Staker til 5K kl 15

#1| 0

ligger syg og keder mig, så jeg snupper et par stykker her til kl 15,

standard 50/50 deal

kom frisk

17-11-2008 14:40 #2| 0


nick: koota

17-11-2008 14:42 #3| 0

Jeg gør gerne et forsøg på at underholde.

Nick: kenjan1

17-11-2008 14:43 #4| 0

doolce og kenjan, i er på, $ sendt

17-11-2008 14:44 #6| 0

Jeg er klar :) Stars nick dabl , har haft 3 final tables på bossen inden for de sidste 2 uger :)

17-11-2008 14:44 #5| 0

er frisk jeanne4700

17-11-2008 14:45 #7| 0

Jeg er helt klar. Spiller stabilt og rullen bliver først fornyet i aften, så det er perfekt:)


17-11-2008 14:47 #8| 0

jeg er også klar.

nick mathiasdk

17-11-2008 14:47 #9| 0

Modtaget og regged.

17-11-2008 14:47 #11| 0

modtaget og regged. ty and gl :)

17-11-2008 14:47 #10| 0

dennis og eeben i er også på, meld lige tilbage når $ modtaget og i er regged

17-11-2008 14:48 #13| 0

Modtaget og regged.

17-11-2008 14:48 #12| 0

cowzkull du er sidste man, GOGOGo TEAM

17-11-2008 14:49 #14| 0

modtaget regged

17-11-2008 14:50 #15| 0

Jeg er frisk. Nick: ma10as_durr

17-11-2008 14:50 #16| 0

Gad os godt med da! Keeeeder mig...

17-11-2008 14:50 #17| 0

Takker mange gange :D

Modtaget og regged .

17-11-2008 14:53 #18| 0

jeg er frisk Pokerman3333

17-11-2008 14:54 #19| 0

Hvis du også keder dig i aften er jeg klar på en kl.20 ;-)

nick kall


17-11-2008 14:58 #20| 0

sry, boys holder mig til de 5 udvalgte i denne tour, men mon ikke der kommer noget senere

17-11-2008 15:01 #21| 0

PokerStars Spil #22116960730: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 17/11/2008 9:00:00 ET
Bord '120443064 193' 9-max Knappen er på plads #1
Plads 1: cha34 (3000 i chips)
Plads 2: jeanne4700 (3000 i chips)
Plads 3: Chief104 (3000 i chips)
Plads 5: danseur_89 (3000 i chips)
Plads 7: Mike Kong (3000 i chips)
Plads 8: EUREKA96 (3000 i chips)
Plads 9: Rplos (3000 i chips)
jeanne4700: poster small blind 10
Chief104: poster big blind 20
*** KORT ***
Givet til jeanne4700 [7c 5d]
danseur_89: folder
Mike Kong: folder
EUREKA96: folder
Rplos: kalder 20
cha34: kalder 20
jeanne4700: folder
Chief104: checker
*** FLOP *** [9d Ts Qd]
Chief104: checker
Rplos: better 40
cha34: raiser 80 til 120
Chief104: folder
Rplos: kalder 80
*** TURN *** [9d Ts Qd] [9c]
Rplos: checker
cha34: better 260
Rplos: kalder 260
*** RIVER *** [9d Ts Qd 9c] [Td]
Kasban er online
Rplos: checker
cha34: checker
*** SHOWDOWN ***
Rplos: viser [8s Ad] (to par, tiere og niere)
cha34: viser [Jh Ks] (en straight, ni til konge)
cha34 vandt 830 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 830 | Rake 0
Bord [9d Ts Qd 9c Td]
Plads 1: cha34 (knap) viste [Jh Ks] og vandt (830) med en straight, ni til konge
Plads 2: jeanne4700 (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 3: Chief104 (big blind) foldede på flop
Plads 5: danseur_89 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 7: Mike Kong foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: EUREKA96 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: Rplos viste [8s Ad] og tabte med to par, tiere og niere

17-11-2008 15:02 #22| 0

1. hånd.:

PokerStars Game #22116960795: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/11/17 15:00:00 CET [2008/11/17 9:00:00 ET]
Table '120443064 179' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: scabbyqueen (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 3: knalelr (3000 in chips)
Seat 4: The_C_SC (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: sulu55 (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: BryanGotNuts (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 8: kenjan1 (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: zwilling81 (3000 in chips)
knalelr: posts small blind 10
The_C_SC: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to kenjan1 [Kd Jh]
sulu55: folds
BryanGotNuts: folds
scabbyqueen has returned
kenjan1: folds
zwilling81: folds
scabbyqueen: calls 20
knalelr: folds
The_C_SC: checks
*** FLOP *** [2s 2d 9h]
The_C_SC: checks
scabbyqueen: bets 20
The_C_SC: folds
Uncalled bet (20) returned to scabbyqueen
scabbyqueen collected 50 from pot
scabbyqueen: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 50 | Rake 0
Board [2s 2d 9h]
Seat 2: scabbyqueen (button) collected (50)
Seat 3: knalelr (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: The_C_SC (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: sulu55 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: BryanGotNuts folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: kenjan1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: zwilling81 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 15:03 #23| 0

Foldede 67 i første hånd. Finder den lidt ligegyldig:)

17-11-2008 15:04 #25| 0

yep, 1 hånd er jævnt useless :) medmindre man dobler eller buster....hehe

17-11-2008 15:04 #24| 0

1. hånd

PokerStars Game #22116960716: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/11/17 9:00:00 ET
Table '120443064 152' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Hanno57 (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 3: Damienraise (3000 in chips)
Seat 4: XXxxRagexxXX (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: koota (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 6: xVesperx (3000 in chips)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: Tbird33 (3000 in chips)
Damienraise: posts small blind 10
XXxxRagexxXX: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to koota [5c Kd]
koota: folds
xVesperx has timed out
xVesperx: folds
xVesperx is sitting out
cuddleyhud: calls 20
Tbird33: folds
Hanno57: folds
Damienraise: raises 120 to 140
XXxxRagexxXX: folds
cuddleyhud: calls 120
*** FLOP *** [Qc 2h Td]
Damienraise: bets 240
cuddleyhud: calls 240
*** TURN *** [Qc 2h Td] [Js]
Damienraise: checks
cuddleyhud: bets 1080
Damienraise: folds
Uncalled bet (1080) returned to cuddleyhud
cuddleyhud collected 780 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 780 | Rake 0
Board [Qc 2h Td Js]
Seat 1: Hanno57 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Damienraise (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: XXxxRagexxXX (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: koota folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: xVesperx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud collected (780)
Seat 9: Tbird33 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 15:05 #26| 0

PokerStars Game #22116960643: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/11/17 15:00:00 CET [2008/11/17 9:00:00 ET]
Table '120443064 47' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Fenris777 (3000 in chips)
Seat 2: Dabl (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: 2BLACK4DEVIL (3000 in chips)
Seat 4: oldjacek (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: SirRingoStar (3000 in chips)
Seat 7: cash4crash (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: markfel (3000 in chips)
Dabl: posts small blind 10
2BLACK4DEVIL: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dabl [Th 9d]
oldjacek: folds
SirRingoStar has timed out
SirRingoStar: folds
SirRingoStar is sitting out
cash4crash: calls 20
markfel: folds
Fenris777: folds
Dabl: calls 10
2BLACK4DEVIL: checks
*** FLOP *** [9h 5h 5d]
Dabl: bets 60
cash4crash: folds
Uncalled bet (60) returned to Dabl
Dabl collected 60 from pot
Dabl: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 60 | Rake 0
Board [9h 5h 5d]
Seat 1: Fenris777 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Dabl (small blind) collected (60)
Seat 3: 2BLACK4DEVIL (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: oldjacek folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: SirRingoStar folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: cash4crash folded on the Flop
Seat 9: markfel folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 15:06 #27| 0

Skidt river...

PokerStars Spil #22117029126: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 17/11/2008 9:04:37 ET
Bord '120443064 199' 9-max Knappen er på plads #7
Plads 1: RockChill (3000 i chips)
Plads 2: RATSREKOP52 (3140 i chips)
Plads 3: leaf99 (2980 i chips)
Plads 5: Majope (2960 i chips)
Plads 6: forstuvning (2990 i chips)
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (5870 i chips)
Plads 8: loopfer (3060 i chips)
Plads 9: qlivian (3000 i chips)
loopfer: poster small blind 10
qlivian: poster big blind 20
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [Ts Td]
RockChill: folder
RATSREKOP52: raiser 80 til 100
leaf99: folder
Majope: folder
forstuvning: kalder 100
3-Hattrick-3: folder
loopfer: folder
qlivian: kalder 80
*** FLOP *** [2h Qh Jh]
qlivian: checker
RATSREKOP52: checker
forstuvning: better 160
qlivian: folder
RATSREKOP52: kalder 160
*** TURN *** [2h Qh Jh] [Qd]
RATSREKOP52: checker
forstuvning: checker
*** RIVER *** [2h Qh Jh Qd] [Jc]
RATSREKOP52: better 220
forstuvning: folder
Ikke callet bet (220) returneret til RATSREKOP52
RATSREKOP52 vandt 630 fra potten
RATSREKOP52: viser [Kd Jd] (et fuldt hus, bønder over damer)
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 630 | Rake 0
Bord [2h Qh Jh Qd Jc]
Plads 1: RockChill foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: RATSREKOP52 vandt (630)
Plads 3: leaf99 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: Majope foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 6: forstuvning foldede på river
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (knap) foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: loopfer (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 9: qlivian (big blind) foldede på flop

17-11-2008 15:07 #28| 0

LOL, flot river call

PokerStars Game #22117034422: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/11/17 9:04:58 ET
Table '120443064 60' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: wrennzo (2890 in chips)
Seat 2: VIKOOO!!! (3044 in chips)
Seat 3: Jacks3001 (2950 in chips)
Seat 4: RenevDaal (3050 in chips)
Seat 5: drwartez (2970 in chips)
Seat 7: Mauzo81 (3080 in chips)
Seat 8: Roberthol1 (3516 in chips)
Seat 9: Toxictornado (2500 in chips)
VIKOOO!!!: posts small blind 10
Jacks3001: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Toxictornado [3h 4h]
RenevDaal: folds
drwartez: folds
Mauzo81: calls 20
Roberthol1: folds
Toxictornado: raises 60 to 80
wrennzo: folds
VIKOOO!!!: folds
Jacks3001 is disconnected
Jacks3001 has timed out while disconnected
Jacks3001: folds
Jacks3001 is sitting out
Mauzo81: calls 60
*** FLOP *** [Kd 3d 7s]
Mauzo81: checks
Toxictornado: checks
*** TURN *** [Kd 3d 7s] [5h]
Mauzo81: checks
Toxictornado: bets 100
Mauzo81: calls 100
*** RIVER *** [Kd 3d 7s 5h] [6h]
Mauzo81: bets 280
Toxictornado: raises 2040 to 2320 and is all-in
Mauzo81: calls 2040
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Toxictornado: shows [3h 4h] (a straight, Three to Seven)
Mauzo81: shows [6c 7c] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
Toxictornado collected 5030 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5030 | Rake 0
Board [Kd 3d 7s 5h 6h]
Seat 1: wrennzo (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: VIKOOO!!! (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: Jacks3001 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: RenevDaal folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: drwartez folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Mauzo81 showed [6c 7c] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Sixes
Seat 8: Roberthol1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Toxictornado showed [3h 4h] and won (5030) with a straight, Three to Seven

17-11-2008 15:18 #29| 0

For fanden da os !

PokerStars Game #22117217071: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2008/11/17 15:17:04 CET [2008/11/17 9:17:04 ET]
Table '120443064 47' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Fenris777 (3220 in chips)
Seat 2: Dabl (3060 in chips)
Seat 3: 2BLACK4DEVIL (1130 in chips)
Seat 4: oldjacek (3930 in chips)
Seat 5: SirRingoStar (2970 in chips)
Seat 6: turossdemon (2020 in chips)
Seat 7: cash4crash (3020 in chips)
Seat 8: Trueblue333 (2450 in chips)
Seat 9: markfel (5200 in chips)
oldjacek: posts small blind 15
SirRingoStar: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dabl [Qs Ah]
turossdemon: folds
cash4crash: folds
markfel said, "not this time lol"
Trueblue333: folds
markfel: folds
Fenris777: calls 30
Dabl: raises 110 to 140
2BLACK4DEVIL: raises 990 to 1130 and is all-in
oldjacek: folds
SirRingoStar: folds
Fenris777: folds
Dabl: calls 990
*** FLOP *** [9c Th Ad]
*** TURN *** [9c Th Ad] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [9c Th Ad Kd] [5s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dabl: shows [Qs Ah] (a pair of Aces)
2BLACK4DEVIL: shows [9h As] (two pair, Aces and Nines)
2BLACK4DEVIL collected 2335 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2335 | Rake 0
Board [9c Th Ad Kd 5s]
Seat 1: Fenris777 folded before Flop
Seat 2: Dabl showed [Qs Ah] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 3: 2BLACK4DEVIL (button) showed [9h As] and won (2335) with two pair, Aces and Nines
Seat 4: oldjacek (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: SirRingoStar (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: turossdemon folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: cash4crash folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Trueblue333 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: markfel folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 15:19 #30| 0

PokerStars Spil #22117233592: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 17/11/2008 9:18:10 ET
Bord '120443064 193' 9-max Knappen er på plads #5
Plads 1: cha34 (7000 i chips)
Plads 2: jeanne4700 (1110 i chips)
Plads 3: Chief104 (490 i chips)
Plads 4: europlayers (3560 i chips)
Plads 5: danseur_89 (2490 i chips)
Plads 6: Kasban (3640 i chips)
Plads 7: Mike Kong (4440 i chips)
Plads 8: EUREKA96 (1910 i chips)
Plads 9: Rplos (2360 i chips)
Kasban: poster small blind 15
Mike Kong: poster big blind 30
*** KORT ***
Givet til jeanne4700 [Kh Ad]
EUREKA96: folder
Rplos: kalder 30
cha34: folder
jeanne4700: raiser 210 til 240
Chief104: raiser 250 til 490 og er all-in
europlayers: folder
danseur_89: kalder 490
Kasban: folder
Mike Kong: folder
Rplos: folder
jeanne4700: kalder 250
*** FLOP *** [Ah 9h 8s]
jeanne4700: better 240
danseur_89: kalder 240
*** TURN *** [Ah 9h 8s] [8c]
jeanne4700: better 380 og er all-in
danseur_89: kalder 380
*** RIVER *** [Ah 9h 8s 8c] [5h]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
jeanne4700: viser [Kh Ad] (to par, esser og ottere)
danseur_89: viser [Th Jh] (en flush, es høj)
danseur_89 vandt 1240 fra side- potten
Chief104: viser [4s 4d] (to par, ottere og firere)
danseur_89 vandt 1545 fra hoved- potten
Venjur er online
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 2785 hoved- pot 1545. side- pot 1240. | Rake 0
Bord [Ah 9h 8s 8c 5h]
Plads 1: cha34 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: jeanne4700 viste [Kh Ad] og tabte med to par, esser og ottere
Plads 3: Chief104 viste [4s 4d] og tabte med to par, ottere og firere
Plads 4: europlayers foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: danseur_89 (knap) viste [Th Jh] og vandt (2785) med en flush, es høj
Plads 6: Kasban (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 7: Mike Kong (big blind) foldede før flop
Plads 8: EUREKA96 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: Rplos foldede før flop

17-11-2008 15:22 #31| 0

Tjah... Øv.

PokerStars Spil #22117271569: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 17/11/2008 9:20:40 ET
Bord '120443064 199' 9-max Knappen er på plads #3
Plads 1: RockChill (6530 i chips)
Plads 2: QnofSheeba (2640 i chips)
Plads 3: leaf99 (3250 i chips)
Plads 4: kingschlupf (3680 i chips)
Plads 5: Majope (3060 i chips)
Plads 6: forstuvning (2735 i chips)
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (5540 i chips)
Plads 8: loopfer (2459 i chips)
Plads 9: qlivian (3211 i chips)
kingschlupf: poster small blind 15
Majope: poster big blind 30
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [Qs Ah]
forstuvning: raiser 60 til 90
3-Hattrick-3: folder
loopfer: folder
qlivian: folder
RockChill: kalder 90
QnofSheeba: folder
leaf99: raiser 270 til 360
kingschlupf: folder
Majope: folder
forstuvning: kalder 270
RockChill: raiser 6170 til 6530 og er all-in
leaf99: kalder 2890 og er all-in
forstuvning: folder
Ikke callet bet (3280) returneret til RockChill
*** FLOP *** [Th Ts Qh]
*** TURN *** [Th Ts Qh] [7d]
*** RIVER *** [Th Ts Qh 7d] [Jh]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
RockChill: viser [Jc Ac] (to par, bønder og tiere)
leaf99: viser [Ks Kd] (to par, konger og tiere)
leaf99 vandt 6905 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 6905 | Rake 0
Bord [Th Ts Qh 7d Jh]
Plads 1: RockChill viste [Jc Ac] og tabte med to par, bønder og tiere
Plads 2: QnofSheeba foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 3: leaf99 (knap) viste [Ks Kd] og vandt (6905) med to par, konger og tiere
Plads 4: kingschlupf (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 5: Majope (big blind) foldede før flop
Plads 6: forstuvning foldede før flop
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: loopfer foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: qlivian foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

17-11-2008 15:32 #32| 0

Så gik det endelig min vej :D

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $5.00+$0.50 Tournament, 15/30 Blinds (9 handed) -

MP2 (t1190)
Hero (MP3) (t1685)
CO (t4640)
Button (t4110)
SB (t2415)
BB (t3985)
UTG (t3180)
UTG+1 (t330)
MP1 (t5465)

[color=#009B00]Hero's M: 37.44

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with 9, 9
[color=#666666]1 fold, UTG+1 calls t30, [color=#666666]2 folds, [color=#CC3333]Hero raises to t120, [color=#666666]2 folds, SB calls t105, BB calls t90, UTG+1 calls t90

Flop: (t480) 7, 10, 2 [color=#009B00](4 players)
[color=#CC3333]SB bets t150, [color=#666666]1 fold, [color=#CC3333]UTG+1 raises to t210 (All-In), Hero calls t210, SB calls t60

Turn: (t1110) 5 [color=#009B00](3 players, 1 all-in)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: (t1110) A [color=#009B00](3 players, 1 all-in)
SB checks, Hero checks

Total pot: t1110

SB had 6, 6 (one pair, sixes).
UTG+1 mucked 3, 3 (one pair, threes).
Hero had 9, 9 (one pair, nines).
Outcome: Hero won t1110

17-11-2008 15:47 #33| 0

Ikke min dag i dag...

PokerStars Spil #22117632229: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 17/11/2008 9:43:58 ET
Bord '120443064 199' 9-max Knappen er på plads #6
Plads 1: RockChill (4510 i chips)
Plads 2: JHNordaker (7925 i chips)
Plads 3: leaf99 (6780 i chips)
Plads 4: Fustamente (5581 i chips)
Plads 5: Majope (1510 i chips)
Plads 6: forstuvning (2555 i chips)
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (6501 i chips)
Plads 8: loopfer (4560 i chips)
Plads 9: qlivian (4123 i chips)
3-Hattrick-3: poster small blind 25
loopfer: poster big blind 50
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [Jd Kd]
qlivian: folder
RockChill: folder
JHNordaker: folder
leaf99 har brugt al TID
leaf99: folder
leaf99 sidder ude
leaf99 er tilbage
Fustamente: folder
Majope: kalder 50
forstuvning: kalder 50
3-Hattrick-3: kalder 25
loopfer: checker
*** FLOP *** [2h Ts 9s]
3-Hattrick-3: checker
loopfer: checker
Majope: checker
forstuvning: checker
*** TURN *** [2h Ts 9s] [Jh]
3-Hattrick-3: checker
loopfer: checker
Majope: better 150
forstuvning: kalder 150
3-Hattrick-3: folder
loopfer: folder
*** RIVER *** [2h Ts 9s Jh] [Qh]
Majope: better 350
forstuvning: raiser 350 til 700
Majope: raiser 610 til 1310 og er all-in
forstuvning: kalder 610
*** SHOWDOWN ***
Majope: viser [Kh 3h] (en flush, konge høj)
forstuvning: viser [Jd Kd] (en straight, ni til konge)
Majope vandt 3120 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 3120 | Rake 0
Bord [2h Ts 9s Jh Qh]
Plads 1: RockChill foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: JHNordaker foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 3: leaf99 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 4: Fustamente foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: Majope viste [Kh 3h] og vandt (3120) med en flush, konge høj
Plads 6: forstuvning (knap) viste [Jd Kd] og tabte med en straight, ni til konge
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (small blind) foldede på turn
Plads 8: loopfer (big blind) foldede på turn
Plads 9: qlivian foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

17-11-2008 15:53 #34| 0

PokerStars Game #22117756372: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/17 15:51:42 CET [2008/11/17 9:51:42 ET]
Table '120443064 179' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: SirGarfield (1920 in chips)
Seat 2: scabbyqueen (5905 in chips)
Seat 3: romuseeuw (4625 in chips)
Seat 4: pepe4562 (1930 in chips)
Seat 5: toneski (8270 in chips)
Seat 6: BryanGotNuts (4010 in chips)
Seat 7: andyquan (8180 in chips)
Seat 8: kenjan1 (2215 in chips)
Seat 9: zwilling81 (5065 in chips)
kenjan1: posts small blind 50
zwilling81: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to kenjan1 [Jc Jh]
SirGarfield: folds
scabbyqueen: folds
romuseeuw: folds
pepe4562: raises 400 to 500
toneski: calls 500
BryanGotNuts: folds
andyquan: folds
kenjan1: raises 1715 to 2215 and is all-in
zwilling81: folds
pepe4562: calls 1430 and is all-in
toneski: folds
Uncalled bet (285) returned to kenjan1
*** FLOP *** [8s Qd 4c]
*** TURN *** [8s Qd 4c] [Qs]
*** RIVER *** [8s Qd 4c Qs] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
kenjan1: shows [Jc Jh] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
pepe4562: shows [Jd Ah] (two pair, Queens and Eights)
kenjan1 collected 4460 from pot
jone2006 is connected
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4460 | Rake 0
Board [8s Qd 4c Qs 8h]
Seat 1: SirGarfield folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: scabbyqueen folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: romuseeuw folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: pepe4562 showed [Jd Ah] and lost with two pair, Queens and Eights
Seat 5: toneski folded before Flop
Seat 6: BryanGotNuts folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: andyquan (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: kenjan1 (small blind) showed [Jc Jh] and won (4460) with two pair, Queens and Jacks
Seat 9: zwilling81 (big blind) folded before Flop

17-11-2008 15:57 #35| 0

LOL er stadig med, men også kun lige.. fik dog lavet et comeback af de sjove ;)

først.. :S

PokerStars Game #22117679654: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/17 9:46:53 ET
Table '120443064 152' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Hanno57 (2880 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: tschaf (1944 in chips)
Seat 3: Damienraise (1520 in chips)
Seat 4: pumper40 (2805 in chips)
Seat 5: koota (1610 in chips)
Seat 6: xVesperx (4930 in chips)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (5355 in chips)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (4450 in chips)
Seat 9: Tbird33 (7595 in chips)
Damienraise: posts small blind 50
pumper40: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to koota [Ad Kh]
koota: raises 1510 to 1610 and is all-in
xVesperx: folds
Rockyjr23: folds
cuddleyhud: folds
Tbird33: folds
Hanno57: folds
tschaf: folds
Damienraise: calls 1470 and is all-in
pumper40: folds
Uncalled bet (90) returned to koota
*** FLOP *** [6d 8s 5c]
*** TURN *** [6d 8s 5c] [6c]
*** RIVER *** [6d 8s 5c 6c] [Qh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Damienraise: shows [7d 7h] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
koota: shows [Ad Kh] (a pair of Sixes)
Damienraise collected 3140 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3140 | Rake 0
Board [6d 8s 5c 6c Qh]
Seat 1: Hanno57 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: tschaf (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Damienraise (small blind) showed [7d 7h] and won (3140) with two pair, Sevens and Sixes
Seat 4: pumper40 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: koota showed [Ad Kh] and lost with a pair of Sixes
Seat 6: xVesperx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Tbird33 folded before Flop (didn't bet)


PokerStars Game #22117693506: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/17 9:47:45 ET
Table '120443064 152' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Hanno57 (2880 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: tschaf (1944 in chips)
Seat 3: Damienraise (3140 in chips)
Seat 4: pumper40 (2705 in chips)
Seat 5: koota (90 in chips)
Seat 6: xVesperx (4930 in chips)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (5355 in chips)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (4450 in chips)
Seat 9: Tbird33 (7595 in chips)
pumper40: posts small blind 50
koota: posts big blind 90 and is all-in
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to koota [5s Kc]
xVesperx: folds
Rockyjr23: folds
cuddleyhud: calls 100
Tbird33: folds
Hanno57: folds
tschaf: folds
Damienraise: folds
pumper40: calls 50
*** FLOP *** [5c 5h 8d]
Hanno57 has returned
pumper40: checks
cuddleyhud: checks
*** TURN *** [5c 5h 8d] [Ah]
pumper40: checks
cuddleyhud: checks
*** RIVER *** [5c 5h 8d Ah] [5d]
pumper40: checks
cuddleyhud: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
pumper40: shows [Kh Jh] (three of a kind, Fives)
cuddleyhud: mucks hand
pumper40 collected 20 from side pot
koota: shows [5s Kc] (four of a kind, Fives)
koota collected 270 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 290 Main pot 270. Side pot 20. | Rake 0
Board [5c 5h 8d Ah 5d]
Seat 1: Hanno57 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: tschaf folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Damienraise (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: pumper40 (small blind) showed [Kh Jh] and won (20) with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 5: koota (big blind) showed [5s Kc] and won (270) with four of a kind, Fives
Seat 6: xVesperx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud mucked [Td Js]
Seat 9: Tbird33 folded before Flop (didn't bet)


PokerStars Game #22117710507: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/17 9:48:49 ET
Table '120443064 152' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Hanno57 (2880 in chips)
Seat 2: tschaf (1944 in chips)
Seat 3: Damienraise (3140 in chips)
Seat 4: pumper40 (2625 in chips)
Seat 5: koota (270 in chips)
Seat 6: xVesperx (4930 in chips)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (5355 in chips)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (4350 in chips)
Seat 9: Tbird33 (7595 in chips)
koota: posts small blind 50
xVesperx: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to koota [Ac Qs]
Rockyjr23: folds
cuddleyhud: calls 100
Tbird33: folds
Hanno57: folds
tschaf: folds
Damienraise: folds
pumper40: folds
koota: raises 170 to 270 and is all-in
xVesperx: folds
cuddleyhud: calls 170
*** FLOP *** [Jh Qc Kd]
*** TURN *** [Jh Qc Kd] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [Jh Qc Kd 6d] [3c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
koota: shows [Ac Qs] (a pair of Queens)
cuddleyhud: shows [8h Th] (high card King)
koota collected 640 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 640 | Rake 0
Board [Jh Qc Kd 6d 3c]
Seat 1: Hanno57 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: tschaf folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Damienraise folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: pumper40 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: koota (small blind) showed [Ac Qs] and won (640) with a pair of Queens
Seat 6: xVesperx (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud showed [8h Th] and lost with high card King
Seat 9: Tbird33 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 15:58 #36| 0

og så lige enden af comebacket ;) den gode ende-. :D

PokerStars Game #22117759039: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/17 9:51:52 ET
Table '120443064 152' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Hanno57 (2880 in chips)
Seat 2: tschaf (1694 in chips)
Seat 3: Damienraise (3290 in chips)
Seat 4: pumper40 (2625 in chips)
Seat 5: koota (640 in chips)
Seat 6: xVesperx (4780 in chips)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (5755 in chips)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (3830 in chips)
Seat 9: Tbird33 (7595 in chips)
cuddleyhud: posts small blind 50
Tbird33: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to koota [Tc Ad]
Hanno57: calls 100
tschaf: folds
Damienraise: folds
pumper40: folds
koota: raises 540 to 640 and is all-in
xVesperx: folds
Rockyjr23: folds
cuddleyhud: calls 590
Hanno57 is disconnected
Tbird33: calls 540
Hanno57 is connected
Hanno57: folds
*** FLOP *** [7c 8s 5s]
cuddleyhud: bets 300
Tbird33: raises 600 to 900
cuddleyhud: calls 600
*** TURN *** [7c 8s 5s] [Th]
cuddleyhud: bets 2290 and is all-in
pumper40 is disconnected
Tbird33: folds
Uncalled bet (2290) returned to cuddleyhud
Tbird33 is sitting out
*** RIVER *** [7c 8s 5s Th] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
cuddleyhud: shows [Js Qs] (a pair of Eights)
Tbird33 has returned
cuddleyhud collected 1800 from side pot
koota: shows [Tc Ad] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
koota collected 2020 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3820 Main pot 2020. Side pot 1800. | Rake 0
Board [7c 8s 5s Th 8d]
Seat 1: Hanno57 folded before Flop
Seat 2: tschaf folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Damienraise folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: pumper40 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: koota showed [Tc Ad] and won (2020) with two pair, Tens and Eights
Seat 6: xVesperx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (small blind) showed [Js Qs] and won (1800) with a pair of Eights
Seat 9: Tbird33 (big blind) folded on the Turn

17-11-2008 15:58 #37| 0

Så kom heldet tilbage:)

PokerStars Spil #22117706605: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 17/11/2008 9:48:34 ET
Bord '120443064 199' 9-max Knappen er på plads #1
Plads 1: RockChill (5110 i chips)
Plads 2: JHNordaker (7825 i chips)
Plads 3: leaf99 (6780 i chips)
Plads 4: Fustamente (5731 i chips)
Plads 5: Majope (2820 i chips)
Plads 6: forstuvning (1045 i chips)
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (6451 i chips)
Plads 8: loopfer (4310 i chips)
Plads 9: qlivian (3973 i chips)
JHNordaker: poster small blind 50
leaf99: poster big blind 100
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [Qd Qs]
Fustamente: folder
Majope: raiser 200 til 300
forstuvning: raiser 745 til 1045 og er all-in
3-Hattrick-3: folder
loopfer: folder
qlivian: folder
RockChill: folder
JHNordaker: kalder 995
leaf99: folder
Majope: raiser 1775 til 2820 og er all-in
JHNordaker: kalder 1775
*** FLOP *** [Tc Qh 3c]
*** TURN *** [Tc Qh 3c] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [Tc Qh 3c 4h] [9s]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
JHNordaker: viser [Js Ah] (es høj)
Majope: viser [As Ad] (et par, esser)
Majope vandt 3550 fra side- potten
forstuvning: viser [Qd Qs] (tre ens, damer)
forstuvning vandt 3235 fra hoved- potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 6785 hoved- pot 3235. side- pot 3550. | Rake 0
Bord [Tc Qh 3c 4h 9s]
Plads 1: RockChill (knap) foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: JHNordaker (small blind) viste [Js Ah] og tabte med es høj
Plads 3: leaf99 (big blind) foldede før flop
Plads 4: Fustamente foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: Majope viste [As Ad] og vandt (3550) med et par, esser
Plads 6: forstuvning viste [Qd Qs] og vandt (3235) med tre ens, damer
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: loopfer foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: qlivian foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

17-11-2008 15:59 #38| 0


PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $5.00+$0.50 Tournament, 50/100 Blinds (9

MP2 (t5122)
Hero (MP3) (t4650)
CO (t7555)
Button (t4695)
SB (t11280)
BB (t14015)
UTG (t4270)
UTG+1 (t3205)
MP1 (t5070)

[color=#009B00]Hero's M: 31.00

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with Q, Q
[color=#666666]4 folds, [color=#CC3333]Hero raises to t400, CO calls t400, [color=#666666]3 folds

Flop: (t950) Q, 9, 8 [color=#009B00](2 players)
[color=#CC3333]Hero bets t500, CO calls t500

Turn: (t1950) 4 [color=#009B00](2 players)
[color=#CC3333]Hero bets t800, CO calls t800

River: (t3550) 9 [color=#009B00](2 players)
[color=#CC3333]Hero bets t1000, [color=#CC3333]CO raises to t3100, Hero calls t1950 (All-In)

Total pot: t9450

Hero had Q, Q (full house, Queens over nines).
CO had 9, A (three of a kind, nines).
Outcome: Hero won t9450

17-11-2008 16:01 #39| 0

9600 chips ved pausen :)

17-11-2008 16:03 #40| 0

av av av kun 1900 chips i pausen, men var helt nede i 90 chips og så vandt jeg en masse hænder i rap.. LOL.. læs ovenstående HH..

så der skal ud og arbejdes.. må det briste eller bære.. GL

17-11-2008 16:12 #42| 0

Har 3310 her efter pausen.

17-11-2008 16:12 #41| 0

ude.... crap.. lækker river A.. typisk stars-. havde ellers været godt med.

takker for stake..

PokerStars Game #22118023536: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/11/17 10:08:19 ET
Table '120443064 152' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Hanno57 (5460 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: tschaf (4894 in chips)
Seat 3: Damienraise (5090 in chips)
Seat 4: pumper40 (2475 in chips)
Seat 5: koota (1770 in chips)
Seat 6: mrtazzy (6495 in chips)
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (5205 in chips)
Seat 8: cuddleyhud (3340 in chips)
Seat 9: Tbird33 (5155 in chips)
mrtazzy: posts small blind 75
Rockyjr23: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to koota [9h 9d]
cuddleyhud: calls 150
Tbird33: calls 150
Hanno57: folds
tschaf: calls 150
Damienraise: folds
pumper40: folds
koota: raises 1620 to 1770 and is all-in
mrtazzy: calls 1695
Rockyjr23: folds
cuddleyhud: folds
Tbird33: folds
tschaf: calls 1620
*** FLOP *** [6s Qh Jd]
mrtazzy: checks
tschaf: checks
*** TURN *** [6s Qh Jd] [Kc]
mrtazzy: checks
tschaf: checks
*** RIVER *** [6s Qh Jd Kc] [Ad]
Hanno57 is connected
Hanno57 has returned
mrtazzy: checks
tschaf: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
mrtazzy: shows [2c Ac] (a pair of Aces)
tschaf: shows [7d Ah] (a pair of Aces)
koota: mucks hand
mrtazzy collected 2880 from pot
tschaf collected 2880 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5760 | Rake 0
Board [6s Qh Jd Kc Ad]
Seat 1: Hanno57 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: tschaf showed [7d Ah] and won (2880) with a pair of Aces
Seat 3: Damienraise folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: pumper40 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: koota (button) mucked [9h 9d]
Seat 6: mrtazzy (small blind) showed [2c Ac] and won (2880) with a pair of Aces
Seat 7: Rockyjr23 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: cuddleyhud folded before Flop
Seat 9: Tbird33 folded before Flop

17-11-2008 16:14 #43| 0

er selv out!

Eeben og Cow er tilbage?

17-11-2008 16:17 #44| 0


Ja bare lige et par timer endnu:)

17-11-2008 16:21 #45| 0

Hvorfor sker det her for mig altid på stars :(

*********** # 5 **************
PokerStars Game #22118197665: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/11/17 16:18:31 CET [2008/11/17 10:18:31 ET]
Table '120443064 47' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: CobraSnake17 (4250 in chips)
Seat 2: Dabl (6525 in chips)
Seat 3: US3RNAME (3605 in chips)
Seat 4: kaagent1970 (1495 in chips)
Seat 5: MJ Big Dog (13458 in chips)
Seat 6: turossdemon (13484 in chips)
Seat 7: Mor Havoc (12910 in chips)
Seat 8: GDPito (13517 in chips)
Seat 9: Simorio (10208 in chips)
CobraSnake17: posts small blind 75
Dabl: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dabl [Kh Kd]
US3RNAME: folds
kaagent1970: folds
MJ Big Dog: raises 450 to 600
turossdemon: folds
Mor Havoc: folds
GDPito: folds
Simorio: folds
CobraSnake17: folds
Dabl: raises 600 to 1200
MJ Big Dog: calls 600
*** FLOP *** [Js 9c 7c]
Dabl: bets 1100
MJ Big Dog: raises 7000 to 8100
Dabl: calls 4225 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (2775) returned to MJ Big Dog
*** TURN *** [Js 9c 7c] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [Js 9c 7c Ac] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dabl: shows [Kh Kd] (a pair of Kings)
MJ Big Dog: shows [Jc Ah] (a flush, Ace high)
MJ Big Dog collected 13125 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 13125 | Rake 0
Board [Js 9c 7c Ac Qc]
Seat 1: CobraSnake17 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: Dabl (big blind) showed [Kh Kd] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 3: US3RNAME folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: kaagent1970 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: MJ Big Dog showed [Jc Ah] and won (13125) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 6: turossdemon folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Mor Havoc folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: GDPito folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Simorio (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 16:35 #46| 0

Kenjan1 er stadig med. Ligger i 6500.

17-11-2008 16:38 #47| 0

sådan kenjan1 :)

17-11-2008 16:39 #48| 0

Tak for stake btw :)

17-11-2008 16:42 #49| 0

Circling the drain here....

PokerStars Spil #22118561189: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 17/11/2008 10:38:41 ET
Bord '120443064 199' 9-max Knappen er på plads #6
Plads 1: RockChill (11866 i chips)
Plads 2: abracadabrab (3765 i chips)
Plads 3: leaf99 (6810 i chips)
Plads 4: Fustamente (14687 i chips)
Plads 5: Majope (3705 i chips)
Plads 6: forstuvning (1070 i chips)
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (1865 i chips)
Plads 8: loopfer (10234 i chips)
Plads 9: qlivian (8398 i chips)
RockChill: poster ante 25
abracadabrab: poster ante 25
leaf99: poster ante 25
Fustamente: poster ante 25
Majope: poster ante 25
forstuvning: poster ante 25
3-Hattrick-3: poster ante 25
loopfer: poster ante 25
qlivian: poster ante 25
3-Hattrick-3: poster small blind 125
loopfer: poster big blind 250
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [3c 3h]
qlivian: raiser 500 til 750
RockChill: folder
abracadabrab: folder
leaf99: folder
Fustamente: folder
Majope: folder
forstuvning: raiser 295 til 1045 og er all-in
3-Hattrick-3: folder
loopfer: folder
qlivian: kalder 295
*** FLOP *** [Js 6s 2c]
*** TURN *** [Js 6s 2c] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [Js 6s 2c 6d] [Ts]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
qlivian: viser [Qs Kc] (et par, seksere)
forstuvning: viser [3c 3h] (to par, seksere og treere)
forstuvning vandt 2690 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 2690 | Rake 0
Bord [Js 6s 2c 6d Ts]
Plads 1: RockChill foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: abracadabrab foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 3: leaf99 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 4: Fustamente foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: Majope foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 6: forstuvning (knap) viste [3c 3h] og vandt (2690) med to par, seksere og treere
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 8: loopfer (big blind) foldede før flop
Plads 9: qlivian viste [Qs Kc] og tabte med et par, seksere

17-11-2008 16:46 #50| 0

Og det går lige så stille op igen...

PokerStars Spil #22118659842: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 17/11/2008 10:44:00 ET
Bord '120443064 199' 9-max Knappen er på plads #3
Plads 1: RockChill (11941 i chips)
Plads 2: abracadabrab (6417 i chips)
Plads 3: leaf99 (6285 i chips)
Plads 4: Fustamente (14287 i chips)
Plads 5: Majope (3555 i chips)
Plads 6: forstuvning (2565 i chips)
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 (1590 i chips)
Plads 8: loopfer (8932 i chips)
Plads 9: qlivian (6828 i chips)
RockChill: poster ante 25
abracadabrab: poster ante 25
leaf99: poster ante 25
Fustamente: poster ante 25
Majope: poster ante 25
forstuvning: poster ante 25
3-Hattrick-3: poster ante 25
loopfer: poster ante 25
qlivian: poster ante 25
Fustamente: poster small blind 125
Majope: poster big blind 250
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [Ks As]
forstuvning: raiser 750 til 1000
3-Hattrick-3: folder
loopfer: folder
qlivian: folder
RockChill: folder
abracadabrab: raiser 5392 til 6392 og er all-in
leaf99: folder
Fustamente: folder
Majope: folder
forstuvning: kalder 1540 og er all-in
Ikke callet bet (3852) returneret til abracadabrab
*** FLOP *** [4h Js Ah]
*** TURN *** [4h Js Ah] [7d]
*** RIVER *** [4h Js Ah 7d] [Kh]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
forstuvning: viser [Ks As] (to par, esser og konger)
abracadabrab: viser [Ac Tc] (et par, esser)
forstuvning vandt 5680 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 5680 | Rake 0
Bord [4h Js Ah 7d Kh]
Plads 1: RockChill foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: abracadabrab viste [Ac Tc] og tabte med et par, esser
Plads 3: leaf99 (knap) foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 4: Fustamente (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 5: Majope (big blind) foldede før flop
Plads 6: forstuvning viste [Ks As] og vandt (5680) med to par, esser og konger
Plads 7: 3-Hattrick-3 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: loopfer foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: qlivian foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

17-11-2008 16:50 #51| 0

det kører forstuvning :)

17-11-2008 17:08 #52| 0

6995 ved pause.

17-11-2008 17:10 #53| 0

8495 v. 2. pause

17-11-2008 17:15 #54| 0


17-11-2008 17:18 #55| 0


PokerStars Spil #22119255851: Turnering#120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 17/11/2008 11:15:14 ET
Bord '120443064 205' 9-max Knappen er på plads #7
Plads 1: feeladdicted (8035 i chips)
Plads 2: hansen974 (8072 i chips)
Plads 3: forstuvning (8445 i chips)
Plads 4: Strongjs (8949 i chips)
Plads 5: headhunter25 (13070 i chips)
Plads 6: MWBassman (24420 i chips)
Plads 7: ChrisSenca (13800 i chips)
Plads 8: MolokoVello (8410 i chips)
Plads 9: MJ Big Dog (10196 i chips)
feeladdicted: poster ante 50
hansen974: poster ante 50
forstuvning: poster ante 50
Strongjs: poster ante 50
headhunter25: poster ante 50
MWBassman: poster ante 50
ChrisSenca: poster ante 50
MolokoVello: poster ante 50
MJ Big Dog: poster ante 50
MolokoVello: poster small blind 200
MJ Big Dog: poster big blind 400
*** KORT ***
Givet til forstuvning [7h 7d]
feeladdicted: folder
hansen974: folder
forstuvning: raiser 800 til 1200
Strongjs: folder
headhunter25: raiser 3600 til 4800
MWBassman: folder
ChrisSenca: folder
MolokoVello: folder
MJ Big Dog: folder
forstuvning: raiser 3595 til 8395 og er all-in
headhunter25: kalder 3595
*** FLOP *** [Qh 5s Kc]
*** TURN *** [Qh 5s Kc] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [Qh 5s Kc Ac] [6d]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
forstuvning: viser [7h 7d] (et par, syvere)
headhunter25: viser [Th Ts] (et par, tiere)
headhunter25 vandt 17840 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 17840 | Rake 0
Bord [Qh 5s Kc Ac 6d]
Plads 1: feeladdicted foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: hansen974 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 3: forstuvning viste [7h 7d] og tabte med et par, syvere
Plads 4: Strongjs foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: headhunter25 viste [Th Ts] og vandt (17840) med et par, tiere
Plads 6: MWBassman foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 7: ChrisSenca (knap) foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: MolokoVello (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 9: MJ Big Dog (big blind) foldede før flop

Han havde lige spillet en rigtig donkhånd, så jeg håbede lidt på han bare var ved at tilte resten af sin stack væk... Det viste sig så ikke at være tilfældet. ØV!

Tak for stake

17-11-2008 17:20 #56| 0

det var så lidt cowz, UL....

17-11-2008 17:21 #57| 0

kenjan1 is the last man standing


17-11-2008 17:33 #58| 0

Så gik den ikke længere.

Tak for stake.

PokerStars Game #22119569041: Tournament #120443064, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2008/11/17 17:31:01 CET [2008/11/17 11:31:01 ET]
Table '120443064 112' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Csajbi412 (15946 in chips)
Seat 2: menck27 (31098 in chips)
Seat 3: kilkuzzz (18980 in chips)
Seat 4: meaneye (7194 in chips)
Seat 5: Mike Kong (8080 in chips)
Seat 6: Grulli76 (8647 in chips)
Seat 7: karkassa (22471 in chips)
Seat 8: kenjan1 (4995 in chips)
Seat 9: Bierchinese (9744 in chips)
Csajbi412: posts the ante 50
menck27: posts the ante 50
kilkuzzz: posts the ante 50
meaneye: posts the ante 50
Mike Kong: posts the ante 50
Grulli76: posts the ante 50
karkassa: posts the ante 50
kenjan1: posts the ante 50
Bierchinese: posts the ante 50
Grulli76: posts small blind 300
karkassa: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to kenjan1 [2h As]
kenjan1: raises 4345 to 4945 and is all-in
Bierchinese: folds
Csajbi412: folds
menck27: folds
kilkuzzz: raises 13985 to 18930 and is all-in
meaneye: folds
Mike Kong: folds
Grulli76: folds
karkassa: folds
Uncalled bet (13985) returned to kilkuzzz
*** FLOP *** [8h 7c 3d]
*** TURN *** [8h 7c 3d] [9h]
*** RIVER *** [8h 7c 3d 9h] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
kenjan1: shows [2h As] (high card Ace)
kilkuzzz: shows [Kc Ac] (high card Ace - King kicker)
kilkuzzz collected 11240 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 11240 | Rake 0
Board [8h 7c 3d 9h Js]
Seat 1: Csajbi412 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: menck27 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: kilkuzzz showed [Kc Ac] and won (11240) with high card Ace
Seat 4: meaneye folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Mike Kong (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: Grulli76 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: karkassa (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: kenjan1 showed [2h As] and lost with high card Ace
Seat 9: Bierchinese folded before Flop (didn't bet)

17-11-2008 17:36 #59| 0

skulle gøres kenjan

GG guys....

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