Jeg er begyndt at lege lidt med nogle SNG'er...
I den forbindelse vil PT gerne have at man indlæser tournament summaries for at angive buyin osv.
Jeg har fået tilsendt tournament summaries til min hotmailaccount, men ifl. PT understøttes webmail ikke...
Hvad gør en klog mand nu?
Jeg har prøvet at kopiere selven mailen ind i et notepad docu og forsøge at importe det, men der kommer en eller anden fejl frem og den læser ingen hænder...
Der må være nogle andre derude der har haft samme problem?
På forhånd tak for hjælpen
EDIT: Det er party SNG hvis det skulle have nogen indflydelse...
Tour summa. fra hotmail til PT
Det burde fungere p den måde du gør det.
Vær opmærksom på kun at importere selve HH'en, dvs ikke noget med afsender etc.
Hvilken fejlmeddelelse giver den dig?
Jeg har prøvet at indsætte både fra:
" Hello xxx
These hands are provided to you...."
Og fra:
***** Hand History for Game 6569188160 *****
40/80 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (STT Tournament 37087510) - Fri Dec 07 08:34:34 EST 2007
Nederste må altså være selve HH'en, men jeg får stadig fejlmeddelelsen:
URNEY TEXAS HOLD'EM GAME TABLE (NL) (STT TOURNAMENT 37087510) - FRI DEC 07 08:59:20 EST 2007Tournament number is not a valid number...
Any ideas?
Fra PT's hjælp:
Some important things to keep in mind when saving your hand histories to text files.
All files must be saved as plain text. Don't save a file using a Microsoft Word format for example because Poker Tracker won't be able to read it.
Line wrapping is the biggest problem people experience when saving their hand histories as text files. Users that get their hand histories sent to a Hotmail or Yahoo account must change their mail display settings to prevent line wrapping in the incoming message.
Hotmail Users: Go to your Hotmail account and select "Options". On the Options window there is a section labeled "Additional Options". Under the Additional Options section click on the "Mail Display Settings" link. Go to the "Line Width" column and set it to 132. Click the OK button to save these settings. Hotmail users also have the ability to setup their Outlook Express to download Hotmail emails thus allowing you to use the Check Email button. You might find this faster than manually saving the hands to text file. See this post on the FAQ forum for details on this.
Yahoo Users: Go to your Yahoo account and select "Mail Options". On the Mail Options window select the link "General Preferences". Scroll down and find the option "Screen Width (Viewable)" and set that column to 99. Click the save button at the bottom of the window to save this setting. NOTE: 99 is the maximum width allowed with Yahoo, Hotmail allows for 132 characters per line. Because of this, line wrapping may still occur on some lines and it may be necessary for you to correct these problems manually.
The best editors to use for saving your hand histories are Notepad and Wordpad. YOU MUST turn off line wrapping to prevent errors from occurring during the import process. If you are saving your hands using Notepad you can turn line wrapping off by going to "Edit" menu option and making sure that the "Word Wrap" option DOES NOT have a check beside it. If it does, click on it to remove the check mark. If you save your hand histories using WordPad you can turn off wrapping by selecting Options from the View menu and clicking on the box labeled "No Wrap".
alle Party SnGs har tourny summary indskrevet i HH's så du behøver ikke uploade.
Mit har virket fint lige siden jeg installerede PT, og jeg har ikke uploadet noget som helst.