Hey, jeg har lige foretaget en bankoverførsel på bwin.
Jeg har kun skulle give IBAN-ID og swift-id + navn osv.
Intet kontonummer eller noget - hvordan får jeg så pengene? :O
Udbetaling via bankoverførsel
The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an international standard for identifying bank accounts across national borders in a way that would minimise the risk of propagating transcription errors. It was originally adopted by the European Committee for Banking Standards, and was later adopted as an international standard under ISO 13616:1997 and now as ISO 13616:2007. The official IBAN registrar under ISO 13616:2003 is SWIFT and the IBAN registry is currently at SWIFT
The IBAN was originally developed to facilitate payments within the European Union but the format is flexible enough to be applied globally.
The IBAN consists of a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, followed by two check digits and up to thirty alphanumeric characters for the domestic bank account number (incorporating routing information), called the BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number). It is up to each country's national banking community to decide on the length of the BBAN for accounts in that country, but its length must be fixed for any given country.
Swiften er din banks kode og iban er dit internationale kontonummer.
De ti sidste cifre i iban burde svare til dit danske kontonummer.
- Jeps, det svarer til mit kontonummer.
Men sagen er den, at det ser ud som om, at mine bankoplysninger er "gemt", så je kan lave en hurtigere transaktion næste gang (samme som sker med visa).
De informationer jeg kan se, er nogle af cifrene fra et kontonummer. Derudover kan jeg se SWIFT ID og IBAN ID.
Men problemet ligger lidt i, at det kontonummer (som jeg kun kan se lidt af) ikke er det samme, som der hvor jeg tog mit IBAN ID fra.