Har været så heldig at indgå en stakingdeal med Nazgull herinde fra.
Start rulle: $1200 udbetalt af 3 omgange, selvom det ikke bliver nødvendigt. ;)
MÅL: Dette stake kører fra dags dato indtil d. 01-11-2013 hvor det tages op om dealen skal fortsætte eller afsluttes.
Der skal spille MTT's med buy-in op til 13.50$ så længe rullen er under $2500. Der må dog spilles 1 daglig mtt op til 22$ eksempelvis big 22$. derudover må der også grindes multitable sng's
I denne tråd vil der være en oversigt over løbende $ beholdning. Samt vil der være touroversigt for hver session jeg spiller. Busthænder vil komme i en seperat tråd.
Bankroll start: 1200$
Bankroll running: 1306,07$
Stakedeal med Nazgull
Session oversigt.
(dato - bankroll - resultat)
20/9 - 1200$ - 44,2$
21/9 - 1155,8$ - 27,26$
22/9 - 1128,5$ - 83,92$
25/9 - 1044,58$ - 123,32$
27/9 - 1167,9$ - 1,4$
29/9 - 1169,3 - 196,62 2 sessions
5/10 - 972,68 - 26,87$ masser af dybe runs og et lille ft, men ellers en blød hat
6/10 - 999,55 - 189,22
7/10 - 810,33 - 379,59
11/10 - 1189,92 - 160,84
12/10 - 1350,76 - 36,48
13/10 - 1387,24 - 32,15
15/10 - 1355,09 - 188,08
18/10 - 1543,17 - 539,21
19/10 - 2082,38 - 199,88
20/10 - 1882,5 - 121,7
25/10 - 1760,8 - 189,82
26/10/27/10 - 264,91
slut - 1306,07
Program 20/9. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af aftenen.
15:00 - 5.5 - 20k gtd,
15:30 - 8k gtd rebuy
15:45 - 7,5k gtd ko turbo, 6,95
15:45 - 3.3 - 3k gtd 6max
16:15 - 5,5 - 3k gtd 9,87
16:30 - 2,2 - 8k rebuy
16:45 - 11$ - 3k gtd
16:45 - 4,4 - 1k gtd 11,05
16:45 - 5,1 - 2,5k gtd hyper 6max
17:00 - 8,8 - 25k gtd
17:15 - 2,2 - 2k gtd rebuy 17,23
17:30 - 2,2 turbo
17:30 - 13,5 ko
17:30 - 5,1 hyper
17:45 - 8,8 turbo 6max
17:45 - 5,5 frys
18:00 - 3,3 frys
18:15 - 8,8frys 22$
18:30 - 11 turbo
19:00 - 5,5 frys
19:15 - 11 frys32,8$
19:15 - 8,8 6max
Hey glæder mig til at raile. Kan du ikke sætte start tidspunkt på de tours du spiller?
stopper med at regge for i dag, itm i en lille 4$ + et par fornuftige stacks.
Hey Mate.
Det var en fornøjelse at se dig spille igår. Railede næsten fra start til slut:) jeg synes virkelig at du spillede rigtig flot og tog mange gode beslutninger. Din tålmodighed er ligeledes sublim og jeg glæder mig rigtig meget til din session i dag! Lad som satse på at komme lidt længere i pengene:)
Det er jeg rigtigt glad for at høre, synes også jeg spillede a-game hele vejen igennem, hvilket også resulterede i flere dybe runs, og lavede flere "gode" folds som jeg normalt måske ikke ville have gjort.
Desværre var det et rimeligt koldt deck når jeg kom i pengene. 3* mellempar der rammer ind i overpar. samt setup ak mod kk osv.
Satser på at starte op omkring kl 18 i dag, hvor der er lidt flere sjove tours, og så bare grinder derud af indtil jeg ikke gider mere.
det hele endte med cirka -40$ så det er til at leve med. opdatere dealen om lidt.
Hvis du har lyst er du velkommen til at prøve at kvalte dig til fx. Saturday eliminator eller en anden Tour og så spille den. Så længe du holder dig inde for buy-in range i de sats du evt. Spiller.
Program 21/9. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af aftenen.
17:00 – 8,8 frys
17:15 – 2,2 rebuy - 34$
17:15 – 5,5 2r1a – 2unit
17:30 – 13,5 ko - 34$ + 5$
17:30 – 2,2 turbo
17:30 – 8,8 1r1a – 1unit
17:30 - 8,8 1r1a - 2 forsøg, blinds stadig lave
17:45 – 5,5 frys - 17$
18:00 – 22 frys
18:00 – 3,3 frys
18:15 – 8,8 frys
18:30 – 11 turbo
19:00 - 5,5 frys - 11$
19:45 - 3,3 6max
20:00 - 11 frys
20:30 - 100fpp vip weekly
Program 22/9. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af dagen/aftenen.
11:45 4,4 4max
12:00 11 6max turbo
12:00 1,1 frys
12:15 3,3 rebuy 3xturbo
12:30 3,3 turbo
12:45 8,8 turbo zoom
13:00 1,1 frys 2,15
13:00 11 frys
13:30 4,4 turbo 18plads 73$
13:30 5,1 hyper
13:45 4,4 frys
14:00 1,1 6max turbo
14:30 5,5 hyper
14:45 5,5 hyper
14:45 2,2 rebuy
15:00 5,5 frys
15:00 1,35 turbo ko 1,97$
15:15 5,5 cubed
15:15 5,5 cubed forsøg2, 2units
15:30 2,2 rebuy
15:45 5,4 turbo ko
15:45 3,3 6max
16:15 5,5 frys
16:30 2,2 rebuy 19$
16:45 4,4 frys
16:45 11 frys
17:00 8,8 frys
17:30 13,5 ko
17:30 8,8 1r1a 1unit
Program 25/9. Der vil blive spillet 180mands + pokernet sattelit.
3,3 rebuy 180mands
3,3 rebuy 180mands
3,3 rebuy 180mands 16,6
3,3 rebuy 180mands
3,3 rebuy 180mands
3,3 rebuy 180mands
3,3 rebuy 180mands 11,5
8 180mands
8 180mands
8 180mands
8 180mands
8 180mands
11 sattelit t215$
Program 27/9. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af aftenen.
17:00 - 8,8 frys
17:45 - 5,5 frys
18:00 - 2,2 rebuy 2xturbo
18:00 - 3,3 frys
18:15 - 2,7 turbo ko
18:15 - 8,8 frys
18:30 - 11 turbo
18:30 - 1,1 6max
18:45 - 5,4 turbo ko
19:00 - 5,5 frys
19:15 - 11 frys
19:15 - 8,8 6max
20:00 - 11 frys
20:15 - 1,1 3xturbo rebuy
20:30 - 3,3 rebuy
20:30 - 13,5 ko
21:00 - 5,5 turbo
21:15 - 5,4 ko turbo
21:30 - 11 frys
21:45 - 2,2 zoom
Program 29/9. Der vil blive spillet 180mands
skidt session spillet 180mands 3$rebuy samt 8$ 180 mands
1 cash på 8,5$
Program 5/10. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af dagen og aftenen.
11:15 8,8 frys
11:30 5,5 reb 2units
11:45 4,4 4max
12:00 11 6max turbo 63$
12:00 1,1 frys
12:15 3,3 rebu
12:30 3,3 time 6,72$
12:30 3,3 turbo
12:45 8,8 zoom
13:00 22 6max
13:00 11 frys
13:30 4,4 frys 69$
14:00 3,3 frys 10$
14:00 1,1 6max turbo
14:16 4,4 sat til 27 ko
14:30 5,5 hyper 16$
14:45 5,5 hyper
14:45 2,2 rebuy 24$
15:00 5,5 frys
15:00 1,3 turbo ko
15:15 5,5 re 2u
15:30 3,3 time
15:30 2,2 rebuy
15:45 5,4 turboko
15:45 3,3 6max 38$
16:15 5,5 frys
16:30 13,5 ko
16:45 4,4 frys 29$
16:45 5,1 hyper
16:45 11 frys
17:00 8,8 frys
Program 6/10. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af dagen og aftenen.
13:45 4,4 frys
14:22 22 sat
14:23 3,3 reb sat
14:30 5,1 hyper
14:30 5,5 reb turbo
14:45 5,1 hyper
14:45 1,65 reb sat
15:00 5,5 frys
15:00 1,35 turbo ko
+ en masse aften tours,
Program 7/10
en blanding af 180 mands sng
Det blev til 1 cash, hvilket dog også var en 2 plads i en 15$ 180 mands til 495$
program 11/10 bliver grindet mtt's i aften 9 tabler op til 22$ tours, som Nazzgul har givet tilladelse til.
17:00 - 8,8 frys
17:45 - 5,5 frys
18:00 - 2,2 reb
18:00 - 22 frys
18:15 - 11 1r1a 2units
18:15 - 8,8 frys
18:15 - 2,7 turbo ko
18:30 - 11 turbo
18:30 - 4,4 reb 4max
18:45 - 5,4 turbo ko
19:30 - 16,5 turbo
20:00 - 11 frys
20:15 - 1,1 reb turbo
14 plads i hot 16,5, men fair nok, kortdød i endgame
PokerStars Hand #105356970410: Tournament #797371091, $15.00+$1.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVI (17500/35000) - 2013/10/11 22:46:36 CET [2013/10/11 16:46:36 ET]
Table '797371091 184' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 2: Mr.Provocate (1385813 in chips)
Seat 3: antwon_fish (430448 in chips)
Seat 4: PaddO97 (624506 in chips)
Seat 5: Pstar80 (331714 in chips)
Seat 6: arnoldik AAA (221704 in chips)
Seat 7: dismarc (2358482 in chips)
Seat 8: sbj1000 (145292 in chips)
Mr.Provocate: posts the ante 4375
antwon_fish: posts the ante 4375
PaddO97: posts the ante 4375
Pstar80: posts the ante 4375
arnoldik AAA: posts the ante 4375
dismarc: posts the ante 4375
sbj1000: posts the ante 4375
PaddO97: posts small blind 17500
Pstar80: posts big blind 35000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [9h Qs]
arnoldik AAA: folds
Mr.Provocate said, ":D"
dismarc: folds
antwon_fish said, "over there"
sbj1000: raises 105917 to 140917 and is all-in
Mr.Provocate: raises 1240521 to 1381438 and is all-in
antwon_fish: folds
PaddO97: folds
Pstar80: folds
Uncalled bet (1240521) returned to Mr.Provocate
Mr.Provocate said, "hope not"
*** FLOP *** [3h 6s Th]
*** TURN *** [3h 6s Th] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [3h 6s Th Ks] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sbj1000: shows [9h Qs] (high card King)
Mr.Provocate: shows [Jc Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
Mr.Provocate collected 364959 from pot
sbj1000 finished the tournament in 14th place and received $238.83.
Mr.Provocate said, "gg"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 364959 | Rake 0
Board [3h 6s Th Ks 8h]
Seat 2: Mr.Provocate showed [Jc Jd] and won (364959) with a pair of Jacks
Seat 3: antwon_fish (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: PaddO97 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Pstar80 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: arnoldik AAA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: dismarc folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: sbj1000 showed [9h Qs] and lost with high card King
Og en 16plads i en lille 4$ rebuy 4 max :(
PokerStars Hand #105357686002: Tournament #797401405, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (800/1600) - 2013/10/11 23:03:00 CET [2013/10/11 17:03:00 ET]
Table '797401405 25' 4-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: shershen88 (64180 in chips)
Seat 2: VIPERstar.ru (25948 in chips)
Seat 3: el gum (139975 in chips)
Seat 4: sbj1000 (32629 in chips)
shershen88: posts the ante 160
VIPERstar.ru: posts the ante 160
el gum: posts the ante 160
sbj1000: posts the ante 160
sbj1000: posts small blind 800
shershen88: posts big blind 1600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [Ts Tc]
VIPERstar.ru: folds
el gum: folds
sbj1000: raises 1600 to 3200
shershen88: raises 60820 to 64020 and is all-in
sbj1000: calls 29269 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (31551) returned to shershen88
*** FLOP *** [3c 7s Kd]
*** TURN *** [3c 7s Kd] [Ad]
*** RIVER *** [3c 7s Kd Ad] [As]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sbj1000: shows [Ts Tc] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
shershen88: shows [Ah 8s] (three of a kind, Aces)
shershen88 collected 65578 from pot
sbj1000 finished the tournament in 16th place and received $49.50.
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 65578 | Rake 0
Board [3c 7s Kd Ad As]
Seat 1: shershen88 (big blind) showed [Ah 8s] and won (65578) with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 2: VIPERstar.ru folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: el gum (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: sbj1000 (small blind) showed [Ts Tc] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens
Starter op nu !
program 12/10 bliver grindet mtt's i aften 9 tabler op til 22$ tours, som Nazzgul har givet tilladelse til.
16:00 - 27 ko
16:30 - 8,8 reb 3units
16:30 - 2,2 rebuy
16:45 - 11 frys
16:45 - 22 super ko
17:00 - 8,8 frys
17:00 - 2,2, reb turbo
17:15 - 5,5 2r 1a
17:30 - 8,8 1r1a
17:30 - 13,5 ko
18:00 - 22 frys
18:30 - 11 turbo
18:45 - 5,4 turbo ko
6 tilbage
PokerStars Hand #105400883501: Tournament #797401386, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVIII (4000/8000) - 2013/10/12 21:52:01 CET [2013/10/12 15:52:01 ET]
Table '797401386 39' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: ThieryH (61526 in chips)
Seat 2: 21011950 (138703 in chips)
Seat 3: PokerDan18 (471603 in chips)
Seat 4: sbj1000 (203834 in chips)
Seat 7: chaavees (429721 in chips)
Seat 8: stahlbeton32 (82214 in chips)
Seat 9: mirpkrchamp (169399 in chips)
ThieryH: posts the ante 1000
21011950: posts the ante 1000
PokerDan18: posts the ante 1000
sbj1000: posts the ante 1000
chaavees: posts the ante 1000
stahlbeton32: posts the ante 1000
mirpkrchamp: posts the ante 1000
stahlbeton32: posts small blind 4000
mirpkrchamp: posts big blind 8000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [Qc Qd]
ThieryH: raises 52526 to 60526 and is all-in
21011950: folds
PokerDan18: folds
sbj1000: raises 142308 to 202834 and is all-in
chaavees: folds
stahlbeton32: folds
mirpkrchamp: folds
Uncalled bet (142308) returned to sbj1000
*** FLOP *** [4h Qs 4d]
*** TURN *** [4h Qs 4d] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [4h Qs 4d 9s] [5d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ThieryH: shows [Th Ah] (a pair of Fours)
sbj1000: shows [Qc Qd] (a full house, Queens full of Fours)
sbj1000 collected 140052 from pot
ThieryH finished the tournament in 7th place and received $168.67.
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 140052 | Rake 0
Board [4h Qs 4d 9s 5d]
Seat 1: ThieryH showed [Th Ah] and lost with a pair of Fours
Seat 2: 21011950 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: PokerDan18 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: sbj1000 showed [Qc Qd] and won (140052) with a full house, Queens full of Fours
Seat 7: chaavees (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: stahlbeton32 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: mirpkrchamp (big blind) folded before Flop
5 plads :(
PokerStars Hand #105401403270: Tournament #797401386, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVIII (4000/8000) - 2013/10/12 22:03:47 CET [2013/10/12 16:03:47 ET]
Table '797401386 39' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: 21011950 (214406 in chips)
Seat 3: PokerDan18 (530603 in chips)
Seat 4: sbj1000 (138146 in chips)
Seat 7: chaavees (394721 in chips)
Seat 8: stahlbeton32 (217428 in chips)
Seat 9: mirpkrchamp (61696 in chips)
21011950: posts the ante 1000
PokerDan18: posts the ante 1000
sbj1000: posts the ante 1000
chaavees: posts the ante 1000
stahlbeton32: posts the ante 1000
mirpkrchamp: posts the ante 1000
PokerDan18: posts small blind 4000
sbj1000: posts big blind 8000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [Ac As]
chaavees: folds
stahlbeton32: folds
mirpkrchamp: raises 8000 to 16000
21011950: folds
PokerDan18: raises 513603 to 529603 and is all-in
sbj1000: calls 129146 and is all-in
mirpkrchamp: calls 44696 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (392457) returned to PokerDan18
*** FLOP *** [8d 6h Js]
*** TURN *** [8d 6h Js] [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [8d 6h Js Tc] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
PokerDan18: shows [6c 6d] (three of a kind, Sixes)
sbj1000: shows [Ac As] (a pair of Aces)
PokerDan18 collected 152900 from side pot
mirpkrchamp: shows [Kc Kd] (a pair of Kings)
PokerDan18 collected 188088 from main pot
sbj1000 finished the tournament in 5th place and received $280.26.
mirpkrchamp finished the tournament in 6th place and received $220.57.
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 340988 Main pot 188088. Side pot 152900. | Rake 0
Board [8d 6h Js Tc 9s]
Seat 2: 21011950 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: PokerDan18 (small blind) showed [6c 6d] and won (340988) with three of a kind, Sixes
Seat 4: sbj1000 (big blind) showed [Ac As] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 7: chaavees folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: stahlbeton32 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: mirpkrchamp showed [Kc Kd] and lost with a pair of Kings
Hey mate. Flot med endnu et ft, men godt nok en klam måde at ryge ud på!!
Savner rail trådene fra de sidste to gange du har spillet... Hvordan kan det være du er stoppt med dem?
Ja den var lidt klam.
Var i tvivl om du brugte railtrådene, men skal nok oprette til næste gang.
Derudover regner jeg ikke med den store grind i dag, kan godt være der bliver regget til lidt få tours i eftermiddag.
Ok håber på at se dig i nogle stykker:) ville være super med rail tråde igen;)
Program 13/10. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af aftenen.
15:00 5,5 frys
15:15 5,5 2r1a
15:30 16,5 frys
15:30 2,2 rebuy
16:15 5,5 frys
16:30 8,8 rebuy
16:30 2,2 rebuy
16:45 22 super ko
16:45 11 frys
nice får en 5plads i stedet for en 6 plads :)
PokerStars Hand #105543232954: Tournament #802703598, $13.77+$1.23 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (1500/3000) - 2013/10/15 19:40:07 CET [2013/10/15 13:40:07 ET]
Table '802703598 6' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 2: sbj1000 (89 in chips)
Seat 5: Kuubek (96965 in chips)
Seat 6: Naeem Afridi (32762 in chips)
Seat 7: der_Naftunat (77726 in chips)
Seat 8: ihatemonday (28762 in chips)
Seat 9: PoKeRaRcSuNY (33696 in chips)
sbj1000: posts the ante 89 and is all-in
Kuubek: posts the ante 300
Naeem Afridi: posts the ante 300
der_Naftunat: posts the ante 300
ihatemonday: posts the ante 300
PoKeRaRcSuNY: posts the ante 300
Kuubek: posts big blind 3000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [2c 5d]
Naeem Afridi: folds
der_Naftunat: folds
ihatemonday: folds
PoKeRaRcSuNY: raises 30396 to 33396 and is all-in
Kuubek: calls 30396
*** FLOP *** [4d Kc Ac]
*** TURN *** [4d Kc Ac] [5c]
*** RIVER *** [4d Kc Ac 5c] [3d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Kuubek: shows [Kd Jh] (a pair of Kings)
PoKeRaRcSuNY: shows [Qd 7c] (high card Ace)
Kuubek collected 67847 from side pot
sbj1000: shows [2c 5d] (a straight, Ace to Five)
sbj1000 collected 534 from main pot
PoKeRaRcSuNY finished the tournament in 6th place and received $106.57.
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 68381 Main pot 534. Side pot 67847. | Rake 0
Board [4d Kc Ac 5c 3d]
Seat 2: sbj1000 (small blind) showed [2c 5d] and won (534) with a straight, Ace to Five
Seat 5: Kuubek (big blind) showed [Kd Jh] and won (67847) with a pair of Kings
Seat 6: Naeem Afridi folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: der_Naftunat folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: ihatemonday folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: PoKeRaRcSuNY (button) showed [Qd 7c] and lost with high card Ace
Er også på 8$ ft nu :)
2/4 ved break
3plads efter disse 2
PokerStars Hand #105544393605: Tournament #802707276, $7.34+$0.66 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (3000/6000) - 2013/10/15 20:04:03 CET [2013/10/15 14:04:03 ET]
Table '802707276 20' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 7: sbj1000 (105232 in chips)
Seat 8: MartinAltman (114284 in chips)
Seat 9: rijkov49 (50484 in chips)
sbj1000: posts the ante 600
MartinAltman: posts the ante 600
rijkov49: posts the ante 600
MartinAltman: posts small blind 3000
rijkov49: posts big blind 6000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [2c Ah]
sbj1000: raises 6000 to 12000
MartinAltman: folds
rijkov49: calls 6000
*** FLOP *** [4c Ad Jc]
rijkov49: bets 12000
sbj1000: raises 60000 to 72000
rijkov49: calls 25884 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (34116) returned to sbj1000
*** TURN *** [4c Ad Jc] [3h]
*** RIVER *** [4c Ad Jc 3h] [9h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
rijkov49: shows [4d Jd] (two pair, Jacks and Fours)
sbj1000: shows [2c Ah] (a pair of Aces)
rijkov49 collected 104568 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 104568 | Rake 0
Board [4c Ad Jc 3h 9h]
Seat 7: sbj1000 (button) showed [2c Ah] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 8: MartinAltman (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: rijkov49 (big blind) showed [4d Jd] and won (104568) with two pair, Jacks and Fours
PokerStars Hand #105544431829: Tournament #802707276, $7.34+$0.66 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (3000/6000) - 2013/10/15 20:04:45 CET [2013/10/15 14:04:45 ET]
Table '802707276 20' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 7: sbj1000 (54748 in chips)
Seat 8: MartinAltman (110684 in chips)
Seat 9: rijkov49 (104568 in chips)
sbj1000: posts the ante 600
MartinAltman: posts the ante 600
rijkov49: posts the ante 600
rijkov49: posts small blind 3000
sbj1000: posts big blind 6000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [As 2s]
MartinAltman: folds
rijkov49: raises 6000 to 12000
sbj1000: raises 42148 to 54148 and is all-in
rijkov49: calls 42148
*** FLOP *** [5h 6d 9c]
*** TURN *** [5h 6d 9c] [7d]
*** RIVER *** [5h 6d 9c 7d] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
rijkov49: shows [Tc Ts] (a straight, Six to Ten)
sbj1000: shows [As 2s] (a straight, Five to Nine)
rijkov49 collected 110096 from pot
sbj1000 finished the tournament in 3rd place and received $150.61.
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 110096 | Rake 0
Board [5h 6d 9c 7d 8h]
Seat 7: sbj1000 (big blind) showed [As 2s] and lost with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 8: MartinAltman (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: rijkov49 (small blind) showed [Tc Ts] and won (110096) with a straight, Six to Ten
Program 18/10. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af eftermiddagen/aftenen.
Brok i den med livepoker. Så der bliver grindet online i stedet !
19/10 der vil blive grindet mtt's aftenen og natten.
Update: skidt session ingen dybe runs og en masse minimum cashes i de små turneringer.
sattelit søndag.
der vil blive spillet sattelitter til større tours samt, carnival eventsne
endnu en 109 billet shippet. 3 i dag, mens det ikke er gået så godt i de almindelige tours
Og ude af 109$
skubber mod knapåbning fra agrro fyr
PokerStars Hand #105795677599: Tournament #800000000, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (150/300) - 2013/10/20 22:39:34 CET [2013/10/20 16:39:34 ET]
Table '800000000 1943' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Redr0m (11658 in chips)
Seat 2: Smurphtown21 (3724 in chips)
Seat 3: TecShadow (1275 in chips)
Seat 4: Anatoliy6668 (6867 in chips)
Seat 5: jame25 (11361 in chips)
Seat 6: zavor (16837 in chips)
Seat 7: sbj1000 (6910 in chips)
Seat 8: Real Alfa (4205 in chips)
Seat 9: topoin1908 (4558 in chips)
Redr0m: posts the ante 40
Smurphtown21: posts the ante 40
TecShadow: posts the ante 40
Anatoliy6668: posts the ante 40
jame25: posts the ante 40
zavor: posts the ante 40
sbj1000: posts the ante 40
Real Alfa: posts the ante 40
topoin1908: posts the ante 40
sbj1000: posts small blind 150
Real Alfa: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to sbj1000 [Ac 8d]
topoin1908: folds
Redr0m: folds
Smurphtown21: folds
TecShadow: folds
Anatoliy6668: folds
jame25: folds
zavor: raises 300 to 600
sbj1000: raises 6270 to 6870 and is all-in
Real Alfa: folds
zavor: calls 6270
*** FLOP *** [Th Tc 5h]
*** TURN *** [Th Tc 5h] [Jd]
*** RIVER *** [Th Tc 5h Jd] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sbj1000: shows [Ac 8d] (a pair of Tens)
zavor: shows [Jc Ah] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
zavor collected 14400 from pot
sbj1000 finished the tournament in 6430th place
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 14400 | Rake 0
Board [Th Tc 5h Jd 6h]
Seat 1: Redr0m folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Smurphtown21 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: TecShadow folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Anatoliy6668 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: jame25 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: zavor (button) showed [Jc Ah] and won (14400) with two pair, Jacks and Tens
Seat 7: sbj1000 (small blind) showed [Ac 8d] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 8: Real Alfa (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: topoin1908 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Program 25/10. Der vil blive fyldt tours på når jeg buster, satser på at 9table det meste af eftermiddagen/aftenen.
opretter railtråd til sjove hænder og busthænder.
Program 26/10. Vil i dag spille et mix af 180mands turbo sng 9tabling
regner med at tage 2 sessions i dag. hænder vil komme i railtråd