Så er vi klar til semifinalen, hvor Mads Wissing skal forsvare de danske farver ;)
GL til M. Wissing.
Level Info
Blinds60,000 / 120,000
Players Info
Players Left27
Average Chip Stack8132222
Total Chips219570000
Table 100
Seat 1: Michael Mizrachi (6,300,000)
Seat 2: Scott Clements (7,250,000)
Seat 3: Michiel Sijpkens (7,765,000)
Seat 4: John Dolan (2,175,000)
Seat 5: John Racener (10,470,000)
Seat 6: Brandon Steven (6,045,000)
Seat 7: Redmond Lee (3,315,000)
Seat 8: William Thorson (3,680,000)
Seat 9: Mads Wissing (3,070,000)♣♦♠♥
Table 101
Seat 1: Johnny Lodden (1,560,000)
Seat 2: Joseph Cheong (24,490,000)
Seat 3: Jason Senti (13,550,000)
Seat 4: Matt Affleck (12,515,000)
Seat 5: Matthew Jarvis (13,300,000)
Seat 6: Matthew Bucaric (2,270,000)
Seat 7: David Baker (6,825,000)
Seat 8: Filippo Candio (10,020,000)
Seat 9: Ronnie Bardah (2,525,000)
Table 102
Seat 1: Adam Levy (4,745,000)
Seat 2: Benjamin Statz (9,885,000)
Seat 3: Soi Nguyen (23,100,000)
Seat 4: Duy Le (7,225,000)
Seat 5: Jonathan Duhamel (10,520,000)
Seat 6: Robert Pisano (8,060,000)
Seat 7: Pascal LeFrancois (15,780,000)
Seat 8: Hasan Habib (1,510,000)
Seat 9: Patrick Eskandar (1,655,000)
Bare hold tungen lige i munden ;)
Wsop Semifinale med Wissing.
Fedt at der stadig er en masse pros tilbage: Clements, Mizrachi, Thorson, Lodden, Levy, Habib etc. Burde mindske risikoen for at en random tv-producer eller religiøs fanatiker shipper lortet.
hashkash +1
Kunne være fedt med en del proer på FT, også i forhold til at vise at poker er et skill game - kunne være cool hvis en af de store navne tog den ned i år
Kom så Mads Wissing ! Ser svært ud men en tidlig dobling og han er med igen.
Mads Wissing er en af de proer, som jeg kender absolut intet til, med mindre at han f. eks. er PN'er (Hvad er hans nick i så tilfælde?).
Er der ikke nogen, der kender ham en smule til meget, som kan fortælle noget godt om Wissing og hans tour spil?
@hashkash og Don_T
Det undrer mig at undlader David 'Bakes' Baker:
Table 101
Seat 1: Johnny Lodden (1,560,000)
Seat 2: Joseph Cheong (24,490,000)
Seat 3: Jason Senti (13,550,000)
Seat 4: Matt Affleck (12,515,000)
Seat 5: Matthew Jarvis (13,300,000)
Seat 6: Matthew Bucaric (2,270,000)
Seat 7: David Baker (6,825,000)
Seat 8: Filippo Candio (10,020,000)
Seat 9: Ronnie Bardah (2,525,000)
- En stor turneringsspiller - ikke mindst ved dette års WSOP, hvor han krydrede sine cashes med et bracelet i 2-7 NL - hvor hans samlede resultatsliste kan ses her, hvis man er i tvivl: pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=105530
Så vidt jeg ved er det den anden David Baker der stadig er med. Der er to og de har begge haft rigtig gode WSOP'er
Machiavelli har ret. Det er David 'Not Bakes' Baker, der stadig er med.
GL Wissing.
Kender Mads fra gymnasie tiden. Mener ikke han er PN'er.
Han har altid været en stor gambler. Pokermæssigt har han primært skabt resultater online, hvor han har vundet partypokers søndagsturnering to gange. Han vandt desuden en sideevent til EPT kbh for et par år siden, og blev nr. 11-12 stykker til hovedturneringen i år.
Shuffle up and deal ;)
Det må være oppe over.
May the poker gods be with Hr. Wissing ;)
Så røg Wissing desværre ud.
Tillykke med det, trods alt, rigtig flotte resultat ..
det var et klamt beat.. 108 mod J3 på 10 høj flop med 3 som bund.. turn J river 8 klamt klamt klamt
det var et klamt beat.. 108 mod J3 på 10 høj flop med 3 som bund.. turn J river 8 klamt klamt klamt
Jeg tror, at vi har fundet dette års Jerry Yang/Darwin Moon:
Filippi Candio raised and Joseph Cheong reraised to 1.125 million. Candio made the call.
The flop came down 6♣6♥5♣ and Cheong fired 1.55 million. Candio thought and then announced a raise. He made it 4.425 million. Cheong now had the pressure back on him and tanked. He then moved all in, putting Candio at risk if he would make the call. Candio had 12.1 million and made the call, creating a massive pot of over 25 million!
Candio turned up the 7♠5♠ for sixes and fives. He was in a world of hurt to Cheong's A♣A♠.
The fans rose and inched closer as Candio left his seat and took refuge behind the media desk. Cheong sat in his chair and waited patiently for the turn and river.
The turn brought the 8♠ and Cheong dodged one card, but Candio did pick up outs. He now had a straight draw.
The river completed the board with the 4♣ and Candio spiked his straight. He began running and jumping around off the final table set before embracing with a friend in celebration. Cheong just sat in his seat and counted out the chips to be sent over to Candio. He was knocked below 10 million while Candio jumped to a whopping 27 million and is the new leader.
Det var Cheong der slog Theo ud, og hvad jeg kan forstå i de forskellige interviews og blogs, skulle han værre helt væk, der er så åbenbart en der ser endnu mere skidt ud.
Nej, det var Soi Nguyen. I hvert fald hvis du tænker på den store hånd med A3 vs. KJ.
Joseph Cheong er en anden.
11 Amerikanere, 3 canadiere, og ÈN italiener tilbage.
Stort main event for Europa :)
Puke. Denne her er godt nok klam at ryge ud på i en 42 mio. pot
Matt Affleck Eliminated in 15th Place ($500,165)
There are monsterpotten and then there are MONSTERpotten. It's a silly game, sometimes, poker is. Matt Affleck's chance at fortune and glory just slipped through his fingers after a stunning beat for a monsterpotten at the hand of Jonathan Duhamel.
Duhamel started things with a raise to 550,000 from the cutoff position. Affleck had the button and three-bet to 1.55 million. His re-raise folded the blinds and brought the action back to Duhamel. Duhamel four-bet to 3,925,000 and was called by Affleck, creating a pot with 8.0 million chips in it before the flop!
Duhamel seemed to sense he was in trouble. He checked a ten-high flop, 10♦9♣7♥, and soon faced a 5.0-million-chip bet from Affleck. Duhamel called that bet to see the Q♦ hit the turn. Again he checked. Affleck did the only thing he could do -- he moved all in for 11.6 million chips.
Duhamel had Affleck covered, but it was still a huge decision. He asked for a count, which due to the size of Affleck's stack took about a minute to determine. Then Duhamel went into the tank. The leading speculation in the media tower was that he had pocket jacks and was stuck with a horrible decision.
A minute and a half after he got Affleck's count, Duhamel peeked at his cards and puffed his cheeks out in a big sigh. Thirty seconds later he stole a glance at Affleck. Another minute. Duhamel shook his head. Then thirty seconds later, almost five minutes after Affleck pushed all in, Duhamel called!
Duhamel: J♥J♣
Affleck: A♣A♠
Affleck immediately stood up. The pot was huge, a total of 42 million chips. If his aces could hold, he'd be almost assured a berth in the November Nine. The entire rail leaned forward in anticipation...
River: 8♦
A collective gasp was let out. Duhamel filled a queen-high straight! Affleck bowed his head to the rail, burying his face in his hat. It was impossible not to feel for him, how close he had come and how brutally everything had been snatched away from him. He looked as though he was doing his best to fight back tears as he watched his stack slide over to Duhamel. By the time he departed, his face was bright red, overcome with the emotion of what just transpired.
Duhamel is now the far and away chip leader. He has about 51 million in chips. Affleck has a half million dollars as consolation.
damn et beat så tæt på.... fuck jeg ville græde snot slænge hvis jeg var affleck
Phil Ivey var for nogle år siden tættere på FT.
Da de var 10 tilbage kom han ind som 85-15 favorit og tabte og røg ud.
Lige nu er det FT-bubble time, hvor der derfor kun er 10 mand tilbage i feltet:
Chip counts:
1 Jonathan Duhamel 49,359,000
2 Joseph Cheong 39,305,000
3 John Racener 32,625,000
4 John Dolan 24,550,000
5 Matthew Jarvis 20,075,000
6 Soi Nguyen 17,415,000
7 Filippo Candio 13,260,000
8 Jason Senti 12,495,000
9 Michael Mizrachi 7,780,000
10 Brandon Steven 3,305,000
Blinds er 150k/300k med en ante på 40k.
så ville jeg også have grædt snot dengang hvis jeg blev beatet ud sådan filosoffen hehe...
det er vildt at se the grinder nå så langt igen. han kan noget ved et pokerbord...
Low stack har doublet til ca 6 mill, de har spillet 14 timer, og de kan vel risikere at spille et par timer endnu !!
Nogen der iø kan bekræfte at 'November 9' skal spilles i London, England og derfor IKKE på det sædvanlige sted/casino ved Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino i Las Vegas, USA??
Phil Ivey var for nogle år siden tættere på FT.
Da de var 10 tilbage kom han ind som 85-15 favorit og tabte og røg ud.
En væsentlig tilføjelse/detalje er at det var i 2003 til Chris Monyemakker der gik hen og vandt WSOP og mere eller mindre startede pokerbølgen.....
Ja, det er korrekt, og hånden er beskrevet Moneymakers bog.
Han havde AQ
Ivey havde 99
Flop: QQ8
Turn: 9
og så røg chipsene ind.
River: A
Ivey ude, og nægtede bagefter at give Moneymaker hånden.