17:00 $8.8 Big 50K Gtd
1. 3550
2. out
18:00 $22 Big 100K Gtd
1. 2800
2. out
19:30 $11 Storm 1M Gtd
1. 6600
2. 17500
3. 27500
20:00 $11 Big 120K Gtd
1. 2600
2. out
Tour for toppar
håbe han havde en hånd han ikke vil smide
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: bernhard2606 ($3000)
Seat 2: mszmugi ($2990) Dealer
Seat 3: fedorov71 ($2980) Small Blind
Seat 4: marvelle ($3000) Big Blind
Seat 5: skorrr ($3000)
Seat 6: jataman22 ($3000)
Seat 7: gitrdunal ($6030)
Seat 8: outlawitalia ($3000)
Seat 9: hanzxx ($3000)
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $30)
skorrr: FOLD
jataman22: FOLD
gitrdunal: FOLD
outlawitalia: FOLD
hanzxx: FOLD
bernhard2606: RAISE $40
mszmugi: FOLD
fedorov71: CALL $30
marvelle: FOLD
Flop(Pot: $100)
fedorov71: CHECK
bernhard2606: BET $20
fedorov71: CALL $20
Turn(Pot: $140)
fedorov71: CHECK
bernhard2606: BET $20
fedorov71: RAISE $140
bernhard2606: CALL $120
River(Pot: $420)
fedorov71: BET $660
bernhard2606: FOLD
fedorov71: RETURN $660
fedorov71 MUCKS
hader stars
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 50 BB (8 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: bernhard2606 ($3190)
Seat 3: fedorov71 ($5010) Dealer
Seat 4: marvelle ($6325) Small Blind
Seat 5: fedok ($2940) Big Blind
Seat 6: jataman22 ($3660)
Seat 7: gitrdunal ($4910)
Seat 8: eric919 ($2490)
Seat 9: hanzxx ($1670)
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $75)
jataman22: FOLD
gitrdunal: FOLD
eric919: FOLD
hanzxx: RAISE $150
bernhard2606: FOLD
fedorov71: CALL $150
marvelle: FOLD
fedok: FOLD
Flop(Pot: $375)
hanzxx: BET $200
fedorov71: CALL $200
Turn(Pot: $775)
hanzxx: BET $400
fedorov71: RAISE $2400
hanzxx: ALL-IN
fedorov71: RETURN $1080
River(Pot: $4495)
hanzxx shows
fedorov71 shows
hanzxx wins the pot: $4495
big 22 skam han ikke rammer river han viser AK
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: drinko101 ($3130)
Seat 2: fedorov71 ($3590)
Seat 3: chopi66625 ($2360) Dealer
Seat 4: lubos1980cz ($2980) Small Blind
Seat 5: hauwy ($2940) Big Blind
Seat 6: nmop441 ($3000)
Seat 7: miyagi33 ($3000)
Seat 8: vexman ($3000)
Seat 9: steven mc vi ($3000)
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $30)
nmop441: FOLD
miyagi33: FOLD
vexman: FOLD
steven mc vi: RAISE $60
drinko101: FOLD
fedorov71: CALL $60
chopi66625: FOLD
lubos1980cz: FOLD
hauwy: FOLD
Flop(Pot: $150)
steven mc vi: CHECK
fedorov71: CHECK
Turn(Pot: $150)
steven mc vi: CHECK
fedorov71: BET $60
steven mc vi: CALL $60
River(Pot: $270)
steven mc vi: CHECK
fedorov71: BET $340
steven mc vi: FOLD
fedorov71: RETURN $340
fedorov71 MUCKS
big 8 hader hader stars
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 80 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: bernhard2606 ($361) Small Blind
Seat 2: chines007 ($4080) Big Blind
Seat 3: fedorov71 ($3855)
Seat 4: marvelle ($4335)
Seat 5: fedok ($4004)
Seat 6: jataman22 ($3579)
Seat 7: gitrdunal ($5990)
Seat 8: saulgood8591 ($4730)
Seat 9: hanzxx ($5261) Dealer
Seat 1bernhard2606 Ante: 10
Seat 2chines007 Ante: 10
Seat 3fedorov71 Ante: 10
Seat 4marvelle Ante: 10
Seat 5fedok Ante: 10
Seat 6jataman22 Ante: 10
Seat 7gitrdunal Ante: 10
Seat 8saulgood8591 Ante: 10
Seat 9hanzxx Ante: 10
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $210)
fedorov71: RAISE $160
marvelle: CALL $160
fedok: CALL $160
jataman22: FOLD
gitrdunal: CALL $160
saulgood8591: FOLD
hanzxx: FOLD
bernhard2606: ALL-IN
chines007: FOLD
fedorov71: RAISE $960
marvelle: ALL-IN
fedok: FOLD
gitrdunal: FOLD
fedorov71: ALL-IN
marvelle: RETURN $480
Flop(Pot: $9021)
Turn(Pot: $9021)
River(Pot: $9021)
fedorov71 shows
marvelle shows
bernhard2606 shows
marvelle wins the pot: $2033
out big 22 -
ham første raiser har gjort det de sidste 3 runder med skræld derfor mit spil at call 2 vælger at kalder med skræld og ramme så typisk !!!
Dete r og ved at blive en rigtig lorte side hvor dem der spiller mest ringe skal belønnes.
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 100 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: sh4wshank ($3990) Small Blind
Seat 2: fedorov71 ($2421) Big Blind
Seat 3: chopi66625 ($8495)
Seat 4: tiger604 ($4089)
Seat 5: shanekroon ($3070)
Seat 6: nmop441 ($6802)
Seat 7: miyagi33 ($4198)
Seat 8: vexman ($5310)
Seat 9: tamed_beast ($7165) Dealer
Seat 1sh4wshank Ante: 10
Seat 2fedorov71 Ante: 10
Seat 3chopi66625 Ante: 10
Seat 4tiger604 Ante: 10
Seat 5shanekroon Ante: 10
Seat 6nmop441 Ante: 10
Seat 7miyagi33 Ante: 10
Seat 8vexman Ante: 10
Seat 9tamed_beast Ante: 10
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $240)
chopi66625: FOLD
tiger604: FOLD
shanekroon: FOLD
nmop441: FOLD
miyagi33: FOLD
vexman: RAISE $200
tamed_beast: CALL $200
sh4wshank: CALL $150
fedorov71: ALL-IN
vexman: FOLD
tamed_beast: CALL $2211
sh4wshank: FOLD
Flop(Pot: $5322)
Turn(Pot: $5322)
River(Pot: $5322)
fedorov71 shows
tamed_beast shows
tamed_beast wins the pot: $5322
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 40 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: zhaans ($4960) Dealer
Seat 2: pichichi bk ($4080) Small Blind
Seat 3: schmidt455 ($6380) Big Blind
Seat 4: stadnitchii ($964)
Seat 5: mr tytte ($4900)
Seat 6: sims1984 ($6670)
Seat 7: fforrest ($4970)
Seat 8: adriancuy ($7656)
Seat 9: fedorov71 ($4420)
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $60)
stadnitchii: RAISE $920
mr tytte: FOLD
sims1984: CALL $920
fforrest: FOLD
adriancuy: FOLD
fedorov71: ALL-IN
zhaans: FOLD
pichichi bk: FOLD
schmidt455: FOLD
stadnitchii: ALL-IN
fedorov71: $3456
sims1984: CALL $3500
Flop(Pot: $9864)
Turn(Pot: $9864)
River(Pot: $9864)
sims1984 shows
fedorov71 shows
stadnitchii shows
stadnitchii wins the sid pot : $6912
stadnitchiiwins the main pot : $2952
ikke meget der lykkes :(
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 40 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: znicke ($3075)
Seat 2: abimp ($3355)
Seat 3: pokerdave476 ($2635)
Seat 4: skid2300 ($2360)
Seat 5: yurrrik ($5675)
Seat 6: donpokey ($2960) Dealer
Seat 7: abbe43 ($2030) Small Blind
Seat 8: fedorov71 ($2820) Big Blind
Seat 9: 3aii4eg ($1940)
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $60)
3aii4eg: FOLD
znicke: CALL $40
abimp: FOLD
pokerdave476: FOLD
skid2300: FOLD
yurrrik: FOLD
donpokey: FOLD
abbe43: FOLD
fedorov71: RAISE $160
znicke: CALL $120
Flop(Pot: $380)
fedorov71: BET $280
znicke: CALL $280
Turn(Pot: $940)
fedorov71: CHECK
znicke: CHECK
River(Pot: $940)
fedorov71: CHECK
znicke: CHECK
fedorov71 shows
znicke shows
znicke wins the pot: $940
big 11 jaja .. out
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 80 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: znicke ($3043)
Seat 2: abimp ($2613)
Seat 3: pokerdave476 ($2350)
Seat 4: skid2300 ($3107)
Seat 5: yurrrik ($9288)
Seat 6: donpokey ($3270)
Seat 7: ms.reven ($3020) Dealer
Seat 8: fedorov71 ($5564) Small Blind
Seat 9: xxj82 ($3595) Big Blind
Seat 1znicke Ante: 10
Seat 2abimp Ante: 10
Seat 3pokerdave476 Ante: 10
Seat 4skid2300 Ante: 10
Seat 5yurrrik Ante: 10
Seat 6donpokey Ante: 10
Seat 7ms.reven Ante: 10
Seat 8fedorov71 Ante: 10
Seat 9xxj82 Ante: 10
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $210)
znicke: FOLD
abimp: FOLD
pokerdave476: FOLD
skid2300: CALL $80
yurrrik: RAISE $240
donpokey: FOLD
ms.reven: FOLD
fedorov71: RAISE $800
xxj82: FOLD
skid2300: FOLD
yurrrik: CALL $560
Flop(Pot: $1900)
fedorov71: BET $800
yurrrik: CALL $800
Turn(Pot: $3500)
fedorov71: ALL-IN
yurrrik: CALL $3954
River(Pot: $11368)
fedorov71 shows
yurrrik shows
yurrrik wins the pot: $11368
PokerStars No Limit, 800 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: ludovici ($8083)
Seat 2: pichichi bk ($6816)
Seat 3: a.wilson1992 ($9600) Dealer
Seat 4: dukepro1 ($7637) Small Blind
Seat 5: marckjensen ($15316) Big Blind
Seat 6: blume1974 ($9054)
Seat 7: 1fardoche ($13588)
Seat 8: adriancuy ($12537)
Seat 9: fedorov71 ($26127)
Seat 1ludovici Ante: 80
Seat 2pichichi bk Ante: 80
Seat 3a.wilson1992 Ante: 80
Seat 4dukepro1 Ante: 80
Seat 5marckjensen Ante: 80
Seat 6blume1974 Ante: 80
Seat 71fardoche Ante: 80
Seat 8adriancuy Ante: 80
Seat 9fedorov71 Ante: 80
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $1920)
blume1974: FOLD
1fardoche: FOLD
adriancuy: FOLD
fedorov71: RAISE $1600
ludovici: FOLD
pichichi bk: RAISE $3200
a.wilson1992: FOLD
dukepro1: FOLD
marckjensen: FOLD
fedorov71: RAISE $14400
pichichi bk: ALL-IN
fedorov71: RETURN $7664
Flop(Pot: $24736)
Turn(Pot: $24736)
River(Pot: $24736)
fedorov71 shows
pichichi bk shows
pichichi bk wins the pot: $24736
det klamme a kommer jo altid
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 800 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: ludovici ($8003)
Seat 2: pichichi bk ($15392)
Seat 3: a.wilson1992 ($9520)
Seat 4: dukepro1 ($7157) Dealer
Seat 5: marckjensen ($14436) Small Blind
Seat 6: blume1974 ($8974) Big Blind
Seat 7: 1fardoche ($13508)
Seat 8: adriancuy ($12457)
Seat 9: fedorov71 ($19311)
Seat 1ludovici Ante: 80
Seat 2pichichi bk Ante: 80
Seat 3a.wilson1992 Ante: 80
Seat 4dukepro1 Ante: 80
Seat 5marckjensen Ante: 80
Seat 6blume1974 Ante: 80
Seat 71fardoche Ante: 80
Seat 8adriancuy Ante: 80
Seat 9fedorov71 Ante: 80
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $1920)
1fardoche: CALL $800
adriancuy: FOLD
fedorov71: RAISE $2400
ludovici: FOLD
pichichi bk: FOLD
a.wilson1992: FOLD
dukepro1: FOLD
marckjensen: FOLD
blume1974: FOLD
1fardoche: CALL $1600
Flop(Pot: $6800)
1fardoche: CHECK
fedorov71: CHECK
Turn(Pot: $6800)
1fardoche: CHECK
fedorov71: CHECK
River(Pot: $6800)
1fardoche: CHECK
fedorov71: CHECK
1fardoche shows
fedorov71 MUCKS
1fardoche wins the pot: $6800
så kan vi kun takke han spiller KK så ringe
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 800 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: ludovici ($7763)
Seat 2: pichichi bk ($15152)
Seat 3: a.wilson1992 ($11200)
Seat 4: dukepro1 ($6917)
Seat 5: marckjensen ($17416)
Seat 6: blume1974 ($7534)
Seat 7: 1fardoche ($14688) Dealer
Seat 8: adriancuy ($11417) Small Blind
Seat 9: fedorov71 ($16671) Big Blind
Seat 1ludovici Ante: 80
Seat 2pichichi bk Ante: 80
Seat 3a.wilson1992 Ante: 80
Seat 4dukepro1 Ante: 80
Seat 5marckjensen Ante: 80
Seat 6blume1974 Ante: 80
Seat 71fardoche Ante: 80
Seat 8adriancuy Ante: 80
Seat 9fedorov71 Ante: 80
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $1920)
ludovici: CALL $800
pichichi bk: FOLD
a.wilson1992: FOLD
dukepro1: FOLD
marckjensen: FOLD
blume1974: FOLD
1fardoche: FOLD
adriancuy: FOLD
fedorov71: CHECK
Flop(Pot: $2800)
fedorov71: CHECK
ludovici: BET $800
fedorov71: CALL $800
Turn(Pot: $4400)
fedorov71: CHECK
ludovici: BET $2400
fedorov71: CALL $2400
River(Pot: $9200)
fedorov71: BET $4800
ludovici: ALL-IN
fedorov71: RETURN $1117
fedorov71 shows
ludovici shows
desværre out 1000 før money .. men ja hvor bliver det klamme es af når man skal bruge det !
Tak for stake.. ikke det vilde at gøre i dag.. Kunne måske ha folde mig til 30$ men mener bare ikke det er holdtbart jo.
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 2000 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: rwadimw ($36301) Big Blind
Seat 2: tony rome180 ($22683)
Seat 3: a.wilson1992 ($29344)
Seat 4: waldemar1966 ($32904)
Seat 5: whoareyoux1 ($37428)
Seat 6: blume1974 ($39948)
Seat 7: 1fardoche ($40322)
Seat 8: adriancuy ($6225) Dealer
Seat 9: fedorov71 ($21328) Small Blind
Seat 1rwadimw Ante: 200
Seat 2tony rome180 Ante: 200
Seat 3a.wilson1992 Ante: 200
Seat 4waldemar1966 Ante: 200
Seat 5whoareyoux1 Ante: 200
Seat 6blume1974 Ante: 200
Seat 71fardoche Ante: 200
Seat 8adriancuy Ante: 200
Seat 9fedorov71 Ante: 200
Dealt to fedorov71
Preflop (Pot: $4800)
tony rome180: FOLD
a.wilson1992: RAISE $6000
waldemar1966: FOLD
whoareyoux1: FOLD
blume1974: FOLD
1fardoche: FOLD
adriancuy: FOLD
fedorov71: ALL-IN
rwadimw: FOLD
a.wilson1992: CALL $15128
Flop(Pot: $46256)
Turn(Pot: $46256)
River(Pot: $46256)
fedorov71 shows
a.wilson1992 shows
a.wilson1992 wins the pot: $46256