Hugging Gun
4.352Dage på PN
28-04-2015 13:05 | Bets 27/04 - I hate mondays! |
27-04-2015 13:51 | Bets 26/04, Send skrub...! |
27-04-2015 07:52 | Bærbar computer fra 1989 i underskøn taske |
27-04-2015 07:32 | RenaultSport - Kræs for kendere! |
26-04-2015 17:42 | Betting sider med insta withdrawal via Skrill?? |
26-04-2015 15:03 | Sometimes you run bad. (grim graf tråd) |
26-04-2015 11:48 | Bets 25/04 |
25-04-2015 22:18 | NYC: Mets vs Yankees eller Hawks vs Nets? |
25-04-2015 17:12 | Bets 24/04 |
24-04-2015 20:16 | NemId Hardware? |
24-04-2015 07:48 | Betting 23/4 |
23-04-2015 21:42 | Onsdag - NBA - Sidste spillerunde. |
23-04-2015 18:41 | Betting 22/4 |
23-04-2015 12:51 | Karriere fremfor den eneste ene |
23-04-2015 10:35 | Betting |
Om Hugging Gun
Oprettet: 30/12-2012
Antal indlæg: 4490
Sometimes i feel like giving up, then i remember i have a lot of motherfuckers to prove wrong.
"The only business in the world bigger than gambling is religion...but gambling is not nearly so corrupt."
Winning is a feeling you never lose
"The only business in the world bigger than gambling is religion...but gambling is not nearly so corrupt."
Winning is a feeling you never lose