13,5$ KO tour kl 01:30
1. 1460
2. bust
8,8$ kl 01,45
1. 1950
2. 5590
3. bust - 21,3$
11$ kl 02,00
1. bust
Og en enkelt 8$ 180mands tour.
1. 1305
2. bust
Tours for Sally58
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 30 BB (6 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: hagi2222 ($5013) Dealer
Seat 2: razastur ($3000) Small Blind
Seat 3: thindimflow ($3000) Big Blind
Seat 4: geniusjan ($2930)
Seat 8: evestj ($3000)
Seat 9: realitis ($3000)
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $45)
geniusjan: FOLD
evestj: RAISE $60
realitis: FOLD
hagi2222: FOLD
razastur: FOLD
thindimflow: FOLD
evestj: RETURN $30
evestj MUCKS
evestj wins the pot: $
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: cuchufletas ($1500) Dealer
Seat 2: thindimflow ($1500) Small Blind
Seat 3: holdemwife ($1500) Big Blind
Seat 4: sirholdem80 ($1500)
Seat 5: moberri89 ($1500)
Seat 6: 1oldpro ($1500)
Seat 7: vovasrom ($1500)
Seat 8: teddy144 ($1500)
Seat 9: belcebuh ($1500)
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $30)
sirholdem80: RAISE $60
moberri89: FOLD
1oldpro: FOLD
vovasrom: FOLD
teddy144: FOLD
belcebuh: CALL $60
cuchufletas: CALL $60
thindimflow: FOLD
holdemwife: CALL $40
Flop(Pot: $250)
holdemwife: CHECK
sirholdem80: CHECK
belcebuh: CHECK
cuchufletas: CHECK
Turn(Pot: $250)
holdemwife: BET $160
sirholdem80: FOLD
belcebuh: CALL $160
cuchufletas: CALL $160
River(Pot: $730)
holdemwife: BET $440
belcebuh: FOLD
cuchufletas: FOLD
holdemwife: RETURN $440
holdemwife MUCKS
holdemwife wins the pot: $730
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: mahowny34 ($2000) Dealer
Seat 2: kobemvp2408 ($2000) Small Blind
Seat 3: strones ($2000) Big Blind
Seat 4: ruprettygirl ($2000)
Seat 5: nietegleuven ($2000)
Seat 6: thindimflow ($2000)
Seat 7: yukold ($2000)
Seat 8: zhengxue123 ($2000)
Seat 9: smokyyy ($2000)
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $30)
ruprettygirl: FOLD
nietegleuven: FOLD
thindimflow: RAISE $80
yukold: FOLD
zhengxue123: FOLD
smokyyy: FOLD
mahowny34: FOLD
kobemvp2408: FOLD
strones: FOLD
thindimflow: RETURN $60
thindimflow MUCKS
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 20 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: di rossi81 ($2000) Dealer
Seat 2: jomatra ($2000) Small Blind
Seat 3: thindimflow ($2000) Big Blind
Seat 4: claudy75 ($2000)
Seat 5: fidel_robot ($2000)
Seat 6: muggsybrown ($2000)
Seat 7: kaffii10 ($2000)
Seat 8: escopeta6969 ($2000)
Seat 9: deodatosk ($2000)
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $30)
claudy75: FOLD
fidel_robot: FOLD
muggsybrown: FOLD
kaffii10: FOLD
escopeta6969: FOLD
deodatosk: FOLD
deodatosk: RETURN $9
di rossi81: FOLD
jomatra: RAISE $60
thindimflow: CALL $40
Flop(Pot: $130)
jomatra: BET $200
thindimflow: FOLD
jomatra: RETURN $200
jomatra MUCKS
jomatra wins the pot: $130
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 200 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: readerroy ($6880)
Seat 2: mudgeymoo ($3000)
Seat 3: kaffii10 ($2530)
Seat 4: thindimflow ($1460)
Seat 5: masternam ($14070)
Seat 6: xbrota ($4130)
Seat 7: acobraco ($9000) Dealer
Seat 8: spaceship26 ($215) Small Blind
Seat 9: a_raptil ($8105) Big Blind
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $300)
readerroy: FOLD
mudgeymoo: FOLD
kaffii10: FOLD
thindimflow: ALL-IN
masternam: FOLD
xbrota: CALL $1460
acobraco: FOLD
spaceship26: FOLD
a_raptil: FOLD
Flop(Pot: $3220)
Turn(Pot: $3220)
River(Pot: $3220)
thindimflow shows
xbrota shows
xbrota wins the pot: $3220
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 150 BB (8 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: longballz888 ($1440)
Seat 2: joshlolz ($1040) Dealer
Seat 3: amapolaforev ($2383) Small Blind
Seat 4: thindimflow ($1155) Big Blind
Seat 5: kobachaboy ($1390)
Seat 6: hirschgweii ($3410)
Seat 8: wattbaanboy ($2664)
Seat 9: davibocce ($1380)
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $225)
kobachaboy: FOLD
hirschgweii: FOLD
wattbaanboy: FOLD
davibocce: FOLD
longballz888: FOLD
joshlolz: RAISE $336
amapolaforev: FOLD
thindimflow: ALL-IN
joshlolz: ALL-IN
thindimflow: RETURN $115
Flop(Pot: $2270)
Turn(Pot: $2270)
River(Pot: $2270)
thindimflow shows
joshlolz shows
joshlolz wins the pot: $2270
av bust
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 120 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: allreadyuk ($2000) Big Blind
Seat 2: jomatra ($2926)
Seat 3: thindimflow ($1740)
Seat 4: nile1 ($5240)
Seat 5: tefto ($2420)
Seat 6: marba333 ($1590)
Seat 7: kaffii10 ($3786)
Seat 8: loco9999 ($3210) Dealer
Seat 9: eoljoy ($1520) Small Blind
Seat 1allreadyuk Ante: 15
Seat 2jomatra Ante: 15
Seat 3thindimflow Ante: 15
Seat 4nile1 Ante: 15
Seat 5tefto Ante: 15
Seat 6marba333 Ante: 15
Seat 7kaffii10 Ante: 15
Seat 8loco9999 Ante: 15
Seat 9eoljoy Ante: 15
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $315)
jomatra: FOLD
thindimflow: ALL-IN
nile1: FOLD
tefto: FOLD
marba333: FOLD
kaffii10: FOLD
loco9999: ALL-IN
eoljoy: FOLD
allreadyuk: FOLD
loco9999: RETURN $1470
Flop(Pot: $5250)
Turn(Pot: $5250)
River(Pot: $5250)
thindimflow shows
loco9999 shows
loco9999 wins the pot: $5250
Gik dybt i den sidste men bust her
Hand Information
PokerStars No Limit, 3000 BB (9 handed).
Table Information
Seat 1: q-tje20 ($31875)
Seat 2: agent0579 ($30375)
Seat 3: josemaia2008 ($43249)
Seat 4: ricky 923 ($18814)
Seat 5: goriskaf ($62754)
Seat 6: thindimflow ($36757) Dealer
Seat 7: fathomless ($59468) Small Blind
Seat 8: flshman ($30591) Big Blind
Seat 9: mantoukass ($51585)
Seat 1q-tje20 Ante: 375
Seat 2agent0579 Ante: 375
Seat 3josemaia2008 Ante: 375
Seat 4ricky 923 Ante: 375
Seat 5goriskaf Ante: 375
Seat 6thindimflow Ante: 375
Seat 7fathomless Ante: 375
Seat 8flshman Ante: 375
Seat 9mantoukass Ante: 375
Dealt to thindimflow
Preflop (Pot: $7875)
mantoukass: FOLD
q-tje20: FOLD
agent0579: FOLD
josemaia2008: FOLD
ricky 923: FOLD
goriskaf: FOLD
thindimflow: ALL-IN
fathomless: FOLD
flshman: ALL-IN
thindimflow: RETURN $6166
Flop(Pot: $71848)
Turn(Pot: $71848)
River(Pot: $71848)
flshman shows
thindimflow shows
flshman wins the pot: $71848
Cash blev 21,3$ som jeg sender, tak for skudet.