Tirsdags bapper med Granaten

#1| 0
17.15 22$ 5k gtd
1. 2003 avr 6815
Bust som nr 95 :(

19.05 6$ 2k gtd 6 max
bust 192

19.40 22$ 4,5k gtd
Bust 215

20.05 6$ 2,5k gtd
bust som 2xx

20.15 11$ 3,5k gtd
1. 3486 avr 7243
bust som nr 149 ish

20.45 33$ 4k gtd 6 max
bust nr 101..
Redigeret af Gumple d. 10-07-2012 22:09
10-07-2012 16:20 #2| 0

GOGOGOOOOOOOOO tror der er skrub i aften:)

10-07-2012 16:41 #3| 0

gl i to. håber i får masser af skrub :)

10-07-2012 17:39 #4| 0

fin start

***** Hand History for Game 11912951276 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $22 USD Buy-in Trny: 71008921 Level: 2 Blinds(20/40) - Tuesday, July 10, 17:37:10 CEST 2012
Table $5,000 Gtd (2678765) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 9/10
Seat 9: Fahrino_1508 ( 2,570 )
Seat 3: ForgVP ( 3,680 )
Seat 8: Gumple ( 2,910 )
Seat 4: ImDoneCallin ( 3,090 )
Seat 2: JJ_Schettino ( 2,930 )
Seat 7: Louie1Time ( 2,950 )
Seat 6: Per441 ( 2,240 )
Seat 1: SwedeFenom ( 3,350 )
Seat 5: dontone888 ( 2,880 )
Trny: 71008921 Level: 2
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gumple [ Ac As ]
JJ_Schettino raises [100]
ForgVP folds
ImDoneCallin folds
dontone888 folds
Per441 folds
Louie1Time folds
Gumple raises [290]
Fahrino_1508 folds
SwedeFenom folds
JJ_Schettino is all-In [2,830]
Gumple is all-In [2,620]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 8c, Qd ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 5s ]
Gumple shows [ Ac, As ]two pairs, Aces and Eights.
JJ_Schettino shows [ Kd, Kh ]two pairs, Kings and Eights.
JJ_Schettino wins 20 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Kings and Eights.
Gumple wins 5,880 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Eights.

10-07-2012 17:44 #5| 0

hahaha :) det kunne ikke være bedre, elsker hans limp reraise:) (måske det mest donkede move, man kan lave)

10-07-2012 17:57 #6| 0

HMMMMMMMMMM vælger at være tight her...... synes det er for mange BB at flippe om.. jeg har INGEN info på villan da han lige er kommet tim bordet

***** Hand History for Game 11913000303 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $22 USD Buy-in Trny: 71008921 Level: 3 Blinds(30/60) - Tuesday, July 10, 17:55:12 CEST 2012
Table $5,000 Gtd (2678765) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10/10
Seat 9: Fahrino_1508 ( 2,590 )
Seat 3: ForgVP ( 6,195 )
Seat 8: Gumple ( 6,190 )
Seat 4: ImDoneCallin ( 1,945 )
Seat 2: KingInStool ( 7,454 )
Seat 7: Louie1Time ( 4,190 )
Seat 1: SwedeFenom ( 3,440 )
Seat 6: bagelis62 ( 3,000 )
Seat 5: dontone888 ( 2,340 )
Seat 10: killer2707 ( 2,710 )
Trny: 71008921 Level: 3
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gumple [ Qd Qc ]
ForgVP folds
ImDoneCallin folds
dontone888 folds
bagelis62 folds
Louie1Time raises [160]
Gumple raises [450]
Fahrino_1508 folds
killer2707 calls [450]
SwedeFenom folds
KingInStool is all-In [7,394]
Louie1Time folds
Your time bank will be activated in 6 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
Gumple folds
killer2707 folds
KingInStool does not show cards.
KingInStool wins 8,544 chips

10-07-2012 18:08 #7| 0

Det ligner sick meget AK mate! Jeg havde sgu nok ikke kunne folde;) jeg havde dog lyn hurtigt slået ham op på opr:)

10-07-2012 18:11 #8| 0

hmm han er en solid spiller


10-07-2012 18:13 #9| 0

chef:) fin fold. kan sagtens være AA-KK

10-07-2012 18:27 #10| 0

Stort set ude.... denne gang var det mig der fik et setup imod mig

***** Hand History for Game 11913078757 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $22 USD Buy-in Trny: 71008921 Level: 5 Blinds(60/120) - Tuesday, July 10, 18:25:27 CEST 2012
Table $5,000 Gtd (2678765) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10/10
Seat 5: CO_CLARE ( 3,280 )
Seat 9: Fahrino_1508 ( 5,190 )
Seat 3: ForgVP ( 3,985 )
Seat 8: Gumple ( 5,779 )
Seat 4: ImDoneCallin ( 7,020 )
Seat 7: Louie1Time ( 820 )
Seat 1: SwedeFenom ( 3,100 )
Seat 6: bagelis62 ( 4,310 )
Seat 10: bobbibox ( 2,970 )
Seat 2: yzw42 ( 2,855 )
Trny: 71008921 Level: 5
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gumple [ Ks Kh ]
bobbibox folds
SwedeFenom folds
yzw42 folds
ForgVP folds
ImDoneCallin folds
CO_CLARE calls [120]
bagelis62 raises [1,080]
Louie1Time folds
Gumple raises [2,606]
Fahrino_1508 raises [4,132]
CO_CLARE folds
bagelis62 folds
Gumple is all-In [3,113]
Fahrino_1508 is all-In [938]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qc, Jd, 9h ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 2d ]
Fahrino_1508 shows [ Ad, Ac ]two pairs, Aces and Twos.
Gumple shows [ Ks, Kh ]two pairs, Kings and Twos.
Gumple wins 589 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Kings and Twos.
Fahrino_1508 wins 11,580 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Twos.

10-07-2012 18:28 #11| 0

grrrr, det er sgu uheldig:S

10-07-2012 18:29 #12| 0

Kommet op i 1500 efter jeg Suger med 10Q vs QQ ;)

10-07-2012 18:30 #13| 0

LOOL sådan, go for the comeback mate:)

10-07-2012 18:40 #14| 0

Nede i 1k.. får absolut ingen mulighed for at komme ind.. så må snart lukke øjene og håbe på det bedste...

Edit får en 1500 stack efter et flip imod endnu en short

nu i 2k.. bb er 150

Redigeret af Gumple d. 10-07-2012 18:44
10-07-2012 19:13 #15| 0

Så gik den desværre ikke længere.. buster som nr 95

***** Hand History for Game 11913207735 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $22 USD Buy-in Trny:71008921 Level:8 Blinds-Antes(125/250 -25) - Tuesday, July 10, 19:11:17 CEST 2012
Table $5,000 Gtd (2678765) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 9/10
Seat 9: Fahrino_1508 ( 7,827 )
Seat 8: Gumple ( 2,408 )
Seat 4: ImDoneCallin ( 7,344 )
Seat 5: Prokmo ( 5,124 )
Seat 3: SOOOFA ( 4,812 )
Seat 1: SwedeFenom ( 6,570 )
Seat 10: bobbibox ( 8,155 )
Seat 7: loveisnowhere ( 5,530 )
Seat 2: yzw42 ( 10,530 )
Trny:71008921 Level:8
Blinds-Antes(125/250 -25)
SwedeFenom posts ante [25]
yzw42 posts ante [25]
SOOOFA posts ante [25]
ImDoneCallin posts ante [25]
Prokmo posts ante [25]
loveisnowhere posts ante [25]
Gumple posts ante [25]
Fahrino_1508 posts ante [25]
bobbibox posts ante [25]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gumple [ Ac Kh ]
loveisnowhere folds
Gumple is all-In [2,383]
Fahrino_1508 folds
bobbibox folds
SwedeFenom folds
yzw42 folds
SOOOFA folds
ImDoneCallin folds
Prokmo calls [2,133]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Js, 5c, 9c ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
** Dealing River ** [ 5h ]
Prokmo shows [ 8s, 8d ]two pairs, Eights and Fives.
Gumple shows [ Ac, Kh ]a pair of Fives.
Prokmo wins 5,116 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Eights and Fives.
Player Gumple finished in 94.

10-07-2012 19:17 #16| 0

bittert mate:S

10-07-2012 19:57 #17| 0

Hmm ved sku ikke helt.. men synes jeg får for gode odds til at folde

***** Hand History for Game 11913347348 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $22 USD Buy-in Trny: 71013270 Level: 1 Blinds(10/20) - Tuesday, July 10, 19:55:15 CEST 2012
Table $4,500 Gtd (2678902) Table #10 (Real Money)
Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10/10
Seat 3: Gumple ( 3,190 )
Seat 4: KuzyaTT ( 3,070 )
Seat 2: Mr.Dobalina ( 3,515 )
Seat 5: Tnkr123 ( 2,525 )
Seat 9: ViatorParty ( 2,900 )
Seat 1: ittagib ( 3,040 )
Seat 7: lindsay1965 ( 3,285 )
Seat 8: m1kelaud ( 2,940 )
Seat 6: penkyx ( 2,505 )
Seat 10: rolexx69 ( 3,030 )
Trny: 71013270 Level: 1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gumple [ Qh Qs ]
ittagib raises [60]
Mr.Dobalina folds
Gumple raises [180]
KuzyaTT folds
Tnkr123 folds
penkyx folds
lindsay1965 folds
m1kelaud folds
ViatorParty folds
rolexx69 folds
ittagib calls [120]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, 9c, Th ]
ittagib checks
Gumple bets [292]
ittagib raises [600]
Gumple calls [308]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ]
ittagib bets [1,192]
Gumple calls [1,192]
** Dealing River ** [ 5h ]
ittagib is all-In [1,068]
Gumple calls [1,068]
ittagib shows [ Ts, Tc ]three of a kind, Tens.
Gumple shows [ Qh, Qs ]a pair of Queens.
ittagib wins 6,110 chips from the main pot with three of a kind, Tens.

Skulle måske endda bare have skubbet turn...

Redigeret af Gumple d. 10-07-2012 20:00
10-07-2012 20:01 #18| 0

kom ind på floppet istedet mate, der kan ca komme en million kort vi ikke vil se på turn. Dog ul:/

10-07-2012 20:03 #19| 0

Ja det har du nok ret i at jeg skulle :(

10-07-2012 20:11 #20| 0

Buster i 6$ 6 max... får 2 par på river... som desværre har givet ham en str..

10-07-2012 20:55 #21| 0

tager dette clinch da vi lige hånden før har spillet imod hinanden hvor jeg har AA

Så var sikker på han bare ville have de chips tilbage..

***** Hand History for Game 11913564391 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $6 USD Buy-in Trny: 71013898 Level: 4 Blinds(50/100) - Tuesday, July 10, 20:52:10 CEST 2012
Table $2,500 Gtd Deepstack (2678941) Table #9 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10/10
Seat 4: Geld_einwurf ( 4,445 )
Seat 8: Gumple ( 8,624 )
Seat 3: HeCtIc1 ( 8,955 )
Seat 9: JaSeR777 ( 4,560 )
Seat 6: MagicC27J ( 8,421 )
Seat 7: Marty58555 ( 3,455 )
Seat 10: electron06 ( 3,458 )
Seat 2: laroca23 ( 4,780 )
Seat 1: lazaurelian ( 2,305 )
Seat 5: whitetash ( 5,997 )
Trny: 71013898 Level: 4
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gumple [ Jh Jc ]
Marty58555 folds
Gumple raises [255]
JaSeR777 folds
electron06 folds
lazaurelian folds
laroca23 folds
HeCtIc1 folds
Geld_einwurf folds
whitetash folds
MagicC27J raises [1,400]
Gumple calls [1,245]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7h, 7c, 8h ]
MagicC27J bets [2,000]
Gumple is all-In [7,124]
MagicC27J is all-In [4,921]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6d ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
MagicC27J shows [ Ad, As ]two pairs, Aces and Sevens.
Gumple shows [ Jh, Jc ]two pairs, Jacks and Sevens.
Gumple wins 203 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Jacks and Sevens.
MagicC27J wins 16,892 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Sevens.

10-07-2012 20:57 #22| 0

jeg er ikke tilfreds med hvordan det kører i aften... så med mindre jeg casher fint i en af de sidste to.. så spiller jeg lidt turneringer engang hvor du har 50% i dem..

10-07-2012 21:06 #23| 0

Ro på mate, alle kan ha en dårlig aften :) - du har også været lidt små uheldig mht setups:)

10-07-2012 21:36 #24| 0

Røg allerede i 33$:S må stramme mig an i den sidste

10-07-2012 22:10 #25| 0

Og så røg jeg i den sidste... AQ vs 44 Ai pre... havde ellers også flush draw.. men nope..

Takker for tilliden m8.. men det vare bestemt ikke min aften..:(

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