The International Poker Open

#1| 0

Er der nogen som skal med til Dublin ?

Hvis ja hvor skal du bo osv. ??

Skal selv afsted sammen med en ven, er lige fyldt 18 så det skal da lige fejres :D

21-08-2007 19:49 #2| 0

Tager afsted med en 2-3 andre, ved ikke hvor vi bor endnu.

Men det bliver konge.

21-08-2007 19:56 #3| 0

Ja da, har aldrig spillet en live tour før, så det bliver nok min debut..

21-08-2007 20:11 #4| 0

Im in, og arbejder på at få en 3-4 pokernettere mere med.

21-08-2007 20:15 #5| 0

Hvor gode er i? Og hvad spiller i mest ?

21-08-2007 20:18 #6| 0

Jeg er rigtig, rigtig dårlig - Fisken er rigtig, rigtig fisket.

21-08-2007 20:20 #7| 0

Og jeg. er meget meget tight.. bliver altid blindet ud... har ofte folded AA preflop..

21-08-2007 20:22 #9| 0


Ja, du har ret. Enten rammer man, eller så rammer man ikke.

21-08-2007 20:22 #8| 0

Mancini ... worse one ever!!

PS, til trny'en :


Edit: eller en torsdag på cph


21-08-2007 20:23 #10| 0

Jeg tror også jeg er med. ved dog ikke helt med hvordan jeg skal komme over osv. men det kommer nok.. er lækkert med en int. turnering der er til at betale..

21-08-2007 20:36 #11| 0

Jeg regner også med at kigge forbi i ManCiniflokken. Jeg er absolut live rookie. Dette vil være min første liveturnering så håb på at vi ses ved bordene.

21-08-2007 20:40 #12| 0

Jeg er at finde derovre med Fisken og et par andre homies.. Har snakket med ManCini om fælles hotel.. Dane camp !

21-08-2007 20:41 #13| 0

Lyder lækkert, vil da glæde mig til at se en masse danskere

22-08-2007 02:58 #14| 0

If you need help with Accomoddation our partner in Ireland has prebooked hotel around the tourney area, Ballsbridge so you can mail me on [email protected] and i will help you.

Also dont forgett to sign up for the team event that run at same time (same tourney). for more info, contact me.

Kind regards

22-08-2007 05:05 #15| 0

If anyone going and dont have 6 people to put together a team and still want to be in, let me know, you can team up with some Irish lads.


03-09-2007 11:59 #16| 0

Just wanted to inform you that there are today registred 40 teams to the event and the registrations for teams are officially closed by last friday, but if anyone still want a team in you can contact me nearest days and i do my best to get you in.

With the hotel bookings we made and the teams that are registred and payed for we are facing around 400 players as it is today (they all have to register in the lobby for the tourney but as you know pokerplayers are not famous for being out in time, but team event are paid for and hotels booked)

[email protected]
[email protected]


03-09-2007 12:42 #17| 0

Overvejer at tage afsted, men det er nok synd for evt teammates at blive tvunget til at være på hold med mig : P

03-09-2007 13:28 #18| 0

Hvad er buyin?

03-09-2007 14:39 #19| 0

Buy In: ¤125 (+ ¤25 registration)

03-09-2007 14:45 #20| 0

Arh ok.... var også hvad jeg kunne finde frem til på egen hånd.... troede bare næsten ikke det kunne passe.

03-09-2007 15:22 #21| 0

Heh nej. Folk tager vel afsted pga. "liren" og ikke EV´en.

03-09-2007 15:38 #22| 0

Ud af gemmerne drenge.....

Enestående chance for at sætte Kimo Boy godt og grundigt på plads c",)

Men ja, turneringen/turen er en kombination af at der skal være plads/råd for alle, samt det faktum at det godt kunne ligne rigtig god lir. Dublin er ikke ligefrem verdens kedeligste sted og så er cashgame derovre ren verdensklasse.

I dare you guys !


03-09-2007 16:39 #23| 0

125 +25 euro for the tourney
300+30 euro for the team event (6 players)

no its not a super big in buy in event but we hope to set records here with being the biggest live tourney so far in Europe.

so come on now....... :-) and yes Dublin is a great place!!


03-09-2007 16:48 #24| 0

Lyder super og lige præcis en event som denne jeg har ventet på, desværre bliver det nok en smule for dyrt.

Det billigste jeg har fundet vil koste 6000 for fly/hotel for 2 personer.

03-09-2007 16:54 #25| 0

If you live in copenhagen its fairly easy to go to sturup, Malmö airport, ryan air fly to dublin from there. Check it out.


03-09-2007 16:55 #26| 0

Er det ik lidt langt at rejse for en 1000kr. turnering? Alene fly og hotel løber jo snildt op i det 10-dobbelte.

03-09-2007 17:07 #27| 0


Super, det tænkte jeg slet ikke på, jeg kiggede på Billund og det er lidt langt.


Jeg syntes det er helt perfekt, mit mål med poker i år var at komme ud nogle spændende steder og spille nogle live turneringer, da Ordrup ikke tæller med og jeg ikke har kvallet mig til EPTer er dette en super mulighed.

03-09-2007 17:09 #28| 0

Hotel (3 overnatninger) + plus fly fundet for 3800,-

Men som sagt, kontakt Anna, hun keder sig bravt alligevel ;)

Der er prebooket 400 værelser, så mon ikke Dronningen kan trylle et godt tilbud frem ?, tjek det ud


03-09-2007 17:11 #29| 0


Er det for 1 person?

Min kæreste vil også med :)

03-09-2007 17:22 #30| 0


Ja,det er for 1 person....3300 var det så og ikke 3800, my bad.

Men meget billigere end dette for overnatninger,samt tur/retur i fly bliver nok svært at finde.

Vi er en del som tager/tvinges til at inddrage hyænerne ...Men jo flere jo bedre, så bliver de nemmere at parkere et eller andet sted ;-)


03-09-2007 17:36 #31| 0


Nej jeg synes heller ikke det er dyrt, jeg tager også lidt afsted for oplevelsen og ikke kun poker..

14-09-2007 01:22 #32| 0

We now got 45 teams signed up for this. Danish and Swedish teams i can still get in a few more days ;-) closed for irish teams tough ......

Of course Team Mermaid got there own very strong team and if anyone is interested to take Kimo aka donk aka Cools place in it just let me know as we feel he is a bit off balance theese days pushing with 75 in DM sat ;-)

Ohh.. you didnt hear about it?

OMG you must be the only one in the whole copenhagen area who hasent!!! Man that man can nag! He can pass for a woman any day in that aspect.

Hep Hep....

14-09-2007 01:33 #33| 0

Officially pressrelease:

International Poker Open 6th/7th of October 2007

The International Poker Open 2007 (Day-1) will take place in the RDS,
Shelbourne Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 on Saturday 6th of October and
(Day-2) in the Jackpot Casino Club, Montague Street, Dublin 2 on
Sunday 7th of October.

Over 1,000 players are expected to attend and with a prize-pool of
¤125,000 this will be the largest poker tournament ever to take place
in Europe(in terms of number of players).

Entry costs E 150 (E125 + E 25registration fee).

This event is exceptional in that it offers poker players a
professional structure for an amateur fee.

The winner of this tournament can expect to take home over E 30,000
from this two day poker tournament. Players should be aware that no
cash entries will be accepted on the day and that if they wish to
participate they should visit before the 1st of
October in order to assure their entry. Online satellites are found in the lobby
for this event, only at Mermaidpoker.

This is truly an International event, so far there are players
registered from the following countries;
America, England, France, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Holland, Spain,
Gibralter, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden,Northern
Ireland, Turkey, and of course there are some Irish players too

For further information contact;

Anna ; [email protected]
Stephen; [email protected]

15-09-2007 01:04 #34| 0

WTF Pannah !!!!!!!

Playing corky when i´m not online ?

Bossen now, 2/4 pound


Besides the move was brilliant, not my fault that SB woked up with Kings ;-)

15-09-2007 02:31 #35| 0

It was is and always will be a DONKEY move, and you know it!

And how come all pokerplayers can do is to challenge HU and tables stakes, loool.. PMSL!

Seat open for Mermaid Team.. anyone?


16-09-2007 01:18 #36| 0

Some has asked for the structure for the tourney so here it is:
10,000 starting stack and a 40 minute clock.
2 Day Event.
Fully dealer dealt.

The blind structure is as follows;
12:00 1. 25-50
12:40 2. 50-100
13.20 3. 75-150
14:00 4. 100-200
14:40 5. 150-300
15:20 30 minute break – get rid of “25 chips” - chip race.
15:50 6. 200-400
16:30 7. 300-600
17:10 8. 400-800
17:50 9. 500-1000
18.30 60 minute break
19:30 10. 600-1200
20:10 11. 800-1500
20:50 12. 1000-2000
21:30 13. 1500-3000
22:10 30 minute break – get rid of “100 chips” – chip race.
22:40 14. 2000-4000
23:10 15. 3000-6000
23:50 20 min break
00:10 16. 4000-8000
00:50 17. 5000-10000
01:30…bag chips, secure chips, record chip counts and seat positions etc……


DAY 2 Sunday 7th Oct - 1 hour levels (Breaks to be decided on the day…..Prob ten minutes every two hours up to final table at which point we will take the final 9 players across the road to a great restuarant for a good feed and then get back to the action until we have a winner).
14:00 6000-12000
15:00 8000-15000
16:00 10000-20000
17:00 15000-30000
18:00 18000-36000
19:00 20000-40000
20:00 30000-60000
21:00 40000-80000
22:00 50000-100000 - Blinds might be frozen at this level.....We’ll see how its going on the night.

The Team event within the IPO start with 6000 point and the team with most point left in end wins. Our aim is that people from same team shall not sit on same table. Last day to sign up for overseas teams are 23 september. All players in the team must then also be registred at IPO. Team event you pay on the day.

Also got questions about sats for IPO, we have those ;-) look in the lobby.

16-09-2007 14:14 #37| 0

Her er oddsene på de første hvis der skal spilles lidt ved siden af.
Dog ikke særlig hurtig til at opdatere

16-09-2007 17:31 #38| 0

Still expecting over 700 players, how many is regged so far?

16-09-2007 18:18 #39| 0

i got odds on all participating so far so just ask me if you want to know anyone special. the odds list are not updated no, but we got a person handling this on the day so one can bet as tourney goes on.

Just let me now if you want specefic odds on anyoen and i let you know.


16-09-2007 18:23 #40| 0

C4 eller Kimo Donk

Hvorfor har I ikke lavet odds på undertegnede endnu? Har både tilmeldt mig og betalt.

Asger Dokkedal

16-09-2007 18:24 #41| 0


Hvad er dit screen name hos mermaid ?

16-09-2007 18:29 #42| 0

ohh. i didnt realise you registred. Thought you said you going to that wedding in London??

Well, i get back to you with odds.


16-09-2007 23:03 #43| 0

Hm, begynder squ at overveje det.
1200kr for retur med ryan fra billund fredag og mandag, det halve hvis man tager derover allerede onsdag. Hvis ikke man behøver at bo alt for fint bliver det nok ikke så dyrt.
Der skal vel næsten laves et pn hold?

17-09-2007 00:30 #44| 0

We got 3 pn`r i our Team Mermaid, would be great with another team too. GET IN!!!

Mail me teams as soon as you know.


20-09-2007 22:24 #45| 0

Still expecting 700-plus players??.. Seems very doubtful to me.

20-09-2007 23:07 #46| 0


Det er desværre nok tvivlsomt at vi rent faktisk slår rekorden. Uheldigvis skyldes dette de normale deposit metoder som irerne/UK vanligt bruger. Så det har været et stort slagsmål omkring at finde alternativer osv, og Boss har sgu heller ikke været for skarpe til at hjælpe os i den retning.

Kedeligt, ellers stod rekorden sgu for fald. Men vi forventer pt omkring 500-600 deltagere, så modstanden kommer ikke til at mangle :-)


26-09-2007 20:44 #47| 0

We now got 425 players registred, also got a big bunch of french players that cant register due to gambling restrictions in their country so we are trying to work that out so they can get on board.

Two more sats left to play for seats only.... one tonight at 21:00

I am fairly sure we get around 600 players in Dublin, and for you danish going over it might be interesting to know we are aranging some kind of "pissup" party, you know to get everyone so drunk they cant play any good day after :-) so Little Kimo cool aka donk will get an honest chans. muuuhaaaaaaa!

If you wanna know what pub we be at friday evening, give me a shout! It will be close to a cardclub if anyone cant stay away from that habbit for an evening :-) as for now i think we are around 40 people meting up.

I got some of your numbers and will text you.

[email protected]
[email protected]

hep hep


27-09-2007 05:25 #48| 0

Ja vi kommer jo så en 4 stykker fra Viborg Poker Klub, så et lille bar møde ville da være dejligt og ja der skal nok også vendes en dame eller 2 hvis humøret er til det.
Håber sgu i har sparepengene med for jeg går da ærlig talt og glæder mig en smule :-)

27-09-2007 11:52 #49| 0

456 registred now. going up... :-)

Yea i leet you know what pub we are in, looking forward to see you!


27-09-2007 12:45 #50| 0

seems like it could be alot of fun... however...
"This is going to be a fantastic sponsored event with a guaranteed prize-pool to boot!!...."

cant find info on the guarentee anywhere ?:)

27-09-2007 12:53 #51| 0

lol, is it on pokerireland page you see this superwords?

but they are right, IT is going to be a fantastic event and i doubt anyone going will have a dull weekend!

And there is a guarantee, Mermaidpoker top upp the pricepool to 100 000 euro if there is 700 registred players.


27-09-2007 13:17 #52| 0

yeah thats where i saw it :)

thank you for the info, i will bring it up with the mrs. and see if i can get you some extra players :)

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