Tager stars sig også en pause hos jer?
Stars nede?
Oki - en god undskyldning for at få lavet noget fornuftigt så :-)
nogen der har en ide om, hvor lang tid det kommer til at tage før det virker igen?
De plejer bare at fortsætte når det er oppe igen.
Mao stopper de tiden ? Er med i en rebuy og vil jo gerne lave et par stykker.
Og for en gangs skyld sad jeg i scrub og have tredoblet mine chips i et cashgame :-(
Nu taber jeg så bare på Laddies
troede også at det var min connection der var gal.
havde lige floppet second nut flush med masser af action. troede at det var min connection der var røget.
Spiller udelukkende på Stars fordi de næsten aldrig er nede eller går ned midt i en tour ............næsten!
@Hvad sker der med tours der er igang ?
Fra PokerStars FAQ:
In the event of a server crash, the hands in progress at every table will be restored by rolling back these hands. Each player's chip count will be reset to the amount at the beginning of the hand. In special circumstances, when a poker tournament needs to be cancelled because of a crash or some other reason, players will be compensated according to PokerStars' poker tournament cancellation policy.
Her er hvad der sker under "special circumstances"
Roll Forward (no players in the money)
If a tournament is cancelled and we do a "roll forward" before the players are in the money, we refund each remaining player his entry fee, and then divide up the prize pool based on the following formula:
• 50% of the award pool is distributed evenly among all remaining players
• 50% of the award pool is distributed proportionally according to the chip count
Roll forward (players are in the money)
When a tournament is cancelled, and players have already reached the money, we refund each remaining player his tournament fee, and then divide up the prize pool based on the following formula:
• Each player receives the minimum prize not yet awarded at the time of cancellation
• The remainder of the award pool distributed is distributed proportionally according to the chip count
Lol håber min tour bliver aflyst, er low stack i en 100$ og de kan jo som minimum give mig buy-in tilbage
Ja, det er kun cash der er igang
Administrator: Thank you for your patience while our administrators work to resolve the current issues with the site. We will post updates as to when games will resume as soon as information becomes available.