7.054Dage på PN
21-11-2007 10:36 | Podcasts |
06-09-2007 11:03 | Normalt læser jeg ikke blogs.... |
25-07-2007 04:19 | Squeeze som shortstack |
11-11-2006 18:36 | Et par 50$PLO hænder |
06-11-2006 10:55 | Ciaffone's Omaha Poker - Hvor? |
17-08-2006 16:16 | Joke som de fleste forstår |
16-03-2006 11:34 | Lidt opmuntring til Man U fans |
08-03-2006 13:15 | High Stakes Poker on GSN |
21-02-2006 16:03 | "checkraiser" is not declared |
20-02-2006 19:09 | Superdraw |
17-02-2006 11:34 | Jesus, en mand af få ord |
13-02-2006 11:03 | Omaha bogvalg |
23-01-2006 09:43 | OT: Chilli-smagning |
19-01-2006 10:37 | 22$ SnG - J8 - Igen |
18-01-2006 13:09 | 22$ PL MTT - flopper to par |
side 1 af 2 Næste
Om Skinny
Navn: Thomas
Oprettet: 30/09-2005
Antal indlæg: 484
Spillet siden: Sommer 2005
Job: IT-Konsulent
God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e., everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. ~Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman