6.213Dage på PN
27-01-2011 10:31 | Lungebetændelse, how to survive |
26-01-2011 01:42 | Stripclub Amsterdam |
25-01-2011 15:46 | 60minutes - sportsbetting |
25-01-2011 13:30 | Restaurant - London |
24-01-2011 22:11 | Stres - sygemeldes? |
23-01-2011 22:31 | Betting 23/1 |
06-01-2011 08:42 | Dagens PL kampe |
23-11-2010 16:03 | 375 stk nevada jacks sælges (SOLGT) |
23-11-2010 08:57 | 375 stk nevada jacks sælges billigt |
19-11-2010 03:52 | Poker Coaching Tilbydes |
04-11-2010 10:24 | Spille AKo |
31-10-2010 01:47 | Family Guy - jeres farvorit |
25-10-2010 12:14 | Vild Med Poker |
22-10-2010 13:43 | Kasinoer med NL200 i London |
20-10-2010 14:37 | Ny bil? (150-250k) |
Om Svenningsen
Navn: Bender Bending Rodríguez
Oprettet: 22/11-2007
Antal indlæg: 1775
"Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."
"This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!"
"What kind of party is this? There's no booze and only one hooker."
"This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!"
"What kind of party is this? There's no booze and only one hooker."