6.320Dage på PN
17-06-2009 15:16 | Video nr. 238 "SnG: Shorthanded" |
17-06-2009 15:14 | Poker Foredrag - 18 Juni i Kbh. |
17-06-2009 11:18 | Playboy Mansion trip tråden! |
16-06-2009 23:39 | Grafikkort til stationær??? |
15-06-2009 18:27 | Mindst rigged? |
15-06-2009 16:34 | 50$ på neteller for 40$ på moneyboo |
14-06-2009 18:18 | Ny Ongame software...Hvornår? |
14-06-2009 15:11 | Nyt site, mens vi venter på ongame! |
13-06-2009 10:30 | Min account er blevet hacked!! |
13-06-2009 07:49 | ludomani / tab af BRM |
12-06-2009 17:19 | Betsafe - Wtf? |
12-06-2009 17:01 | Sådan WSOP!!! |
12-06-2009 15:51 | 100$ SHturboSNG Valuebet??? |
12-06-2009 15:22 | Jeg undrer mig over PokerNet |
12-06-2009 12:55 | Poker Pro 2006 |

Om Svenningsen
Navn: Bender Bending Rodríguez
Oprettet: 22/11-2007
Antal indlæg: 1775
"Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."
"This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!"
"What kind of party is this? There's no booze and only one hooker."
"This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!"
"What kind of party is this? There's no booze and only one hooker."