Er der en international regel ?
Hvem er big blind i heads up?
Den der ikke er dealer, går jeg ud fra...
"In heads-up play, the dealer is the small blind and acts first before the flop and last after the flop. The first card is dealt to the non-dealer."
fra nu af er det nemt at huske.
det er den man ikke regner med :)
Jamen andre har sagt noget andet.
and last after the flop. havde du det sidste med ?
m.v.h. Leon. Og tillykke,
Ja jeg var klar over det med "last after the flop", men sådan som vi spillede Heads-Up hænderne i går endte det jo med at Dealeren var Big Blind og derfor handlede sidst både før og efter floppet. Jeg var 100% sikker på at jeg havde ret (i at det var forkert som vi gjorde det) men jeg ingen grund til at fortsætte med at diskutere det, da måden vi spillede på til sidst jo alligevel var ens for os begge to. ;-)
Det er ikke første gang jeg ser forskellige fortolkninger af hvordan Heads-Up (eller to-mands poker :P ) skal afvikles, så måske er det en god ide at få det på det rene.
I Roberts Rules er der også nævnt to muligheder når nummer tre bliver slået ud; enten rykker man Dealer-knappen videre som vanligt, eller også rykker man Big Blind videre - den første mulighed har den ulempe at den samme spiller risikerer at skulle poste Big Blind to gange i træk.
Uanset hvad, så er Dealeren altså altid Small Blind, og handler først preflop og sidst i resten af spillet.
Iøvrigt tak for en som sædvanlig hyggelig eftermiddag med god poker. :)
Fandt så lige Robert"s Rules frem, Her er det afsnit jeg henførte til:
1. The only place in this set of rules that an alternative is mentioned other than in this section is in the
method of button and blind placement. That rule (the first rule in “Section 4 – Button and Blind Use”) is
repeated below for convenience.
“Each round all participating players must get an opportunity for the button, and meet the total amount of
the blind obligations. Either of the following methods of button and blind placement may be designated to
do this:
(a) Moving button – The button always moves forward to the next player and the blinds adjust accordingly.
There may be more than one big blind.
(b) Dead button – The big blind is posted by the player due for it, and the small blind and button are
positioned accordingly, even if this means the small blind or the button is placed in front of an empty seat,
giving the same player the privilege of last action on consecutive hands.”
Poker tradition has a lot to do with the fact that both of these methods are in widespread use, but neither
method is superior in all situations. The moving button makes sure no player gets the advantage of last
action twice on a round (a big advantage at no-limit or pot-limit play). On the other hand, a player may get
to post a blind when on the button, which is more advantageous than posting in front of the button. The
moving button creates a situation where two big blinds may be posted on a deal, which speeds up the action.
At tournament play this speed-up can be undesirable, as when dealing is being done hand-for-hand to
balance the pace of play between two remaining tables. A cardroom may either decide for the sake of
simplicity to use only one method, or decide to tailor the method to the game and situation.
Da vi spiller turneringen med (b) Dead button, ser det ud til at når vi når til Heads-Up skal man IKKE poste Big Blind to gange i træk.