30
babayka79: posts the ante 30
raphaelsb: posts the ante 30
Proxy-56: posts the ante 30
fffixed: posts the ante 30
TembI413: posts the ante 30
fffixed: posts small blind 125
TembI413: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Td Ts]
fluffykiller: folds
keilaaja1984: folds
Lede007: raises 250 to 500
Misha Myxin: folds
babayka79: folds
raphaelsb: calls 500
Proxy-56: folds
fffixed: raises 1500 to 2000
TembI413: folds
Lede007: raises 4788 to 6788 and is all-in
raphaelsb: folds
fffixed: calls 4788
*** FLOP *** [6c As 5h]
*** TURN *** [6c As 5h] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [6c As 5h 2h] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
fffixed: shows [Qs Ah] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007: shows [Td Ts] (a pair of Tens)
fffixed collected 14596 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 737th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 18:18 #103| 0

Bust 8+R
PokerStars Hand #98518272070: Tournament #805010321, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2013/05/13 17:16:41 WET [2013/05/13 12:16:41 ET]
Table '805010321 19' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: caio_pimenta (6250 in chips)
Seat 2: bobster010 (4455 in chips)
Seat 3: R@nTAnpl@N (5882 in chips)
Seat 4: Zbad (8865 in chips)
Seat 5: Ymobad (5026 in chips)
Seat 6: Ricsizmse (3998 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (4053 in chips)
Seat 8: gzp74 (5390 in chips)
Seat 9: ncux13 (16496 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 100
gzp74: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9s 9d]
ncux13: folds
caio_pimenta: folds
bobster010: folds
R@nTAnpl@N: folds
Zbad: folds
Ymobad: folds
Ricsizmse: raises 200 to 400
Lede007: raises 3653 to 4053 and is all-in
gzp74: folds
Ricsizmse: calls 3598 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (55) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [9c 4c 5d]
*** TURN *** [9c 4c 5d] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [9c 4c 5d Jc] [Kd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [9s 9d] (three of a kind, Nines)
Ricsizmse: shows [Qc Kc] (a flush, King high)
Ricsizmse collected 8196 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 18:20 #104| 0

Bust i 5+R 2R1A
PokerStars Hand #98518409994: Tournament #805011311, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (350/700) - 2013/05/13 17:19:30 WET [2013/05/13 12:19:30 ET]
Table '805011311 4' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: PaNdaY (26032 in chips)
Seat 2: gregt18 (15764 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (10276 in chips)
Seat 4: Bsov (54636 in chips)
Seat 5: jliveira84 (55416 in chips)
Seat 6: P.L.1717 (44940 in chips)
Seat 7: Y.ShayDitsky (49256 in chips)
Seat 8: myravei87 (25877 in chips)
PaNdaY: posts the ante 85
gregt18: posts the ante 85
Lede007: posts the ante 85
Bsov: posts the ante 85
jliveira84: posts the ante 85
P.L.1717: posts the ante 85
Y.ShayDitsky: posts the ante 85
myravei87: posts the ante 85
Bsov: posts small blind 350
jliveira84: posts big blind 700
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Ac]
P.L.1717: folds
Y.ShayDitsky: folds
myravei87: folds
PaNdaY: raises 700 to 1400
gregt18: folds
Lede007: raises 8791 to 10191 and is all-in
Bsov: folds
jliveira84: calls 9491
PaNdaY: folds
*** FLOP *** [4h 9h 6c]
*** TURN *** [4h 9h 6c] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [4h 9h 6c Qd] [3c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jliveira84: shows [Jc Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
Lede007: shows [Ks Ac] (high card Ace)
jliveira84 collected 22812 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 164th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 20:26 #105| 0

Bust i $5.50 Turbo KO - $9.42
PokerStars Hand #98524665273: Tournament #730733554, $4.00+$1.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (1500/3000) - 2013/05/13 19:18:53 WET [2013/05/13 14:18:53 ET]
Table '730733554 116' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: raunibhz (17476 in chips)
Seat 2: hpvb1001 (28865 in chips)
Seat 3: BooBaDEI (51370 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (14175 in chips)
Seat 5: pastoortjuh (23586 in chips)
Seat 6: paxrulez (20818 in chips)
Seat 7: VendettaM (4972 in chips)
Seat 8: Patrick_Sell (20288 in chips)
Seat 9: SLY-NR1 (26323 in chips)
raunibhz: posts the ante 300
hpvb1001: posts the ante 300
BooBaDEI: posts the ante 300
Lede007: posts the ante 300
pastoortjuh: posts the ante 300
paxrulez: posts the ante 300
VendettaM: posts the ante 300
Patrick_Sell: posts the ante 300
SLY-NR1: posts the ante 300
pastoortjuh: posts small blind 1500
paxrulez: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [3d As]
VendettaM: folds
Patrick_Sell: folds
SLY-NR1: folds
raunibhz: folds
hpvb1001: folds
BooBaDEI: raises 4250 to 7250
Lede007: raises 6625 to 13875 and is all-in
pastoortjuh: folds
paxrulez: folds
BooBaDEI: calls 6625
*** FLOP *** [2d 2h Kh]
*** TURN *** [2d 2h Kh] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [2d 2h Kh 7s] [4h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
BooBaDEI: shows [8h 8c] (two pair, Eights and Deuces)
Lede007: shows [3d As] (a pair of Deuces)
BooBaDEI collected 34950 from pot
BooBaDEI wins the $1 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 304th place and received $8.93.
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 20:29 #106| 0

Bust i $8 500 cap
PokerStars Hand #98524870488: Tournament #730734202, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/05/13 19:22:14 WET [2013/05/13 14:22:14 ET]
Table '730734202 32' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: MadamFate (23249 in chips)
Seat 2: InNOutJay (4776 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (4612 in chips)
Seat 4: danilo18_BR (16685 in chips)
Seat 5: RagVoen (5660 in chips)
Seat 6: david400 (3525 in chips)
Seat 7: dan_doran02 (13675 in chips)
Seat 8: heeder (5052 in chips)
Seat 9: Rekrapmas (9024 in chips)
MadamFate: posts the ante 40
InNOutJay: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
danilo18_BR: posts the ante 40
RagVoen: posts the ante 40
david400: posts the ante 40
dan_doran02: posts the ante 40
heeder: posts the ante 40
Rekrapmas: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts small blind 150
danilo18_BR: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac 6c]
RagVoen: folds
david400: folds
dan_doran02: folds
heeder: folds
Rekrapmas: folds
MadamFate: folds
InNOutJay: raises 4436 to 4736 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 4422 and is all-in
danilo18_BR: folds
Uncalled bet (164) returned to InNOutJay
*** FLOP *** [9h Ah 5h]
*** TURN *** [9h Ah 5h] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [9h Ah 5h 2h] [6s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ac 6c] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
InNOutJay: shows [8s 7d] (a straight, Five to Nine)
InNOutJay collected 9804 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 179th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 20:30 #107| 0

Heldig leeader pulje i $5.10 hyper
PokerStars Hand #98525260612: Tournament #730734895, $5.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (2500/5000) - 2013/05/13 19:28:37 WET [2013/05/13 14:28:37 ET]
Table '730734895 113' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: ilwis (52214 in chips)
Seat 2: 120664 (92475 in chips)
Seat 3: kioscheto (37312 in chips)
Seat 4: djdean222 (21576 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (42185 in chips)
Seat 7: bessniko (119704 in chips)
Seat 8: FranzKoehler (30757 in chips)
Seat 9: jolnys (102222 in chips)
ilwis: posts the ante 1000
120664: posts the ante 1000
kioscheto: posts the ante 1000
djdean222: posts the ante 1000
Lede007: posts the ante 1000
bessniko: posts the ante 1000
FranzKoehler: posts the ante 1000
jolnys: posts the ante 1000
FranzKoehler: posts small blind 2500
jolnys: posts big blind 5000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qc 6c]
ilwis: folds
120664: folds
kioscheto: folds
djdean222: folds
Lede007: raises 36185 to 41185 and is all-in
bessniko: folds
FranzKoehler: calls 27257 and is all-in
jolnys: calls 36185
*** FLOP *** [Qs 2h Ts]
*** TURN *** [Qs 2h Ts] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Qs 2h Ts 8c] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jolnys: shows [Jc Ad] (high card Ace)
Lede007: shows [Qc 6c] (a pair of Queens)
Lede007 collected 22856 from side pot
FranzKoehler: shows [Kd As] (high card Ace)
Lede007 collected 97271 from main pot
FranzKoehler finished the tournament in 98th place and received $14.01.
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 20:36 #108| 0

Ærgerligt bust i 81r1a
PokerStars Hand #98525651227: Tournament #730733499, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (1250/2500) - 2013/05/13 19:34:58 WET [2013/05/13 14:34:58 ET]
Table '730733499 111' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: gerbenNMGN (22426 in chips)
Seat 2: JPMalicia (31729 in chips)
Seat 3: RusBigFishKa (46156 in chips)
Seat 4: km1883 (61001 in chips)
Seat 5: Negriin (32687 in chips)
Seat 6: spydex (64878 in chips)
Seat 7: ALATALA16 (26120 in chips)
Seat 8: Mihai Nutt (21870 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (38614 in chips)
gerbenNMGN: posts the ante 250
JPMalicia: posts the ante 250
RusBigFishKa: posts the ante 250
km1883: posts the ante 250
Negriin: posts the ante 250
spydex: posts the ante 250
ALATALA16: posts the ante 250
Mihai Nutt: posts the ante 250
Lede007: posts the ante 250
gerbenNMGN: posts small blind 1250
JPMalicia: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9s 9h]
RusBigFishKa: folds
km1883: folds
Negriin: folds
spydex: raises 2500 to 5000
ALATALA16: folds
Mihai Nutt: folds
Lede007: raises 33364 to 38364 and is all-in
gerbenNMGN: folds
JPMalicia: folds
spydex: calls 33364
*** FLOP *** [4s Tc 4c]
*** TURN *** [4s Tc 4c] [3h]
*** RIVER *** [4s Tc 4c 3h] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
spydex: shows [Ad Qh] (two pair, Aces and Fours)
Lede007: shows [9s 9h] (two pair, Nines and Fours)
spydex collected 82728 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 159th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 21:19 #109| 0

God double i Scoop
PokerStars Hand #98528092080: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (125/250) - 2013/05/13 20:16:23 WET [2013/05/13 15:16:23 ET]
Table '2013050031 1934' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: berg5528 (20482 in chips)
Seat 2: oeli70 (29005 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (18931 in chips)
Seat 4: "Lex"_expert (57786 in chips)
Seat 5: Shahmatisro4 (17592 in chips)
Seat 6: FannyPacks (33499 in chips)
berg5528: posts the ante 30
oeli70: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
"Lex"_expert: posts the ante 30
Shahmatisro4: posts the ante 30
FannyPacks: posts the ante 30
Shahmatisro4: posts small blind 125
FannyPacks: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Ah]
berg5528: folds
oeli70: raises 250 to 500
Lede007: calls 500
"Lex"_expert: raises 1000 to 1500
Shahmatisro4: folds
FannyPacks: folds
oeli70: calls 1000
Lede007: calls 1000
*** FLOP *** [8h 7s 7d]
oeli70: checks
Lede007: checks
"Lex"_expert: bets 3750
oeli70: folds
Lede007: calls 3750
*** TURN *** [8h 7s 7d] [4d]
Lede007: checks
"Lex"_expert: bets 14500
Lede007: calls 13651 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (849) returned to "Lex"_expert
*** RIVER *** [8h 7s 7d 4d] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ad Ah] (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
"Lex"_expert: shows [8d 6d] (two pair, Eights and Sevens)
Lede007 collected 39857 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 21:48 #110| 0

Bust i 2+R 500 cap - har en del hælder på raiser og han clicker alt. Hans spillestil blev også kendetegnet af at han snappede mit shove
PokerStars Hand #98529922525: Tournament #730734167, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXX (5000/10000) - 2013/05/13 20:45:32 WET [2013/05/13 15:45:32 ET]
Table '730734167 40' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: crazyrabbi9 (165016 in chips)
Seat 4: osmarjnr (112610 in chips)
Seat 5: MaybeTurek (121490 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (95344 in chips)
Seat 7: Balandyuk S. (113085 in chips)
Seat 9: CLERlC (309134 in chips)
crazyrabbi9: posts the ante 1250
osmarjnr: posts the ante 1250
MaybeTurek: posts the ante 1250
Lede007: posts the ante 1250
Balandyuk S.: posts the ante 1250
CLERlC: posts the ante 1250
MaybeTurek: posts small blind 5000
Lede007: posts big blind 10000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc 8c]
Balandyuk S.: folds
CLERlC: folds
crazyrabbi9: raises 11000 to 21000
osmarjnr: folds
MaybeTurek: folds
Lede007: raises 73094 to 94094 and is all-in
crazyrabbi9: calls 73094
*** FLOP *** [7h Qd Td]
*** TURN *** [7h Qd Td] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [7h Qd Td Jc] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kc 8c] (high card King)
crazyrabbi9: shows [9d Kh] (a straight, Nine to King)
crazyrabbi9 collected 200688 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 20th place and received $23.29.
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 22:11 #111| 0

Bust i 1+R
PokerStars Hand #98531136080: Tournament #730733630, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (2000/4000) - 2013/05/13 21:06:55 WET [2013/05/13 16:06:55 ET]
Table '730733630 993' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: skarpet2 (108600 in chips)
Seat 2: Mirel.B (54220 in chips)
Seat 3: leconpit (75700 in chips)
Seat 4: dialabikos (165740 in chips)
Seat 5: oliviero89 (20830 in chips)
Seat 6: sosed1983 (50950 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 7: briccius (51230 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (56620 in chips)
Seat 9: Dolce99 (10650 in chips)
skarpet2: posts the ante 400
Mirel.B: posts the ante 400
leconpit: posts the ante 400
dialabikos: posts the ante 400
oliviero89: posts the ante 400
sosed1983: posts the ante 400
briccius: posts the ante 400
Lede007: posts the ante 400
Dolce99: posts the ante 400
Dolce99: posts small blind 2000
skarpet2: posts big blind 4000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9c 8c]
Mirel.B: folds
leconpit: folds
dialabikos: calls 4000
oliviero89: folds
sosed1983: folds
briccius has timed out while being disconnected
briccius: folds
briccius is sitting out
Lede007: raises 52220 to 56220 and is all-in
Dolce99: folds
skarpet2: raises 51980 to 108200 and is all-in
dialabikos: folds
Uncalled bet (51980) returned to skarpet2
*** FLOP *** [Ah 3h 3s]
*** TURN *** [Ah 3h 3s] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [Ah 3h 3s Ac] [8s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
skarpet2: shows [As Jc] (a full house, Aces full of Threes)
Lede007: shows [9c 8c] (two pair, Aces and Eights)
skarpet2 collected 122040 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 8455th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 22:17 #112| 0

Bust i Big11
PokerStars Hand #98531665485: Tournament #805010491, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/05/13 21:15:20 WET [2013/05/13 16:15:20 ET]
Table '805010491 366' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: peuncosta (9227 in chips)
Seat 2: Hutlander (4880 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (7714 in chips)
Seat 4: GrimeRat420 (12534 in chips)
Seat 5: bostondome (19278 in chips)
Seat 6: arsad725 (9248 in chips)
Seat 7: Bicho_Raro81 (12789 in chips)
Seat 8: kaizerdrea (16236 in chips)
Seat 9: jonathan87 (3310 in chips) is sitting out
peuncosta: posts the ante 40
Hutlander: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
GrimeRat420: posts the ante 40
bostondome: posts the ante 40
arsad725: posts the ante 40
Bicho_Raro81: posts the ante 40
kaizerdrea: posts the ante 40
jonathan87: posts the ante 40
GrimeRat420: posts small blind 150
bostondome: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8s 8c]
arsad725: folds
Bicho_Raro81: folds
kaizerdrea: folds
jonathan87: folds
peuncosta: folds
Hutlander: folds
Lede007: raises 300 to 600
GrimeRat420: folds
bostondome: raises 1200 to 1800
Lede007: raises 5874 to 7674 and is all-in
bostondome: calls 5874
*** FLOP *** [Th Js Qh]
*** TURN *** [Th Js Qh] [4d]
*** RIVER *** [Th Js Qh 4d] [7s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
bostondome: shows [Ks Kd] (a pair of Kings)
Lede007: shows [8s 8c] (a pair of Eights)
bostondome collected 15858 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2777th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 22:57 #114| 0

Bust i $11

PokerStars Hand #98532405963: Tournament #730733644, $10.00+$2.50+$1.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (150/300) - 2013/05/13 21:27:11 WET [2013/05/13 16:27:11 ET]
Table '730733644 51' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (7705 in chips)
Seat 2: naGlo_LgaL (3842 in chips)
Seat 3: chrisje76 (10268 in chips)
Seat 4: ifrsilva (18249 in chips)
Seat 5: ouchbadbeat (6884 in chips)
Seat 6: pro_raduga (2925 in chips)
Seat 7: Pfanni80 (9443 in chips)
Seat 8: Henk88 (10141 in chips)
Seat 9: uriuri777 (8584 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 40
naGlo_LgaL: posts the ante 40
chrisje76: posts the ante 40
ifrsilva: posts the ante 40
ouchbadbeat: posts the ante 40
pro_raduga: posts the ante 40
Pfanni80: posts the ante 40
Henk88: posts the ante 40
uriuri777: posts the ante 40
naGlo_LgaL: posts small blind 150
chrisje76: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [7h Ah]
ifrsilva: folds
ouchbadbeat: folds
pro_raduga: folds
Pfanni80: folds
Henk88: raises 322 to 622
uriuri777: calls 622
Lede007: raises 7043 to 7665 and is all-in
naGlo_LgaL: folds
chrisje76: folds
Henk88: raises 2436 to 10101 and is all-in
uriuri777: folds
Uncalled bet (2436) returned to Henk88
*** FLOP *** [Jd Th 7c]
*** TURN *** [Jd Th 7c] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [Jd Th 7c 4c] [Kc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Henk88: shows [Qc Qd] (a pair of Queens)
Lede007: shows [7h Ah] (a pair of Sevens)
Henk88 collected 16762 from pot
Henk88 wins the $2.50 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 395th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 23:05 #115| 0

Double i scoop
PokerStars Hand #98534466141: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIX (400/800) - 2013/05/13 22:03:29 WET [2013/05/13 17:03:29 ET]
Table '2013050031 1934' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: berg5528 (31471 in chips)
Seat 2: Plitochni420 (122704 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (28302 in chips)
Seat 4: "Lex"_expert (54622 in chips)
Seat 5: pokerkluka (40018 in chips)
Seat 6: Tsaar (99318 in chips)
berg5528: posts the ante 100
Plitochni420: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts the ante 100
"Lex"_expert: posts the ante 100
pokerkluka: posts the ante 100
Tsaar: posts the ante 100
berg5528: posts small blind 400
Plitochni420: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Ac]
Lede007: raises 800 to 1600
"Lex"_expert: folds
pokerkluka: folds
Tsaar: calls 1600
berg5528: folds
Plitochni420: calls 800
*** FLOP *** [5c 3c 8s]
Plitochni420: bets 3200
Lede007: raises 6799 to 9999
Tsaar: folds
Plitochni420: raises 49201 to 59200
Lede007: calls 16603 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (32598) returned to Plitochni420
*** TURN *** [5c 3c 8s] [2c]
*** RIVER *** [5c 3c 8s 2c] [Jh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Plitochni420: shows [8d Kd] (a pair of Eights)
Lede007: shows [Kc Ac] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007 collected 59004 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 23:08 #116| 0

Bust i 11$
PokerStars Hand #98534660910: Tournament #805010581, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/05/13 22:06:46 WET [2013/05/13 17:06:46 ET]
Table '805010581 52' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: coolhart (4527 in chips)
Seat 2: sow676 (4316 in chips)
Seat 3: Guerrier01 (7765 in chips)
Seat 4: keyhell (6244 in chips)
Seat 5: Mike Done II (15390 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (2185 in chips)
Seat 7: Shamanka0704 (7614 in chips)
Seat 8: podiiii (2110 in chips)
Seat 9: 32BBC (1510 in chips)
coolhart: posts the ante 20
sow676: posts the ante 20
Guerrier01: posts the ante 20
keyhell: posts the ante 20
Mike Done II: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
Shamanka0704: posts the ante 20
podiiii: posts the ante 20
32BBC: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts small blind 75
Shamanka0704: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Js]
podiiii: folds
32BBC: folds
coolhart: folds
sow676: folds
Guerrier01: folds
keyhell: folds
Mike Done II: raises 240 to 390
Lede007: raises 1775 to 2165 and is all-in
Shamanka0704: folds
Mike Done II: calls 1775
*** FLOP *** [3c 4h Ah]
*** TURN *** [3c 4h Ah] [3s]
*** RIVER *** [3c 4h Ah 3s] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As Js] (two pair, Aces and Threes)
Mike Done II: shows [Qd Ac] (two pair, Aces and Threes - Queen kicker)
Mike Done II collected 4660 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 842nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 23:13 #117| 0

Bust i 3+R
PokerStars Hand #98534927679: Tournament #805010511, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (800/1600) - 2013/05/13 22:11:19 WET [2013/05/13 17:11:19 ET]
Table '805010511 49' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: RENOLI (35371 in chips)
Seat 2: dushi67 (56799 in chips)
Seat 3: connie147 (9721 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (29346 in chips)
Seat 5: enano106 (59191 in chips)
Seat 6: kajmidas (22151 in chips)
Seat 7: tnapoleao (41464 in chips)
Seat 8: aboolookout (90266 in chips)
Seat 9: chasinggravy (21248 in chips)
RENOLI: posts the ante 150
dushi67: posts the ante 150
connie147: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts the ante 150
enano106: posts the ante 150
kajmidas: posts the ante 150
tnapoleao: posts the ante 150
aboolookout: posts the ante 150
chasinggravy: posts the ante 150
aboolookout: posts small blind 800
chasinggravy: posts big blind 1600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac Kc]
RENOLI: folds
dushi67: folds
connie147: folds
Lede007: raises 1600 to 3200
enano106: folds
kajmidas: folds
tnapoleao: folds
aboolookout: raises 86916 to 90116 and is all-in
chasinggravy: folds
Lede007: calls 25996 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (60920) returned to aboolookout
*** FLOP *** [7s 9s 5h]
*** TURN *** [7s 9s 5h] [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [7s 9s 5h Qc] [2s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
aboolookout: shows [Tc Td] (a pair of Tens)
Lede007: shows [Ac Kc] (high card Ace)
aboolookout collected 61342 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 450th place
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 23:19 #118| 0

Skod pulje at tabe i 11R
PokerStars Hand #98535235233: Tournament #805010641, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2013/05/13 22:16:37 WET [2013/05/13 17:16:37 ET]
Table '805010641 33' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Sintoras (7395 in chips)
Seat 2: Magicboxx_V (5897 in chips)
Seat 3: psykee86 (10009 in chips)
Seat 4: fahrino (7815 in chips)
Seat 5: smidge89 (6050 in chips)
Seat 6: raiders26g (3725 in chips)
Seat 7: texaspl (7208 in chips)
Seat 8: Blondyy25 (4275 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (7771 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 75
Sintoras: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Ks]
Magicboxx_V: folds
psykee86: folds
fahrino: folds
smidge89: folds
raiders26g: raises 300 to 450
texaspl: folds
Blondyy25: folds
Lede007: raises 450 to 900
Sintoras: folds
raiders26g: raises 2825 to 3725 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 2825
*** FLOP *** [Ad 9d 8h]
*** TURN *** [Ad 9d 8h] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Ad 9d 8h Jc] [3c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kc Ks] (a pair of Kings)
raiders26g: shows [Tc As] (a pair of Aces)
raiders26g collected 7600 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

Redigeret af Lede d. 13-05-2013 23:19
13-05-2013 23:30 #119| 0

Av bust i $11
PokerStars Hand #98535907923: Tournament #730808369, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (50/100) - 2013/05/13 22:28:27 WET [2013/05/13 17:28:27 ET]
Table '730808369 25' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: R.Destro (2420 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (3952 in chips)
Seat 3: @rtemur (11889 in chips)
Seat 4: thund3rrr1 (1326 in chips)
Seat 5: eastwaller (3370 in chips)
Seat 6: LLluKapHo Zz (6475 in chips)
Seat 7: July_arg (5313 in chips)
Seat 8: Imhotep2635 (2534 in chips)
Seat 9: GRINDERRJ (2190 in chips)
R.Destro: posts the ante 10
Lede007: posts the ante 10
@rtemur: posts the ante 10
thund3rrr1: posts the ante 10
eastwaller: posts the ante 10
LLluKapHo Zz: posts the ante 10
July_arg: posts the ante 10
Imhotep2635: posts the ante 10
GRINDERRJ: posts the ante 10
eastwaller: posts small blind 50
LLluKapHo Zz: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [5d 5s]
July_arg: calls 100
Imhotep2635: folds
R.Destro: calls 100
Lede007: calls 100
@rtemur: calls 100
thund3rrr1: folds
eastwaller: calls 50
LLluKapHo Zz: checks
*** FLOP *** [7h Ac Ks]
eastwaller: checks
LLluKapHo Zz: checks
July_arg: checks
R.Destro: checks
Lede007: checks
@rtemur: checks
*** TURN *** [7h Ac Ks] [7s]
eastwaller: checks
LLluKapHo Zz: checks
July_arg: checks
R.Destro: checks
Lede007: checks
@rtemur: checks
*** RIVER *** [7h Ac Ks 7s] [5h]
eastwaller: checks
LLluKapHo Zz: checks
July_arg: bets 300
R.Destro: folds
Lede007: raises 3542 to 3842 and is all-in
@rtemur: folds
eastwaller: folds
LLluKapHo Zz: folds
July_arg: calls 3542
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [5d 5s] (a full house, Fives full of Sevens)
July_arg: shows [7c 7d] (four of a kind, Sevens)
July_arg collected 8374 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 360th place
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 8374 | Rake 0

13-05-2013 23:40 #120| 0
Så er vi i pengene i $5+R Scoop
PokerStars Hand #98536446779: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXII (700/1400) - 2013/05/13 22:38:19 WET [2013/05/13 17:38:19 ET]
Table '2013050031 1934' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: berg5528 (50284 in chips)
Seat 2: Plitochni420 (36390 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (67420 in chips)
Seat 4: "Lex"_expert (36328 in chips)
Seat 5: pokerkluka (27835 in chips)
Seat 6: Tsaar (158178 in chips)
berg5528: posts the ante 175
Plitochni420: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts the ante 175
"Lex"_expert: posts the ante 175
pokerkluka: posts the ante 175
Tsaar: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts small blind 700
"Lex"_expert: posts big blind 1400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah 3s]
pokerkluka: folds
Tsaar: folds
berg5528: folds
Plitochni420: folds
Lede007: raises 1400 to 2800
"Lex"_expert: calls 1400
*** FLOP *** [Ks Th As]
Lede007: bets 2777
"Lex"_expert: raises 2777 to 5554
Lede007: raises 8223 to 13777
"Lex"_expert: folds
Uncalled bet (8223) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 17758 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
13-05-2013 23:47 #121| 0

Så fik jeg endelig den fisk jeg har bakset med hele aftenen
PokerStars Hand #98536847901: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXII (700/1400) - 2013/05/13 22:45:53 WET [2013/05/13 17:45:53 ET]
Table '2013050031 1934' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: berg5528 (50284 in chips)
Seat 2: Plitochni420 (40904 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (71574 in chips)
Seat 4: velenoso (110891 in chips)
Seat 5: pokerkluka (60570 in chips)
Seat 6: Tsaar (153628 in chips)
berg5528: posts the ante 175
Plitochni420: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts the ante 175
velenoso: posts the ante 175
pokerkluka: posts the ante 175
Tsaar: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts small blind 700
velenoso: posts big blind 1400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah Ks]
pokerkluka: folds
Tsaar: folds
berg5528: folds
Plitochni420: raises 2800 to 4200
Lede007: raises 6917 to 11117
velenoso: folds
Plitochni420: calls 6917
*** FLOP *** [Jh Js 6d]
Lede007: bets 60282 and is all-in
Plitochni420: calls 29612 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (30670) returned to Lede007
*** TURN *** [Jh Js 6d] [7d]
*** RIVER *** [Jh Js 6d 7d] [9c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ah Ks] (a pair of Jacks)
Plitochni420: shows [Qh As] (a pair of Jacks - lower kicker)
Lede007 collected 83908 from pot
Plitochni420 finished the tournament in 2230th place and received $30.53.
*** SUMMARY ***

13-05-2013 23:55 #122| 0

omfg :(
PokerStars Hand #98537212536: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXII (700/1400) - 2013/05/13 22:52:56 WET [2013/05/13 17:52:56 ET]
Table '2013050031 1934' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: berg5528 (39434 in chips)
Seat 2: anna magnana (44778 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (125953 in chips)
Seat 4: velenoso (105291 in chips)
Seat 5: pokerkluka (52832 in chips)
Seat 6: Tsaar (161716 in chips)
berg5528: posts the ante 175
anna magnana: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts the ante 175
velenoso: posts the ante 175
pokerkluka: posts the ante 175
Tsaar: posts the ante 175
berg5528: posts small blind 700
anna magnana: posts big blind 1400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Ac]
Lede007: raises 1400 to 2800
velenoso: folds
pokerkluka: folds
Tsaar: raises 2644 to 5444
berg5528: folds
anna magnana: calls 4044
Lede007: raises 10555 to 15999
Tsaar: folds
anna magnana: calls 10555
*** FLOP *** [Ts 2h 6h]
anna magnana: checks
Lede007: bets 109779 and is all-in
anna magnana: calls 28604 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (81175) returned to Lede007
*** TURN *** [Ts 2h 6h] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 2h 6h 9h] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
anna magnana: shows [Th Jh] (a flush, Jack high)
Lede007: shows [Kc Ac] (high card Ace)
anna magnana collected 96400 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:42 #123| 0

Vigtigt flip i scoop
PokerStars Hand #98539479475: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXV (1250/2500) - 2013/05/13 23:41:20 WET [2013/05/13 18:41:20 ET]
Table '2013050031 1071' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (62261 in chips)
Seat 2: Tvorogok (127498 in chips)
Seat 3: mean man 67 (38391 in chips)
Seat 4: appell (271050 in chips)
Seat 5: IgorSerIv (180245 in chips)
Seat 6: vonBaranow (245211 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 325
Tvorogok: posts the ante 325
mean man 67: posts the ante 325
appell: posts the ante 325
IgorSerIv: posts the ante 325
vonBaranow: posts the ante 325
Lede007: posts small blind 1250
Tvorogok: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Ac]
mean man 67: folds
appell: raises 2500 to 5000
IgorSerIv: folds
vonBaranow: folds
Lede007: raises 56936 to 61936 and is all-in
Tvorogok: folds
appell: calls 56936
*** FLOP *** [Ad Td 6h]
*** TURN *** [Ad Td 6h] [9d]
*** RIVER *** [Ad Td 6h 9d] [6s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ks Ac] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
appell: shows [7h 7c] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
Lede007 collected 128322 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:43 #124| 0

BUST 11R scoop
PokerStars Hand #98539080264: Tournament #2013050051, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (500/1000) - 2013/05/13 23:32:31 WET [2013/05/13 18:32:31 ET]
Table '2013050051 1104' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: mainilrules (17658 in chips)
Seat 2: bobbud (16801 in chips)
Seat 3: YuraJordan (18235 in chips)
Seat 4: *1WannaWin2* (33155 in chips)
Seat 5: spliffudo (19597 in chips)
Seat 6: danipesis (9020 in chips)
Seat 7: rdbarbosa (40118 in chips)
Seat 8: Elpatito55 (29071 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (6839 in chips)
mainilrules: posts the ante 125
bobbud: posts the ante 125
YuraJordan: posts the ante 125
*1WannaWin2*: posts the ante 125
spliffudo: posts the ante 125
danipesis: posts the ante 125
rdbarbosa: posts the ante 125
Elpatito55: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts small blind 500
mainilrules: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js Ks]
bobbud: raises 1000 to 2000
YuraJordan: calls 2000
*1WannaWin2*: folds
spliffudo: folds
danipesis: raises 6895 to 8895 and is all-in
rdbarbosa: folds
Elpatito55: folds
Lede007: calls 6214 and is all-in
mainilrules: folds
bobbud: raises 7781 to 16676 and is all-in
YuraJordan: calls 14676
*** FLOP *** [3c 6d 6c]
*** TURN *** [3c 6d 6c] [4d]
*** RIVER *** [3c 6d 6c 4d] [5h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
bobbud: shows [As Th] (a pair of Sixes)
YuraJordan: shows [Ac Ad] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
YuraJordan collected 15562 from side pot-2
danipesis: shows [Td Jd] (a pair of Sixes)
YuraJordan collected 6543 from side pot-1
Lede007: shows [Js Ks] (a pair of Sixes)
YuraJordan collected 28981 from main pot
bobbud finished the tournament in 5839th place
danipesis finished the tournament in 5840th place
Lede007 finished the tournament in 5841st place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:50 #125| 0

Battle of the blinds :)
PokerStars Hand #98539822350: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVI (1500/3000) - 2013/05/13 23:49:12 WET [2013/05/13 18:49:12 ET]
Table '2013050031 1071' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (148109 in chips)
Seat 2: Tvorogok (127193 in chips)
Seat 3: mean man 67 (26841 in chips)
Seat 4: appell (227757 in chips)
Seat 5: IgorSerIv (166145 in chips)
Seat 6: vonBaranow (228611 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 375
Tvorogok: posts the ante 375
mean man 67: posts the ante 375
appell: posts the ante 375
IgorSerIv: posts the ante 375
vonBaranow: posts the ante 375
Lede007: posts small blind 1500
Tvorogok: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8h Ad]
mean man 67: folds
appell: folds
IgorSerIv: folds
vonBaranow: folds
Lede007: raises 3000 to 6000
Tvorogok: raises 8100 to 14100
Lede007: raises 17022 to 31122
Tvorogok: folds
Uncalled bet (17022) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 30450 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:50 #126| 0

Bust i $2 6max turbo
PokerStars Hand #98539825226: Tournament #730735040, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/13 23:49:16 WET [2013/05/13 18:49:16 ET]
Table '730735040 284' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: rolfspk (26432 in chips)
Seat 2: karroki 7 (14626 in chips)
Seat 3: DatWillDoPig (16521 in chips)
Seat 4: piggy2711 (20822 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (10045 in chips)
Seat 6: vvv187 (42110 in chips)
rolfspk: posts the ante 125
karroki 7: posts the ante 125
DatWillDoPig: posts the ante 125
piggy2711: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
vvv187: posts the ante 125
piggy2711: posts small blind 500
Lede007: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As 8d]
vvv187: folds
rolfspk: calls 1000
karroki 7: calls 1000
DatWillDoPig: folds
piggy2711: folds
Lede007: raises 8920 to 9920 and is all-in
rolfspk: folds
karroki 7: calls 8920
*** FLOP *** [7d 4d Td]
*** TURN *** [7d 4d Td] [3c]
*** RIVER *** [7d 4d Td 3c] [6c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As 8d] (high card Ace)
karroki 7: shows [Js Ts] (a pair of Tens)
karroki 7 collected 22090 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 383rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:55 #127| 0
5 RIGTIG dårlige minutter inden pausen..
14-05-2013 00:55 #128| 0

Bust i 5+R 2R1A 7.5K GTD
PokerStars Hand #98539988749: Tournament #730733757, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (350/700) - 2013/05/13 23:53:08 WET [2013/05/13 18:53:08 ET]
Table '730733757 45' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Muslim203 (23030 in chips)
Seat 2: vbayh (33952 in chips)
Seat 3: NAI Shadow (17228 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (6516 in chips)
Seat 6: ArtFartPlay (43312 in chips)
Seat 7: ciezarb (42750 in chips)
Seat 8: JessyPop (17729 in chips)
Seat 9: Albandy514 (26643 in chips)
Muslim203: posts the ante 85
vbayh: posts the ante 85
NAI Shadow: posts the ante 85
Lede007: posts the ante 85
ArtFartPlay: posts the ante 85
ciezarb: posts the ante 85
JessyPop: posts the ante 85
Albandy514: posts the ante 85
ciezarb: posts small blind 350
JessyPop: posts big blind 700
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah Qh]
Albandy514: folds
Muslim203: folds
vbayh: folds
NAI Shadow: calls 700
Lede007: raises 5731 to 6431 and is all-in
ArtFartPlay: folds
ciezarb: folds
JessyPop: folds
NAI Shadow: calls 5731
*** FLOP *** [6d Jc 2s]
*** TURN *** [6d Jc 2s] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [6d Jc 2s 7s] [9h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
NAI Shadow: shows [Ad Kd] (high card Ace)
Lede007: shows [Ah Qh] (high card Ace - lower kicker)
NAI Shadow collected 14592 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 308th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:56 #129| 0

Bust i $5.50+R Scoop - Cash: $54,96
100k Over avg pulje -.-
PokerStars Hand #98539971867: Tournament #2013050031, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVI (1500/3000) - 2013/05/13 23:52:44 WET [2013/05/13 18:52:44 ET]
Table '2013050031 1071' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (142334 in chips)
Seat 2: Tvorogok (116162 in chips)
Seat 3: mean man 67 (19716 in chips)
Seat 4: appell (227837 in chips)
Seat 5: IgorSerIv (190371 in chips)
Seat 6: vonBaranow (228236 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 375
Tvorogok: posts the ante 375
mean man 67: posts the ante 375
appell: posts the ante 375
IgorSerIv: posts the ante 375
vonBaranow: posts the ante 375
Tvorogok: posts small blind 1500
mean man 67: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qh Qs]
appell: folds
IgorSerIv: folds
vonBaranow: raises 3000 to 6000
Lede007: raises 7338 to 13338
Tvorogok: folds
mean man 67: folds
vonBaranow: raises 8997 to 22335
Lede007: raises 16664 to 38999
vonBaranow: raises 188862 to 227861 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 102960 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (85902) returned to vonBaranow
*** FLOP *** [Js 2c Kh]
*** TURN *** [Js 2c Kh] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Js 2c Kh Jc] [6d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
vonBaranow: shows [Jh Ad] (three of a kind, Jacks)
Lede007: shows [Qh Qs] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
vonBaranow collected 290668 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1076th place and received $54.96.
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 00:57 #130| 0

Bust i 11R
PokerStars Hand #98539981629: Tournament #805010641, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (400/800) - 2013/05/13 23:52:58 WET [2013/05/13 18:52:58 ET]
Table '805010641 24' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: cgeorge12 (7477 in chips)
Seat 2: ferdi123zzz (21893 in chips)
Seat 3: aecdragon (7695 in chips)
Seat 5: @rtemur (10413 in chips)
Seat 6: Cain Vel (20834 in chips)
Seat 7: Iwantbearich (14455 in chips)
Seat 8: Merskiy Gad (13159 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (8077 in chips)
cgeorge12: posts the ante 75
ferdi123zzz: posts the ante 75
aecdragon: posts the ante 75
@rtemur: posts the ante 75
Cain Vel: posts the ante 75
Iwantbearich: posts the ante 75
Merskiy Gad: posts the ante 75
Lede007: posts the ante 75
Lede007: posts small blind 400
cgeorge12: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc Ad]
ferdi123zzz: folds
aecdragon: folds
@rtemur: folds
Cain Vel: folds
Iwantbearich: raises 800 to 1600
Merskiy Gad: folds
Lede007: raises 6402 to 8002 and is all-in
cgeorge12: folds
Iwantbearich: calls 6402
*** FLOP *** [Qh 2d 7s]
*** TURN *** [Qh 2d 7s] [2c]
*** RIVER *** [Qh 2d 7s 2c] [Ts]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jc Ad] (a pair of Deuces)
Iwantbearich: shows [Ks Qs] (two pair, Queens and Deuces)
Iwantbearich collected 17404 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 445th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 01:08 #131| 0

Bust i 16.50 capped
PokerStars Hand #98540497527: Tournament #730734289, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (100/200) - 2013/05/14 0:06:50 WET [2013/05/13 19:06:50 ET]
Table '730734289 24' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Pessagno (11990 in chips)
Seat 2: Barong2255 (14282 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (2010 in chips)
Seat 4: Piri1 (5879 in chips)
Seat 5: sadam83 (4612 in chips)
Seat 6: djdfox (21050 in chips)
Seat 7: Zorkas (3529 in chips)
Seat 8: tideman85 (5919 in chips)
Seat 9: NazBossss (4346 in chips)
Pessagno: posts the ante 25
Barong2255: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
Piri1: posts the ante 25
sadam83: posts the ante 25
djdfox: posts the ante 25
Zorkas: posts the ante 25
tideman85: posts the ante 25
NazBossss: posts the ante 25
Barong2255: posts small blind 100
Lede007: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jd Ad]
Piri1: folds
sadam83: folds
djdfox: folds
Zorkas: folds
tideman85: folds
NazBossss: folds
Pessagno: raises 315 to 515
Barong2255: calls 415
Lede007: raises 1470 to 1985 and is all-in
Pessagno: raises 1470 to 3455
Barong2255: folds [Qh Jh]
Uncalled bet (1470) returned to Pessagno
*** FLOP *** [9c Qd 2c]
*** TURN *** [9c Qd 2c] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [9c Qd 2c 5s] [9d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jd Ad] (a pair of Nines)
Pessagno: shows [Qs Ks] (two pair, Queens and Nines)
Pessagno collected 4710 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 149th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 01:16 #132| 0


14-05-2013 01:25 #133| 0

Bust i 2R1A
PokerStars Hand #98541024215: Tournament #805010671, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (250/500) - 2013/05/14 0:20:04 WET [2013/05/13 19:20:04 ET]
Table '805010671 78' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: TEMSEH (21914 in chips)
Seat 2: CegoPT (4967 in chips)
Seat 3: l-nooor (14292 in chips)
Seat 4: Florzinha_44 (15571 in chips)
Seat 5: Decoyy (9626 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (6274 in chips)
Seat 7: pl_mccnn (28793 in chips)
Seat 8: hi farmer1 (23662 in chips)
TEMSEH: posts the ante 60
CegoPT: posts the ante 60
l-nooor: posts the ante 60
Florzinha_44: posts the ante 60
Decoyy: posts the ante 60
Lede007: posts the ante 60
pl_mccnn: posts the ante 60
hi farmer1: posts the ante 60
l-nooor: posts small blind 250
Florzinha_44: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kh Kd]
Decoyy: folds
Lede007: calls 500
pl_mccnn: calls 500
hi farmer1: raises 1000 to 1500
TEMSEH: raises 2000 to 3500
CegoPT: folds
l-nooor: folds
Florzinha_44: folds
Lede007: raises 2000 to 5500
pl_mccnn: folds
hi farmer1: raises 4000 to 9500
TEMSEH: folds
Lede007: calls 714 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (3286) returned to hi farmer1
*** FLOP *** [7h 5d 7c]
*** TURN *** [7h 5d 7c] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [7h 5d 7c 8c] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kh Kd] (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
hi farmer1: shows [As Ad] (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
hi farmer1 collected 17658 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 503rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 01:26 #134| 0

Bust i big 4.40
PokerStars Hand #98541202679: Tournament #805011341, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (100/200) - 2013/05/14 0:24:46 WET [2013/05/13 19:24:46 ET]
Table '805011341 54' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: SARAMILI (17695 in chips)
Seat 2: slipknot6665 (5765 in chips)
Seat 3: NFI76 (15293 in chips)
Seat 4: sutixxx (25107 in chips)
Seat 5: bagapov (2360 in chips)
Seat 6: DAZOS (1420 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (8688 in chips)
Seat 8: daferao (7316 in chips)
Seat 9: ShlongaThong (2552 in chips)
SARAMILI: posts the ante 25
slipknot6665: posts the ante 25
NFI76: posts the ante 25
sutixxx: posts the ante 25
bagapov: posts the ante 25
DAZOS: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
daferao: posts the ante 25
ShlongaThong: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts small blind 100
daferao: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6h 7h]
ShlongaThong: folds
slipknot6665: folds
NFI76: raises 400 to 600
sutixxx: folds
bagapov: folds
DAZOS: folds
Lede007: calls 500
daferao: folds
*** FLOP *** [6s 3c 6c]
Lede007: bets 600
NFI76: raises 1400 to 2000
Lede007: calls 1400
*** TURN *** [6s 3c 6c] [4c]
Lede007: checks
NFI76: bets 12668 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 6063 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (6605) returned to NFI76
*** RIVER *** [6s 3c 6c 4c] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [6h 7h] (three of a kind, Sixes)
NFI76: shows [Kc Ks] (a flush, Ace high)
NFI76 collected 17751 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2263rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 02:36 #135| 0

9/48 i $8 efter nedestående hånd
PokerStars Hand #98543420368: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXII (1250/2500) - 2013/05/14 1:33:38 WET [2013/05/13 20:33:38 ET]
Table '805010631 68' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: TheRYC (42624 in chips)
Seat 2: E.Viltseva (1146 in chips)
Seat 3: ICuRaRook (41522 in chips)
Seat 4: royergc (122833 in chips)
Seat 5: bardaks86 (63236 in chips)
Seat 6: IAmTheDisco (66736 in chips)
Seat 7: Rizos_x (42701 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (46572 in chips)
Seat 9: Micodu (40800 in chips)
TheRYC: posts the ante 300
E.Viltseva: posts the ante 300
ICuRaRook: posts the ante 300
royergc: posts the ante 300
bardaks86: posts the ante 300
IAmTheDisco: posts the ante 300
Rizos_x: posts the ante 300
Lede007: posts the ante 300
Micodu: posts the ante 300
ICuRaRook: posts small blind 1250
royergc: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Kh]
bardaks86: folds
IAmTheDisco: folds
Rizos_x: folds
Lede007: raises 2500 to 5000
Micodu: folds
TheRYC: raises 37324 to 42324 and is all-in
E.Viltseva: calls 846 and is all-in
ICuRaRook: folds
royergc: folds
Lede007: calls 37324
*** FLOP *** [2h Js 9c]
*** TURN *** [2h Js 9c] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [2h Js 9c Qd] [Tc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As Kh] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
TheRYC: shows [Kc Kd] (a straight, Nine to King)
Lede007 collected 85014 from side pot
E.Viltseva: shows [3d 9s] (a pair of Nines)
Lede007 collected 6930 from main pot
TheRYC finished the tournament in 49th place and received $17.75.
E.Viltseva finished the tournament in 50th place and received $17.75.
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 02:51 #136| 0
Bust i $5.50+R til $24.54
PokerStars Hand #98543688354: Tournament #805010751, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (1000/2000) - 2013/05/14 1:43:05 WET [2013/05/13 20:43:05 ET]
Table '805010751 69' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: mirule (20175 in chips)
Seat 2: Jorddd1 (23997 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (12258 in chips)
Seat 4: devasauto (35540 in chips)
Seat 5: §haq_88 (54741 in chips)
Seat 6: gondwana17 (46025 in chips)
Seat 7: DrunkinClown (51820 in chips)
Seat 8: robybas (22375 in chips)
Seat 9: yupdave (25137 in chips)
mirule: posts the ante 200
Jorddd1: posts the ante 200
Lede007: posts the ante 200
devasauto: posts the ante 200
§haq_88: posts the ante 200
gondwana17: posts the ante 200
DrunkinClown: posts the ante 200
robybas: posts the ante 200
yupdave: posts the ante 200
gondwana17: posts small blind 1000
DrunkinClown: posts big blind 2000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8c Ac]
robybas: folds
yupdave: folds
mirule: folds
Jorddd1: folds
Lede007: raises 10058 to 12058 and is all-in
devasauto: folds
§haq_88: folds
gondwana17: folds
DrunkinClown: calls 10058
*** FLOP *** [6d 2c Jh]
*** TURN *** [6d 2c Jh] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [6d 2c Jh 2s] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DrunkinClown: shows [Ad 6s] (two pair, Jacks and Sixes)
Lede007: shows [8c Ac] (two pair, Jacks and Deuces)
DrunkinClown collected 26916 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 152nd place and received $24.54.
*** SUMMARY ***
14-05-2013 02:56 #137| 0

PokerStars Hand #98543942079: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIV (2000/4000) - 2013/05/14 1:52:22 WET [2013/05/13 20:52:22 ET]
Table '805010631 53' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: ziggson (66808 in chips)
Seat 2: bardaks86 (59381 in chips)
Seat 3: menah_menah_ (79218 in chips)
Seat 4: ZL6573 (60878 in chips)
Seat 5: Ryxxy (96873 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (59509 in chips)
Seat 7: Skrimsli (38615 in chips)
Seat 8: djdfox (36584 in chips)
Seat 9: mrlucky93 (120906 in chips)
ziggson: posts the ante 500
bardaks86: posts the ante 500
menah_menah_: posts the ante 500
ZL6573: posts the ante 500
Ryxxy: posts the ante 500
Lede007: posts the ante 500
Skrimsli: posts the ante 500
djdfox: posts the ante 500
mrlucky93: posts the ante 500
Skrimsli: posts small blind 2000
djdfox: posts big blind 4000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Js]
mrlucky93: folds
ziggson: folds
bardaks86: folds
menah_menah_: folds
ZL6573: folds
Ryxxy: raises 4000 to 8000
Lede007: raises 51009 to 59009 and is all-in
Skrimsli: folds
djdfox: folds
Ryxxy: calls 51009
*** FLOP *** [6s 5d Jc]
*** TURN *** [6s 5d Jc] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [6s 5d Jc Kd] [9d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Ryxxy: shows [6d Ah] (a pair of Sixes)
Lede007: shows [Qs Js] (a pair of Jacks)
Lede007 collected 128518 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 03:19 #138| 0

top2 pulje misset - 11/20
PokerStars Hand #98544579150: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVI (3000/6000) - 2013/05/14 2:17:19 WET [2013/05/13 21:17:19 ET]
Table '805010631 42' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: nik tsi666 (85990 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: ModzillaPL (158752 in chips)
Seat 3: King Suckout (148227 in chips)
Seat 4: QQuartzz (79954 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (212534 in chips)
Seat 7: Rizos_x (142353 in chips)
Seat 8: goldenboygig (265477 in chips)
Seat 9: DeZ0L4TioN (77091 in chips)
nik tsi666: posts the ante 750
ModzillaPL: posts the ante 750
King Suckout: posts the ante 750
QQuartzz: posts the ante 750
Lede007: posts the ante 750
Rizos_x: posts the ante 750
goldenboygig: posts the ante 750
DeZ0L4TioN: posts the ante 750
DeZ0L4TioN: posts small blind 3000
nik tsi666: posts big blind 6000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9h 9c]
ModzillaPL: folds
King Suckout: folds
QQuartzz: folds
Lede007: raises 6000 to 12000
Rizos_x: folds
goldenboygig: folds
DeZ0L4TioN: raises 64341 to 76341 and is all-in
nik tsi666: folds
Lede007: calls 64341
*** FLOP *** [5c 7h 2d]
*** TURN *** [5c 7h 2d] [7c]
*** RIVER *** [5c 7h 2d 7c] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DeZ0L4TioN: shows [Jd Td] (two pair, Jacks and Sevens)
Lede007: shows [9h 9c] (two pair, Nines and Sevens)
DeZ0L4TioN collected 164682 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 03:54 #139| 0

Efter at have været kortdød og levet af blinds får vi en vigtig dobling
PokerStars Hand #98545440098: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIX (5000/10000) - 2013/05/14 2:52:51 WET [2013/05/13 21:52:51 ET]
Table '805010631 42' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: royergc (317711 in chips)
Seat 4: QQuartzz (500163 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (118794 in chips)
Seat 6: ICuRaRook (135488 in chips)
Seat 8: goldenboygig (250317 in chips)
Seat 9: DeZ0L4TioN (169870 in chips)
royergc: posts the ante 1250
QQuartzz: posts the ante 1250
Lede007: posts the ante 1250
ICuRaRook: posts the ante 1250
goldenboygig: posts the ante 1250
DeZ0L4TioN: posts the ante 1250
Lede007: posts small blind 5000
ICuRaRook: posts big blind 10000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Th]
goldenboygig: folds
DeZ0L4TioN: folds
royergc: folds
QQuartzz: raises 10000 to 20000
Lede007: raises 97544 to 117544 and is all-in
ICuRaRook: raises 16694 to 134238 and is all-in
QQuartzz: folds
Uncalled bet (16694) returned to ICuRaRook
*** FLOP *** [Qd Kd Ac]
*** TURN *** [Qd Kd Ac] [2d]
*** RIVER *** [Qd Kd Ac 2d] [4h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qs Th] (a pair of Queens)
ICuRaRook: shows [7s 7d] (a pair of Sevens)
Lede007 collected 262588 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 04:03 #140| 0

saved by theeee straight! :)
PokerStars Hand #98545618718: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXX (6000/12000) - 2013/05/14 3:02:00 WET [2013/05/13 22:02:00 ET]
Table '805010631 42' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: royergc (344711 in chips)
Seat 4: QQuartzz (438719 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (199838 in chips)
Seat 6: ICuRaRook (42888 in chips)
Seat 8: goldenboygig (249817 in chips)
Seat 9: DeZ0L4TioN (216370 in chips)
royergc: posts the ante 1500
QQuartzz: posts the ante 1500
Lede007: posts the ante 1500
ICuRaRook: posts the ante 1500
goldenboygig: posts the ante 1500
DeZ0L4TioN: posts the ante 1500
Lede007: posts small blind 6000
ICuRaRook: posts big blind 12000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah 6s]
goldenboygig: folds
DeZ0L4TioN: folds
royergc: folds
QQuartzz: raises 12000 to 24000
Lede007: raises 174338 to 198338 and is all-in
ICuRaRook: folds
QQuartzz: calls 174338
*** FLOP *** [Kh 7h 8d]
*** TURN *** [Kh 7h 8d] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [Kh 7h 8d 9h] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ah 6s] (a straight, Five to Nine)
QQuartzz: shows [Ad Qh] (high card Ace)
Lede007 collected 417676 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 04:05 #141| 0

Er det snart FT?

14-05-2013 04:06 #142| 0


14-05-2013 04:07 #143| 0

Hvad er præmiestrukturen?

14-05-2013 04:09 #144| 0

15xx på toppen og sikret 120 på ft nu :)

14-05-2013 04:23 #145| 0

Har fundet et par gode spots :) 2/8
PokerStars Hand #98546052959: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXII (8500/17000) - 2013/05/14 3:21:44 WET [2013/05/13 22:21:44 ET]
Table '805010631 61' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 2: royergc (434857 in chips)
Seat 3: nik tsi666 (358011 in chips)
Seat 4: RiverJohann (118977 in chips)
Seat 5: goldenboygig (467577 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (487801 in chips)
Seat 7: QQuartzz (187108 in chips)
Seat 8: thugmoneymkr (687386 in chips)
Seat 9: _BARRCUDA_ (429283 in chips)
royergc: posts the ante 2125
nik tsi666: posts the ante 2125
RiverJohann: posts the ante 2125
goldenboygig: posts the ante 2125
Lede007: posts the ante 2125
QQuartzz: posts the ante 2125
thugmoneymkr: posts the ante 2125
_BARRCUDA_: posts the ante 2125
goldenboygig: posts small blind 8500
Lede007: posts big blind 17000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [2d 4d]
QQuartzz: folds
thugmoneymkr: folds
_BARRCUDA_: folds
royergc: folds
nik tsi666: raises 19210 to 36210
RiverJohann: folds
goldenboygig: folds
Lede007: raises 30459 to 66669
nik tsi666: folds
Uncalled bet (30459) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 97920 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 04:43 #146| 0

PokerStars Hand #98546481481: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXIV (12500/25000) - 2013/05/14 3:42:27 WET [2013/05/13 22:42:27 ET]
Table '805010631 61' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 3: nik tsi666 (137193 in chips)
Seat 4: RiverJohann (531112 in chips)
Seat 5: goldenboygig (305952 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (342118 in chips)
Seat 7: QQuartzz (397466 in chips)
Seat 8: thugmoneymkr (1457159 in chips)
nik tsi666: posts the ante 3125
RiverJohann: posts the ante 3125
goldenboygig: posts the ante 3125
Lede007: posts the ante 3125
QQuartzz: posts the ante 3125
thugmoneymkr: posts the ante 3125
RiverJohann: posts small blind 12500
goldenboygig: posts big blind 25000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qc Ah]
Lede007: raises 313993 to 338993 and is all-in
QQuartzz: folds
thugmoneymkr: folds
nik tsi666: calls 134068 and is all-in
RiverJohann: folds
goldenboygig has timed out while disconnected
goldenboygig: folds
Uncalled bet (204925) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [7c Qh Ts]
*** TURN *** [7c Qh Ts] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [7c Qh Ts Kd] [3d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qc Ah] (a pair of Queens)
nik tsi666: shows [Kh As] (a pair of Kings)
nik tsi666 collected 324386 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 04:47 #147| 0
Bust $359.38
PokerStars Hand #98546553810: Tournament #805010631, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXIV (12500/25000) - 2013/05/14 3:46:03 WET [2013/05/13 22:46:03 ET]
Table '805010631 61' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 3: nik tsi666 (21559 in chips)
Seat 4: RiverJohann (515487 in chips)
Seat 5: goldenboygig (574404 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (261175 in chips)
Seat 7: QQuartzz (288091 in chips)
Seat 8: thugmoneymkr (1510284 in chips)
nik tsi666: posts the ante 3125
RiverJohann: posts the ante 3125
goldenboygig: posts the ante 3125
Lede007: posts the ante 3125
QQuartzz: posts the ante 3125
thugmoneymkr: posts the ante 3125
goldenboygig: posts small blind 12500
Lede007: posts big blind 25000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad 9s]
QQuartzz: folds
thugmoneymkr: folds
nik tsi666: folds
RiverJohann: folds
goldenboygig: raises 546279 to 571279 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 233050 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (313229) returned to goldenboygig
*** FLOP *** [Js Jc 6d]
*** TURN *** [Js Jc 6d] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [Js Jc 6d 7h] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
goldenboygig: shows [Ah Ks] (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
Lede007: shows [Ad 9s] (two pair, Aces and Jacks - lower kicker)
goldenboygig collected 534850 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 6th place and received $359.38.
*** SUMMARY ***
14-05-2013 12:11 #148| 0

Flot med 2 FTs igår - næste gang shipper du dem lige, så det bliver rigtigt sjovt ;)

WP champ!

14-05-2013 20:17 #149| 0

Bust i 8+R $42.74.
PokerStars Hand #98573027959: Tournament #805010322, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (600/1200) - 2013/05/14 19:14:32 WET [2013/05/14 14:14:32 ET]
Table '805010322 82' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: zorro100111 (68076 in chips)
Seat 2: Nomarbles1 (92755 in chips)
Seat 4: thund3rrr1 (26557 in chips)
Seat 5: PLO UFO (41141 in chips)
Seat 6: Vezunchikc (1893 in chips)
Seat 7: usetolose (19953 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (8818 in chips)
Seat 9: kuddao (174271 in chips)
zorro100111: posts the ante 125
Nomarbles1: posts the ante 125
thund3rrr1: posts the ante 125
PLO UFO: posts the ante 125
Vezunchikc: posts the ante 125
usetolose: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
kuddao: posts the ante 125
zorro100111: posts small blind 600
Nomarbles1: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [4s Kd]
thund3rrr1: folds
PLO UFO: folds
Vezunchikc: folds
usetolose: folds
Lede007: raises 7493 to 8693 and is all-in
kuddao: calls 8693
zorro100111: folds
Nomarbles1: folds
*** FLOP *** [Qd 2h Ks]
*** TURN *** [Qd 2h Ks] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Qd 2h Ks Jc] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [4s Kd] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
kuddao: shows [Tc 9c] (a straight, Nine to King)
kuddao collected 20186 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 140th place and received $42.74.
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 20:40 #150| 0

Stor pot misset i Big 22
PokerStars Hand #98574556368: Tournament #805010392, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (300/600) - 2013/05/14 19:36:54 WET [2013/05/14 14:36:54 ET]
Table '805010392 144' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Neduff (8975 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (37785 in chips)
Seat 3: **X-RäyU** (12331 in chips)
Seat 4: Trollkarl477 (8650 in chips)
Seat 5: Gusparo (9860 in chips)
Seat 6: KorW1n22 (4114 in chips)
Seat 7: kaziukonis83 (3890 in chips)
Seat 8: kirby2703 (13335 in chips)
Seat 9: LebThief (8573 in chips)
Neduff: posts the ante 70
Lede007: posts the ante 70
**X-RäyU**: posts the ante 70
Trollkarl477: posts the ante 70
Gusparo: posts the ante 70
KorW1n22: posts the ante 70
kaziukonis83: posts the ante 70
kirby2703: posts the ante 70
LebThief: posts the ante 70
Neduff: posts small blind 300
Lede007: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc Jh]
**X-RäyU**: folds
Trollkarl477: calls 600
Gusparo: calls 600
KorW1n22: folds
kaziukonis83: folds
kirby2703: raises 12665 to 13265 and is all-in
LebThief: folds
Neduff: folds
Lede007: raises 24450 to 37715 and is all-in
Trollkarl477: calls 7980 and is all-in
Gusparo: folds
Uncalled bet (24450) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [9d 3h Ah]
*** TURN *** [9d 3h Ah] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [9d 3h Ah 8c] [2h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jc Jh] (a pair of Jacks)
kirby2703: shows [Qc Ac] (a pair of Aces)
kirby2703 collected 9370 from side pot
Trollkarl477: shows [Qd Ad] (a pair of Aces)
Trollkarl477 collected 13635 from main pot
kirby2703 collected 13635 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 20:55 #151| 0

Bust i 2+R $17.75.
PokerStars Hand #98575576566: Tournament #730734755, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIV (1500/3000) - 2013/05/14 19:54:31 WET [2013/05/14 14:54:31 ET]
Table '730734755 159' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: hbkmadness (66788 in chips)
Seat 2: PamelaC666 (38929 in chips)
Seat 3: propztar (29836 in chips)
Seat 4: zekasurf (67850 in chips)
Seat 5: Santiniii (69053 in chips)
Seat 6: iliastef (122658 in chips)
Seat 7: who8myDog (57436 in chips)
Seat 8: JoLeFra (71644 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (32258 in chips)
hbkmadness: posts the ante 375
PamelaC666: posts the ante 375
propztar: posts the ante 375
zekasurf: posts the ante 375
Santiniii: posts the ante 375
iliastef: posts the ante 375
who8myDog: posts the ante 375
JoLeFra: posts the ante 375
Lede007: posts the ante 375
who8myDog: posts small blind 1500
JoLeFra: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jd Kd]
Lede007: raises 28883 to 31883 and is all-in
hbkmadness: folds
PamelaC666: folds
propztar: folds
zekasurf: raises 28883 to 60766
Santiniii: folds
iliastef: raises 28883 to 89649
who8myDog: folds
JoLeFra: folds
zekasurf: calls 6709 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (22174) returned to iliastef
*** FLOP *** [Qs 7c 3s]
*** TURN *** [Qs 7c 3s] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Qs 7c 3s 6s] [5h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
zekasurf: shows [Kh Ac] (high card Ace)
iliastef: shows [9d Ad] (high card Ace - lower kicker)
zekasurf collected 71184 from side pot
Lede007: shows [Jd Kd] (high card King)
zekasurf collected 103524 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 101st place and received $17.75.

14-05-2013 20:56 #152| 0

Bust i $5.50
PokerStars Hand #98527257638: Tournament #730734895, $5.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVIII (25000/50000) - 2013/05/13 20:03:25 WET [2013/05/13 15:03:25 ET]
Table '730734895 106' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 3: Br.Uno457 (327648 in chips)
Seat 4: andersmenx (43416 in chips)
Seat 7: kioscheto (232823 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (199946 in chips)
Seat 9: thierry_0666 (399047 in chips)
Br.Uno457: posts the ante 10000
andersmenx: posts the ante 10000
kioscheto: posts the ante 10000
Lede007: posts the ante 10000
thierry_0666: posts the ante 10000
Lede007: posts small blind 25000
thierry_0666: posts big blind 50000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6h 7h]
Br.Uno457: raises 267648 to 317648 and is all-in
andersmenx: calls 33416 and is all-in
kioscheto: folds
Lede007: calls 164946 and is all-in
thierry_0666: folds
Uncalled bet (127702) returned to Br.Uno457
*** FLOP *** [Qh Jd Kh]
*** TURN *** [Qh Jd Kh] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Qh Jd Kh 6s] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [6h 7h] (a pair of Sixes)
Br.Uno457: shows [Tc 9d] (a straight, Nine to King)
Br.Uno457 collected 329644 from side pot
andersmenx: shows [2h 2d] (a pair of Deuces)
Br.Uno457 collected 183664 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 20:57 #153| 0

Bust i $11
PokerStars Hand #98567122139: Tournament #730808305, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/05/14 17:23:28 WET [2013/05/14 12:23:28 ET]
Table '730808305 6' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: ongggg (3065 in chips)
Seat 2: Machadada RS (4920 in chips)
Seat 3: MariusAdamon (4429 in chips)
Seat 4: steel_dude69 (3872 in chips)
Seat 5: aliveftw (4484 in chips)
Seat 6: wD.Jakko (3010 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (439 in chips)
Seat 8: |_CáKons_| (6540 in chips)
Seat 9: IBetULo0$e (4439 in chips)
ongggg: posts the ante 20
Machadada RS: posts the ante 20
MariusAdamon: posts the ante 20
steel_dude69: posts the ante 20
aliveftw: posts the ante 20
wD.Jakko: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
|_CáKons_|: posts the ante 20
IBetULo0$e: posts the ante 20
|_CáKons_|: posts small blind 75
IBetULo0$e: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc 4c]
ongggg: raises 150 to 300
Machadada RS: folds
MariusAdamon: folds
steel_dude69: folds
aliveftw: folds
wD.Jakko: folds
Lede007: raises 119 to 419 and is all-in
|_CáKons_|: folds
IBetULo0$e: folds
ongggg: calls 119
*** FLOP *** [7h 7c 6d]
*** TURN *** [7h 7c 6d] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [7h 7c 6d 9c] [9h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ongggg: shows [Ad Ac] (two pair, Aces and Nines)
Lede007: shows [Jc 4c] (two pair, Nines and Sevens)
ongggg collected 1243 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 20:58 #154| 0

Bust i $2

PokerStars Hand #98567874889: Tournament #730734793, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (200/400) - 2013/05/14 17:39:25 WET [2013/05/14 12:39:25 ET]
Table '730734793 47' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: ifrsilva (5612 in chips)
Seat 2: pIotrN (6880 in chips)
Seat 3: mauzao669 (2186 in chips)
Seat 4: kolik1971 (31039 in chips)
Seat 5: barbieman (5305 in chips)
Seat 6: Patriot 456 (8277 in chips)
Seat 7: krywka (7164 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (2908 in chips)
Seat 9: Melifaru (7421 in chips)
ifrsilva: posts the ante 50
pIotrN: posts the ante 50
mauzao669: posts the ante 50
kolik1971: posts the ante 50
barbieman: posts the ante 50
Patriot 456: posts the ante 50
krywka: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts the ante 50
Melifaru: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts small blind 200
Melifaru: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8d 7c]
ifrsilva: folds
pIotrN: folds
mauzao669: folds
kolik1971: folds
barbieman: folds
Patriot 456: raises 800 to 1200
krywka: folds
Lede007: raises 1658 to 2858 and is all-in
Melifaru: folds
Patriot 456: calls 1658
*** FLOP *** [5h 8h 2d]
*** TURN *** [5h 8h 2d] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [5h 8h 2d 9h] [2h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [8d 7c] (two pair, Eights and Deuces)
Patriot 456: shows [Qd Qs] (two pair, Queens and Deuces)
Patriot 456 collected 6566 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1172nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 20:58 #155| 0

Bust i $2
PokerStars Hand #98568039731: Tournament #730733522, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (150/300) - 2013/05/14 17:42:50 WET [2013/05/14 12:42:50 ET]
Table '730733522 65' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: blackpaddyal (3250 in chips)
Seat 2: petjen27 (3970 in chips)
Seat 3: Abahy Connor (7350 in chips)
Seat 4: laklouk1 (3285 in chips)
Seat 5: Avi Popo (7240 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (4380 in chips)
Seat 7: ManPower47 (11250 in chips)
Seat 8: What0ver9000 (2611 in chips)
Seat 9: Freeze2009 (4554 in chips)
blackpaddyal: posts the ante 30
petjen27: posts the ante 30
Abahy Connor: posts the ante 30
laklouk1: posts the ante 30
Avi Popo: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
ManPower47: posts the ante 30
What0ver9000: posts the ante 30
Freeze2009: posts the ante 30
ManPower47: posts small blind 150
What0ver9000: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [2d 2c]
Freeze2009: folds
blackpaddyal: folds
petjen27: folds
Abahy Connor: folds
laklouk1: folds
Avi Popo: raises 300 to 600
Lede007: raises 3750 to 4350 and is all-in
ManPower47: folds
What0ver9000: folds
Avi Popo: calls 3750
*** FLOP *** [Js Qs Qd]
*** TURN *** [Js Qs Qd] [3s]
*** RIVER *** [Js Qs Qd 3s] [Kc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Avi Popo: shows [Ad Kd] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
Lede007: shows [2d 2c] (two pair, Queens and Deuces)
Avi Popo collected 9420 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1472nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 20:59 #156| 0

Bust i $8
PokerStars Hand #98568285309: Tournament #805011332, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/14 17:47:55 WET [2013/05/14 12:47:55 ET]
Table '805011332 264' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: ballallday12 (8225 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (3289 in chips)
Seat 3: 1Basti (1600 in chips)
Seat 4: emilsimion (4670 in chips)
Seat 5: D.playah489 (15785 in chips)
Seat 6: pts144 (1654 in chips)
Seat 7: noah1079 (15021 in chips)
Seat 8: diagosta (4835 in chips)
Seat 9: Egor699 (4576 in chips)
ballallday12: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
1Basti: posts the ante 30
emilsimion: posts the ante 30
D.playah489: posts the ante 30
pts144: posts the ante 30
noah1079: posts the ante 30
diagosta: posts the ante 30
Egor699: posts the ante 30
1Basti: posts small blind 125
emilsimion: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Td]
D.playah489: folds
pts144: folds
noah1079: folds
diagosta: folds
Egor699: folds
ballallday12: raises 250 to 500
Lede007: raises 2759 to 3259 and is all-in
1Basti: folds
emilsimion: folds
ballallday12: calls 2759
*** FLOP *** [Ts Qh 2h]
*** TURN *** [Ts Qh 2h] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [Ts Qh 2h 7h] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ballallday12: shows [Qs Qc] (three of a kind, Queens)
Lede007: shows [Ad Td] (a pair of Tens)
ballallday12 collected 7163 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2204th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 21:02 #157| 0

Nogle bust hænder:
PokerStars Hand #98568409824: Tournament #805010392, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (40/80) - 2013/05/14 17:50:29 WET [2013/05/14 12:50:29 ET]
Table '805010392 159' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: dakky (2785 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (2873 in chips)
Seat 3: rickybobbyns (6624 in chips)
Seat 4: pechfish (5300 in chips)
Seat 5: qwerfgh (5670 in chips)
Seat 6: PKRDemon (4240 in chips)
Seat 7: Kedrila (305 in chips)
Seat 8: SSFIK (3448 in chips)
Seat 9: louk82 (1570 in chips)
dakky: posts the ante 10
Lede007: posts the ante 10
rickybobbyns: posts the ante 10
pechfish: posts the ante 10
qwerfgh: posts the ante 10
PKRDemon: posts the ante 10
Kedrila: posts the ante 10
SSFIK: posts the ante 10
louk82: posts the ante 10
rickybobbyns: posts small blind 40
pechfish: posts big blind 80
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks As]
qwerfgh: folds
PKRDemon: folds
Kedrila: raises 215 to 295 and is all-in
SSFIK: folds
louk82: calls 295
dakky: folds
Lede007: raises 2568 to 2863 and is all-in
rickybobbyns: folds
pechfish: folds
louk82: calls 1265 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (1303) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [8s Ad 2d]
*** TURN *** [8s Ad 2d] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [8s Ad 2d 6h] [4d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
louk82: shows [3d 6d] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007: shows [Ks As] (a pair of Aces)
louk82 collected 2530 from side pot
Kedrila: shows [Kc Jd] (high card Ace)
louk82 collected 1095 from main pot
Kedrila finished the tournament in 1951st place
*** SUMMARY ***

PokerStars Hand #98568441641: Tournament #730733500, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2013/05/14 17:51:09 WET [2013/05/14 12:51:09 ET]
Table '730733500 19' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: kirill d23 (2233 in chips)
Seat 2: FeelTh3Power (12870 in chips)
Seat 3: mikelong11 (6381 in chips)
Seat 4: Mansur 161 (15793 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (5690 in chips)
Seat 6: Airdje (9775 in chips)
Seat 7: iElmo (5588 in chips)
Seat 8: Erebgil_bg (4441 in chips)
Seat 9: km1883 (11372 in chips)
kirill d23: posts the ante 25
FeelTh3Power: posts the ante 25
mikelong11: posts the ante 25
Mansur 161: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
Airdje: posts the ante 25
iElmo: posts the ante 25
Erebgil_bg: posts the ante 25
km1883: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts small blind 125
Airdje: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Jc]
iElmo: folds
Erebgil_bg: folds
km1883: folds
kirill d23: folds
FeelTh3Power: folds
mikelong11: folds
Mansur 161: raises 250 to 500
Lede007: raises 5165 to 5665 and is all-in
Airdje: folds
Mansur 161: calls 5165
*** FLOP *** [5h Td 6d]
*** TURN *** [5h Td 6d] [Kc]
*** RIVER *** [5h Td 6d Kc] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ks Jc] (a pair of Kings)
Mansur 161: shows [7h As] (a pair of Aces)
Mansur 161 collected 11805 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 683rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

Bust i $2
PokerStars Hand #98569153507: Tournament #730734168, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/05/14 18:07:10 WET [2013/05/14 13:07:10 ET]
Table '730734168 9' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (8365 in chips)
Seat 2: darksoulok (12862 in chips)
Seat 3: 54kgPozitiva (8290 in chips)
Seat 4: HalloRaiser (6918 in chips)
Seat 5: taitime (8562 in chips)
Seat 6: HolySmoke123 (7056 in chips)
Seat 7: IBetULo0$e (11183 in chips)
Seat 8: oreTbro (12072 in chips)
Seat 9: otup sajief (29324 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 40
darksoulok: posts the ante 40
54kgPozitiva: posts the ante 40
HalloRaiser: posts the ante 40
taitime: posts the ante 40
HolySmoke123: posts the ante 40
IBetULo0$e: posts the ante 40
oreTbro: posts the ante 40
otup sajief: posts the ante 40
otup sajief: posts small blind 150
Lede007: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qh Kc]
darksoulok: folds
54kgPozitiva: raises 360 to 660
HalloRaiser: folds
taitime: calls 660
HolySmoke123: folds
IBetULo0$e: calls 660
oreTbro: folds
otup sajief: folds
Lede007: calls 360
*** FLOP *** [9h Qc 7h]
Lede007: checks
54kgPozitiva: checks
taitime: bets 1350
IBetULo0$e: calls 1350
Lede007: raises 6315 to 7665 and is all-in
54kgPozitiva: folds
taitime: raises 197 to 7862 and is all-in
IBetULo0$e: folds
Uncalled bet (197) returned to taitime
*** TURN *** [9h Qc 7h] [4d]
*** RIVER *** [9h Qc 7h 4d] [As]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qh Kc] (a pair of Queens)
taitime: shows [9c 9s] (three of a kind, Nines)
taitime collected 19830 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 314th place
*** SUMMARY ***

Bust $11
PokerStars Hand #98569490085: Tournament #730735335, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2013/05/14 18:13:49 WET [2013/05/14 13:13:49 ET]
Table '730735335 236' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: neverqwick (6329 in chips)
Seat 2: danieljogx (3065 in chips)
Seat 3: TEVIODIE81 (3872 in chips)
Seat 4: Langolier8 (5704 in chips)
Seat 5: SuppaSlick (3250 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (2270 in chips)
Seat 7: iliasstyle (3515 in chips)
Seat 8: Hemby88 (2932 in chips)
Seat 9: Ugniusv (3040 in chips)
neverqwick: posts the ante 15
danieljogx: posts the ante 15
TEVIODIE81: posts the ante 15
Langolier8: posts the ante 15
SuppaSlick: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
iliasstyle: posts the ante 15
Hemby88: posts the ante 15
Ugniusv: posts the ante 15
danieljogx: posts small blind 60
TEVIODIE81: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6s 6d]
Langolier8: folds
SuppaSlick: folds
Lede007: raises 240 to 360
iliasstyle: folds
Hemby88: folds
Ugniusv: folds
neverqwick: raises 5954 to 6314 and is all-in
danieljogx: folds
TEVIODIE81: folds
Lede007: calls 1895 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (4059) returned to neverqwick
*** FLOP *** [Ad Js 3s]
*** TURN *** [Ad Js 3s] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Ad Js 3s Jc] [4d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***

Bust i $2
PokerStars Hand #98571249039: Tournament #805010482, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2013/05/14 18:48:06 WET [2013/05/14 13:48:06 ET]
Table '805010482 109' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Rune64 (2040 in chips)
Seat 2: Mitya3008 (2000 in chips)
Seat 3: ronin_sv (1960 in chips)
Seat 4: Rex Nelson (1960 in chips)
Seat 5: peter bulder (2000 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)
Seat 6: Lede007 (1980 in chips)
Seat 7: szutyi72 (2000 in chips)
Seat 8: thodoris981 (1980 in chips)
Seat 9: shopmaker505 (2000 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 10
szutyi72: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jh Js]
thodoris981: folds
shopmaker505: folds
Rune64: calls 20
Mitya3008: calls 20
ronin_sv: folds
Rex Nelson: folds
Lede007: raises 80 to 100
szutyi72: folds
Rune64: calls 80
Mitya3008: raises 1900 to 2000 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 1880 and is all-in
Rune64: folds
Uncalled bet (20) returned to Mitya3008
*** FLOP *** [3d 3h 4s]
*** TURN *** [3d 3h 4s] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [3d 3h 4s Kd] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jh Js] (two pair, Jacks and Threes)
Mitya3008: shows [Ac Ad] (two pair, Aces and Threes)
Mitya3008 collected 4080 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2129th place
*** SUMMARY ***

Bust i $16
PokerStars Hand #98575070919: Tournament #730735343, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (250/500) - 2013/05/14 19:45:37 WET [2013/05/14 14:45:37 ET]
Table '730735343 166' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: ivanildo (12553 in chips)
Seat 2: parsonic78 (3605 in chips)
Seat 3: Tschuko70 (5890 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (3011 in chips)
Seat 5: thund3rrr1 (6470 in chips)
Seat 6: MIL_O_90 (9442 in chips)
Seat 7: Andr the gun (29337 in chips)
Seat 8: gasso1958 (3585 in chips)
Seat 9: mcl888 (16183 in chips)
ivanildo: posts the ante 60
parsonic78: posts the ante 60
Tschuko70: posts the ante 60
Lede007: posts the ante 60
thund3rrr1: posts the ante 60
MIL_O_90: posts the ante 60
Andr the gun: posts the ante 60
gasso1958: posts the ante 60
mcl888: posts the ante 60
Lede007: posts small blind 250
thund3rrr1: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qc 8s]
MIL_O_90: folds
Andr the gun: folds
gasso1958: folds
mcl888: folds
ivanildo: folds
parsonic78: raises 3045 to 3545 and is all-in
Tschuko70: folds
Lede007: calls 2701 and is all-in
thund3rrr1: folds
Uncalled bet (594) returned to parsonic78
*** FLOP *** [7d 6d 3d]
*** TURN *** [7d 6d 3d] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [7d 6d 3d 9h] [Kh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qc 8s] (high card King)
parsonic78: shows [Ac 2c] (high card Ace)
parsonic78 collected 6942 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1295th place
*** SUMMARY ***

Bust i $22
PokerStars Hand #98575244615: Tournament #805010432, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/14 19:48:38 WET [2013/05/14 14:48:38 ET]
Table '805010432 104' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: DryBarucFly (19865 in chips)
Seat 2: deyrzuited (4941 in chips)
Seat 3: andrewf1_w (2562 in chips)
Seat 4: skyboy69 (1910 in chips)
Seat 5: IcamtopartY (5532 in chips)
Seat 6: LukeSkybet (2417 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (2080 in chips)
Seat 8: MejutoGonz (2989 in chips)
Seat 9: las_vegas72 (4375 in chips)
DryBarucFly: posts the ante 30
deyrzuited: posts the ante 30
andrewf1_w: posts the ante 30
skyboy69: posts the ante 30
IcamtopartY: posts the ante 30
LukeSkybet: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
MejutoGonz: posts the ante 30
las_vegas72: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts small blind 125
MejutoGonz: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [5d 6c]
las_vegas72: folds
DryBarucFly: folds
deyrzuited: folds
andrewf1_w: folds
skyboy69: folds
IcamtopartY: folds
LukeSkybet: folds
Lede007: raises 1800 to 2050 and is all-in
MejutoGonz: calls 1800
*** FLOP *** [Qc Ad 8d]
*** TURN *** [Qc Ad 8d] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [Qc Ad 8d 2s] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [5d 6c] (a pair of Queens)
MejutoGonz: shows [5s Ah] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
MejutoGonz collected 4370 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 517th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 21:37 #158| 0

Bust i Big 22 - K5 til Q10.

14-05-2013 22:17 #159| 0

Puke bust i 1R
PokerStars Hand #98580434288: Tournament #730733631, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (2500/5000) - 2013/05/14 21:13:12 WET [2013/05/14 16:13:12 ET]
Table '730733631 376' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: shile74 (48300 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (94010 in chips)
Seat 3: Leonka2012 (18850 in chips)
Seat 4: jankatomi (342183 in chips)
Seat 5: mjwglis78 (103282 in chips)
Seat 6: stelios50 (101144 in chips)
Seat 7: Lukeyg2012 (70222 in chips)
Seat 8: grecu 75 (67394 in chips)
Seat 9: Hornblower4 (147430 in chips)
shile74: posts the ante 500
Lede007: posts the ante 500
Leonka2012: posts the ante 500
jankatomi: posts the ante 500
mjwglis78: posts the ante 500
stelios50: posts the ante 500
Lukeyg2012: posts the ante 500
grecu 75: posts the ante 500
Hornblower4: posts the ante 500
Hornblower4: posts small blind 2500
shile74: posts big blind 5000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Ad]
Lede007: raises 5000 to 10000
Leonka2012: folds
jankatomi: folds
mjwglis78: folds
stelios50: folds
Lukeyg2012: folds
grecu 75: raises 5000 to 15000
Hornblower4: folds
shile74: folds
Lede007: raises 78510 to 93510 and is all-in
grecu 75: calls 51894 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (26616) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [As 7s Qc]
*** TURN *** [As 7s Qc] [Js]
*** RIVER *** [As 7s Qc Js] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qs Ad] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
grecu 75: shows [4d 4h] (three of a kind, Fours)
grecu 75 collected 145788 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 22:18 #160| 0

Bust i big 11

14-05-2013 22:19 #161| 0

Bust i big 11
PokerStars Hand #98580555088: Tournament #805010492, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/05/14 21:15:10 WET [2013/05/14 16:15:10 ET]
Table '805010492 327' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: kompotik1978 (6164 in chips)
Seat 2: AzartOleg (12090 in chips)
Seat 3: Tolik1210 (8872 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (3149 in chips)
Seat 5: 101 bars (8364 in chips)
Seat 6: TonPerns (8974 in chips)
Seat 7: mishaprivis (18116 in chips)
Seat 8: luzquefusco (3071 in chips)
Seat 9: ATHIED87 (3020 in chips)
kompotik1978: posts the ante 40
AzartOleg: posts the ante 40
Tolik1210: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
101 bars: posts the ante 40
TonPerns: posts the ante 40
mishaprivis: posts the ante 40
luzquefusco: posts the ante 40
ATHIED87: posts the ante 40
luzquefusco: posts small blind 150
ATHIED87: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Js]
kompotik1978: folds
AzartOleg: folds
Tolik1210: folds
Lede007: raises 2809 to 3109 and is all-in
101 bars: folds
TonPerns: folds
mishaprivis: raises 2809 to 5918
luzquefusco: folds
ATHIED87: folds
Uncalled bet (2809) returned to mishaprivis
*** FLOP *** [4s 7d 6h]
*** TURN *** [4s 7d 6h] [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [4s 7d 6h Ah] [3s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Qs Js] (high card Ace)
mishaprivis: shows [8h 8d] (a pair of Eights)
mishaprivis collected 7028 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2810th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 22:23 #162| 0

Misser kæmpe flip i 4.40 turbo
PokerStars Hand #98580954494: Tournament #730735005, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (400/800) - 2013/05/14 21:21:41 WET [2013/05/14 16:21:41 ET]
Table '730735005 134' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (16269 in chips)
Seat 2: usetolose (43174 in chips)
Seat 3: RiverHatesM2 (13435 in chips)
Seat 4: bevaugust (7607 in chips)
Seat 5: Tr3xM3x (15447 in chips)
Seat 6: Mecurial7 (11953 in chips)
Seat 7: _Ediney_ (47179 in chips)
Seat 8: arentinense7 (5509 in chips)
Seat 9: edgesix (14073 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 100
usetolose: posts the ante 100
RiverHatesM2: posts the ante 100
bevaugust: posts the ante 100
Tr3xM3x: posts the ante 100
Mecurial7: posts the ante 100
_Ediney_: posts the ante 100
arentinense7: posts the ante 100
edgesix: posts the ante 100
edgesix: posts small blind 400
Lede007: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Ad]
usetolose: raises 800 to 1600
RiverHatesM2: folds
bevaugust: folds
Tr3xM3x: folds
Mecurial7: folds
_Ediney_: folds
arentinense7: raises 3809 to 5409 and is all-in
edgesix: folds
Lede007: raises 10760 to 16169 and is all-in
usetolose: calls 14569
*** FLOP *** [9s 4c 6d]
*** TURN *** [9s 4c 6d] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [9s 4c 6d 4h] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kd Ad] (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
usetolose: shows [Jd Jh] (two pair, Jacks and Sixes)
usetolose collected 21520 from side pot
arentinense7: shows [Kh Qs] (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
usetolose collected 17527 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 510th place
arentinense7 finished the tournament in 511th place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 22:56 #163| 0

Bust i 3R
Kort inden blev jeg criplet da jeg turner flush og på river kommer den tredje dame.
PokerStars Hand #98582907268: Tournament #805010512, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2013/05/14 21:52:29 WET [2013/05/14 16:52:29 ET]
Table '805010512 87' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Giani Capat (9754 in chips)
Seat 2: PiaoPoker (4530 in chips)
Seat 3: barbieman (11245 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (2684 in chips)
Seat 5: vladqa (15945 in chips)
Seat 6: tonn22 (10356 in chips)
Seat 7: Johnny Super (14949 in chips)
Seat 8: birckoff (19020 in chips)
Seat 9: Mireklbc (17332 in chips)
Giani Capat: posts the ante 50
PiaoPoker: posts the ante 50
barbieman: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts the ante 50
vladqa: posts the ante 50
tonn22: posts the ante 50
Johnny Super: posts the ante 50
birckoff: posts the ante 50
Mireklbc: posts the ante 50
birckoff: posts small blind 200
Mireklbc: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9c Tc]
Giani Capat: raises 480 to 880
PiaoPoker: folds
barbieman: folds
Lede007: raises 1754 to 2634 and is all-in
vladqa: folds
tonn22: folds
Johnny Super: folds
birckoff: raises 1754 to 4388
Mireklbc: folds
Giani Capat: raises 5316 to 9704 and is all-in
birckoff: calls 5316
*** FLOP *** [4s 3c 2s]
*** TURN *** [4s 3c 2s] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [4s 3c 2s 9h] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
birckoff: shows [6c 6d] (a pair of Sixes)
Giani Capat: shows [As Qc] (a pair of Queens)
Giani Capat collected 14140 from side pot
Lede007: shows [9c Tc] (a pair of Nines)
Giani Capat collected 8752 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1062nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

14-05-2013 23:44 #164| 0

Bust i 11R
PokerStars Hand #98585713040: Tournament #805010642, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2013/05/14 22:42:04 WET [2013/05/14 17:42:04 ET]
Table '805010642 181' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: VitinhO Dzi (1700 in chips)
Seat 2: SSDEX (7235 in chips)
Seat 3: fürsten (9925 in chips)
Seat 4: OBVAMENTS (5203 in chips)
Seat 5: MITSPUCKE! (14228 in chips)
Seat 6: Tiboashca (13646 in chips)
Seat 8: Balu&Boni (26842 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (9574 in chips)
VitinhO Dzi: posts the ante 50
SSDEX: posts the ante 50
fürsten: posts the ante 50
OBVAMENTS: posts the ante 50
MITSPUCKE!: posts the ante 50
Tiboashca: posts the ante 50
Balu&Boni: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts the ante 50
SSDEX: posts small blind 200
fürsten: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8h 8c]
Tiboashca: folds
Balu&Boni: raises 800 to 1200
Lede007: raises 8324 to 9524 and is all-in
VitinhO Dzi: folds
SSDEX: folds
fürsten: raises 351 to 9875 and is all-in
Balu&Boni: folds
Uncalled bet (351) returned to fürsten
*** FLOP *** [5d Ac 6s]
*** TURN *** [5d Ac 6s] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [5d Ac 6s 5s] [2d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
fürsten: shows [Kh Kc] (two pair, Kings and Fives)
Lede007: shows [8h 8c] (two pair, Eights and Fives)
fürsten collected 20848 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1083rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 00:18 #165| 0

Bust i 11$ turbo
PokerStars Hand #98587039120: Tournament #730733862, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2013/05/14 23:08:34 WET [2013/05/14 18:08:34 ET]
Table '730733862 4' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (2515 in chips)
Seat 2: ultimateturn (2890 in chips)
Seat 3: cbolt21 (3600 in chips)
Seat 4: messengermat (2965 in chips)
Seat 5: BiGBOSS-SMiD (3275 in chips)
Seat 6: -0-tjqkas-0- (2740 in chips)
Seat 7: Sherfy (2900 in chips)
Seat 8: andrekos0095 (3125 in chips)
Seat 9: Elvis Garcia (3035 in chips)
ultimateturn: posts small blind 50
cbolt21: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Kc]
messengermat: folds
BiGBOSS-SMiD: folds
-0-tjqkas-0-: folds
Sherfy: folds
andrekos0095: folds
Elvis Garcia: raises 135 to 235
Lede007: raises 2280 to 2515 and is all-in
ultimateturn: folds
cbolt21: folds
Elvis Garcia: calls 2280
*** FLOP *** [8s 2h 9c]
*** TURN *** [8s 2h 9c] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [8s 2h 9c 6d] [Ts]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Elvis Garcia: shows [8d 8h] (three of a kind, Eights)
Lede007: shows [Ad Kc] (high card Ace)
Elvis Garcia collected 5180 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1863rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 00:20 #166| 0

Bust i 2R1A
PokerStars Hand #98587167874: Tournament #805010672, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (50/100) - 2013/05/14 23:11:03 WET [2013/05/14 18:11:03 ET]
Table '805010672 16' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: popol1919 (4710 in chips)
Seat 2: hangloose888 (11260 in chips)
Seat 3: ballallday12 (7160 in chips)
Seat 4: rodckz (11315 in chips)
Seat 5: ndraper1 (1595 in chips)
Seat 6: Dr.Durrrq (11310 in chips)
Seat 7: tonik-yalta (14140 in chips)
Seat 8: Pristafff (8805 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (5275 in chips)
popol1919: posts the ante 10
hangloose888: posts the ante 10
ballallday12: posts the ante 10
rodckz: posts the ante 10
ndraper1: posts the ante 10
Dr.Durrrq: posts the ante 10
tonik-yalta: posts the ante 10
Pristafff: posts the ante 10
Lede007: posts the ante 10
Pristafff: posts small blind 50
Lede007: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js As]
popol1919: raises 300 to 400
hangloose888: folds
ballallday12: folds
rodckz: folds
ndraper1: folds
Dr.Durrrq: folds
tonik-yalta: folds
Pristafff: folds
Lede007: calls 300
*** FLOP *** [7s Qc 5s]
Lede007: checks
popol1919: bets 100
Lede007: raises 700 to 800
popol1919: raises 3500 to 4300 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 3500
*** TURN *** [7s Qc 5s] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [7s Qc 5s 6d] [Kh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Js As] (high card Ace)
popol1919: shows [8h 7d] (a pair of Sevens)
popol1919 collected 9540 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 00:23 #167| 0

Bust i den anden 2R1A
PokerStars Hand #98587683109: Tournament #730733758, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/05/14 23:21:19 WET [2013/05/14 18:21:19 ET]
Table '730733758 1' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Onlyjrk (9028 in chips)
Seat 2: Pavian21 (9814 in chips)
Seat 3: Riverdonk06 (15767 in chips)
Seat 4: EmperorI (29848 in chips)
Seat 5: SandrAA79 (19540 in chips)
Seat 6: nareee (7561 in chips)
Seat 7: jovarast (20655 in chips)
Seat 8: Rusher070 (20034 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (10041 in chips)
Onlyjrk: posts the ante 40
Pavian21: posts the ante 40
Riverdonk06: posts the ante 40
EmperorI: posts the ante 40
SandrAA79: posts the ante 40
nareee: posts the ante 40
jovarast: posts the ante 40
Rusher070: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
EmperorI: posts small blind 150
SandrAA79: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qs Qh]
nareee: folds
jovarast: folds
Rusher070: folds
Lede007: raises 300 to 600
Onlyjrk: folds
Pavian21: folds
Riverdonk06: folds
EmperorI: raises 900 to 1500
SandrAA79: folds
Lede007: raises 8501 to 10001 and is all-in
EmperorI: calls 8501
SandrAA79 said, "jajjaja"
*** FLOP *** [Ts 8d Ah]
*** TURN *** [Ts 8d Ah] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 8d Ah 9s] [5c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
EmperorI: shows [As Qc] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007: shows [Qs Qh] (a pair of Queens)
EmperorI collected 20662 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 607th place
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 00:29 #168| 0

Bust i $8
PokerStars Hand #98588001120: Tournament #805010632, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/14 23:27:54 WET [2013/05/14 18:27:54 ET]
Table '805010632 62' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: JeffBaas (5613 in chips)
Seat 2: celtic85182 (6444 in chips)
Seat 3: zipzek (9051 in chips)
Seat 4: oalves3 (3731 in chips)
Seat 5: LV-MARIO-LV (4889 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (2450 in chips)
Seat 7: Serafichas (5242 in chips)
Seat 8: peshe 19 (3451 in chips)
Seat 9: MarioGYM (9483 in chips)
JeffBaas: posts the ante 30
celtic85182: posts the ante 30
zipzek: posts the ante 30
oalves3: posts the ante 30
LV-MARIO-LV: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
Serafichas: posts the ante 30
peshe 19: posts the ante 30
MarioGYM: posts the ante 30
celtic85182: posts small blind 125
zipzek: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [5d 5h]
oalves3: folds
LV-MARIO-LV: folds
Lede007: raises 2170 to 2420 and is all-in
Serafichas: calls 2420
peshe 19: folds
MarioGYM: folds
JeffBaas: folds
celtic85182: folds
zipzek: folds
*** FLOP *** [Kd As 6c]
*** TURN *** [Kd As 6c] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [Kd As 6c 9h] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [5d 5h] (two pair, Aces and Fives)
Serafichas: shows [Qd Kh] (two pair, Aces and Kings)
Serafichas collected 5485 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 535th place
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 00:44 #169| 0

3 outs :(
PokerStars Hand #98588722335: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/14 23:42:51 WET [2013/05/14 18:42:51 ET]
Table '805010582 125' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: sonikjke (6758 in chips)
Seat 2: ciezarb (10708 in chips)
Seat 3: ekores (8721 in chips)
Seat 4: hencus (21909 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (45877 in chips)
Seat 6: LuckySouris (19057 in chips)
Seat 7: good2850 (8062 in chips)
Seat 8: andreiuc (11242 in chips)
Seat 9: Quuube (24619 in chips)
sonikjke: posts the ante 125
ciezarb: posts the ante 125
ekores: posts the ante 125
hencus: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
LuckySouris: posts the ante 125
good2850: posts the ante 125
andreiuc: posts the ante 125
Quuube: posts the ante 125
LuckySouris: posts small blind 500
good2850: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [9d As]
andreiuc: folds
Quuube: folds
sonikjke: folds
ciezarb: raises 9583 to 10583 and is all-in
ekores: folds
hencus: folds
Lede007 is disconnected
Lede007 is connected
Lede007: raises 35169 to 45752 and is all-in
LuckySouris: folds
good2850: folds
Uncalled bet (35169) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [4s Ts Td]
*** TURN *** [4s Ts Td] [3s]
*** RIVER *** [4s Ts Td 3s] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ciezarb: shows [Ac 8d] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
Lede007: shows [9d As] (a pair of Tens)
ciezarb collected 23791 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 00:50 #170| 0

Går skidt..
PokerStars Hand #98589024111: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/14 23:49:22 WET [2013/05/14 18:49:22 ET]
Table '805010582 125' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: sonikjke (13016 in chips)
Seat 2: ciezarb (23916 in chips)
Seat 3: ekores (8721 in chips)
Seat 4: hencus (21909 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (29036 in chips)
Seat 6: LuckySouris (19057 in chips)
Seat 7: good2850 (8062 in chips)
Seat 8: andreiuc (11242 in chips)
Seat 9: Quuube (21994 in chips)
sonikjke: posts the ante 125
ciezarb: posts the ante 125
ekores: posts the ante 125
hencus: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
LuckySouris: posts the ante 125
good2850: posts the ante 125
andreiuc: posts the ante 125
Quuube: posts the ante 125
LuckySouris: posts small blind 500
good2850: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah Js]
andreiuc: folds
Quuube: folds
sonikjke: raises 11891 to 12891 and is all-in
ciezarb: folds
ekores: folds
hencus: folds
Lede007: raises 16020 to 28911 and is all-in
LuckySouris: folds
good2850: folds
Uncalled bet (16020) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [3c Kc 4s]
*** TURN *** [3c Kc 4s] [8s]
*** RIVER *** [3c Kc 4s 8s] [9d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sonikjke: shows [7s 7d] (a pair of Sevens)
Lede007: shows [Ah Js] (high card Ace)
sonikjke collected 28407 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:04 #171| 0

Begynder at se sort ud
PokerStars Hand #98589527025: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (600/1200) - 2013/05/15 0:02:42 WET [2013/05/14 19:02:42 ET]
Table '805010582 125' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: sonikjke (36778 in chips)
Seat 2: ciezarb (20866 in chips)
Seat 3: Petraziski (52297 in chips)
Seat 4: hencus (25159 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (21270 in chips)
Seat 6: LuckySouris (9920 in chips)
Seat 7: good2850 (13999 in chips)
Seat 8: andreiuc (14792 in chips)
Seat 9: Quuube (19244 in chips)
sonikjke: posts the ante 150
ciezarb: posts the ante 150
Petraziski: posts the ante 150
hencus: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts the ante 150
LuckySouris: posts the ante 150
good2850: posts the ante 150
andreiuc: posts the ante 150
Quuube: posts the ante 150
LuckySouris: posts small blind 600
good2850: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Qh]
andreiuc: folds
Quuube: folds
sonikjke: folds
ciezarb: folds
Petraziski: folds
hencus: folds
Lede007 is disconnected
Lede007 is connected
Lede007: raises 19920 to 21120 and is all-in
LuckySouris: calls 9170 and is all-in
good2850: folds
Uncalled bet (11350) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [3h 5c Kh]
*** TURN *** [3h 5c Kh] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [3h 5c Kh 6s] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
LuckySouris: shows [As 2h] (a straight, Deuce to Six)
Lede007: shows [Kd Qh] (a pair of Kings)
LuckySouris collected 22090 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:07 #172| 0

Lidt tilbage igen.. Sådan en her kan man godt vinde )
PokerStars Hand #98589663900: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (600/1200) - 2013/05/15 0:05:57 WET [2013/05/14 19:05:57 ET]
Table '805010582 125' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: sonikjke (34228 in chips)
Seat 2: ciezarb (18916 in chips)
Seat 3: Petraziski (54697 in chips)
Seat 4: hencus (24409 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (10750 in chips)
Seat 6: LuckySouris (24640 in chips)
Seat 7: good2850 (11449 in chips)
Seat 8: andreiuc (18542 in chips)
Seat 9: Quuube (16694 in chips)
sonikjke: posts the ante 150
ciezarb: posts the ante 150
Petraziski: posts the ante 150
hencus: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts the ante 150
LuckySouris: posts the ante 150
good2850: posts the ante 150
andreiuc: posts the ante 150
Quuube: posts the ante 150
ciezarb: posts small blind 600
Petraziski: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As 4s]
hencus: folds
Lede007: raises 9400 to 10600 and is all-in
LuckySouris: folds
good2850: folds
andreiuc: folds
Quuube: folds
sonikjke: folds
ciezarb: raises 8166 to 18766 and is all-in
Petraziski: folds
Uncalled bet (8166) returned to ciezarb
*** FLOP *** [Jh Jd Ac]
*** TURN *** [Jh Jd Ac] [6c]
*** RIVER *** [Jh Jd Ac 6c] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ciezarb: shows [Qd Qh] (a full house, Jacks full of Queens)
Lede007: shows [As 4s] (a full house, Jacks full of Aces)
Lede007 collected 23750 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:11 #173| 0

Lidt rungood hjælper :)
PokerStars Hand #98589810677: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (700/1400) - 2013/05/15 0:09:26 WET [2013/05/14 19:09:26 ET]
Table '805010582 125' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: sonikjke (33453 in chips)
Seat 3: Petraziski (63338 in chips)
Seat 4: hencus (4342 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (24475 in chips)
Seat 6: LuckySouris (21965 in chips)
Seat 7: good2850 (23273 in chips)
Seat 8: andreiuc (27560 in chips)
Seat 9: Quuube (15919 in chips)
sonikjke: posts the ante 175
Petraziski: posts the ante 175
hencus: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts the ante 175
LuckySouris: posts the ante 175
good2850: posts the ante 175
andreiuc: posts the ante 175
Quuube: posts the ante 175
good2850: posts small blind 700
andreiuc: posts big blind 1400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jd Ah]
Quuube: folds
sonikjke: folds
Petraziski: folds
hencus: raises 2767 to 4167 and is all-in
Lede007: raises 20133 to 24300 and is all-in
LuckySouris: calls 21790 and is all-in
good2850: folds
andreiuc: folds
Uncalled bet (2510) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Kc Kd As]
*** TURN *** [Kc Kd As] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [Kc Kd As 4s] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jd Ah] (two pair, Aces and Kings)
LuckySouris: shows [Ts Td] (two pair, Kings and Tens)
Lede007 collected 35246 from side pot
hencus: shows [Qc Qs] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
Lede007 collected 16001 from main pot
LuckySouris finished the tournament in 137th place and received $22.00.
hencus finished the tournament in 138th place and received $22.00.
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:19 #174| 0

Bygger på med et resug
PokerStars Hand #98590182795: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (800/1600) - 2013/05/15 0:18:33 WET [2013/05/14 19:18:33 ET]
Table '805010582 125' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: sonikjke (28728 in chips)
Seat 3: Petraziski (18646 in chips)
Seat 4: b2k-Snick (18772 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (77186 in chips)
Seat 6: TaganKatala (159339 in chips)
Seat 7: good2850 (30925 in chips)
Seat 8: andreiuc (25285 in chips)
Seat 9: Quuube (19594 in chips)
sonikjke: posts the ante 200
Petraziski: posts the ante 200
b2k-Snick: posts the ante 200
Lede007: posts the ante 200
TaganKatala: posts the ante 200
good2850: posts the ante 200
andreiuc: posts the ante 200
Quuube: posts the ante 200
Petraziski: posts small blind 800
b2k-Snick: posts big blind 1600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Kd]
Lede007: raises 1600 to 3200
TaganKatala: folds
good2850: folds
andreiuc: raises 21885 to 25085 and is all-in
Quuube: folds
sonikjke: folds
Petraziski: folds
b2k-Snick: folds
Lede007: calls 21885
*** FLOP *** [4s Qd 2d]
*** TURN *** [4s Qd 2d] [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [4s Qd 2d Ah] [Kc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ad Kd] (two pair, Aces and Kings)
andreiuc: shows [As Qs] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
Lede007 collected 54170 from pot
andreiuc finished the tournament in 116th place and received $25.26.
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:21 #175| 0

Sådan!! Så kan du cruise den til FT.

15-05-2013 01:24 #176| 0

Bust i Big 4
okerStars Hand #98590352963: Tournament #805011342, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (100/200) - 2013/05/15 0:22:46 WET [2013/05/14 19:22:46 ET]
Table '805011342 243' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: thund3rrr1 (19625 in chips)
Seat 2: casinieris (13397 in chips)
Seat 3: ngomaprod (4685 in chips)
Seat 4: Quiet Sunday (6757 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (2992 in chips)
Seat 6: Claudy888 (1505 in chips)
Seat 7: tryhrderdonk (5535 in chips)
Seat 8: suckoutlord (2422 in chips)
Seat 9: simonrainbow (24254 in chips)
thund3rrr1: posts the ante 25
casinieris: posts the ante 25
ngomaprod: posts the ante 25
Quiet Sunday: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
Claudy888: posts the ante 25
tryhrderdonk: posts the ante 25
suckoutlord: posts the ante 25
simonrainbow: posts the ante 25
simonrainbow: posts small blind 100
thund3rrr1: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Qs]
casinieris: folds
ngomaprod: folds
Quiet Sunday: folds
Lede007: raises 2767 to 2967 and is all-in
Claudy888: folds
tryhrderdonk: folds
suckoutlord: calls 2397 and is all-in
simonrainbow: calls 2867
thund3rrr1: folds
*** FLOP *** [Kc Jh 2h]
*** TURN *** [Kc Jh 2h] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [Kc Jh 2h 3d] [Ah]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
simonrainbow: shows [9h Kh] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007: shows [Ad Qs] (a pair of Aces)
simonrainbow collected 1140 from side pot
suckoutlord: shows [6c Tc] (high card Ace)
simonrainbow collected 7616 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2577th place
suckoutlord finished the tournament in 2578th place
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:24 #177| 1

Det ligemeget. Videre!

15-05-2013 01:29 #178| 0

Ikke noget action i de to Scoop events btw.. Står HELT stille.

15-05-2013 01:31 #179| 0

Lorte jinx og mega PUKE..... :(
PokerStars Hand #98590653105: Tournament #2013050081, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/05/15 0:30:27 WET [2013/05/14 19:30:27 ET]
Table '2013050081 818' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (4485 in chips)
Seat 2: myles13gb (8006 in chips)
Seat 3: iLampon (7980 in chips)
Seat 4: XKBrothers (14947 in chips)
Seat 5: sebasuy311 (2518 in chips)
Seat 6: LU 10 ENT (13117 in chips)
Seat 7: xoco1203 (3145 in chips)
Seat 8: SirTommy83 (12282 in chips)
Seat 9: adoniwon (8110 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 20
myles13gb: posts the ante 20
iLampon: posts the ante 20
XKBrothers: posts the ante 20
sebasuy311: posts the ante 20
LU 10 ENT: posts the ante 20
xoco1203: posts the ante 20
SirTommy83: posts the ante 20
adoniwon: posts the ante 20
iLampon: posts small blind 75
XKBrothers: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Ac]
sebasuy311: folds
LU 10 ENT: raises 248 to 398
xoco1203: folds
SirTommy83: folds
adoniwon: folds
Lede007: raises 4067 to 4465 and is all-in
myles13gb: folds
iLampon: folds
XKBrothers: folds
LU 10 ENT: calls 4067
*** FLOP *** [5h 7c 7h]
*** TURN *** [5h 7c 7h] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [5h 7c 7h 4h] [2h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
LU 10 ENT: shows [Ah Kd] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007: shows [Kc Ac] (a pair of Sevens)
LU 10 ENT collected 9335 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 9392nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:35 #180| 0

Bust i $2.20 - Cash: 10.66
PokerStars Hand #98590815389: Tournament #730735041, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVI (2500/5000) - 2013/05/15 0:34:38 WET [2013/05/14 19:34:38 ET]
Table '730735041 263' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (38159 in chips)
Seat 2: ShkPtr (73771 in chips)
Seat 3: vale_tudo_20 (114610 in chips)
Seat 4: Dr.Durrrq (201439 in chips)
Seat 5: HUDINI1971 (158295 in chips)
Seat 6: antone79633 (190428 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 625
ShkPtr: posts the ante 625
vale_tudo_20: posts the ante 625
Dr.Durrrq: posts the ante 625
HUDINI1971: posts the ante 625
antone79633: posts the ante 625
ShkPtr: posts small blind 2500
vale_tudo_20: posts big blind 5000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Td Ac]
Dr.Durrrq: folds
HUDINI1971: folds
antone79633: folds
Lede007: raises 32534 to 37534 and is all-in
ShkPtr: folds
vale_tudo_20: calls 32534
*** FLOP *** [6c Tc Kc]
*** TURN *** [6c Tc Kc] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [6c Tc Kc 4s] [Jh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
vale_tudo_20: shows [Jd Js] (three of a kind, Jacks)
Lede007: shows [Td Ac] (a pair of Tens)
vale_tudo_20 collected 81318 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 94th place and received $10.66.
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:53 #181| 0

Haps :)
PokerStars Hand #98591419015: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIV (1200/2400) - 2013/05/15 0:51:03 WET [2013/05/14 19:51:03 ET]
Table '805010582 50' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: chips1234 (61762 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (136096 in chips)
Seat 3: 79adam79 (47920 in chips)
Seat 4: BunnyFizness (71411 in chips)
Seat 5: miiga1986 (53670 in chips)
Seat 6: bardaks86 (199907 in chips)
Seat 9: mat_luke (83883 in chips)
chips1234: posts the ante 300
Lede007: posts the ante 300
79adam79: posts the ante 300
BunnyFizness: posts the ante 300
miiga1986: posts the ante 300
bardaks86: posts the ante 300
mat_luke: posts the ante 300
chips1234: posts small blind 1200
Lede007: posts big blind 2400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [5c 5d]
79adam79: folds
BunnyFizness: folds
miiga1986: folds
bardaks86: raises 2424 to 4824
mat_luke: raises 3576 to 8400
chips1234: folds
Lede007: raises 10487 to 18887
bardaks86: folds
mat_luke: folds
Uncalled bet (10487) returned to Lede007
Lede007 collected 24924 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 01:55 #182| 0

Første vundne hånd i $109 i jeg ved ikke hvor lang tid :)
PokerStars Hand #98591437996: Tournament #2013050082, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2013/05/15 0:51:35 WET [2013/05/14 19:51:35 ET]
Table '2013050082 96' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: LANGAVAT (9754 in chips)
Seat 2: Kimbo-Live (18189 in chips)
Seat 3: Bruno chato (12133 in chips)
Seat 4: billygstar (4501 in chips)
Seat 5: dobre12 (3042 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (2671 in chips)
Seat 7: JimmyLane90 (4280 in chips)
Seat 8: PatMike888 (1560 in chips)
Seat 9: M.nosbocaJ (3474 in chips)
LANGAVAT: posts the ante 15
Kimbo-Live: posts the ante 15
Bruno chato: posts the ante 15
billygstar: posts the ante 15
dobre12: posts the ante 15
Lede007: posts the ante 15
JimmyLane90: posts the ante 15
PatMike888: posts the ante 15
M.nosbocaJ: posts the ante 15
Bruno chato: posts small blind 60
billygstar: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Ad]
dobre12: folds
Lede007: raises 120 to 240
JimmyLane90: folds
PatMike888: folds
M.nosbocaJ: folds
Kimbo-Live: calls 240
Bruno chato: folds
billygstar: calls 120
*** FLOP *** [5c 3s Kd]
billygstar: checks
Lede007: bets 360
Kimbo-Live: calls 360
billygstar: folds
*** TURN *** [5c 3s Kd] [7s]
Lede007: checks
Kimbo-Live: bets 840
Lede007: raises 1216 to 2056 and is all-in
Kimbo-Live: calls 1216
*** RIVER *** [5c 3s Kd 7s] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As Ad] (a pair of Aces)
Kimbo-Live: shows [Tc Td] (a pair of Tens)
Lede007 collected 5747 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:12 #183| 0

Misser god pulje i scoop :( UTG spiller 34/24 over 100 hænder
PokerStars Hand #98592004414: Tournament #2013050082, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/05/15 1:09:45 WET [2013/05/14 20:09:45 ET]
Table '2013050082 96' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: LANGAVAT (13286 in chips)
Seat 2: Kimbo-Live (15618 in chips)
Seat 3: Bruno chato (10421 in chips)
Seat 4: billygstar (3851 in chips)
Seat 5: John06200 (8529 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (7507 in chips)
Seat 7: JimmyLane90 (3930 in chips)
Seat 8: PatMike888 (2890 in chips)
Seat 9: M.nosbocaJ (2644 in chips)
LANGAVAT: posts the ante 20
Kimbo-Live: posts the ante 20
Bruno chato: posts the ante 20
billygstar: posts the ante 20
John06200: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
JimmyLane90: posts the ante 20
PatMike888: posts the ante 20
M.nosbocaJ: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts small blind 75
JimmyLane90: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac Qd]
PatMike888: raises 150 to 300
M.nosbocaJ: folds
LANGAVAT: calls 300
Kimbo-Live: calls 300
Bruno chato: folds
billygstar: folds
John06200: folds
Lede007: raises 7187 to 7487 and is all-in
JimmyLane90: folds
PatMike888: calls 2570 and is all-in
Kimbo-Live: folds
Uncalled bet (4617) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [7h 4d 6h]
*** TURN *** [7h 4d 6h] [5d]
*** RIVER *** [7h 4d 6h 5d] [Tc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ac Qd] (high card Ace)
PatMike888: shows [3s 3c] (a straight, Three to Seven)
PatMike888 collected 6670 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:16 #184| 0

PokerStars Hand #98592192796: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXV (1400/2800) - 2013/05/15 1:15:19 WET [2013/05/14 20:15:19 ET]
Table '805010582 6' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Domy07 (46014 in chips)
Seat 3: patrick2067 (417954 in chips)
Seat 5: bogdanel36 (56000 in chips)
Seat 6: darogio (37180 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (178169 in chips)
Seat 8: gaidbar (159879 in chips)
Seat 9: neil88 (189452 in chips)
Domy07: posts the ante 350
patrick2067: posts the ante 350
bogdanel36: posts the ante 350
darogio: posts the ante 350
Lede007: posts the ante 350
gaidbar: posts the ante 350
neil88: posts the ante 350
darogio: posts small blind 1400
Lede007: posts big blind 2800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Jh]
gaidbar: folds
neil88: folds
Domy07: folds
patrick2067: folds
bogdanel36: folds
darogio: raises 34030 to 36830 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 34030
*** FLOP *** [Th 9c 9h]
*** TURN *** [Th 9c 9h] [8h]
*** RIVER *** [Th 9c 9h 8h] [5d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
darogio: shows [9d Kc] (three of a kind, Nines)
Lede007: shows [As Jh] (a pair of Nines)
darogio collected 76110 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:17 #185| 0

Fiskepenge, tak!
PokerStars Hand #98592238985: Tournament #2013050082, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/05/15 1:16:42 WET [2013/05/14 20:16:42 ET]
Table '2013050082 96' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: LANGAVAT (23487 in chips)
Seat 2: Kimbo-Live (15338 in chips)
Seat 3: nasir99 (8032 in chips)
Seat 4: billygstar (2227 in chips)
Seat 5: John06200 (8069 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (5437 in chips)
Seat 7: JimmyLane90 (3545 in chips)
Seat 8: PatMike888 (6305 in chips)
Seat 9: M.nosbocaJ (2259 in chips)
LANGAVAT: posts the ante 20
Kimbo-Live: posts the ante 20
nasir99: posts the ante 20
billygstar: posts the ante 20
John06200: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
JimmyLane90: posts the ante 20
PatMike888: posts the ante 20
M.nosbocaJ: posts the ante 20
John06200: posts small blind 75
Lede007: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ah As]
JimmyLane90: folds
PatMike888: folds
M.nosbocaJ: folds
Kimbo-Live: folds
nasir99: folds
billygstar: folds
John06200: calls 75
Lede007: raises 150 to 300
John06200: raises 7350 to 7650
Lede007: calls 5117 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (2233) returned to John06200
*** FLOP *** [3d 8h Ac]
*** TURN *** [3d 8h Ac] [3c]
*** RIVER *** [3d 8h Ac 3c] [9c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
John06200: shows [Kd Th] (a pair of Threes)
Lede007: shows [Ah As] (a full house, Aces full of Threes)
Lede007 collected 11014 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:24 #186| 0

PokerStars Hand #98592287838: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVI (1600/3200) - 2013/05/15 1:18:09 WET [2013/05/14 20:18:09 ET]
Table '805010582 6' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Domy07 (44914 in chips)
Seat 2: P U N I O (104915 in chips)
Seat 3: patrick2067 (365654 in chips)
Seat 5: bogdanel36 (54900 in chips)
Seat 6: darogio (159548 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (126901 in chips)
Seat 8: gaidbar (154379 in chips)
Seat 9: neil88 (178752 in chips)
Domy07: posts the ante 400
P U N I O: posts the ante 400
patrick2067: posts the ante 400
bogdanel36: posts the ante 400
darogio: posts the ante 400
Lede007: posts the ante 400
gaidbar: posts the ante 400
neil88: posts the ante 400
neil88: posts small blind 1600
Domy07: posts big blind 3200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kh Qs]
P U N I O: folds
patrick2067: raises 3200 to 6400
bogdanel36: folds
darogio: folds
Lede007: raises 9158 to 15558
gaidbar: raises 19642 to 35200
neil88: folds
Domy07: folds
patrick2067: calls 28800
Lede007: folds
*** FLOP *** [Td Kd Th]
patrick2067: checks
gaidbar: bets 43200
patrick2067: calls 43200
*** TURN *** [Td Kd Th] [5h]
patrick2067: checks
gaidbar: checks
*** RIVER *** [Td Kd Th 5h] [7d]
patrick2067: checks
gaidbar: bets 75579 and is all-in
patrick2067: calls 75579
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gaidbar: shows [Jh Ad] (a pair of Tens)
patrick2067: shows [As Qc] (a pair of Tens - Ace+King+Queen kicker)
patrick2067 collected 331516 from pot
gaidbar finished the tournament in 38th place and received $45.64.
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:33 #187| 0

PokerStars Hand #98592738502: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVII (1800/3600) - 2013/05/15 1:32:00 WET [2013/05/14 20:32:00 ET]
Table '805010582 6' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Domy07 (154585 in chips)
Seat 2: P U N I O (88415 in chips)
Seat 3: patrick2067 (453474 in chips)
Seat 5: bogdanel36 (97850 in chips)
Seat 6: darogio (132961 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (169867 in chips)
Seat 8: TaganKatala (150229 in chips)
Seat 9: neil88 (179565 in chips)
Domy07: posts the ante 450
P U N I O: posts the ante 450
patrick2067: posts the ante 450
bogdanel36: posts the ante 450
darogio: posts the ante 450
Lede007: posts the ante 450
TaganKatala: posts the ante 450
neil88: posts the ante 450
TaganKatala: posts small blind 1800
neil88: posts big blind 3600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Th Tc]
Domy07: folds
P U N I O: folds
patrick2067: folds
bogdanel36: folds
darogio: raises 3600 to 7200
Lede007: raises 11689 to 18889
TaganKatala: folds
neil88: folds
darogio: raises 113622 to 132511 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 113622
*** FLOP *** [5c 7d Jh]
*** TURN *** [5c 7d Jh] [Kc]
*** RIVER *** [5c 7d Jh Kc] [Qd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
darogio: shows [5h 5s] (three of a kind, Fives)
Lede007: shows [Th Tc] (a pair of Tens)
darogio collected 274022 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 274022 | Rake 0
Board [5c 7d Jh Kc Qd]
Seat 1: Domy07 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: P U N I O folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: patrick2067 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: bogdanel36 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: darogio showed [5h 5s] and won (274022) with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 7: Lede007 (button) showed [Th Tc] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 8: TaganKatala (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: neil88 (big blind) folded before Flop

15-05-2013 02:33 #188| 0

Kommer lidt tilbage hånden efter..
PokerStars Hand #98592764295: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVII (1800/3600) - 2013/05/15 1:32:49 WET [2013/05/14 20:32:49 ET]
Table '805010582 6' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Domy07 (154135 in chips)
Seat 2: P U N I O (87965 in chips)
Seat 3: patrick2067 (453024 in chips)
Seat 5: bogdanel36 (97400 in chips)
Seat 6: darogio (274022 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (36906 in chips)
Seat 8: TaganKatala (147979 in chips)
Seat 9: neil88 (175515 in chips)
Domy07: posts the ante 450
P U N I O: posts the ante 450
patrick2067: posts the ante 450
bogdanel36: posts the ante 450
darogio: posts the ante 450
Lede007: posts the ante 450
TaganKatala: posts the ante 450
neil88: posts the ante 450
neil88: posts small blind 1800
Domy07: posts big blind 3600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qd Jd]
P U N I O: folds
patrick2067: folds
bogdanel36: folds
darogio: raises 3600 to 7200
Lede007: raises 29256 to 36456 and is all-in
TaganKatala: folds
neil88: calls 34656
Domy07: folds
darogio: folds
*** FLOP *** [Td Th 5d]
*** TURN *** [Td Th 5d] [Kc]
*** RIVER *** [Td Th 5d Kc] [Ah]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
neil88: shows [As Kd] (two pair, Aces and Kings)
Lede007: shows [Qd Jd] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
Lede007 collected 87312 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:36 #189| 0

PokerStars Hand #98592834425: Tournament #805010582, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVII (1800/3600) - 2013/05/15 1:35:02 WET [2013/05/14 20:35:02 ET]
Table '805010582 6' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Domy07 (147385 in chips)
Seat 2: P U N I O (97415 in chips)
Seat 3: patrick2067 (482236 in chips)
Seat 5: bogdanel36 (96050 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (79212 in chips)
Seat 8: TaganKatala (121017 in chips)
Seat 9: neil88 (137709 in chips)
Domy07: posts the ante 450
P U N I O: posts the ante 450
patrick2067: posts the ante 450
bogdanel36: posts the ante 450
Lede007: posts the ante 450
TaganKatala: posts the ante 450
neil88: posts the ante 450
patrick2067: posts small blind 1800
bogdanel36: posts big blind 3600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8h 8s]
Lede007: raises 75162 to 78762 and is all-in
TaganKatala: raises 41805 to 120567 and is all-in
neil88: folds
Domy07: folds
P U N I O: folds
patrick2067: folds
bogdanel36: folds
Uncalled bet (41805) returned to TaganKatala
*** FLOP *** [Td Tc 7s]
*** TURN *** [Td Tc 7s] [Qs]
*** RIVER *** [Td Tc 7s Qs] [2d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [8h 8s] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
TaganKatala: shows [As Qd] (two pair, Queens and Tens)
TaganKatala collected 166074 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 29th place and received $53.79.
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 02:56 #190| 0

Nok er nok.. -.-.-.-.-.- $109 scoop, dobbelt avg pulje.
PokerStars Hand #98593369614: Tournament #2013050082, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/15 1:53:03 WET [2013/05/14 20:53:03 ET]
Table '2013050082 463' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Hobnobs1 (8922 in chips)
Seat 2: ErnstoCrespo (3251 in chips)
Seat 3: G.GERMANO (12102 in chips)
Seat 4: S Georgiev (34529 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (12488 in chips)
Seat 6: DonLinnet (9229 in chips)
Seat 7: uknowProsky* (4752 in chips)
Seat 8: pr0c@sh (12259 in chips)
Seat 9: Thommehh (7949 in chips)
Hobnobs1: posts the ante 30
ErnstoCrespo: posts the ante 30
G.GERMANO: posts the ante 30
S Georgiev: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
DonLinnet: posts the ante 30
uknowProsky*: posts the ante 30
pr0c@sh: posts the ante 30
Thommehh: posts the ante 30
pr0c@sh: posts small blind 125
Thommehh: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Ac]
Hobnobs1: folds
ErnstoCrespo: raises 500 to 750
G.GERMANO: folds
S Georgiev: folds
Lede007: calls 750
DonLinnet: raises 8449 to 9199 and is all-in
uknowProsky*: folds
pr0c@sh: folds
Thommehh: folds
ErnstoCrespo: folds
Lede007: calls 8449
*** FLOP *** [Qc 7s 2h]
*** TURN *** [Qc 7s 2h] [3c]
*** RIVER *** [Qc 7s 2h 3c] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As Ac] (a pair of Aces)
DonLinnet: shows [5h 5d] (three of a kind, Fives)
DonLinnet collected 19793 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

15-05-2013 03:08 #191| 0

Slut for i dag..
PokerStars Hand #98593700188: Tournament #2013050082, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2013/05/15 2:06:20 WET [2013/05/14 21:06:20 ET]
Table '2013050082 463' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Hobnobs1 (8397 in chips)
Seat 2: secky0222 (17366 in chips)
Seat 3: G.GERMANO (11513 in chips)
Seat 4: S Georgiev (34649 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (2639 in chips)
Seat 6: DonLinnet (20568 in chips)
Seat 7: uknowProsky* (4602 in chips)
Seat 8: pr0c@sh (15719 in chips)
Seat 9: Thommehh (7424 in chips)
Hobnobs1: posts the ante 30
secky0222: posts the ante 30
G.GERMANO: posts the ante 30
S Georgiev: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts the ante 30
DonLinnet: posts the ante 30
uknowProsky*: posts the ante 30
pr0c@sh: posts the ante 30
Thommehh: posts the ante 30
Lede007: posts small blind 125
DonLinnet: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc As]
uknowProsky*: folds
pr0c@sh: folds
Thommehh: raises 250 to 500
Hobnobs1: folds
secky0222: folds
G.GERMANO: folds
S Georgiev: folds
Lede007: raises 2109 to 2609 and is all-in
DonLinnet: folds
Thommehh: calls 2109
*** FLOP *** [Ts 2h Kd]
*** TURN *** [Ts 2h Kd] [Td]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 2h Kd Td] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Jc As] (a pair of Tens)
Thommehh: shows [3d 3h] (two pair, Tens and Threes)
Thommehh collected 5738 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 2093rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 00:54 #192| 1

Bump - Program for i morgen lagt op.

19-05-2013 10:44 #193| 0

Held og lykke idag :)

19-05-2013 13:07 #194| 0

Gl :)

19-05-2013 14:01 #195| 0

Bump for spil - så er vi igang.. GL os :)

19-05-2013 14:44 #196| 0

Bust i Hyper
PokerStars Hand #98794587615: Tournament #730734123, $5.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (100/200) - 2013/05/19 13:43:25 WET [2013/05/19 8:43:25 ET]
Table '730734123 50' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: Nandito Blue (3150 in chips)
Seat 2: matze_widi (6395 in chips)
Seat 3: Davwad (4990 in chips)
Seat 5: dunkyGee (5335 in chips)
Seat 6: WISSI1973 (2960 in chips)
Seat 7: Yurannn (4775 in chips)
Seat 8: 23LION33 (5905 in chips)
Seat 9: Lede007 (2350 in chips)
Nandito Blue: posts the ante 40
matze_widi: posts the ante 40
Davwad: posts the ante 40
dunkyGee: posts the ante 40
WISSI1973: posts the ante 40
Yurannn: posts the ante 40
23LION33: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts small blind 100
Nandito Blue: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [7d Qd]
matze_widi: folds
Davwad: folds
dunkyGee: folds
WISSI1973: folds
Yurannn: folds
23LION33: calls 200
Lede007: raises 2110 to 2310 and is all-in
Nandito Blue: folds
23LION33: calls 2110
*** FLOP *** [Jd 2c Jh]
*** TURN *** [Jd 2c Jh] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 2c Jh Th] [Tc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [7d Qd] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
23LION33: shows [Ah 6s] (two pair, Jacks and Tens - Ace kicker)
23LION33 collected 5140 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 897th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 14:45 #197| 0

Bust i 11+R inden addon.. Ham der 8x, spiller 77/14 over 43 hænder :D
PokerStars Hand #98794613356: Tournament #805010267, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2013/05/19 13:44:09 WET [2013/05/19 8:44:09 ET]
Table '805010267 39' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: hauptschule (3000 in chips)
Seat 2: louk82 (2570 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (2560 in chips)
Seat 4: seed89 (3915 in chips)
Seat 5: FishOnHeater (4405 in chips)
Seat 6: sveta-arut (4334 in chips)
Seat 8: Spilor (2410 in chips)
Seat 9: dj_sali (2575 in chips)
Lede007: posts small blind 25
seed89: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kd Ad]
FishOnHeater: folds
sveta-arut: raises 350 to 400
Spilor: folds
dj_sali: folds
hauptschule: folds
louk82: folds
Lede007: raises 2160 to 2560 and is all-in
seed89: folds
sveta-arut: calls 2160
*** FLOP *** [3d 3s 6c]
*** TURN *** [3d 3s 6c] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [3d 3s 6c Th] [Td]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Kd Ad] (two pair, Tens and Threes)
sveta-arut: shows [5h 5d] (two pair, Tens and Fives)
sveta-arut collected 5170 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 633rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 15:33 #198| 0

Bust i Hyper
PokerStars Hand #98796310862: Tournament #730734130, $5.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (1000/2000) - 2013/05/19 14:31:36 WET [2013/05/19 9:31:36 ET]
Table '730734130 99' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: dezho (9044 in chips)
Seat 2: splondzew (9870 in chips)
Seat 3: J-MaykI?! (13932 in chips)
Seat 4: danield09 (20710 in chips)
Seat 5: Dreamer328 (30634 in chips)
Seat 6: ForBluffSake (14305 in chips)
Seat 7: Rifma19 (4240 in chips)
Seat 8: Lede007 (19756 in chips)
Seat 9: wintyara (52060 in chips)
dezho: posts the ante 400
splondzew: posts the ante 400
J-MaykI?!: posts the ante 400
danield09: posts the ante 400
Dreamer328: posts the ante 400
ForBluffSake: posts the ante 400
Rifma19: posts the ante 400
Lede007: posts the ante 400
wintyara: posts the ante 400
dezho: posts small blind 1000
splondzew: posts big blind 2000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8c 8h]
J-MaykI?!: folds
danield09: folds
Dreamer328: folds
ForBluffSake: raises 11905 to 13905 and is all-in
Rifma19: folds
Lede007: raises 5451 to 19356 and is all-in
wintyara: folds
dezho: folds
splondzew: folds
Uncalled bet (5451) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [7d As 6c]
*** TURN *** [7d As 6c] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [7d As 6c 5s] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ForBluffSake: shows [9d Qd] (a pair of Queens)
Lede007: shows [8c 8h] (a pair of Eights)
ForBluffSake collected 34410 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 16:15 #199| 0

Ulækker cooler i et ellers super ringe felt!
PokerStars Hand #98797951307: Tournament #730734659, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXV (2000/4000) - 2013/05/19 15:13:36 WET [2013/05/19 10:13:36 ET]
Table '730734659 97' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: marsy386 (300196 in chips)
Seat 2: amoroso xx (98931 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (184063 in chips)
Seat 4: aresfv (105043 in chips)
Seat 5: Ukidme (56185 in chips)
Seat 6: panchoper (41716 in chips)
marsy386: posts the ante 500
amoroso xx: posts the ante 500
Lede007: posts the ante 500
aresfv: posts the ante 500
Ukidme: posts the ante 500
panchoper: posts the ante 500
Lede007: posts small blind 2000
aresfv: posts big blind 4000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [4s 4h]
Ukidme: folds
panchoper: folds
marsy386: folds
amoroso xx: folds
Lede007: raises 4000 to 8000
aresfv: calls 4000
*** FLOP *** [5c 4c 8h]
Lede007: bets 7888
aresfv: raises 12112 to 20000
Lede007: raises 18778 to 38778
aresfv: raises 18778 to 57556
Lede007: raises 118007 to 175563 and is all-in
aresfv: calls 38987 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (79020) returned to Lede007
*** TURN *** [5c 4c 8h] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [5c 4c 8h Th] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [4s 4h] (three of a kind, Fours)
aresfv: shows [8c 8s] (three of a kind, Eights)
aresfv collected 212086 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 16:31 #200| 0

Bust big 5
PokerStars Hand #98798607300: Tournament #805010287, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (50/100) - 2013/05/19 15:28:53 WET [2013/05/19 10:28:53 ET]
Table '805010287 214' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: ag_52_mag (8273 in chips)
Seat 2: Prastarzec (4670 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (1425 in chips)
Seat 4: DelValle (5587 in chips)
Seat 5: Aleks202 (7740 in chips)
Seat 6: RPO310 (1918 in chips)
Seat 7: LUCIOROCCO (2044 in chips)
Seat 8: suco56 (17553 in chips)
Seat 9: lulaka68 (1789 in chips)
ag_52_mag: posts the ante 10
Prastarzec: posts the ante 10
Lede007: posts the ante 10
DelValle: posts the ante 10
Aleks202: posts the ante 10
RPO310: posts the ante 10
LUCIOROCCO: posts the ante 10
suco56: posts the ante 10
lulaka68: posts the ante 10
DelValle: posts small blind 50
Aleks202: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac Ah]
RPO310: folds
suco56: folds
lulaka68: folds
ag_52_mag: folds
Prastarzec: raises 121 to 221
Lede007: raises 1194 to 1415 and is all-in
DelValle: folds
Aleks202: calls 1315
Prastarzec: folds
*** FLOP *** [9s 6s 4h]
*** TURN *** [9s 6s 4h] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [9s 6s 4h Tc] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Aleks202: shows [Ks Qs] (a flush, King high)
Lede007: shows [Ac Ah] (a pair of Aces)
Aleks202 collected 3191 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 4640th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 16:44 #201| 1
Bust i 1$ - 46/3876 - Cash $9 -.- :D
PokerStars Hand #98799211334: Tournament #730734659, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXI (6000/12000) - 2013/05/19 15:42:46 WET [2013/05/19 10:42:46 ET]
Table '730734659 160' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: 777johnboy (548439 in chips)
Seat 2: blackday1987 (117514 in chips)
Seat 3: amoroso xx (176862 in chips)
Seat 4: a21021985 (298117 in chips)
Seat 5: QUIROGA43 (427274 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (105768 in chips)
777johnboy: posts the ante 1500
blackday1987: posts the ante 1500
amoroso xx: posts the ante 1500
a21021985: posts the ante 1500
QUIROGA43: posts the ante 1500
Lede007: posts the ante 1500
a21021985: posts small blind 6000
QUIROGA43: posts big blind 12000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [2c 2d]
Lede007: raises 92268 to 104268 and is all-in
777johnboy: folds
blackday1987: folds
amoroso xx: calls 104268
a21021985: folds
QUIROGA43: folds
*** FLOP *** [3d 6d 7h]
*** TURN *** [3d 6d 7h] [Ad]
*** RIVER *** [3d 6d 7h Ad] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [2c 2d] (a pair of Deuces)
amoroso xx: shows [Ac Jd] (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
amoroso xx collected 235536 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 46th place and received $9.01.
19-05-2013 17:10 #202| 0

Bobbleboy til billet fik dog $21 i sat til hot 33
PokerStars Hand #98800248643: Tournament #730788884, $6.00+$0.60 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (1000/2000) - 2013/05/19 16:07:39 WET [2013/05/19 11:07:39 ET]
Table '730788884 7' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Direktor1986 (1427 in chips)
Seat 2: 21salabon777 (13140 in chips)
Seat 3: patres89 (32580 in chips)
Seat 4: deneg_day (2857 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (300 in chips)
Seat 7: GodteTerkel (2067 in chips)
Seat 8: frase1977 (2958 in chips)
Seat 9: motreanu90 (12955 in chips)
Direktor1986: posts the ante 200
21salabon777: posts the ante 200
patres89: posts the ante 200
deneg_day: posts the ante 200
Lede007: posts the ante 200
GodteTerkel: posts the ante 200
frase1977: posts the ante 200
motreanu90: posts the ante 200
Direktor1986: posts small blind 1000
21salabon777: posts big blind 2000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [8c Qc]
patres89: folds
deneg_day: folds
Lede007: calls 100 and is all-in
GodteTerkel: folds
frase1977: folds
motreanu90: folds
Direktor1986: folds
Uncalled bet (1000) returned to 21salabon777
*** FLOP *** [9d 9s 4h]
*** TURN *** [9d 9s 4h] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [9d 9s 4h 2h] [Td]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
21salabon777: shows [2d Th] (two pair, Tens and Nines)
21salabon777 collected 1800 from side pot
Lede007: shows [8c Qc] (a pair of Nines)
21salabon777 collected 1900 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 17:31 #203| 0

Bust i 13.50 KO
PokerStars Hand #98801288444: Tournament #730733498, $10.00+$2.50+$1.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (15/30) - 2013/05/19 16:29:45 WET [2013/05/19 11:29:45 ET]
Table '730733498 11' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (3000 in chips)
Seat 2: Vadim_Vikt (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: DonPiPo88 (3000 in chips)
Seat 4: 69sBigLick (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: jorginho0111 (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: ironyorick (3000 in chips)
Seat 7: rutan1959 (3000 in chips)
Seat 8: d3ment0r (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: MIndaugasG (3000 in chips)
Vadim_Vikt: posts small blind 15
DonPiPo88: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As Kc]
69sBigLick: folds
jorginho0111: folds
ironyorick: folds
rutan1959: folds
d3ment0r: folds
MIndaugasG: raises 60 to 90
Lede007: raises 2910 to 3000 and is all-in
Vadim_Vikt: folds
DonPiPo88: folds
MIndaugasG: calls 2910 and is all-in
*** FLOP *** [9c 7h 2d]
*** TURN *** [9c 7h 2d] [Td]
*** RIVER *** [9c 7h 2d Td] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MIndaugasG: shows [Qc Qs] (three of a kind, Queens)
Lede007: shows [As Kc] (high card Ace)
MIndaugasG collected 6045 from pot
MIndaugasG wins the $2.50 bounty for eliminating Lede007
Lede007 finished the tournament in 653rd place
*** SUMMARY **

19-05-2013 17:33 #204| 0

Bust i 8R - havde desværre nogle rigtig aggro stats på ham
PokerStars Hand #98801368434: Tournament #805010327, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2013/05/19 16:31:24 WET [2013/05/19 11:31:24 ET]
Table '805010327 169' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: hst29 (3097 in chips)
Seat 2: OTwenty (6157 in chips)
Seat 3: Lede007 (3200 in chips)
Seat 4: JeanGrae (2900 in chips)
Seat 5: YugiohPro (3150 in chips)
Seat 6: Gord0nGeck0 (7725 in chips)
Seat 7: Azaroth86 (2660 in chips)
Seat 8: CandyJohnson (2850 in chips)
Seat 9: randychips (2850 in chips)
JeanGrae: posts small blind 50
YugiohPro: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jd Ad]
Gord0nGeck0: folds
Azaroth86: folds
CandyJohnson: folds
randychips: folds
hst29: folds
OTwenty: folds
Lede007: raises 200 to 300
JeanGrae: raises 2600 to 2900 and is all-in
YugiohPro: folds
Lede007: calls 2600
*** FLOP *** [3d 8h Ac]
*** TURN *** [3d 8h Ac] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [3d 8h Ac 4c] [3s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
JeanGrae: shows [As Kc] (two pair, Aces and Threes)
Lede007: shows [Jd Ad] (two pair, Aces and Threes - lower kicker)
JeanGrae collected 5900 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 17:34 #205| 0

Bust i 2+R capped
PokerStars Hand #98801290540: Tournament #730734137, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/19 16:29:47 WET [2013/05/19 11:29:47 ET]
Table '730734137 34' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: flavio.wb (32378 in chips)
Seat 2: Abahy Connor (16129 in chips)
Seat 3: EmbraBampot (22074 in chips)
Seat 4: xrabreneca (25859 in chips)
Seat 5: blessed11 (21369 in chips)
Seat 6: R@nTAnpl@N (44923 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (12726 in chips)
Seat 8: agrinhoo (21260 in chips)
Seat 9: PHChar (17510 in chips)
flavio.wb: posts the ante 125
Abahy Connor: posts the ante 125
EmbraBampot: posts the ante 125
xrabreneca: posts the ante 125
blessed11: posts the ante 125
R@nTAnpl@N: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
agrinhoo: posts the ante 125
PHChar: posts the ante 125
agrinhoo: posts small blind 500
PHChar: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc Th]
flavio.wb: folds
Abahy Connor: folds
EmbraBampot: folds
xrabreneca: folds
blessed11: folds
R@nTAnpl@N: folds
Lede007: raises 11601 to 12601 and is all-in
agrinhoo: raises 8534 to 21135 and is all-in
PHChar: folds
Uncalled bet (8534) returned to agrinhoo
*** FLOP *** [3c 2d 4h]
*** TURN *** [3c 2d 4h] [9d]
*** RIVER *** [3c 2d 4h 9d] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
agrinhoo: shows [Ad Td] (high card Ace)
Lede007: shows [Kc Th] (high card King)
agrinhoo collected 27327 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 148th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 18:06 #206| 0

PokerStars Hand #98802852161: Tournament #730734702, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (250/500) - 2013/05/19 17:03:57 WET [2013/05/19 12:03:57 ET]
Table '730734702 6' 8-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (21406 in chips)
Seat 2: onmybicycle (10642 in chips)
Seat 4: nuaminister (16581 in chips)
Seat 5: M1ley (10255 in chips)
Seat 6: titor1001 (10252 in chips)
Seat 7: Nemoqwe88 (7701 in chips)
Seat 8: cedrick89 (17248 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 60
onmybicycle: posts the ante 60
nuaminister: posts the ante 60
M1ley: posts the ante 60
titor1001: posts the ante 60
Nemoqwe88: posts the ante 60
cedrick89: posts the ante 60
cedrick89: posts small blind 250
Lede007: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js 8s]
onmybicycle: folds
nuaminister: folds
M1ley: folds
titor1001: folds
Nemoqwe88: folds
cedrick89: raises 750 to 1250
Lede007: calls 750
*** FLOP *** [8d Ts As]
cedrick89: bets 1300
Lede007: raises 1700 to 3000
cedrick89: raises 1900 to 4900
Lede007: raises 15196 to 20096 and is all-in
cedrick89: calls 11038 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (4158) returned to Lede007
*** TURN *** [8d Ts As] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [8d Ts As Jc] [6d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
cedrick89: shows [Ah Qd] (a pair of Aces)
Lede007: shows [Js 8s] (two pair, Jacks and Eights)
Lede007 collected 34796 from pot
cedrick89 finished the tournament in 74th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 18:09 #207| 0

Smukt. Lækkert flop :)

19-05-2013 18:16 #208| 0

nedtur i big 22
PokerStars Hand #98803424870: Tournament #805010397, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2013/05/19 17:15:10 WET [2013/05/19 12:15:10 ET]
Table '805010397 447' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: AlexGelinski (3625 in chips)
Seat 2: altai 87 (2810 in chips)
Seat 3: m180m (3230 in chips)
Seat 4: S.DZANAGOV (2450 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (2895 in chips)
Seat 6: murfish27 (3400 in chips)
Seat 7: prevolution (2840 in chips)
Seat 8: rabotadatel (2760 in chips)
Seat 9: AlCapone1st (3020 in chips)
murfish27: posts small blind 15
prevolution: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Js Jc]
rabotadatel: folds
AlCapone1st: folds
AlexGelinski: folds
altai 87: folds
m180m: raises 90 to 120
S.DZANAGOV: calls 120
Lede007: raises 210 to 330
murfish27: folds
prevolution: folds
m180m: calls 210
S.DZANAGOV: calls 210
*** FLOP *** [3c 9d Th]
m180m: checks
S.DZANAGOV: bets 1020
Lede007: raises 1545 to 2565 and is all-in
m180m: folds
S.DZANAGOV: calls 1100 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (445) returned to Lede007
*** TURN *** [3c 9d Th] [5h]
*** RIVER *** [3c 9d Th 5h] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
S.DZANAGOV: shows [Qc Ac] (a pair of Queens)
Lede007: shows [Js Jc] (a pair of Jacks)
S.DZANAGOV collected 5275 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 18:28 #209| 0

Bust i 2+R
PokerStars Hand #98804034464: Tournament #730734760, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (100/200) - 2013/05/19 17:27:08 WET [2013/05/19 12:27:08 ET]
Table '730734760 58' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: rockshoxbh (7200 in chips)
Seat 2: HafferLaffen (14325 in chips)
Seat 3: Tmaster04 (5585 in chips)
Seat 4: AAValAA (11399 in chips)
Seat 5: FOXin89 (16479 in chips)
Seat 6: jish1 (6655 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (5772 in chips)
Seat 8: grdelin56 (10071 in chips)
Seat 9: 19760235 (3944 in chips)
rockshoxbh: posts the ante 25
HafferLaffen: posts the ante 25
Tmaster04: posts the ante 25
AAValAA: posts the ante 25
FOXin89: posts the ante 25
jish1: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
grdelin56: posts the ante 25
19760235: posts the ante 25
19760235: posts small blind 100
rockshoxbh: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Qd Qh]
HafferLaffen: raises 300 to 500
Tmaster04: calls 500
AAValAA: folds
FOXin89: folds
jish1: folds
Lede007: raises 5247 to 5747 and is all-in
grdelin56: folds
19760235: folds
rockshoxbh: folds
HafferLaffen: calls 5247
Tmaster04: folds
*** FLOP *** [Th 8s 6s]
*** TURN *** [Th 8s 6s] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [Th 8s 6s Ks] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
HafferLaffen: shows [Ts Qs] (a flush, King high)
Lede007: shows [Qd Qh] (two pair, Queens and Eights)
HafferLaffen collected 12519 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1258th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 18:39 #210| 0

Bust i $2

19-05-2013 18:47 #211| 0

Bust i 16.50 - Cash: 29,32¨(39/340)
PokerStars Hand #98804941989: Tournament #730734702, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (500/1000) - 2013/05/19 17:45:00 WET [2013/05/19 12:45:00 ET]
Table '730734702 9' 8-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: KLOPINA (7607 in chips)
Seat 2: claynuts (22028 in chips)
Seat 3: ziirpx3 (74487 in chips)
Seat 4: koukos t (28955 in chips)
Seat 5: andrewf1_w (16935 in chips)
Seat 6: isfar (137406 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (45077 in chips)
Seat 8: heatbr (25785 in chips)
KLOPINA: posts the ante 125
claynuts: posts the ante 125
ziirpx3: posts the ante 125
koukos t: posts the ante 125
andrewf1_w: posts the ante 125
isfar: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
heatbr: posts the ante 125
claynuts: posts small blind 500
ziirpx3: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kh Th]
koukos t: folds
andrewf1_w: folds
isfar: raises 1000 to 2000
Lede007: raises 1889 to 3889
heatbr: folds
KLOPINA: folds
claynuts: folds
ziirpx3: folds
isfar: calls 1889
*** FLOP *** [2d 3d Tc]
isfar: checks
Lede007: bets 4889
isfar: raises 116611 to 121500
Lede007: calls 36174 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (80437) returned to isfar
*** TURN *** [2d 3d Tc] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [2d 3d Tc Kd] [6d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
isfar: shows [7d Ad] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007: shows [Kh Th] (two pair, Kings and Tens)
isfar collected 92404 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 39th place and received $29.32.
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 19:17 #212| 0

Bust i 2+R
PokerStars Hand #98806402764: Tournament #730734715, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (700/1400) - 2013/05/19 18:14:52 WET [2013/05/19 13:14:52 ET]
Table '730734715 104' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: joelol (21110 in chips)
Seat 2: yokoyokoo (22838 in chips)
Seat 3: abedeus (59059 in chips)
Seat 4: OZSA (33998 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (27636 in chips)
Seat 7: romario677 (40297 in chips)
Seat 8: mathaaaa (33484 in chips)
Seat 9: emsi (40477 in chips)
joelol: posts the ante 175
yokoyokoo: posts the ante 175
abedeus: posts the ante 175
OZSA: posts the ante 175
Lede007: posts the ante 175
romario677: posts the ante 175
mathaaaa: posts the ante 175
emsi: posts the ante 175
OZSA: posts small blind 700
Lede007: posts big blind 1400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [7h 8h]
romario677: folds
mathaaaa: folds
emsi: folds
joelol: folds
yokoyokoo: folds
abedeus: raises 1400 to 2800
OZSA: folds
Lede007: calls 1400
*** FLOP *** [4h 3h 2d]
Lede007: checks
abedeus: bets 2800
Lede007: raises 4088 to 6888
abedeus: calls 4088
*** TURN *** [4h 3h 2d] [Ad]
Lede007: bets 17773 and is all-in
abedeus: calls 17773
*** RIVER *** [4h 3h 2d Ad] [6c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [7h 8h] (high card Ace)
abedeus: shows [Kd Ah] (a pair of Aces)
abedeus collected 57022 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 251st place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 19:45 #213| 0

Bust i $8
PokerStars Hand #98805143928: Tournament #805011337, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/05/19 17:48:54 WET [2013/05/19 12:48:54 ET]
Table '805011337 285' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: zigi76 (5810 in chips)
Seat 2: DamoWain (3023 in chips)
Seat 3: Merfinis (9690 in chips)
Seat 4: tholllll (5620 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (2942 in chips)
Seat 6: poeska (2465 in chips)
Seat 7: jeremias63 (4085 in chips)
Seat 8: monterreymx (5050 in chips)
Seat 9: rafbal (3315 in chips)
zigi76: posts the ante 20
DamoWain: posts the ante 20
Merfinis: posts the ante 20
tholllll: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
poeska: posts the ante 20
jeremias63: posts the ante 20
monterreymx: posts the ante 20
rafbal: posts the ante 20
poeska: posts small blind 75
jeremias63: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ad Jh]
monterreymx: folds
rafbal: folds
zigi76: calls 150
DamoWain: folds
Merfinis: folds
tholllll: folds
Lede007: raises 2772 to 2922 and is all-in
poeska: folds
jeremias63: folds
zigi76: calls 2772
*** FLOP *** [Qc 3d 9d]
*** TURN *** [Qc 3d 9d] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [Qc 3d 9d Ks] [2s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
zigi76: shows [Qs Ts] (a pair of Queens)
Lede007: shows [Ad Jh] (high card Ace)
zigi76 collected 6249 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6249 | Rake 0
Board [Qc 3d 9d Ks 2s]
Seat 1: zigi76 showed [Qs Ts] and won (6249) with a pair of Queens
Seat 2: DamoWain folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Merfinis folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: tholllll folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Lede007 (button) showed [Ad Jh] and lost with high card Ace
Seat 6: poeska (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: jeremias63 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: monterreymx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: rafbal folded before Flop (didn't bet)

19-05-2013 19:46 #214| 0

Bust i $2
PokerStars Hand #98807006217: Tournament #730734173, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (300/600) - 2013/05/19 18:25:47 WET [2013/05/19 13:25:47 ET]
Table '730734173 36' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: tiagoPT1 (16178 in chips)
Seat 2: shanno66 (13079 in chips)
Seat 3: Brankerr (35526 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (6272 in chips)
Seat 5: MIndaugasG (15576 in chips)
Seat 6: ianbrion (18853 in chips)
Seat 8: ChesterSM (12735 in chips)
Seat 9: doomasiggy (6774 in chips)
tiagoPT1: posts the ante 70
shanno66: posts the ante 70
Brankerr: posts the ante 70
Lede007: posts the ante 70
MIndaugasG: posts the ante 70
ianbrion: posts the ante 70
ChesterSM: posts the ante 70
doomasiggy: posts the ante 70
Lede007: posts small blind 300
MIndaugasG: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [As 6s]
ianbrion: folds
ChesterSM: folds
doomasiggy: raises 6104 to 6704 and is all-in
tiagoPT1: folds
shanno66: folds
Brankerr: folds
Lede007: calls 5902 and is all-in
MIndaugasG: folds
Uncalled bet (502) returned to doomasiggy
*** FLOP *** [5d 5h 5c]
*** TURN *** [5d 5h 5c] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [5d 5h 5c 6h] [Kd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [As 6s] (a full house, Fives full of Sixes)
doomasiggy: shows [Ks Jc] (a full house, Fives full of Kings)
doomasiggy collected 13564 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 20:01 #215| 0

Bust i 2R 2x turbo

19-05-2013 20:02 #216| 0

Bust i 2R 2x turbo
PokerStars Hand #98808136794: Tournament #730733537, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (1500/3000) - 2013/05/19 18:46:11 WET [2013/05/19 13:46:11 ET]
Table '730733537 52' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: jones1414 (52034 in chips)
Seat 2: alekseyka755 (34499 in chips)
Seat 3: Galad15 (41040 in chips)
Seat 4: capschoe (4485 in chips)
Seat 5: sakhal (31260 in chips)
Seat 6: EeeTee2008 (32266 in chips)
Seat 7: Lede007 (22982 in chips)
Seat 8: mr. langevad (23070 in chips)
Seat 9: nayd46 (22615 in chips)
jones1414: posts the ante 300
alekseyka755: posts the ante 300
Galad15: posts the ante 300
capschoe: posts the ante 300
sakhal: posts the ante 300
EeeTee2008: posts the ante 300
Lede007: posts the ante 300
mr. langevad: posts the ante 300
nayd46: posts the ante 300
jones1414: posts small blind 1500
alekseyka755: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc Qc]
Galad15: folds
capschoe: folds
sakhal: folds
EeeTee2008: calls 3000
Lede007: raises 19682 to 22682 and is all-in
mr. langevad: folds
nayd46: folds
jones1414: folds
alekseyka755: folds
EeeTee2008: calls 19682
*** FLOP *** [Kd Jd 8h]
*** TURN *** [Kd Jd 8h] [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [Kd Jd 8h Ah] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
EeeTee2008: shows [Ks Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)
Lede007: shows [Jc Qc] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
EeeTee2008 collected 52564 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 609th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 20:10 #217| 0

Kan mærke at der burde ligge en masse skrub gemt til den sidste scoop.
PokerStars Hand #98809249466: Tournament #805010487, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (25/50) - 2013/05/19 19:08:10 WET [2013/05/19 14:08:10 ET]
Table '805010487 135' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: GuimasNazir (2135 in chips)
Seat 2: jmlauer (3730 in chips)
Seat 3: Mongolia1110 (2440 in chips)
Seat 4: francis510 (2105 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (1910 in chips)
Seat 6: philip961 (2579 in chips)
Seat 7: zevs6666 (1860 in chips)
Seat 8: kov4cs (1785 in chips)
Seat 9: holotof (1888 in chips) is sitting out
zevs6666: posts small blind 25
kov4cs: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Th Td]
holotof: folds
GuimasNazir: raises 160 to 210
jmlauer: calls 210
Mongolia1110: calls 210
francis510: folds
Lede007: raises 1700 to 1910 and is all-in
philip961: folds
zevs6666: folds
kov4cs: folds
GuimasNazir: raises 225 to 2135 and is all-in
jmlauer: folds
Mongolia1110: calls 1925
*** FLOP *** [3c 6h 6c]
*** TURN *** [3c 6h 6c] [5c]
*** RIVER *** [3c 6h 6c 5c] [3s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
GuimasNazir: shows [Qh Ac] (two pair, Sixes and Threes)
Mongolia1110: shows [Kc Jc] (a flush, King high)
Mongolia1110 collected 450 from side pot
Lede007: shows [Th Td] (two pair, Tens and Sixes)
Mongolia1110 collected 6015 from main pot
GuimasNazir finished the tournament in 3554th place
Lede007 finished the tournament in 3555th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 20:52 #218| 0

Efter vi var nede i 400 i big 22 er vi nu i dobbelt avg
PokerStars Hand #98811770879: Tournament #805010397, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (200/400) - 2013/05/19 19:50:40 WET [2013/05/19 14:50:40 ET]
Table '805010397 93' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: doukas 23 (8091 in chips)
Seat 2: smirgl (4102 in chips)
Seat 3: BackdoorNutz (17700 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (14330 in chips)
Seat 5: bizool (11016 in chips)
Seat 6: Ginkell (12169 in chips)
Seat 7: Apostal13 (15285 in chips)
Seat 8: koka77 (5435 in chips)
Seat 9: I.Murtazin (8433 in chips)
doukas 23: posts the ante 50
smirgl: posts the ante 50
BackdoorNutz: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts the ante 50
bizool: posts the ante 50
Ginkell: posts the ante 50
Apostal13: posts the ante 50
koka77: posts the ante 50
I.Murtazin: posts the ante 50
bizool: posts small blind 200
Ginkell: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6d Ad]
Apostal13 has timed out while disconnected
Apostal13: folds
Apostal13 is sitting out
koka77: folds
I.Murtazin: folds
doukas 23: folds
smirgl: folds
BackdoorNutz: folds
Lede007: raises 400 to 800
bizool: raises 1200 to 2000
Ginkell: folds
Lede007: raises 12280 to 14280 and is all-in
bizool: calls 8966 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (3314) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [Jd Kh Td]
*** TURN *** [Jd Kh Td] [4d]
*** RIVER *** [Jd Kh Td 4d] [Ks]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
bizool: shows [Js Ac] (two pair, Kings and Jacks)
Lede007: shows [6d Ad] (a flush, Ace high)
Lede007 collected 22782 from pot
bizool finished the tournament in 1976th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 20:56 #219| 0

GG i storm
PokerStars Hand #98812033845: Tournament #805010003, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (125/250) - 2013/05/19 19:55:05 WET [2013/05/19 14:55:05 ET]
Table '805010003 2012' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: 63var (285 in chips)
Seat 2: cachaçapura (14360 in chips)
Seat 3: parizottinho (4280 in chips)
Seat 4: david19852 (12215 in chips)
Seat 5: Lede007 (8155 in chips)
Seat 6: philippe2211 (3785 in chips)
Seat 7: NittyCity (3285 in chips)
Seat 8: bekenti85 (9880 in chips)
Seat 9: animal401 (3305 in chips)
63var: posts the ante 25
cachaçapura: posts the ante 25
parizottinho: posts the ante 25
david19852: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts the ante 25
philippe2211: posts the ante 25
NittyCity: posts the ante 25
bekenti85: posts the ante 25
animal401: posts the ante 25
Lede007: posts small blind 125
philippe2211: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Ah]
NittyCity: folds
bekenti85: folds
animal401: folds
63var: raises 10 to 260 and is all-in
cachaçapura: folds
parizottinho: folds
david19852: raises 490 to 750
Lede007: raises 7380 to 8130 and is all-in
philippe2211: folds
david19852: calls 7380
*** FLOP *** [Ac 4d Qs]
*** TURN *** [Ac 4d Qs] [9d]
*** RIVER *** [Ac 4d Qs 9d] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ks Ah] (two pair, Aces and Nines)
david19852: shows [Ad As] (a full house, Aces full of Nines)
david19852 collected 15740 from side pot
63var: shows [3d Kd] (a pair of Nines)
david19852 collected 1255 from main pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 18030th place
63var finished the tournament in 18031st place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 21:15 #220| 0

Tilbage i Scoop

19-05-2013 21:16 #221| 0

Taber dobbelt avg flip i big 22
PokerStars Hand #98813083904: Tournament #805010397, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (300/600) - 2013/05/19 20:14:27 WET [2013/05/19 15:14:27 ET]
Table '805010397 52' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: mikjii15 (21626 in chips)
Seat 2: Jim1983Pim (6580 in chips)
Seat 3: SuerteODstno (1921 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (19599 in chips)
Seat 5: luxy2630 (19745 in chips)
Seat 6: Buchwalder (5995 in chips)
Seat 7: Vocaaas (37674 in chips)
Seat 8: campeao200 (4407 in chips)
Seat 9: Catukinho (6294 in chips)
mikjii15: posts the ante 70
Jim1983Pim: posts the ante 70
SuerteODstno: posts the ante 70
Lede007: posts the ante 70
luxy2630: posts the ante 70
Buchwalder: posts the ante 70
Vocaaas: posts the ante 70
campeao200: posts the ante 70
Catukinho: posts the ante 70
Lede007: posts small blind 300
luxy2630: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Th Td]
Buchwalder: raises 5325 to 5925 and is all-in
Vocaaas: folds
campeao200: folds
Catukinho: folds
mikjii15: folds
Jim1983Pim: raises 585 to 6510 and is all-in
SuerteODstno: folds
Lede007: raises 13019 to 19529 and is all-in
luxy2630: folds
Uncalled bet (13019) returned to Lede007
*** FLOP *** [3d 6h Jc]
*** TURN *** [3d 6h Jc] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [3d 6h Jc Ac] [4d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Th Td] (a pair of Tens)
Jim1983Pim: shows [Ah Kc] (a pair of Aces)
Jim1983Pim collected 1170 from side pot
Buchwalder: shows [Qs Kh] (high card Ace)
Jim1983Pim collected 19005 from main pot
Buchwalder finished the tournament in 1494th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 21:17 #222| 0

Gambler for at komme tilbage i scoop og det lykkedes
PokerStars Hand #98812960650: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (40/80) - 2013/05/19 20:12:30 WET [2013/05/19 15:12:30 ET]
Table '2013050221 747' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: naledossun (10030 in chips)
Seat 2: spongeluke (9375 in chips)
Seat 3: Matte72 (7395 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (5165 in chips)
Seat 5: SnG_Rabbit (15681 in chips)
Seat 6: lghield (9632 in chips)
Seat 7: Camerino#9 (11094 in chips)
Seat 8: AFC_Ajax_451 (14710 in chips)
Seat 9: GinikoloG (7588 in chips)
Matte72: posts small blind 40
Lede007: posts big blind 80
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ac Js]
SnG_Rabbit: raises 80 to 160
lghield: folds
Camerino#9: folds
AFC_Ajax_451: calls 160
GinikoloG: calls 160
naledossun: folds
spongeluke: folds
Matte72: folds
Lede007: calls 80
*** FLOP *** [8c Qc Tc]
Lede007: checks
SnG_Rabbit: bets 450
AFC_Ajax_451: calls 450
GinikoloG: raises 1179 to 1629
Lede007: raises 3376 to 5005 and is all-in
SnG_Rabbit: raises 10516 to 15521 and is all-in
AFC_Ajax_451: folds
GinikoloG: folds
Uncalled bet (10516) returned to SnG_Rabbit
*** TURN *** [8c Qc Tc] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [8c Qc Tc 9c] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ac Js] (a flush, Ace high)
SnG_Rabbit: shows [9h Jh] (a flush, Queen high)
Lede007 collected 12769 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 21:31 #223| 0

Bust i $5
PokerStars Hand #98814020806: Tournament #805010427, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2013/05/19 20:29:18 WET [2013/05/19 15:29:18 ET]
Table '805010427 119' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Krokski (17362 in chips)
Seat 2: Lede007 (4323 in chips)
Seat 3: alemaozl (18802 in chips)
Seat 4: typok123 (21585 in chips)
Seat 5: rastafari898 (27840 in chips)
Seat 6: GaSS PaNiCC (16797 in chips)
Seat 7: BagOfGifts (7479 in chips)
Seat 8: WHOOOOOOOP (9335 in chips)
Seat 9: Bouwmann (6534 in chips)
Krokski: posts the ante 50
Lede007: posts the ante 50
alemaozl: posts the ante 50
typok123: posts the ante 50
rastafari898: posts the ante 50
GaSS PaNiCC: posts the ante 50
BagOfGifts: posts the ante 50
WHOOOOOOOP: posts the ante 50
Bouwmann: posts the ante 50
alemaozl: posts small blind 200
typok123: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Jc Js]
rastafari898: raises 400 to 800
GaSS PaNiCC: folds
BagOfGifts: folds
Bouwmann: folds
Krokski: folds
Lede007: raises 3473 to 4273 and is all-in
alemaozl: folds
typok123: folds
rastafari898: calls 3473
*** FLOP *** [Th 7h 6d]
*** TURN *** [Th 7h 6d] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [Th 7h 6d 9h] [4h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
rastafari898: shows [6c 6s] (three of a kind, Sixes)
Lede007: shows [Jc Js] (a pair of Jacks)
rastafari898 collected 9596 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 430th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 21:36 #224| 0

Finder et formentlig lidt skidt kald frem, han havde dog aggro og fishy stats hvilket var årsagen til jeg endte med at kalde.
PokerStars Hand #98814256070: Tournament #730735363, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXII (1250/2500) - 2013/05/19 20:33:03 WET [2013/05/19 15:33:03 ET]
Table '730735363 358' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (44707 in chips)
Seat 2: DamyanDuFF A (32068 in chips)
Seat 3: akuri88 (75629 in chips)
Seat 4: Y2JKID (10946 in chips)
Seat 5: Deadliness (46722 in chips)
Seat 6: julesdAA (40114 in chips)
Seat 7: andrej_@7995 (4384 in chips)
Seat 8: Glaucon (37536 in chips)
Seat 9: angye4 (53985 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 300
DamyanDuFF A: posts the ante 300
akuri88: posts the ante 300
Y2JKID: posts the ante 300
Deadliness: posts the ante 300
julesdAA: posts the ante 300
andrej_@7995: posts the ante 300
Glaucon: posts the ante 300
angye4: posts the ante 300
Glaucon: posts small blind 1250
angye4: posts big blind 2500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [7s 7d]
Lede007: raises 2500 to 5000
DamyanDuFF A: raises 26768 to 31768 and is all-in
akuri88: folds
Y2JKID: folds
Deadliness: folds
julesdAA: folds
andrej_@7995: folds
Glaucon: folds
angye4: folds
Lede007: calls 26768
*** FLOP *** [Kd 6d 6c]
*** TURN *** [Kd 6d 6c] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 6d 6c 2h] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [7s 7d] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
DamyanDuFF A: shows [8h 8c] (two pair, Eights and Sixes)
DamyanDuFF A collected 69986 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 21:40 #225| 0

Bust i big22 kort før pengene :(
PokerStars Hand #98814609296: Tournament #805010397, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (400/800) - 2013/05/19 20:38:43 WET [2013/05/19 15:38:43 ET]
Table '805010397 52' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: mikjii15 (12318 in chips)
Seat 2: Jim1983Pim (16965 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 3: jamesath (15799 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (10186 in chips)
Seat 5: JanTimman (24035 in chips)
Seat 6: redkiyGAD (37312 in chips)
Seat 7: Vocaaas (45009 in chips)
Seat 8: campeao200 (605 in chips)
Seat 9: Catukinho (32625 in chips)
mikjii15: posts the ante 100
Jim1983Pim: posts the ante 100
jamesath: posts the ante 100
Lede007: posts the ante 100
JanTimman: posts the ante 100
redkiyGAD: posts the ante 100
Vocaaas: posts the ante 100
campeao200: posts the ante 100
Catukinho: posts the ante 100
jamesath: posts small blind 400
Lede007: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Th Ac]
JanTimman: folds
redkiyGAD: folds
Vocaaas: folds
Jim1983Pim has returned
campeao200 has timed out
campeao200: folds
campeao200 is sitting out
Catukinho: folds
mikjii15: folds
campeao200 has returned
Jim1983Pim: raises 800 to 1600
jamesath: folds
Lede007: raises 8486 to 10086 and is all-in
Jim1983Pim: calls 8486
*** FLOP *** [Jc 3c Jd]
*** TURN *** [Jc 3c Jd] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [Jc 3c Jd 5s] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Th Ac] (a pair of Jacks)
Jim1983Pim: shows [Ad Kh] (a pair of Jacks - Ace+King kicker)
Jim1983Pim collected 21472 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 1119th place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 21:44 #226| 0

Bust i hot 16.50 - Lorte missclick - 37.67
PokerStars Hand #98814838905: Tournament #730735363, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIV (2000/4000) - 2013/05/19 20:42:29 WET [2013/05/19 15:42:29 ET]
Table '730735363 358' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Lede007 (14687 in chips)
Seat 2: DamyanDuFF A (61571 in chips)
Seat 3: akuri88 (71604 in chips)
Seat 4: p.s.newreg (140945 in chips)
Seat 5: Deadliness (62154 in chips)
Seat 6: julesdAA (42539 in chips)
Seat 7: sinus91 (87524 in chips)
Seat 8: Glaucon (29011 in chips)
Seat 9: angye4 (37210 in chips)
Lede007: posts the ante 500
DamyanDuFF A: posts the ante 500
akuri88: posts the ante 500
p.s.newreg: posts the ante 500
Deadliness: posts the ante 500
julesdAA: posts the ante 500
sinus91: posts the ante 500
Glaucon: posts the ante 500
angye4: posts the ante 500
Glaucon: posts small blind 2000
angye4: posts big blind 4000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6h 7d]
Lede007: calls 4000
DamyanDuFF A: folds
akuri88: folds
p.s.newreg: folds
Deadliness: folds
julesdAA: folds
sinus91: raises 83024 to 87024 and is all-in
Glaucon: folds
angye4: folds
Lede007: calls 10187 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (72837) returned to sinus91
Lede007 said, "Missclick :(("
*** FLOP *** [3d Js Qc]
*** TURN *** [3d Js Qc] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [3d Js Qc 2s] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [6h 7d] (a pair of Queens)
sinus91: shows [6c 6s] (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
sinus91 collected 38874 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 422nd place and received $37.67.
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 22:07 #227| 0

scoop gave
PokerStars Hand #98816007681: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (75/150) - 2013/05/19 21:04:25 WET [2013/05/19 16:04:25 ET]
Table '2013050221 747' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: naledossun (25042 in chips)
Seat 2: spongeluke (7065 in chips)
Seat 3: Matte72 (4525 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (14015 in chips)
Seat 5: SnG_Rabbit (7852 in chips)
Seat 6: Coke4 (9618 in chips)
Seat 7: Camerino#9 (15942 in chips)
Seat 8: AFC_Ajax_451 (7397 in chips)
Seat 9: GinikoloG (9214 in chips)
naledossun: posts the ante 20
spongeluke: posts the ante 20
Matte72: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
SnG_Rabbit: posts the ante 20
Coke4: posts the ante 20
Camerino#9: posts the ante 20
AFC_Ajax_451: posts the ante 20
GinikoloG: posts the ante 20
Coke4: posts small blind 75
Camerino#9: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Ts]
AFC_Ajax_451: calls 150
GinikoloG: folds
naledossun: folds
spongeluke: folds
Matte72: folds
Lede007: raises 300 to 450
SnG_Rabbit: folds
Coke4: folds
Camerino#9: calls 300
AFC_Ajax_451: calls 300
*** FLOP *** [2h Kc 8s]
Camerino#9: checks
AFC_Ajax_451: checks
Lede007: bets 600
Camerino#9: folds
AFC_Ajax_451: calls 600
*** TURN *** [2h Kc 8s] [6h]
AFC_Ajax_451: checks
Lede007: bets 900
AFC_Ajax_451: calls 900
*** RIVER *** [2h Kc 8s 6h] [4h]
AFC_Ajax_451: bets 5427 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 5427
*** SHOW DOWN ***
AFC_Ajax_451: shows [9c 8c] (a pair of Eights)
Lede007: shows [Ks Ts] (a pair of Kings)
Lede007 collected 15459 from pot
AFC_Ajax_451 finished the tournament in 17301st place
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 22:18 #228| 0

Scoop gave vol. 2
PokerStars Hand #98816667912: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (75/150) - 2013/05/19 21:15:16 WET [2013/05/19 16:15:16 ET]
Table '2013050221 747' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: naledossun (25282 in chips)
Seat 2: spongeluke (6150 in chips)
Seat 3: Matte72 (5000 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (22037 in chips)
Seat 5: SnG_Rabbit (7562 in chips)
Seat 6: Coke4 (7583 in chips)
Seat 7: Camerino#9 (18277 in chips)
Seat 8: texaszanardi (10255 in chips)
Seat 9: GinikoloG (8524 in chips)
naledossun: posts the ante 20
spongeluke: posts the ante 20
Matte72: posts the ante 20
Lede007: posts the ante 20
SnG_Rabbit: posts the ante 20
Coke4: posts the ante 20
Camerino#9: posts the ante 20
texaszanardi: posts the ante 20
GinikoloG: posts the ante 20
naledossun: posts small blind 75
spongeluke: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6s 8s]
Matte72: folds
Lede007: raises 150 to 300
SnG_Rabbit: folds
Coke4: folds
Camerino#9: folds
texaszanardi: folds
GinikoloG: folds
naledossun: raises 600 to 900
spongeluke: folds
Lede007: calls 600
*** FLOP *** [3s 5d 7c]
naledossun: bets 1050
Lede007: calls 1050
*** TURN *** [3s 5d 7c] [Jc]
naledossun: checks
Lede007: bets 2777
naledossun: raises 3827 to 6604
Lede007: calls 3827
*** RIVER *** [3s 5d 7c Jc] [4c]
naledossun: bets 16708 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 13463 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (3245) returned to naledossun
*** SHOW DOWN ***
naledossun: shows [Kh Ac] (high card Ace)
Lede007: shows [6s 8s] (a straight, Four to Eight)
Lede007 collected 44364 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

19-05-2013 22:50 #229| 0

Crawling up ze ladder
PokerStars Hand #98818601500: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (150/300) - 2013/05/19 21:48:13 WET [2013/05/19 16:48:13 ET]
Table '2013050221 747' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: frycz (20061 in chips)
Seat 2: avisim (24214 in chips)
Seat 3: Matte72 (10640 in chips)
Seat 4: Lede007 (34894 in chips)
Seat 5: SnG_Rabbit (17132 in chips)
Seat 6: Coke4 (15491 in chips)
Seat 7: Camerino#9 (17956 in chips)
Seat 8: texaszanardi (5670 in chips)
Seat 9: GinikoloG (9784 in chips)
frycz: posts the ante 40
avisim: posts the ante 40
Matte72: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts the ante 40
SnG_Rabbit: posts the ante 40
Coke4: posts the ante 40
Camerino#9: posts the ante 40
texaszanardi: posts the ante 40
GinikoloG: posts the ante 40
Lede007: posts small blind 150
SnG_Rabbit: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [6c 6s]
Coke4: folds
Camerino#9: folds
texaszanardi: folds
GinikoloG: folds
frycz: folds
avisim: calls 300
Matte72: folds
Lede007: raises 900 to 1200
SnG_Rabbit: raises 1450 to 2650
avisim: folds
Lede007: calls 1450
*** FLOP *** [2s 6d 5d]
Lede007: checks
SnG_Rabbit: bets 1950
Lede007: calls 1950
*** TURN *** [2s 6d 5d] [3c]
Lede007: checks
SnG_Rabbit: bets 3850
Lede007: raises 26404 to 30254 and is all-in
SnG_Rabbit: calls 8642 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (17762) returned to Lede007
*** RIVER *** [2s 6d 5d 3c] [Qd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [6c 6s] (three of a kind, Sixes)
SnG_Rabbit: shows [7h 7d] (a pair of Sevens)
Lede007 collected 34844 from pot
SnG_Rabbit finished the tournament in 14382nd place
*** SUMMARY ***

20-05-2013 00:38 #230| 0

Løb desværre ind i et overpar i scoop..
PokerStars Hand #98824076922: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (500/1000) - 2013/05/19 23:35:07 WET [2013/05/19 18:35:07 ET]
Table '2013050221 1223' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: ghost1008 (34602 in chips)
Seat 2: %RiVeR%Fake (25079 in chips)
Seat 3: Chrisinuk (12564 in chips)
Seat 4: seijistar (26751 in chips)
Seat 5: kavgan (17354 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (56248 in chips)
Seat 7: CUTIE QUEEN (28821 in chips)
Seat 8: ReeBroHan (65627 in chips)
Seat 9: qjmikura666 (40702 in chips)
ghost1008: posts the ante 125
%RiVeR%Fake: posts the ante 125
Chrisinuk: posts the ante 125
seijistar: posts the ante 125
kavgan: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts the ante 125
CUTIE QUEEN: posts the ante 125
ReeBroHan: posts the ante 125
qjmikura666: posts the ante 125
Lede007: posts small blind 500
CUTIE QUEEN: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ts Tc]
ReeBroHan: folds
qjmikura666: raises 1235 to 2235
ghost1008: calls 2235
%RiVeR%Fake: folds
Chrisinuk: folds
seijistar: folds
kavgan: folds
Lede007: raises 3654 to 5889
qjmikura666: folds
ghost1008: calls 3654
*** FLOP *** [6h 4h 9s]
Lede007: bets 7588
ghost1008: raises 21000 to 28588 and is all-in
Lede007: calls 21000
*** TURN *** [6h 4h 9s] [8d]
*** RIVER *** [6h 4h 9s 8d] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ts Tc] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
ghost1008: shows [Qs Qh] (two pair, Queens and Eights)
ghost1008 collected 73314 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

20-05-2013 00:53 #231| 0

Begynder at se sort ud i scoop
PokerStars Hand #98824816601: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (600/1200) - 2013/05/19 23:51:17 WET [2013/05/19 18:51:17 ET]
Table '2013050221 1223' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: ghost1008 (67414 in chips)
Seat 2: %RiVeR%Fake (18929 in chips)
Seat 3: Kivisaba (68423 in chips)
Seat 4: seijistar (24126 in chips)
Seat 5: kavgan (12504 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (29496 in chips)
Seat 7: CUTIE QUEEN (40685 in chips)
Seat 8: ReeBroHan (71102 in chips)
Seat 9: qjmikura666 (36503 in chips)
ghost1008: posts the ante 150
%RiVeR%Fake: posts the ante 150
Kivisaba: posts the ante 150
seijistar: posts the ante 150
kavgan: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts the ante 150
CUTIE QUEEN: posts the ante 150
ReeBroHan: posts the ante 150
qjmikura666: posts the ante 150
kavgan: posts small blind 600
Lede007: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Ks Qh]
ReeBroHan: folds
qjmikura666: folds
ghost1008: folds
%RiVeR%Fake: raises 1799 to 2999
Kivisaba: folds
seijistar: folds
kavgan: folds
Lede007: calls 1799
*** FLOP *** [8h 3c Qd]
Lede007: checks
%RiVeR%Fake: bets 2477
Lede007: calls 2477
*** TURN *** [8h 3c Qd] [4c]
Lede007: checks
%RiVeR%Fake: bets 4777
Lede007: calls 4777
*** RIVER *** [8h 3c Qd 4c] [6h]
Lede007: checks
%RiVeR%Fake: bets 7200
Lede007: raises 7200 to 14400
%RiVeR%Fake: calls 1326 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (5874) returned to Lede007
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [Ks Qh] (a pair of Queens)
%RiVeR%Fake: shows [8s 8c] (three of a kind, Eights)
%RiVeR%Fake collected 39508 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***

20-05-2013 00:53 #232| 0

PokerStars Hand #98824875988: Tournament #2013050221, $24.55+$2.45 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (600/1200) - 2013/05/19 23:52:38 WET [2013/05/19 18:52:38 ET]
Table '2013050221 1223' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: ghost1008 (67264 in chips)
Seat 2: %RiVeR%Fake (39508 in chips)
Seat 3: Kivisaba (68273 in chips)
Seat 4: seijistar (23976 in chips)
Seat 5: kavgan (11754 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (10567 in chips)
Seat 7: CUTIE QUEEN (40535 in chips)
Seat 8: ReeBroHan (70952 in chips)
Seat 9: qjmikura666 (36353 in chips)
ghost1008: posts the ante 150
%RiVeR%Fake: posts the ante 150
Kivisaba: posts the ante 150
seijistar: posts the ante 150
kavgan: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts the ante 150
CUTIE QUEEN: posts the ante 150
ReeBroHan: posts the ante 150
qjmikura666: posts the ante 150
Lede007: posts small blind 600
CUTIE QUEEN: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [5h Qh]
ReeBroHan: folds
qjmikura666: folds
ghost1008: folds
%RiVeR%Fake: folds
Kivisaba: folds
seijistar: folds
kavgan: folds
Lede007: raises 9217 to 10417 and is all-in
CUTIE QUEEN: calls 9217
*** FLOP *** [2d 6s 3h]
*** TURN *** [2d 6s 3h] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [2d 6s 3h 7h] [6d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Lede007: shows [5h Qh] (a pair of Sixes)
CUTIE QUEEN: shows [Ad 2s] (two pair, Sixes and Deuces)
CUTIE QUEEN collected 22184 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 5063rd place
*** SUMMARY ***

20-05-2013 01:09 #233| 0

Paaaaaaas - bust til 43.02$
PokerStars Hand #98825431252: Tournament #805010497, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (1000/2000) - 2013/05/20 0:07:31 WET [2013/05/19 19:07:31 ET]
Table '805010497 319' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: PJCT DK (91273 in chips)
Seat 2: Pokerklemi (52364 in chips)
Seat 3: renechris (78186 in chips)
Seat 4: alxwhitty (86318 in chips)
Seat 5: kloanjoe (129048 in chips)
Seat 6: Lede007 (29650 in chips)
Seat 7: mAd_wAkey (55902 in chips)
Seat 8: Arne987 (5103 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 9: brolyn88 (43225 in chips)
PJCT DK: posts the ante 250
Pokerklemi: posts the ante 250
renechris: posts the ante 250
alxwhitty: posts the ante 250
kloanjoe: posts the ante 250
Lede007: posts the ante 250
mAd_wAkey: posts the ante 250
Arne987: posts the ante 250
brolyn88: posts the ante 250
alxwhitty: posts small blind 1000
kloanjoe: posts big blind 2000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Lede007 [Kc As]
Lede007: raises 27400 to 29400 and is all-in
mAd_wAkey: folds
Arne987: folds
brolyn88: folds
PJCT DK: folds
Pokerklemi: folds
renechris: folds
alxwhitty: folds
kloanjoe: calls 27400
*** FLOP *** [Td 8s 6h]
*** TURN *** [Td 8s 6h] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [Td 8s 6h 2s] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
kloanjoe: shows [Ad 2d] (a pair of Deuces)
Lede007: shows [Kc As] (high card Ace)
kloanjoe collected 62050 from pot
Lede007 finished the tournament in 759th place and received $43.02.
*** SUMMARY ***

20-05-2013 01:16 #234| 0

Slut for denne session, der var et par dybe runs desværre med uheld da det blev vigtigt. Næste session bliver spillet tirsdag :)

20-05-2013 02:03 #235| 0

Vi må håbe du undgår krigskyllingen tirsdag ellers ser det sort ud.

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